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Aliens Of Jenalk: The Complete Series (Books 1-4)

Page 118

by Maia Starr

  Then I felt his warmth flow through me as he released. “Oh, that feels so good. Karissa, that feels so good,” he moaned. I bent at the waist and lay my head on his chest as his hands rubbed up and down my back. It felt so good to be there with him. I would never forget it. I would never forget my erotic time with this alien.

  “Is it always like that?” he asked a few minutes later when we finally had some of our senses back.

  “No. Not always. But this was very different. I’ve never been with a Corillion warrior before. I’ve never been with an alien before,” I said.

  “No? Never?” he asked.

  “No,” I said.

  “Was it what you thought it would be?” he asked.

  “It was better. It was better than I thought it would be,” I said.

  “Good. I am glad. I wanted to please you,” he said.

  “Good, I am glad too,” I said.


  “Yes, Kai?”

  “Thank you. Thank you for saving my life,” he said.

  “Thank you for saving mine,” I said as I kissed him on the chest lightly over and over.

  “We should get some sleep. When we wake, we will be hours from Earth, and I will need to be focused. Though I am not sure, I will ever be able to be focused again after experiencing that. I think I will constantly be thinking of it,” he laughed.

  “Me too. But I’m not done with you yet,” I said getting up from his chest.

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  “Well, where I’m from, we do this again and again, until we are tired and fall asleep. I am not done with you yet,” I teased him.

  “You mean, you want to do this again? I think one time will save my life,” he said confused. “I think my cycle has ended.”

  “I am glad for that. But how does this feel?” I asked as I sat up on my knees by his side. I moved my hand over his chest slowly and softly. I moved it over his scales, going further and further down. Then I moved my hand over his inner thigh, barely brushing against his cock. He breathed in deep. He breathed in sharply, almost gasping. He closed his eyes and his mouth fell open. He was moaning softly.

  I enjoyed looking at his long alien body. It was so masculine and unusual to me. The metallic-blue scales shined as his stomach went up and down with his breathing. He was beautiful. I watched as his cock grew thicker, longer, harder. It was working. Then I wrapped my hand around his cock, and he gasped. His eyes flew open, and he sat up. “You’re good at that,” he smiled.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I asked.

  “No,” he said. He stayed sitting up and then looked down and watched my hand moved up and down on his cock. Then he was groaning and grunting as he watched. But I didn’t want him to cum before me.

  “Can I get on top of you now?” I asked.

  “Yes. I thought you weren’t going to, and that made me sad,” he said with a smile. So I threw my leg over him and began to lay back. “No, don’t. Stay sitting up like that,” I said.

  “Like this?” he said as he sat back up.

  “Yes,” I said as I straddled him and then lowered myself onto his hard cock. We moaned together. Then I stuck my tongue out and licked his blue scales. He wrapped his arms around my back. Slowly, we moved. It was not as fast like the first time. This time we took our time and I moved my hips in slow circles sensually on top of him. We moved our hands over each other's bodies, exploring every inch, and I could not get enough of him.

  Then he moved his hand down and pressed his thumb over my clitoris. Then I couldn’t hold back any longer. I had to release. “Oh, yes. Oh yes. I’m cumming, Kai. Don’t stop touching me,” I said as I clawed my fingernails into his robust arms.

  Then he tensed too. He groaning grew louder and then we released together. Both shaking in the extreme pleasure we felt. He kissed my shoulders and rubbed my body frantically as we shared an orgasm together. Then he fell back onto his back.

  “That was good. That was so good, Karissa,” he whispered.

  “Yes, it was,” I said as I lay on his chest. He stayed inside of me and together, we fell asleep like this.

  Chapter 6


  Being with Karissa was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Now I understood the need to capture human females from Earth. It was worth dying for. I didn't know it could feel so damn good to be inside a human female. But it was; it was so damn good. She was beautiful to look at. She was sexy. She was deadly. I was impressed with everything about her, and all of it only made me want her more and more. Now that I had sampled her, I didn't see how I could live without it. But I had promised her. That promise meant a lot to me. I had promised to get her to Earth and to safely return her, and then to leave.

  That promise now haunted me. Why did I make such a stupid promise? I would have to give her up in order to save her life. But I had to; she had just saved to mine. I didn't know how long it would take to find my own human female mate, especially after the mess that she had left back in the Corillion galaxy. It could have taken years and my time would run out since I only had months left. By Karissa giving herself to me, she had extended my life. She had given me freedom. She had given me so much. I owed her everything. Now we were twenty-four hours away from the lunar base outside of Earth that I had captured her from. It would be a very stealthy mission, and I had to have all my wits about me.

  "So what's the plan?” she asked as she sat on the counter of the kitchen, stuffing her face as she always did. I enjoyed watching her eat. She was adorable. Her full red lips and wide blue eyes were all concentrated on her food. But looking at those lips, I could only think about having them on me. I could only think about kissing them. I could only think about being inside of her. I had to force myself to focus.

  "We're going to get in the same way I got in the first time,” I said to her. She stopped eating and arched her eyebrows at me and said, “You're going to let me in on a Corillion secret? That is considered espionage where I'm from. Giving the enemy your war tactics,” she said.

  "It is considered betrayal where I am from, treacherous, and punishable by death. But what choice do we have? I can't exactly just pull up to your base and drop you off and then safely leave can I?” I said.

  "No, I suppose not. That would be very dangerous; funny, but dangerous,” she laughed.

  "What you find humorous, I find deadly,” I said to her.

  "So tell me how it's done, Captain. Just like I told you how it's done last night,” she said teasing me. As soon as she said it, I felt hot and flushed Remembering what we did as moments came back to me. I began to feel my staff grow hard.

  "Careful, or I will have to go take another shower,” I grinned.

  "I don't know what you mean,” she said smiling.

  "I saw you watching me. I think you know that by now. I also heard you in your bunk afterward,” I said to her.

  She gasped. “How dare you!"

  "I should be saying that to you. You are the one that spied on me, remember?” I said putting my hands on my hips, playfully mad at her.

  "I guess I'm guilty of that,” she said.

  "As you are guilty of many things,” I said to her.

  "Are you trying to distract me from your plan? It's not going to work. Tell me how we're going to do this. I will need to play my part,” she said.

  "Fine, let's get started.” I rolled out a map of Earth’s moon. She gasped in shock.

  "Where did you get this?"

  "We made it. We have our own intelligence gathering as well. We have been in this war with Earth for decades; do you think we would not know the enemy?” I said to her.

  "I suppose not.”

  "Last time, I landed on the dark side of the moon and then took a small land vehicle to the backside of your lunar base. There is no fence because I assume Earthlings think no one would approach in that direction, only by air. It worked well for me. As soon as I got to the outermost building, that is where I found you. That
is where I will take you again,” I said to her.

  Her eyes were wide with shock. “You make it seem so easy,” she said.

  "It sort of was. I had to be very quiet, slow, and stealthy in the land vehicle so as not to draw the eye my way, but slow and patient paid off. It was just my luck that there was a female in the outer building: you.”

  "Yes,” she said with a bit of anger to her voice. "So that's it then. We will land this hunk of junk on the dark side of the moon and then take a land vehicle quietly to the building where you will release me. Then you will take the rover back and be on your way back to the Corillion galaxy,” she said.

  "Yes, that is the promise I made you. That is the promise that I must keep,” I said to her.

  "Thank you, Kai,” she said as she jumped off the counter and then stopped before leaving the room and said, “I will be ready.”

  "I wish I had something more for you to wear besides that dress,” I said to her.

  "Yes, it is not exactly what I would want to wear on a stealth mission,” she said to me.

  "That is not why. It is because I can see your hard nipples through the fabric and now that I have tasted them, seeing them only makes me want to taste them again and again,” I said to her.

  "Oh,” she said, and paused for a second before she walked out. I did not know what she was thinking, but I knew what I was thinking. I was sacrificing a lot by returning her back to Earth. I was sacrificing my own needs of wanting her badly. I never should have touched her; then I wouldn’t know what I was missing.

  Twenty-four hours later, we were on the surface of the lunar base, close to the area where I had landed before. Karissa and I sat in the land vehicle inside the ship.

  "I didn't know the ship was carrying such a vehicle. It is surprising for such a small ship,” she said, looking around the inside of the vehicle. It did not escape my attention that she was pretty much a spy in enemy territory inside an enemy vehicle and she was soaking it all in.

  "Are you ready?” I said to her.

  "Yes,” she said to me. I grabbed her wrist and tied it to the dash of the vehicle.

  "What are you doing?” she asked in shock.

  "You must look like a prisoner, a captive. It is just a precaution in case we are caught before I can get you back to the building. If we were captured and you did not look like a captive, it will not look good for you,” I said to her.

  "Good point,” she said, calming down. Then I moved the vehicle out of the ship and we were roving across the lunar sand.

  "Kai, I really hope that everything works out all right when you return. I can't thank you enough for this. I really am happy to be home. I missed it. You were very wrong to take me from here in the first place, but I thank you for returning me. I don't think there are many Corillion warriors that would do such a thing,” she said to me.

  "Believe me, Karissa, it isn't easy for me to do it either,” I said to her.

  "What is that?” She said as she turned her face away from me and looked ahead, outside the windshield. Suddenly, large lights appeared all around us, encircling us.

  "I guess my plan isn't so stealthy this time,” I said as the human soldiers came forward with guns aiming at us.

  "Shit,” Karissa said.

  "Let's just tell them the truth. Maybe they will let you go in exchange for helping to return me," she said.

  "Not likely,” I said.

  "Put your arms up in the air, you Corillion scum!" a soldier shouted.

  "There's a human with him! There is a female!” another soldier shouted as lights were shining on Karissa's face.

  "It is agent Lane! It is agent Lane!” another soldier yelled as he opened the door.

  "Don't worry, Agent. You are safe now. We got you,” the soldier said as he cut the ties around her wrists. She turned to look at me with a worry in her eyes. I knew what she was about to do. I shook my head ‘no’ to her. But of course, that did not stop her. She always did what she wanted.

  "No, you have it all wrong! This Corillion warrior was returning me. He comes on friendly terms to leave me and then return home!” she shouted.

  "I am sure that is what he told you!” the soldier said as he pulled Karissa out of the vehicle and then pulled her away from me.

  "Karissa…” I whispered.

  "Get out of the vehicle with your hands above your head!” the soldier shouted at me as several guns were aimed at me. I did as I was told. I knew there was no reasoning at this moment, and resistance would make this situation worse. It was best to let Karissa explain the situation to a higher authority. That is what would be done in the Corillion galaxy, and I knew that Earth obviously had a hierarchy as well. She would speak of my sacrifice to return her and how dangerous it was because she was a fugitive in my land, a wanted murderer. So I put my hands above my head and let the soldiers lead me away back to their lunar moon base. I was put into a prison cell to await my fate; I knew that at any moment, Karissa would be visiting me to tell me what was going to happen to me, that she had cleared my name and I would be able to return home. Or so I hoped.

  I sat in the cell waiting. I didn't know how much time had passed, but the Earthlings fed me. I’d had five meals so far, and to me, that meant it had been at least two days since I was captured. Karissa had not visited me, and I knew nothing of what was going on outside of my cell. The guards did not speak around me, not even to each other. They were very tightlipped. But they did not mess with me either, which was refreshing. I began to think that I was on my own here. I couldn't rely on Karissa to get me out of here. Maybe she didn't plead for my release. Maybe she was fine with my capture; she was an enemy agent, after all.

  These thoughts of betrayal by her started to make more and more sense the longer that I stayed in the prison cell. My paranoia was growing strong. I was going to be left here to rot.

  "Corillion warrior!” a guard yelled as he came to the cell door accompanied by five other guards with their guns pointed at me. I stood up but remained silent.

  "You are coming with us,” he said to me.

  Was this Karissa's doing? Had she arranged this? Was I about to be led to a stealth path to help me escape? If so, I needed to be ready. I quietly stretched my limbs as they opened the door.

  But I couldn't have been further from what was actually happening.

  "This way. You're going to love this,” the guard said as he waited for me to walk out of the cell. I followed one guard in front of me while the rest guarded me from behind. I was led to a stairway that led down into some sort of basement. Was I going on an underground path to a ship?

  But when I walked into the room, I saw exactly what it was. There were many chains and torture devices. I was going to be questioned, and it wasn't going to be pretty.

  Chapter 7


  I really did think the plan would work. But I had no way of knowing what had happened on the lunar base since I had left. There had been a major change, and that change came with tougher tactics and a broader sense of security. Working on the lunar base as an agent, I knew what areas were protected as in the one on the base new. So when Kai told me his plan and how he got me the first time, I was shocked that such a simple tactic would work. It was so simple that no one on the lunar base thought anyone would try such a thing, so it was not an area that was covered. So because of our stupidity, Kai was able to get in and get out, easily taking me along with him. So it seemed like it would work again a second time, but this time there was a major difference.

  "Agent Lane, this is Commander Cook, he is the new commander on the base,” my superior agent, Mickey, said to me as I walked into the office.

  "Agent, are you hurt? Did she go to medic?" the commander said to agent Mickey.

  "I am perfectly fine. I am not hurt. I could use a change of clothes, however,” I said, standing there feeling very naked.

  "Of course,” the commander said as he nodded to one of his assistants and they left to get clothes for me.r />
  "Agent Lane, I have taken over command of the lunar base. When you left, Commander Ricks was in charge. That is when you were taken, because of his sloppy work. I was brought in to make the lunar base a tighter facility. Judging from the fact that you're standing here now, I think it has worked. Tell me, what was going on there when we found you on the outskirts of base?” he asked.

  "It is not as it seems. The Corillion warrior was bringing me back to the lunar base of his own will. He is going against his own Corillion tribe to do so and risking much. His plan was to return me quietly and then return home himself. I hope that you will still give him leave to do so,” I said to him.


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