Barshan (Bratva Blood Brothers Book 3)
Page 79
“Who says I have?”
“I do,” he assured her with a cold tone. “I’ve felt you watching us and I want to know why.”
Melora shrugged.
“Where have you been staying?”
She just stared at him.
“What is your name?”
Her stare never faltered nor did she blink.
His frustration was obvious. Running his fingers through his hair, he coldly whispered, “If I call the brothers in you will answer my questions. They aren’t as nice about this sort of thing as I have been.”
Melora snorted. “You don’t scare me Mr. Biker Man. I’ve been dealing with your sort of trash my whole life.”
He pulled his boots back on, then getting to his feet he unbuckled his belt.
Melora knew a moment of fear but it didn’t show on her face.
Grasping her arm, he pulled her to her feet. Swinging her around, he grabbed her wrists and wrapped the belt around them. With her hands secured behind her, he gripped her arm and backpack then hauled her to the front door. Shutting off the lights behind them, he led her out to a truck sitting in the yard. Pushing her inside, he locked the door behind her then got in the truck and started the engine. Pulling out to the main road, he drove in silence.
Melora tried to wiggle her hands free but all it did was tighten the belt until she couldn’t feel her hands anymore. When the truck stopped, she stared at the small house sitting off the dirt road. They’d driven out of the city but not too far. She could still see the city lights in the distance behind her. The house wasn’t very big but it looked nice. A cute small one story house, painted blue with grey trim. She could see a wraparound porch and a garage. Smoke rose from the chimney.
‘Mr. Silent Biker Trash’ came around the truck and helped her out. Leading her all the way to the front door, he dug in his pocket for his keys. Opening the door, he pushed her inside and turned on the lights.
The open floor plan disclosed an area for the living room, dining room and small kitchen. Off to the left were three doors. The open door showed it was a bedroom with a huge king size bed in it. The second door was a bathroom and the third door was closed.
Still silent, he took off his jacket and grabbed her hands, unraveling the belt.
Melora moved away from him but didn’t go far. She turned to watch him. “What is this place? Who lives here?”
“I do,” he admitted. Moving over to the kitchen, he took down two glasses and reached for a bottle of whiskey on the counter. Pouring a generous amount in the glasses, he pushed one toward her and lifted the other to his lips.
Melora grabbed the glass and downed the liquor. It burned down her throat and warmed her belly. Slamming the glass down, she asked, “So now what?”
“Are you hungry?”
Pausing, she narrowed her eyes and stared at him for a moment then shrugged. “I could eat.”
Looking amused, he and went to the fridge. Taking out a dozen eggs, he went to the stove and a few minutes later, he took out two plates and scooped the scrambled eggs out of the pan and onto the plates. He picked up a couple forks, then ushered her to a table and set the plates down. Sitting on a chair, he began to eat.
Melora sat down and grabbed her fork. A moment later, she was shoving the food into her mouth. It might only be scrambled eggs but it was hot and filling.
While she ate, he set a glass of juice down beside her.
When her plate was clean, she took it over to the sink and rinsed it off. Sitting down again, she waited for him to make his next move.
When he stood up, he motioned for her to go toward the bedroom.
Dragging her feet, she stepped closer.
He pulled her away at the last minute. “Not my room, you’ll sleep here.” He opened the only closed door.
Suspicious, Melora peeked inside. It was another bedroom. When she walked in, she could see a bed and dresser as well as a closet. There was one small window. She turned to face him.
He just studied her for a moment then shaking his head, he moved back closing the door behind him.
She waited for a moment and sure enough…she heard a lock snap shut. He’d locked her in. Shrugging, she moved over to the window and tried to lift the pane. It wouldn’t lift and looked like it had been nailed shut. She groaned as she realized she was trapped here at least for what remained of the night.
Taking off her jacket, she went over to the bed and laid down. Moaning with pleasure, she couldn’t help but relish the softness beneath her. It’d been far too long since she slept in a bed. It felt like heaven to her. Sitting up, she shimmed out of her jeans and bra, then crawled under the covers with a huge sigh and closed her eyes.
The sun was shining in through the window when Melora woke a few hours later. Peeking out of the covers, she looked over at the door…unlocked and opened. Pushing the blankets back, she retrieved her jeans, bra and boots and put them on. Then she went over to the door and gazed out into the main room.
She saw Mr. Biker sitting at the table with the newspaper and a cup of coffee. Squaring her shoulders, she stepped out and joined him.
When she sat down beside him, he got up and without a word, he poured her a cup of coffee.
Melora sipped the hot brew and almost groaned as the coffee slid down her throat.
He chuckled but didn’t say anything as he sat back down and continued to read his paper.
“Don’t you have to go to work or something?” she finally asked.
“I’m not going in today.”
He lowered his paper and glared at her. “Because you haven’t told me anything yet, sweetheart. I want to know why you broke into the shop and who you are. Until you start talking, you and I aren’t going anywhere.”
“What difference does it make who I am?” Melora shouted getting to her feet. “I didn’t take anything or destroy anything in your precious shop. I took a hot shower and baked a pizza…that’s all I did. Why can’t you just leave it and me alone?”
Sam shook his head. “Why were you watching us the past two days?”
“I don’t know…no reason really.” She shrugged as she sat back down in her chair.
“You can do better than that honey.” Sam scoffed.
“I had nothing better to do,” she offered as she drained her coffee cup dry.
He snorted with disbelief.
Melora grinned. “Maybe I was admiring your very buff physic.”
He narrowed his eyes and stared at her. “Watch what you say darling, I doubt you can handle what I got.”
Melora snorted. “I very much doubt that, old man,” she whispered.
Abrupt like, he got up and came over to her. He stopped beside her then grasped the back of her neck. Quietly, he pulled her to her feet and closer to him. He watched her eyes for a moment then leaned toward her and pressed his mouth over hers.
At first, it was just their lips crushed together but when a zing went through her body, she gasped, opening her mouth to him. Thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth the kiss turned hot. He crushed her body to his and Melora felt on fire. His mouth, his tongue, his hands burned her skin as the kiss deepened.
Melora felt something let go inside her as her core went from warm to lava hot in an instant. Her body wanted more. Her hands went to his neck and she pulled him even closer. He groaned as his lips dragged down to her neck. His teeth began nipping and sucking on her skin.
Melora gasped and dragged his face back up as she initiated another kiss. Then she tore herself away from his embrace. Breathing heavily, she stared at him for a moment then turned and ran back to her room, slamming the door behind her.
Melora flopped down on the bed and let the tears flow. She was still stunned at her body’s betrayal. Never before did a kiss turned her on like that one had. She was twenty four years old but had never felt the overwhelming need to share her body with another. Her mother had talked to her about love and while she�
�d never felt it for anyone before, she often thought about it.
She remembered her mother telling her it was easy to use her body as an escape from loneliness and Melora had promised her she would never do that. It’d been a promise she found easy to keep before, but now—maybe not.
This biker man might be older than she was but she wanted him. He didn’t love her and she didn’t love him but he awoke something inside her that wouldn’t and couldn’t be ignored.
A while later, he knocked on her door.
She heard him call out ‘breakfast is ready’ and Melora wasn’t sure she even felt hungry, but her body needed substance. She knew she needed to eat to keep her strength up. When she opened the door, she saw him already sitting at the table eating.
Quietly, she sat down and stared at her plate. He’d scrambled eggs, cooked bacon and made toast. The aroma of the food gave her an appetite and she dug in. When the food went into her mouth, she moaned. She cleared her plate within minutes,
Shaking his head, he chuckled.
Melora blushed. “Well, what did you expect? It’s been awhile since I had a hot meal.”
“Are you ready to tell me who you are yet?”
She shrugged. “I’m nobody.”
“Why do I doubt that very much?”
Melora sat back and glared at him. “What difference will a name make? I’m out of here as soon as you let me go anyway.”
“Who says I’m letting you go?” he asked softly.
“Why would you keep me old man?” she frowned. “I’m not important.”
“You intrigue me.”
Melora snorted. She wanted to say something but it wasn’t very nice and she was at his mercy.
His lips thinned when he caught her look. “Be very careful what you say next baby girl, you might not like how I retaliate.”
She watched him for a moment then she decided to stay on the defensive with this man. Her lips curled up into a smile. “You must be getting old, old man. It doesn’t take much to interest you.”
His eyes narrowed almost to slits at her taunts. Apparently, she had no idea who she was talking to. He got to his feet, stretching up to his impressive six foot four inches tall. Reaching out, he yanked her up by the upper arm and hauled her over to his sofa. Sitting down, he pulled her across his lap. When she yelped, his hand came down on her backside and the slap echoed in the small house.
Melora was furious. “How dare you? Let me up this instant, you bastard!” She screamed as she fought to get free.
Instead of releasing her, he reached down underneath her and unbuttoned her jeans then grabbing the waistband from the back, he pulled them down to bare her ass.
Melora screamed again as his palm came down on her bare ass. Again and again, his hand came down on her skin.
After a dozen or so swats, her body was on fire but for a different reason. Her ass was probably red and aflame but she felt something else altogether, something very primitive. While the spanking was meant as punishment, her body reacted to it in another way. And apparently so did his. She could feel him against her side. He was rock hard.
~* * * *~
When she stormed out after the kiss, earlier today Sam had stood there in the kitchen staring at the closed door. His breathing was heavy and his body felt hard. His cock throbbed in his pants. He hadn’t felt like this in a very long time. He had to adjust himself as he sat down on the chair and ran his fingers through his hair. He needed to let his body settle down. He couldn’t get involved with this girl. Yeah, she was young but all woman as he just found out. But females were trouble and he didn’t need that kind of grief in his life. He promised himself he wouldn’t get caught up with her.
Now, here he sat after smacking her well rounded ass but good Sam realized his hand began caressing her red ass, smoothing over her spanked skin. His fingers dipped to her core and he could feel her wetness. He groaned as he sank his fingers inside her. Remembering the earlier kiss, his body caught fire and he wanted her like he’d never wanted another woman before.
Moving his fingers in and out of her, he watched as her body responded.
She opened her legs almost welcoming his intrusion. She moaned and wiggled her hips in time to his rhythm. Then suddenly, she pushed back against his hand and her body tightened against his fingers.
Sam nearly growled as she came on his fingers and he felt her sweet body tighten against his hand. He pushed her off his lap and got to his feet. Striding to his bedroom, he closed the door before he did something he would regret.
~* * * *~
Melora sat on the floor stunned. She couldn’t believe what just happened. She’d never felt an orgasm as strong as the one she’d just had. Her eyes rose to his closed door and she had to wonder what he would do if she joined him in there.
Her legs felt weak as she stood up and got dressed again. Her ass was tender but not overly sore and she thought maybe she did deserve what he’d done. She had treated him like an ass. The spanking anyway, the orgasm was something else altogether.
She went over to the door and opened it. She didn’t enter the room but instead stood in the doorway. He had his back to her and before he could turn around she whispered, “They call me Melora.”
~* * * *~
Sam heard the door close behind her and he closed his eyes. Melora, yeah it fit her…if it was her real name in any case. This girl was hiding something and he intended to find out what.
His body was still primed but he knew he couldn’t control it, at least not yet. He didn’t go after her, he just prayed she would still be there when he did come out of his room.
A couple of hours later, he opened his door and went out to the living room. The scent of tomato sauce and garlic bread met him and his stomach growled in hunger. He paused and watched as Melora stirred a pot of noodles on the stove.
She made no sign of knowing he was there but she reached for a plate and dished him up some spaghetti. Topping off the noodles with the sauce, she paired it with homemade garlic bread and set it down on the table. A moment later, she sat down with another plate and wordlessly began to eat.
Sam joined her and the first mouthful made him groan in pleasure. The sauce was like nothing he’d ever had before. Spices burst in his mouth and he couldn’t shovel it in fast enough. Even the bread was good, hot, buttery and garlicky, yet crunchy. Pushing his chair back, he sighed as he rubbed his stomach. “I can’t believe you found all of this in my cupboards.”
Melora shrugged. “I like to cook, what can I say?”
“I like to eat, what can I say?” Sam grinned.
Melora stared at him for a moment. “I really can’t stay here long.”
“Why? What are you running from?”
Melora squirmed in her seat. “It’s not so much a what as a who,” she finally admitted.
Sam grimaced. “Okay, who are you running from?”
Melora got up without answering and began putting leftovers away. When the dishes were washed and dried, she turned to face him. “Well, I’m going to bed now. Its late and I’m tired.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “It’s barely seven.”
~* * * *~
Melora shrugged at him. She didn’t answer and went to her bedroom. Her nerves were shot. Thinking a shower might help her unwind. She went to the dresser and began opening the drawers for something to wear to bed. She found an old t-shirt. Kicking off her boots, she went to the door and peeked out into the living room. She didn’t see him, so she walked across the hall into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Moments later, the hot water poured over her. Melora sighed with relief as the warmth spread to encase her. She’d never known cold the way she’d known it the last two years. Living on the run with Whiskey behind her all the way, left her living in fear. She hated it. A person shouldn’t have to live with fear every day.
Scrubbing her skin with warm water felt so good. Washing her hair felt even better. She frowned as she stared at the brown wig she�
�d been wearing for far too long. Her eyes went to the mirror above the sink and she couldn’t help but stare at her reflection.
Her long unbound white blonde hair flowed down her back past her butt and ended almost on the floor of the shower. She’d had to hide her unique coloring. Too many people would remember someone with her coloring and she couldn’t afford to be remembered. She did her best to blend in and not be remembered.
Her violet eyes was a feature she couldn’t hide though. She could shove everything else under clothing and wigs so no one really knew what she looked like and that was her protection. The only way she could feel safe.
Toweling off, she began to braid her long hair. Fitting the wig back on was a pain in the ass but she would do to keep herself safe. She went back to her room and laid down on the bed. Moonlight came through the windows but she couldn’t sleep. Her body was still sizzling with feelings left over from the punishment Biker Man had given her earlier. She was wearing just a t-shirt to bed because she’d washed her underwear after her shower.
Moaning softly she reached down and began to touch herself. That didn’t satisfy or bring back the feelings of his hands on her skin. Frustrated, Melora stared at her door and wondered if she had the courage to go to him.
Without another thought, she threw back the covers and went to her door. Somewhere in the house, a clock chimed the time. Eleven bells. She didn’t think she had moved but swiftly she was outside his bedroom door. Reaching for the knob, she turned it and went inside.
Stopping at the side of the bed, she reached up and pulled the shirt from her shoulders. Lifting the covers, she slid in beside him. His hot body warmed her and she leaned over his chest. When her lips found his in the dark, her body burst into flames.
~* * * *~
Sam heard his door open as he laid there, his fists ready for anything that came toward him. When the moonlight lit the shadows and he saw it was Melora, he felt only half surprised. He watched as she lifted her shirt and he stared at her naked body before she climbed into his bed. He wasn’t sure this was a good idea but when her lips touched his in the dark, all thought fled his mind and his libido took over. His body hardened as her tongue swept inside his mouth. Suddenly, nothing else mattered but exploring the woman who’d come voluntarily to his bed.