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Possessive Daddy: A Dark Romance

Page 31

by B. B. Hamel

  His fingers pressed deep inside and I moaned. I gripped his hair and pressed him down harder, rolling my hips. I could feel the orgasm building inside of me. He looked up at me, smirking, his fingers continually fucking me.

  “You want to come?” he asked me.

  “Yes,” I moaned. “Please.”

  He went back to work, tonguing and sucking me faster, teeth and lips working along my clit. I arched my back, gripping his hair, rolling my hips along with him. The man was insatiable and incredible as his fingers pressed deeper into my pussy, sliding in and out of my soaking wet spot as he licked and sucked me faster, faster. I could feel it building, working up along my spine, destroying me with intensity and pleasure.

  And then my whole body tensed as I released. The orgasm exploded down my body, through my back, forced all of my muscles to tense and strain. He kept going as I said his name over and over, fingers fucking me, tongue working me, rolling along my skin. I could barely stop myself as he pushed me past the edge and beyond.

  Slowly, the orgasm ended. He kissed up along my stomach and found my lips. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He pressed me against his body and we held there for a moment, slow and right.

  “There,” he said. “That was what I wanted. Now go make me something to eat.”

  “You asshole,” I said, smiling. “You were supposed to cook me for.”

  “I changed my mind.”

  “Fine.” I pushed him away and hopped off the sink. “You clean this mess up.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I left the bathroom smiling to myself, practically floating on air. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator just as I heard rattling at the front door.

  I cocked my head and looked up. I saw a silhouette of a man standing there, trying to get the door open. Suddenly, he rammed against the wood, making the frame splinter.

  “Gates!” I yelled.

  He was in the room in a second, gun in his hand. The man at the door rammed it again, causing it to break apart.

  “Run!” Gates said. “Back door!”

  I didn’t have time to think. Two men burst into the room and began to fire their weapons. Gates dove into cover and I sprinted back down the hallway.

  I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to stay and make sure that he was okay, but I knew that I was useless in a firefight. He told me to run out the back door, and so I was going to listen. I promised to do as he said.

  I moved down the hall, past the laundry room, and kicked open the door. I plunged outside and ran away from the sound of gunshots ringing through the air.

  The only thing I could hear was my own heart hammering in my chest, beating a million miles a minute.



  Fucking mafia guys.

  They were a bunch of untrained idiots. The way they shot their weapons suggested they’d never been in a real firefight before. They didn’t work together at all, they just found cover and went crazy, sending as many bullets as possible flying at me.

  I was more careful. I chose my shots as well as I could, but it was difficult with all the flying lead all over. I was pretty sure there were three guys, though I couldn’t get a good look at any of them.

  One of the three was sneaking around to my right, trying to get an angle on me. I opened fire down toward his legs and he dove back, but not before taking a bullet to the ankle. He screamed out in pain as I fell back further into the house.

  Piper ran out the back. She was nowhere to be seen, which was good. I kept the guys pinned down in front of me so that they couldn’t chase her and grab her. She was unprotected, but safe for the time being.

  Another guy came toward me. I fired off a few shots, forcing him back. I ducked into a back bedroom and they advanced forward down the hall. I opened fire, hitting one guy in the chest. He dropped, and I knew he was dead. But the guy behind him opened fire, forcing me back.

  “Give it up!” someone yelled. “There are too many of us.”

  My only answer was more gunfire.

  The guy did have a point, though. I was outnumbered in a bad position. I was running low on ammunition and I only had one spare clip in my pocket. Sooner or later, I wouldn’t have any bullets and they’d be on top of me.

  I had to come up with a plan. I fired off a few shots and quickly reloaded. There was deadly silence for a second, which meant they were on the move.

  I dove out of the room. I rolled as gunshots exploded all around me and came up in the room across the way. Inside, the guy that was trying to get the drop on me was surprised as fuck as I came up to my feet and punched his gun away.

  I brought mine around but he tackled me to the ground. I grunted as I hit the floor and released my gun. I rolled, pushing him off, and managed to scramble away. I got to my feet just as he came at me. I blocked his punches and stepped into his range, elbowing him in the throat. He stepped back, choking, as I kicked him in the stomach, sending him toppling.

  I grabbed his gun from the floor and put a bullet in his skull.

  As I turned to face the next guy, I caught sight of a blurry motion smash down onto my head.

  I dropped to the floor, but not before I squeezed off two rounds. The guy that hit me yelled in anger and pain.

  He foot struck out, smashing me in the skull, and everything went black.



  The water was still and beautiful as the breeze shifted slightly across the lake. Behind me, the shouts of men and gunfire screamed across the otherwise beautiful, idyllic morning. Birds scattered across the trees.

  My heart was hammering in my chest as I ran. I stumbled over some roots, caught myself, and kept moving. I knew I could be shot by a stray bullet any moment, but I couldn’t slow down. I had to get away. I crashed through some brush and felt scratches run down my body, but I just kept going. Soon, I made it to the edge of the lake.

  I stomped down the sandy bank and stepped into the water, feeling the freezing rush against my toes. I looked around at the open space, panicking, trying to find a place to hide.

  Then I spotted it. Maybe fifteen feet away was an old canoe, wooden and painted red, chipping from old age and disuse. I sprinted over toward it and grabbed one edge. It was slimy and smelled like mildew.

  I flipped it over then quickly crawled under. The outside world was suddenly shut out as darkness engulfed me.

  Spiders, moss, and dampness. I could still hear the gunshots from the house, and I had to try to keep myself calm. Gates could handle himself. I wasn’t any good to him staying in the cabin, he’d just have to worry about me.

  How did they find us again? I couldn’t understand it. There was no way that they knew about the General’s cabin. Tony wasn’t smart enough to follow that trail, just no way.

  It had to be the General. He had to have sold us out to the mafia as soon as we left. The General knew guys, mafia guys, and clearly wanted to get some favor with them in exchange for giving us away. It was just so obvious.

  That bastard sold out his own soldier. I wasn’t surprised that he was willing to give me away, but he was supposed to be this big mentor to Gates. I understood that he was upset over Gates’s decision to go back into Syria, but that shouldn’t have been enough to have him killed by the freaking mafia. That was just insane.

  Clearly, we didn’t know General Maron like we thought we did. Or at least Gates didn’t. He was exactly who I thought he was, that bastard snake.

  It took me a few minutes of terrified anger to realize that something was different. I couldn’t hear the sound of gunfire anymore. The whole place was terrifyingly silent, and that made me even more uncomfortable and scared.

  I didn’t know what to do. If Gates had won, I should go out and let him know that I was okay. But if something bad had happened, I needed to stay hidden. He would want me to try and get away.

  I couldn’t think that way. I couldn’t assume that he was dead. The thought drove me insane and sent a
spike of grief through my core.

  Then I heard something. It was a twig snapping. Maybe it was a deer or something, but no, every animal in a mile radius would have run away by now. No, that was a person. I could hear the footsteps, uneven and jagged, crunching down along the sand and stones.

  Then the person started to whistle. A cold chill ran down my spine as I recognized that sound

  It was Tony.

  “Come out, come out,” he said. “I know you’re around here somewhere, Pipes.”

  I closed my eyes and didn’t move a muscle. I didn’t even breathe, terrified that he’d somehow hear it. I knew he was bluffing, he had to be bluffing. He couldn’t know where I was.

  “I saw the broken twigs, even a little blood. And there are footprints all over here. Did I tell you that I was a really good Boy Scout when I was younger? Of course, the Scouts wouldn’t be happy with what I do now, but fuck those pedophiles.”

  I heard him walking around and the whistling began again, terrifying and strange.

  “You know, Pipes, I really do love you. I thought we could have something together. But then you ran away from me, and now look where we are. Your little protector is dead, or at least he’s about to be dead, and I got shot in the fucking arm. This has been very, very annoying.”

  Gates couldn’t be dead. He just couldn’t be. A man like Tony couldn’t stop a man like Gates, they were just on two different levels. My heart was hammering so fast that I thought Tony could hear it.

  “I know, you’re probably wondering what’s going to happen to you. Well, don’t worry.” I heard his footsteps stop nearby. I gripped the wood. “It’ll all be done soon.”

  He flipped the canoe off me. Sunlight flooded into my eyes, blinding me for a moment. I felt him grab me by the hair and pull me to my feet.

  Tony was grinning like a maniac with blood slowly moving down his arm. He laughed as he held my hair, pulling some out, yanking me around. He threw me to the ground and I cried out in pain.

  “There you are, fucking cunt. I caught you, sneaky bitch.” He laughed. “You probably thought you could get away from me, but no, you were mistaken. I have a lot more power than you could ever have dreamed, you stupid bitch.”

  “Fuck you,” I said, and spit at him.

  He kicked me in the stomach. I doubled over.

  “Smell that?” he asked. “That’s smoke. Your little boyfriend is back in that smoky cabin, about to burn to death.” Tony bent over and grabbed me by the hair, pulling me to my feet. “Come on, bitch. We have some work to do.”

  We began to walk. He led me back up the bank and past the cabin. I could smell the smoke and see some flames through the windows. I wanted to scream and cry out, but I knew I couldn’t. Tony shoved me into the passenger seat of his car then went around and got in on the other side.

  “If you give me trouble, I will beat you to within an inch of your life. Then I’ll let my men have their way with you. Understand?”

  I nodded, eyes wide.

  “Good. You stupid bitch. You’ve been a lot of trouble, you know that?” He sighed, starting the engine. “I might let my men have their way anyway, just because.”

  We pulled out and started driving. I stared back at the cabin until it disappeared around a bend.

  Gates was back there. Gates was in that cabin, burning to death. And I could do nothing to save him because I was weak and pathetic.

  I held the tears back. I couldn’t give Tony the satisfaction. I wouldn’t let that maniac see me crying.

  He reached across the seat and put his hand on my leg, a creepy smile spreading across his face. I couldn’t believe I used to want him to touch me like that.

  “Don’t worry, Pipes,” he said. “It’ll all be over soon.”

  He started laughing, and I had to force myself not to vomit.



  I heard something crack. Glass shattered nearby. Heat was scarring my feet. My face felt like I had an awful sunburn.

  I opened my eyes and coughed hard. Smoke was everywhere, billowing from the fire in the corner of the room.

  The fucking fire.

  I came to myself instantly. The fucking cabin was on fire, and I was still alive. I was in pain, but the idiot hadn’t finished me off. I quickly got onto my hands and knees, blindly groping for the door.

  Nearby, I heard someone groan. It was the other mafia guy, the one that I was in the process of killing when that bastard blindsided me. I crawled over to him and grabbed him, pulling him along behind me.

  Out in the hall, fire forced me into the next room. Ahead, I saw the windows. I got to my knees, leaving the guy, and grabbed a lamp. I smashed the window then grabbed him and dragged him over.

  I climbed out first and then pulled him after me, not really bothering to protect him from the glass shards. He groaned as he fell to the ground beside me. I coughed hard and felt like throwing up, but I dragged him along behind me as we got further away from the burning house.

  “Piper!” I yelled. I looked around, but couldn’t see her. The mafia’s car was gone, but the truck was still there. “Piper!” I yelled again, and stumbled down toward the lake.

  What the fuck happened? I couldn’t imagine how they found us so easily. General Maron wouldn’t have given away our position so easily and quickly. There was just no way that he had betrayed us like that. Maron may have been angry with my choices, but he wasn’t a genuinely bad man. He wouldn’t have given us up to the mafia like that.


  There was no response. I moved down along the lake and found a canoe overturned near the water. There were footprints but I couldn’t figure out what had happened.

  “Piper!” I tried yelling her name a few more times, but there was nothing. Just a deep, deafening silence.

  She was gone. I had to accept that and make my next move. I went back toward the house and found the mafia guy I had pulled from the flames. He was beginning to stir, so I kicked him hard in the stomach.

  “Fucking bastard,” I said to him. “Where is your boss taking her?”

  “Fuck off,” he said.

  I kicked him again. “Start talking and I’ll leave. Don’t talk, and I’ll break your fingers one by one.”

  “Fuck you, pussy.”

  I got onto my knees next to him and grabbed his hand. He tried to fight free but I easily subdued him, shoving his face into the ground. I grabbed his hand again and took his pinky.

  “Tell me,” I said.


  I wrenched it back and he screamed. I heard the bones snap.

  I grabbed his ring finger. “Talk,” I said.

  “Oh, fuck you,” he said.

  I snapped that finger and he screamed even louder.

  “It only gets worse,” I said. “Talk.”

  “Warehouse,” he said through the pain. “Warehouse in Chicago. On the edge of town. Used to be for some shipping company, J&J shipping. Fuck, I don’t know the address.”

  I let go of his hand and stood. “Thanks,” I said.

  “You’ll never save her,” he sneered.

  I kicked him in the teeth. His head snapped back and I kicked him again.

  “Watch me try,” I muttered as I walked away.

  The truck was still sitting there. I had left the keys on the dash, and so I climbed in and started the engine.

  As I went to pull away, it hit me. The reason for all of this. I had to sit there for a second and stare out the window, feeling so fucking stupid and tired.

  I climbed back out and slowly walked around the perimeter of the truck, feeling along the edges.

  In the back left wheel well, I found it. Small and black with a red light at the top. It was a fucking tracking device.

  I dropped it on the ground and crushed it.

  “Fuck,” I growled, anger surging through me.

  The mafia must have bugged Randy’s truck when they first ran into him. That stupid bastard didn’t realize it, and I didn’t think
to fucking check. They didn’t get us the night we slept in the truck in the field because they were too far away and couldn’t get there in time. But the truck led them right to the cabin and everywhere else since.

  Those bastards were probably waiting for their moment to strike the whole time. I was so fucking stupid not to see this from a mile away. They were finding us way too easily like it was no big thing. As soon as I got into the truck, I realized that there must be some kind of tracking equipment. Maron would never betray us, and that was the only other option.

  General Maron. I had to go check on him and tell him what had happened. I pulled out, driving fast toward his house in town. I remembered where it was and I hoped he hadn’t moved since I was last there, though I doubted he had.

  For a second, I wondered if I should have killed that mobster back there, but it didn’t matter. He was likely dead either way. The mob wouldn’t take him back, not after he fucked up this bad. Plus, those kicks to the face might have finished him off.

  I drove fast, getting away from the burning cabin. Maron’s place was probably twenty minutes by car, clear on the other side of town in a nice little suburb.

  As I got further away from the cabin, I suddenly heard sirens in the distance. I kept my cool and clenched my jaw as cop cars raced past me, heading in the direction of the burning cabin. I guessed some neighbors heard the gun battle and called them in. I was pretty fucking lucky that I wasn’t going to be there when they showed up.

  I was tired and in pain, but that had never slowed be down before. I guessed that the wound on my arm opened back up, and I had a few other cuts that might need some attention. All told though, I was in pretty fucking good shape for a guy that was left for dead in a burning building.

  That bastard got lucky. I assumed it was Tony, the guy that started all of this, but I couldn’t be sure. I never got a good look at him.. Still, it had to be him. The bastard snuck up on me and coldcocked me from behind because he knew that he’d never get a real shot at me. I know I definitely shot him as I went down, and that was probably what saved my life. I probably hurt him enough to scare him off.


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