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Page 8

by Ella Emerson

  Maybe my mind wasn’t in the mood for Shakespeare so early in the morning. Sleep last night was near to impossible, thinking of all the ways Levi could control me and if I would indeed like it.

  My mind was also occupied with the book he read from. Control, submissiveness. I knew I wasn’t into pain, would it hurt?

  I tried not to think about it as I busied myself through the rest of my day.

  When I settled into French class, I handed Ms. D the packet my father had signed for the trip.

  Only a few more weeks, and I would be on a flight over the Atlantic Ocean to one of the most fabulous cities in the world.

  Then thoughts of Levi being in Paris with me…

  For the next two days at school, Mr. Wild wasn’t in class. The same old, dorky substitute, pretending to be cool, graced our presence each morning. My frustration grew as I wondered where Levi was.

  I pulled out my phone on the third day while in English class and sent him a text.

  Where are you? Hope everything is ok.

  A few minutes into the lecture Mr. Jenkins was giving on the importance of the iambic pentameter of Shakespeare’s works, my phone vibrated in my purse.

  Do you miss me?

  Of course he wouldn’t flat out answer my question, another controlling mechanism I thought. I decided to be honest with him.

  Yes, I’m waiting to be controlled.

  His reply was immediate.

  Fuck, you want control? Touch yourself for me.

  Reading his response, I almost choked while the class continued watching Mr. Jenkins chatting away at the front of the room.

  I’m in class. I can’t do that.

  Was he crazy? I couldn’t go touching myself in class.

  I’m in a meeting, and I will if you will.

  I glanced around the classroom as Mr. Jenkins grabbed a remote to a television he had set up. “Okay, class, we are going to watch the famous balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet. Pay close attention to the dialogue and the rhythm of it.” He turned the lights out in class, and all eyes were on the small screen as the movie came to life.

  I reached between my legs and rubbed my hands at the apex of my thigh, imagining Levi’s hands deep inside me.

  Okay, I’m touching myself, picturing you.

  Within two seconds, I had three messages hit my phone back to back all from Levi.

  Are you serious?

  Where are you touching yourself?

  Fuck, my cock is so hard right now.

  My eyes shot open quickly and I looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention to me. With my free hand, I swiped the keypad on my phone to answer him.

  We are watching a movie. The room is dark, and I’m rubbing myself between my thighs.

  I picked up my pace as I pictured Levi dressed in a suit and tie in a meeting among his colleagues. Would he struggle to keep his focus on the meeting with a raging hard cock? Would he touch himself?

  Trish, I want you to imagine your finger is my tongue. I want to lick you so bad.

  My skin exploded with heat and my heart pounded violently against my chest. I couldn’t believe I was doing this in class, and I wanted so bad to slip my fingers inside my jeans and feel how wet I was. I wished it was Levi’s tongue while his light stubble tickled my thighs as he devoured me. My hand fell from my juncture between my thighs as I rose to the front of the room.

  “May I have a pass,” I asked the substitute.

  I wandered the halls, ending in an unattended bathroom.

  I’m all alone now, and I want you to finish what you’ve started here and make me come.

  My phone rang instantly, and I answered on the first ring.

  “Hello, I thought you were in a meeting?” I said, knowing it was Levi.

  “I was, I left. I’m so hard right now. I needed to talk to you, hear your voice.”

  “Where are you?”

  “That’s not important right now. I want to come to the sound of you saying my name over and over. Are you still touching yourself?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Good,” he growled into the phone which turned me on even more.

  “Trish, I can’t hold out any longer, I need you. Do you hear me? When I get home, you and I are finally fucking over and over again.”

  “Yes.” I licked my finger and pushed past the buckle of my jeans, landing just beneath my soaked panties.

  “How wet are you?”


  My answer caused a hungry moan from him as I pictured what his cock in his hands would look like.

  “Stick your finger deep inside you…fuck,” he said.

  “Levi, please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for, but I needed him.

  “I know, baby. Soon I will be so deep inside you. Do you want me?”

  “Yes, oh yes.”

  “Picture me licking your sweet pussy. Picture me sucking you into my mouth.” His voice was gravelly, and I knew he was close himself.

  “Are you touching yourself?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah, baby. My cock is rock hard. I’m picturing your perfect lips around the head of my dick, sucking on me.”

  I picked up my pace as my breathing grew more and more erratic. I could hear Levi through the phone, his breathing matching mine. I pictured what he would look like losing control.

  “Fuck, Trish.”

  We were both so close. Gripping the phone tightly in one hand, my heart slammed into my chest as the feeling of my pending orgasm drew near.

  I felt like I was dreaming, unable to tell my dreams from reality anymore. I was in the high school bathroom, with my teacher on the other end of my cell phone, while our words brought each other closer and closer to that certain moment of release. I wanted him to bring me there, needed it actually.

  “Levi,” I moaned as my skin prickled, knowing I was so close.

  “That’s right, Trish, come for me. Fuck, I want you.”

  Then not a second longer, we were both grunting and panting our release together into the phone.

  When we came back to Earth and the realization I was standing in a restroom with one hand in my pants, I retrieved my fingers and laughed into the phone.

  “Get to class, Trish. I’ll be home soon.”

  I hung up, washed my hands, and headed back to class. My body came to life with the thought of finally being with Levi sexually. I didn’t know what he was doing to me, but I didn’t want him to stop.

  Feeling I had gotten enough research done for this trip to New York, I closed my laptop pushing it to the other side of the bed. I felt like things were finally going in a direction that I needed, although I never expected. My mind had been all over the place the last few months, but I knew now what I needed to do.

  Stretching my legs, I groaned and looked around. Staying in this hotel room every time I was here was getting old. I would love to have my own place here, and hopefully soon I would be able to.

  Leaning on the headboard my head dropped back, and I thought about Trish. I didn’t expect her to text me, but I admit it did something to me. Made me feel something I shouldn’t. Which wasn’t how this should be going, but how could I resist her, especially now.

  When she told me she was touching herself, I couldn’t get my cock out fast enough. Just the thought of listening to her moan while she pleased herself made my cock hard. Made me want to rush home, rush to her. I never thought I would want her this much, but hell I do.

  I’d love to have her in this hotel room with me. Exploring her body, making her feel things she’s never felt before. Damn, I needed to get my head on right. I would fly home tomorrow and go back to school the next day. Walking around with a hard on all day wasn’t going to help me keep my position, not that it mattered much now.

  I laid down, flipped the TV on, and turned off the lamp. I had an early flight and getting home was all I wanted to do.


  Waiting for first period to start, I adjusted my tie as often as I adjust
ed my cock. I knew Trish would be walking in any minute, and I was curious to know what her reaction to me would be. Would she blush and bite that lip or maybe give me that flirty smile of hers? I had no idea, but I couldn’t wait to find out.

  When the bell rang and they started piling in the classroom, I could tell some were happy I was back and others were disappointed. It made me chuckle, because I remembered feeling the same way in school. Just as I was about to turn my back and grab my attendance sheet, Trish came walking in. Our eyes met and she did indeed blush. Damn, it was fucking adorable.

  Once they were seated and I took attendance, I sat on my desk and grinned. I looked around the class and said, “So, who missed me?” I let my eyes land on Trish before I finished speaking and she blushed again looking down at her desk.

  “Since we had a crappy substitute, I guess we’re glad you’re back,” Mark blurted out laughing at himself. That asshole had made me want to choke the shit out of him since the night he left Trish on the side of the road.

  I couldn’t even respond to him because I knew I’d say something completely unprofessional. Looking around the room I said, “Before I left, I gave you some reading to do. Let’s go over that and move on.”

  The bell rang and I realized going over everything took longer than I expected, but seeing how deep in the conversation most of them were, I didn’t mind spending all of class on it. I’d rather have the interaction and them really learning, than making them read and not understand a word. “Before you rush out of here, read the next two chapters for homework and we’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

  Everyone began leaving and I noticed Trish was taking her time packing up. She was still sitting in her seat and Mark went over. Trying to keep a professional distance, I watched them like a hawk on high alert. He ran his hand up her arm and she pulled away from him. Not taking that hint, he smiled and leaned in to whisper in her ear. It pissed me off watching him trying to come on to her, and I clenched my hands tightly in fists.

  Trish pushed him away giving him a look of disgust, and he laughed. “Believe me, you’ll like it,” he said, chuckling as he walked away from her. “See ya, Mr. W.”

  Walking over to Trish’s desk, I laid my palms flat on it and leaned in close to her ear. “What’s he doing to you, Trish?” I didn’t mean for it to come out as seductive as it did, but once I was this close to her I couldn’t help myself.

  “Nothing I can’t handle,” she said and stood up. “I need to get to class before I get kicked out.”

  Completely taken aback by her reaction to him, I gently grabbed her hand and she turned to look at me. “What’s going on,” I asked, searching her eyes.

  “Nothing, everything…I don’t know. I’m sorry, I just need to get to class,” she whispered and rushed out of class.

  Not at all happy with what just happened, I sat down and pulled out my notepad jotting down a few notes. Thinking of the way she reacted to me made me wonder what the hell happened between yesterday and today. Just when I thought things were going in a direction that would be where I needed them, she pulled away. Not something that pleased me.

  A knock on my door broke my thoughts, and I quickly covered my notepad. I looked up just as Addie walked in. No longer did she give me her flirty smile, and I was glad I got through to her that nothing would happen with us. “Hey, what’s up,” I asked when she reached my desk.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I have gotten all the kids payment for the senior trip. We just need to iron out some details and we will be good. I booked the hotel. I’ll be the chaperone on the girls’ floor and you’ll be with the boys. We keep them on separate floors for a reason,” she said, giggling.

  I just smiled, because if she thought keeping them on different floors was going to stop anything from happening, she’s a damn fool. I didn’t say anything about it, I simply said, “Sounds great.”

  She talked for a bit more about the flight and dates before leaving to make it to her next period. I’d never been to Paris, and I looked forward to it. Being in a different country with Trish piqued my interest as well.

  The day was going by in a blur and before I knew it, it was lunch time. I walked into the cafeteria and automatically looked over to the table Trish normally sat at. I didn’t see her, nor did I see Mark. My skin prickled, and I pushed back out the doors. I didn’t trust that prick. He was up to no good, I just knew it. I had no idea where to even look for them— or hell if they were even together— but something in me said to check around.

  Rushing through the halls, I looked in empty classrooms, stairwells, and even bathrooms. I didn’t see them anywhere and began to think maybe I was just over reacting. Which made me realize, the things I felt for this girl were more than just sexual. I wanted to be with her, protect her, make her mine.

  This new revelation shocked the shit out of me, and I slowly walked around the empty halls trying to wrap my head around it all. Just as I turned the corner I saw Mark and Grant talking.

  “She’s a cock tease, and I’m definitely not letting my cock get teased,” Mark said and they both laughed.

  “I thought she said she was dating someone else,” Grant asked still laughing.

  “Listen, I know Trish. She likes to tell bullshit stories. Obviously she isn’t dating anyone. If she was, she wouldn’t have been all over me the other day. And who cares if she is, I take what I want,” Mark replied, and I saw fucking red. My body shook with anger at this point listening to the way he was talking about her. This little prick needed to learn how to respect a woman.

  As if Grant could read my thoughts, he told Mark goodbye and walked into the stairwell. Mark turned around to open his locker, and I looked around the hallway. No one was around, and I decided that if anyone was going to teach this asshole something it was going to be me.

  I walked toward him and the sound of my footsteps echoing off the empty halls had him turn toward me. “Hey, Mr. W. What’s up?”

  I took my last few steps a bit faster, and when I reached him I slammed him up against the locker, keeping my forearm pressed against him.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Get off of me,” he growled, but I just pushed my arm against him harder.

  “Listen, you little prick. You need to learn some manners and learn how to respect women. You touch Trish, I will beat your ass. Stay the fuck away from her. Got it,” I hissed, staring into his eyes so he knew how serious I was.

  “Dude, get the fuck off of me. You can’t put your hands on a student. I’ll report your ass,” he said, threatening me.

  I laughed without humor and leaned in close to his face. “Who do you think they would believe? A punk kid like you, or a professional teacher that all the students love. I’m not scared, but you should be. Stay the fuck away from her. If I see or hear you even so much as looked at her the wrong way, I promise you will regret it.” I let go of him and straightened out his shirt. I turned on my heel to walk away then called over my shoulder, “Don’t forget to read your chapters tonight.”


  The next day as I watched everyone come into class, I couldn’t help but smile as I noticed that Mark sat on the opposite side of the room from Trish. “Just to be sure you all actually read last night, I made up a pop quiz.” They all groaned, but I needed to keep them on their toes.

  I gave them half of the period to take the quiz, and I watched Trish throughout it. The way she chewed on the tip of her pen when she read a question and bit her lip when she wasn’t sure of an answer, made it very hard for me to control myself. I wanted to do such dirty things to her and watch her react to it all. I wanted to hear the noises she’d make, feel the way she shook and thrashed beneath me. All the while begging me for more.

  When class was over, I watched her tight ass as she walked out of the class. Getting through the rest of the day with these thoughts was going to make for a long day. Especially trying to focus on Romeo and Juliet.

  Surprisingly the day was passing quickly. As I was about
to enter the cafeteria, Trish came out. I stopped in my tracks and waited for her to take notice of me. It only took a second before her eyes connected with mine. She gave me a shy smile, and I grinned. We both just stood there, eyes roaming the body of the other one and I couldn’t take it. “Trish,” I breathed out and she moved closer to me. Taking her hand, I pulled her into the costume room that the theater students used, knowing it would be a safe place.

  The room was very large, with costumes hanging all around and folding screens throughout for them to change behind. Without a word, I pulled her behind one and gently pushed her up against the wall before my mouth slammed onto hers. She let out a moan and ran her hands into my hair, holding on. I pushed my body as close to hers as I could and thrusted my hips forward, hitting her right where I knew she could feel me. My hands slowly moved down her body until I reached the bottom of her shirt. I pushed my hands under and pulled her shirt up. Breaking the kiss I leaned back just slightly and looked into her eyes as I removed her shirt. Seeing her before me in just her lacy bra and that sexy black skirt was too much and not enough. “Fuck, you are stunning,” I said, and she blushed at my words looking down at the floor. “Don’t get shy on me now. The things I want to do with you include a lot less clothes.” I leaned in nipping her ear, evoking a soft moan and said, “From both of us.”

  I kissed a path down to her tits and when I reached them I cupped each one in my hands. “Oh God,” she whispered as I gently massaged them.

  I kissed and licked the top of her tits that were exposed, and I felt her already hard nipples get even harder. Reaching around I unclasped her bra and let it fall between us. “Holy fuck. Your tits are perfection,” I said before my mouth found her left nipple and nipped it before sucking it into my mouth. She was doing exactly what I’d been imagining, thrusting beneath me and I took full advantage. I continued my assault on her soft, unworldly tits with my mouth and moved one hand down and pushed it into her panties. Her pussy was soaked, and I intended to help her. I rubbed my hand on her, unable to get enough of her soft, wet heat. My cock was so hard, it was painfully pushing against my pants, and I knew with just a simple touch from her I would explode.


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