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Precious Moments

Page 6

by Casper Graham

  Blake beamed at James. “An omega male?”


  “How is he? What is he like?”

  “A bit shorter than my six-foot height with a slim, athletic build.”

  Blake noted the joyful blush on James’s face. “Holy shit! You’re falling for him, aren’t you?”

  “I am. So is Tony.”

  “What’s the problem then?”

  James rubbed his palms together before lacing the fingers, which Blake knew was a sign of his best friend’s nervousness. “What if he doesn’t want us?”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “Alan is four years older than me, but he’s four years younger than Tony. He was involved with another alpha-beta pairing before he walked away from them. He never divulged any of the details to either Tony or me, but I could tell his previous relationship wasn’t great.”

  “A broken bond?”

  James shook his head. “They were only dating. I mean, the alpha and beta were mated, but Alan was about to be bonded to them. Something happened, and they broke it off.”

  “Oh, I get it now. Alan is wary of you and Tony.”

  James bit his lower lip for a second or two. “It’s not obvious, but he would become rather stiff and uncomfortable around Tony and me, especially when we tried to shower him with affection or hug him.”

  “As a fellow omega, I can understand him. Omegas are a lot more sensitive. No matter how independent he or she is, there’s no escaping the fact that an omega will always be more vulnerable. An omega isn’t as physically powerful as an alpha or a beta for the most part. An omega is also more in touch with his or her emotions. If you and Tony are certain Alan is the omega for you, the two of you need to be more patient. It will take a while for him to trust you.”

  “You don’t seem to be like that with Mase and Kee.”

  Blake shrugged. “Everyone’s different.”

  James leaned against the back of the chair and sighed. “True. Anyway, do you want more orange juice?”

  “Yes, please. Also, can you get me a slice of chocolate cake from the fridge? Cut a large one for me. I’m craving chocolate at the moment. Oh, honey, and some vanilla ice cream, too.”

  “Anything else, Your Majesty?”

  “That will be it for now, my loyal minion. Now, scoot!”

  James bowed at Blake before giving the omega the middle finger. “Right away, Your Majesty.”

  Blake yelled at James’s retreating back. “If I were a real, blue-blooded royal, I would chop your head off for your insubordination!”

  James turned to him and stuck his tongue out. “Ooh, I’m so scared.”

  “Fuck you, James.”

  “No, thanks,” James shouted back while heading toward the kitchen. “Your alphas would cut my dick and balls off with a blunt knife if I even dared to lay a finger on you.”

  He snickered in amusement. “I can’t deny that.”

  A few minutes later, James returned to the table in the backyard, carrying everything Blake had requested. He offered to share some of the food with James, but his best friend refused.

  “I’m terrified of standing in the way of a pregnant omega male and his cravings.”

  “Good call. Will it disgust you if I mash the chocolate cake into the ice cream and pour honey all over the mixture?”

  James appeared queasy at the image, but shook his head. “Go ahead.”

  Blake beamed at his best friend and proceeded to combine everything. Then he lifted the bowl of blended ice cream, cake, and honey and slurped it down in less than a minute. He put the bowl down and leaned against the chair before patting his stomach lightly.

  “I’m full.”

  “You should be. You just ate enough for two or even three alphas.”

  He narrowed his eyes at James. “Is there a hidden implication behind your second statement?”

  James put up both hands. “Of course not.”

  He glared at James for a few seconds longer before glancing down at his protruding stomach and smiled. He was content and ecstatic. This would be his first child with Kian and Mason, and he hoped to have two or maybe three more. That would be a dream come true. Blake was certain it would take him a few years to give birth to that many children, but he was determined to do it. He and his alphas grew up without any siblings of their own, so they yearned to have a large family. He would remain patient. It was just a matter of time.

  Chapter 12

  Kian almost choked when the doctor spoke up. “Excuse me? How many?”

  The doctor smiled at him, Blake, and Mason. “You’re expecting triplets. All boys. Congratulations.”

  Kian stared at Blake and Mason, who were still gaping at the monitor. “Are…are you sure, doctor?”

  “Yes, I am. Having said that, it would be best for the three of you to visit me once a week from now on until I deem it safe to perform a C-section to get the babies out. The pregnancy risk for an omega male is higher than the others. Multiple babies for a first pregnancy increase that risk by a larger percentage.”

  Over the next few minutes, Kian and Mason discussed with the doctor everything that they had to watch out for, including the necessity of adding more prenatal vitamins for Blake. Kian was worried that Blake remained silent throughout, but he couldn’t detect any panic in their bond. He figured Blake was simply trying to digest the news. Later, when they were on their way home, Kian turned around from the front seat and checked on Blake while Mason drove.

  “Are you okay, babe?”

  Blake nodded. “Just feeling surprised and overwhelmed. Excited, too.”

  Mason glanced at Blake via the rearview mirror. “I feel the same way. Anyway, you heard what the doctor said earlier, sweetheart. You mustn’t overexert yourself.”

  “I’m fine, Mase. Don’t be dramatic.”

  “Mase and I are worried about you, babe,” Kian said.

  “I know,” Blake responded. “Just don’t go overboard, though. I need some breathing space from time to time.”

  “We’ll try, but no promises,” Mason chimed in. “My instincts are going haywire at the moment. I have to protect you and our triplets. I’m also concerned about Kee, but he’s an alpha, too. I’m less inclined to hover around him.”

  “What Mase said,” Kian added.

  Blake sighed. “Fine. The two of you just have to do your best to let me do my own thing as much as possible.”

  Kian smiled at Blake. “Okay, babe. You got it.”

  It wasn’t as easy as Kian expected, though. He couldn’t stop himself from checking on Blake. Mason was much worse than he was. Fortunately, Blake was able to tolerate them so far, but he noticed the omega was about to explode from being overly coddled. He had to encourage Mason to deal with the diner for a few hours, hoping Blake could breathe easier without having to handle both him and the other alpha at the same time.

  In order to take his mind off the omega for a few minutes, Kian decided to grade some of his students’ homework. It worked so well he was taken aback the next time he glanced at the time on his smartphone. He managed to finish all the work he’d brought home in slightly more than two hours. He got to his feet and searched for Blake. As expected, he found the omega drinking milk and eating chocolate chip cookies at the table in the backyard while reading on a handheld device. Blake smiled at him when he approached the table.

  “Hey, alpha.”

  “Hey, babe. What are you reading?” he asked as he sat on the chair next to Blake.

  “A romance story sets in a dystopian world.”

  “Do you like the story?”

  “Uh-huh. I like it so far. By the way, are you done with the grading?”

  He nodded. “I finished them all.”

  “That’s awesome. Oh, by the way, James, Tony, and Alan are coming over for dinner this evening. I asked for Mase’s permission. I wanted to check with you, as well, but you were busy.”

  “It’s fine. This is your home, too. You don’t need our permi

  “I’m aware, alpha, but it’s better for me to confirm with either you or Mason, just in case you guys have something else in mind for this evening.”

  He shook his head at Blake. “None. Wait a minute. Who’s Alan?”

  “You haven’t talked to Tony at all? I thought you, Mase, and Tony often chatted with one another.”

  “Once or twice a week,” he clarified.

  “I see. Well, James and Tony are currently dating Alan.”

  “Oh! Alan is a male omega then? I know that Tony and James want to have kids someday.”

  “Yeah. James and Tony are interested in taking things one step further with Alan, but the omega seems hesitant. I’m hoping Alan will be more willing to open up to me. We’re both male omegas after all. We understand each other better.”

  “I get it. I’ll make sure to keep Tony and James occupied while you have a chat with Alan after dinner.”

  “I appreciate that. Just inform Mase as well, please. Alan may not feel comfortable if an alpha is hovering around us.”

  “I’ll do that.”

  “Thank you, alpha.”

  “You’re welcome. Anyway, I’m going to get a glass of orange juice from the kitchen. Do you want something else? You’re almost done with your milk and cookies.”

  Blake hesitated for a moment before responding. “I’m always starving lately, but I’ve already drunk a giant mug of milk and eaten almost thirty chocolate chip cookies. Maybe I should wait for dinner.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Look at me, alpha. I’m a round, fat chunk of lard. It won’t be long before you have to roll me everywhere because I won’t be able to walk anymore.”

  Kian was shocked by the bitterness in Blake’s voice. “Baby, you’re pregnant with triplets. You’re not obese. Even if you were, I don’t give a fuck. I love you. I’m in awe of you for carrying our children for us and sacrificing your body and health for the sake of our babies.”

  Blake cried a little. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes!” Kian shifted his chair closer to Blake and slung one arm around the omega before tugging the man down to rest his head on Kian’s shoulder. “I love you, my omega.”

  “I love you, too. Sorry your shirt is a bit wet from my tears and snot. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I get so damn emotional over everything. I actually sobbed like a baby yesterday afternoon when I watched a popcorn commercial on TV.”

  Kian chuckled under his breath. “Where was Mase?”

  “At the diner.”

  Kian’s eyes widened in anger. “You were home alone?”

  Blake rolled his eyes. “It lasted only for a few minutes, so cool it, alpha. Mase had to go to the diner because there was an emergency in the kitchen.”

  “Nobody and nothing can be more important than you!”

  Blake beamed at Kian. “I can look after myself for a few minutes. You left me alone out here for hours. I’m all right, aren’t I?”

  Kian blushed and nodded. “Fine. I guess I’m being overprotective. Anyway, do you want anything from the kitchen?”

  “Some bananas, ketchup, peanut butter, and a bowl of vanilla ice cream. Oh, and get me more milk, please.”

  “Sure, baby. I’ll be right back.”

  Kian returned to the backyard less than ten minutes later. He wisely kept his mouth shut when Blake peeled three of the bananas and mashed them with the vanilla ice cream before adding plenty of ketchup and peanut butter. He was aware that Blake had some weird cravings. He didn’t want to make the omega self-conscious, so he stared at the fascinating concoction without uttering a single word.

  Since Blake seemed happy with whatever he was scooping into his mouth, Kian figured he should continue to keep his opinion to himself. Besides, Blake smelled like a content omega, which in turn made him a delighted alpha. He wasn’t going to disturb the peaceful moment. Instead, he sipped his orange juice and watched his beautiful omega while imagining how good-looking all of their children would be. Life was wonderful, and he wanted it to remain that way for as long as possible.

  Chapter 13

  When dinner was over, Blake raised his left eyebrow to signal to Kian and Mason to distract James and Anthony. He was thankful his alphas understood him. He used the opportunity to converse with Alan.

  “The backyard is windy, but I like it there. Can you accompany me there for a few minutes? I need to get some fresh air after dinner.”

  Alan smiled and nodded. “Of course.”

  Blake was thankful when Alan offered him a hand because he had a tough time getting to his feet due to the amount of extra weight he was carrying. Then, they walked side by side toward the backyard. Once they were seated, he faced Alan and beamed at the older omega.

  “I never thought I’d ever be mated to one alpha, let alone two.”

  Alan appeared astonished to hear that. “Why not? I mean, you’re such a gorgeous omega. There must be tens of thousands of them hounding you day and night.”

  He snorted. “I’m too tall and too muscular. Not exactly your typical omega. I’m sure you understand what some alphas are like. I’m an adequate fuck, but not mate-material.”

  Alan empathized and nodded. “Damn alphas!”

  Blake and Alan grinned at each other.

  “Yeah. Anyway, James and Tony arranged for a blind date for me to meet up with Kee and Mase at The Old Block.”

  “That’s the diner belonging to Mase?”

  “Yes,” Blake confirmed. “Tony is a gruff alpha, but he’s a wonderful one.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “James informed me about a week after my first date with Kee and Mase that Tony was embarrassed about the blind date thing. That was the reason why James was the one who had to force me to meet up with Kee and Mase.”

  Alan snickered. “That sounds like Tony.”

  Blake chortled. “Alphas are strange, aren’t they?”

  Alan laughed even louder. “You can say that again.”


  There was a brief period of silence, but the other omega spoke up a few minutes later. “What’s it like?”

  “Being pregnant with triplets?”

  “That, and also being mated to two alphas.”

  Blake pondered his response for a moment or so before answering. “Kee and Mase are incredible, but they drive me crazy sometimes.”

  “Too protective,” Alan remarked with the utmost confidence.

  Blake snorted. “That’s right. Why do alphas treat us omegas like we’re porcelain dolls?”

  “If I knew the reason for that, I could have solved all the problems in the world.”

  Blake acknowledged the truth in that assertion with a soft chuckle. “But they love me.”

  “And you love them.”

  “I really do. Being pregnant is…is rather hard to explain. I can do without all the morning sickness and the fatigue. I know my alphas can’t understand all my weird cravings, but they’ve been awesome and patient with me.”

  “You have a healthy, joyful glow to you. I…I envy you.”


  Alan hesitated for several seconds. “I was in a relationship with a mated alpha-beta pairing before I met Tony and James.”

  “I heard about it from James.”

  “Their names are Margaret and Tanya.”

  “And?” Blake prodded.

  “They were kind to me, but there was this…this gap between them and me. They might not set out to make me feel like an extra person in the relationship, but that was how I felt for the entire time I dated them.”

  He eyed Alan with sympathy. “I understand how you felt. Kee and Mase had been together for years before I got involved with them.”

  “How did you…you know, get over the insecurity?”

  Blake inhaled and exhaled a few times while he thought about the past. “My alphas were excellent when it came to sharing their affections with each other and me. I put my faith in them and I also gave everything
I had into making the relationship among the three of us a success.”

  “That simple, eh?”

  Blake snorted. “I wish. We had our ups and downs, but we kept the lines of communication open.”


  “Are you worried about James and Tony turning into the same situation as Margaret and Tanya?”

  Alan glanced at the house for a few seconds before facing Blake once again. “Yeah.”

  “I’m biased because James is my buddy. Regardless, I want you to know that James is an incredible person. He’s loyal, sweet, and kind. I’ve also been friends with Tony for a while. The alpha isn’t perfect, but he’s a wonderful man. In my opinion, he’s too intense and clingy, but I can tell how much he likes you. He couldn’t stop staring at either you or James for almost the entire duration of dinner earlier. Give them both and yourself a chance.”

  “What if it doesn’t work out?”

  “What if it does?” he countered. “If you refuse to take a risk, you may never find out if they’re the right mates for you. I’ve been in your shoes before, so I know how you feel.”

  Alan was quiet for a while, but he eventually responded. “You’re right.”

  Blake grinned. “I hope the three of you can work things out. Regardless, I want us to keep in touch. I don’t have many omega friends.”

  “Me neither. As omegas, we have to stick together.”

  “I couldn’t say it better myself.”

  Then they burst out laughing. Blake wasn’t certain he managed to alleviate all of Alan’s concerns, but he did his best. The rest would be up to James, Anthony, and Alan. He could only wish the best for them. He was also relieved he and Alan were able to communicate with each other. Moments later, Blake detected the scents of his alphas drifting closer, in addition to those of Anthony and James.

  “Have a good chat?” Mason inquired before bending forward to kiss Blake’s cheek.

  “Yes, alpha.”

  Blake smiled when Kian pressed his lips on his other cheek. “That’s awesome, babe. Anyway, Tony and James are ready to leave now.”

  Alan shrugged. “Oh, it’s fine. Blake and I can talk again next time.”


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