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A Man to Trust

Page 4

by Cheryl Yeko

  He grinned and watched her with a steady gaze. Then his cell phone rang. “Yeah, this is Jake,” he answered.

  Her heart took a wild ride when his lips broke into a devastating smile, his eyes warmed and laugh lines creased the edges. He looked nothing like the arrogant ass from earlier.

  Would the real Jake please stand up?

  “Hey, buddy, how was your day?” Jake asked into the phone.

  The high-pitched voice of a young boy flowed from the speaker. She smiled at the child’s exuberance and the happiness that shone from Jake’s eyes as he talked with his son. Maybe he wasn’t really such an ass after all.

  “Sorry about that.” He tucked the phone back into his pocket.

  “Not a problem.” She studied him as he picked up the remote and started flipping through the channels. “Why isn’t he with his mother?”

  Angela clapped her hand over her mouth in dismay. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled from behind her palm, before dropping her hand back to her lap. “That’s none of my business.”

  Jake’s face hardened and he turned the volume of the TV down. “My wife is dead,” he said quietly. He met her gaze. “She and my brother’s wife died in a car accident four years ago.”

  For a moment, his eyes filled with shadows and she wanted to comfort him. It reminded her that she wasn’t the only one with troubles and sorrows, and maybe it was time she stopped feeling sorry for herself. She reached up and touched the heart pendant at her chest. She knew what loss was and her heart ached for him and his son. Tears filled her eyes and she tried unsuccessfully to blink them away as one fell to her face. “I’m sorry.”

  His gaze tracked the single tear as it rolled down her cheek, dripping off her chin and onto the blanket covering her. Tension filled the room as he stood and cupped the side of her face, brushing the dampness away with his thumb.

  “Tears for me.” It was a statement, not a question.

  She squeezed the pendant between her finger and thumb. “It must be the effects of the accident and the drugs they gave me. I’m just tired.” Her voice was shaky. Their eyes met and she was unable to drag hers from his darkened gaze as her heart pounded a powerful beat.

  A knock at the door caused his hand to fall away as a burly man strode in with a paper bag in his hand.

  “Someone here order burgers?”


  Michael Hirschman spoke quietly into his cell phone as he sat at the patio overlooking his large backyard, bordered by a tall privacy fence. He watched his children play a game of volleyball in their elaborate in-ground pool. His grip on the phone tightened at the utter incompetence of the caller. The hit on Angela had failed.

  “Daddy, look at me,” floated across the air as his youngest daughter stood at the diving board ready to jump into the clear, inviting water. Michael smiled, waving as she took three tentative steps, grabbed her nose, and leaped off the end of the board to make a minor splash, before she bobbed to the surface with squeals of delight.

  He needed Angela dealt with, and quickly. The trial was scheduled for next week and he needed the threat eliminated before then.

  “That’s the way, Sandra,” he called encouragingly, before turning his attention back to the call. “Look, dammit, I want her silenced. So do it. And don’t fuckin’ miss next time.” He angrily tossed the cell on the table.

  Michael’s eyes narrowed when he thought about Scott’s murder. It had put a serious kink in his Milwaukee operation, and he was still dealing with the fallout.

  Beebe had been a key player. Without him, he’d been forced to spend an entire year reestablishing a pipeline to move product into Wisconsin.

  Scott suspected Slater of skimming from the drugs stored on his property prior to distribution. Michael had been at Scott’s home discussing the missing inventory when Angela came into the room. He cursed. She could ID him.

  She needed to be dealt with soon or he’d be forced to kill Slater to put an end to the trial. It would be far more difficult to get to Slater in jail . . . but not impossible. A risk he would be willing to take.

  With Slater dead, there’d be no trial, and therefore, no need for police protection. They’d be able to silence her. Angela was the real threat. Because if she somehow connected him to her husband, he was screwed.

  Michael returned his attention to his children. The only thing that mattered now was stopping the threat to his safe, secure lifestyle. Angela Beebe needed to die.

  Jake stood to help Angela to her feet so she could use the restroom before bed. She waved him off when he tried to walk her over to the door again.

  “I’m perfectly capable of getting there on my own.” She shot Rick a smile.

  Jake watched with keen interest at the way her hips swayed seductively under the hospital gown as she made her way over, clutching the back shut with one hand. He was unable to tear his eyes away from her as the material hugged her heart-shaped ass. She was damn adorable in her modesty.

  When the door clicked shut, he turned to Rick, who watched him with an amused grin.

  “What?” he asked, tossing the burger wrappers into the garbage.

  Rick chuckled. “I didn’t say anything.”

  Jake clenched his jaw and tried not to feel like he’d just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  Rick's voice sobered. “So, what’s the plan?”

  “The plan is to keep her safe. But she’s not cooperating.”

  “How’s that?”

  “She refuses to admit that the hit and run was anything but an accident, and won’t accept my offer of protection. The only reason she allowed me to stay tonight is because I bullied her. I’m taking her home in the morning.” He raked his hands through his hair. “Since she won’t allow me to protect her, we need to schedule a security detail to watch her house.”

  “I’m not sure I can convince Stone that the expense of around-the-clock security is warranted,” Rick said.

  “Dammit, Rick. I’m telling you, it was no accident.”

  “Hey, buddy, I didn’t say I didn’t believe you. I’m just sayin’ you may have to be satisfied with a squad car patrolling the area.”

  “That’s not good enough.” Jake had a bad feeling.

  “Without more proof to warrant the cost, it might be the best I can do.”

  Jake paced the small space. He needed to get home to Nick soon and wouldn’t be able to offer the protection Angela needed by himself. He turned to Rick and pointed a finger at him. “I want a patrol car parked in front of her house, 24/7,” he demanded.

  Rick’s lips thinned and he shook his head.

  “Come on, Rick, work with me here. At least for a few days. Convince Nate that I need some time to gather evidence.”

  “How are you gonna manage that?”

  He threw his hands in the air and shot Rick an angry look. “I don’t know yet, damn it. Has anyone followed up with the area businesses to see if it was caught on a security camera?”


  “Well, that’s where I’ll start.”

  “I can buy you a day, maybe two. If you need more than that, you need to bring me something to warrant the additional expense.” Rick glanced toward the bathroom, his brows drawn into deep furrows. “You know, she doesn’t seem like a criminal.”

  “Yeah, well . . . I’m starting to think I may be wrong about that.” He picked up his Coke and took the last swallow and crushed the can, then tossed it into the trashcan by the bed before turning back to Rick. “Although I’m still convinced she’s hiding something.”

  The bathroom door clicked and Jake got a sinking feeling in his stomach. He glanced over to find Angela glaring at him. Damn. How much had she heard?

  Rick chuckled. “Well, I gotta run, folks.” He stood and made his way to the door, giving Angela a quick two-fingered salute as he left. “It was nice to meet you, Angela.”

  “It was nice to meet you, too, Rick.” She gave him a tight smile. “Thanks for sneaking in the burgers.”
  “Anytime,” Rick replied, opening the door and stepping into the hall.

  Angela shuffled past Jake, her lips pressed tightly together, as the door clicked shut after Rick. When he reached out to help her onto the bed, she slapped his hand away. Without looking at him, she crawled into the bed and turned her back on him.

  Shit. Jake took a seat beside the bed, picked up the remote, and flipped mindlessly through the channels. The fact she was upset with him seriously pissed him off. She was a job and it shouldn’t matter to him one way or the other if she liked him.

  But it did. He swore softly. Sorry she’d overheard him, he strategized about a way to calm her, get their relationship back on more solid footing.

  Their relationship?

  He glowered at the TV. They didn’t have a relationship. She was nothing more than a witness that needed to testify. A beautiful witness for sure, but also a potential criminal.

  He recalled the image of that tear as it slowly slid down her cheek, the compassion he’d seen in her eyes when he spoke about his wife’s death. Criminals, especially drug dealers, weren’t known for their compassion. His brows furrowed. Then what was she hiding?

  He tossed the remote on the cart by the bed, turning toward her to try and smooth things over. He stilled, his heart drummed a rapid beat against his chest. She was asleep. Long lashes feathered softly against her smooth ivory skin, dark, silken, hair tangled charmingly around her sweet face, full luscious lips were slightly parted, as though in invitation for the kiss he desperately craved. She looked soft and innocent, like someone that needed protection.

  Something inside him shifted, making way for emotions he hadn’t felt since his wife’s death. A rush of heat and desire collided with an overwhelming urge to protect and claim.

  Damn, he was in serious trouble.

  Angela was anxious to get home. It had been an uncomfortable and restless night at the hospital, but besides feeling a bit tired and sore, she was fine. She would have called her grandmother, but she was still under the weather from her cold, and besides, Angela didn’t want her to worry.

  She glanced down at the ill-fitting blue hospital scrubs and wrinkled her nose. Her clothes had been torn and dirty and the nurse had been kind enough to provide scrubs for her to wear. She shrugged and pulled back the curtains. At least she was clean.

  Jake waited in the hall. When she stepped into the hall, his dark eyes assessed her. “Nice outfit.” His voice held an amused note.

  She flipped her hair over her shoulder and studied him. He looked damn good for a guy who’d slept in his clothes all night. As if he’d just stepped off the cover of GQ. She’d seen her reflection in the mirror, and she looked like hell.

  She smiled wryly. “You like it? It’s all the rage in hospital attire.”

  His gaze took a slow perusal over her body, pausing for an instant at her breasts, then back to her face. His lips quirked. “Cold?” His voice held an innocent quality. But he didn’t fool her for a second.

  A blush warmed her, and she gave an ungraceful snort of incredulity. Since when did they have a teasing relationship?

  He grinned and arched a brow, removing his brown leather jacket and stepping toward her. “Here.”

  Angela was too aware of him to protest when he wrapped the jacket around her. She pushed her arms into the sleeves, sucking in a breath as his musky scent enveloped her, soothing her jagged nerves. The jacket’s soft leather still held the heat from his body and quickly countered any chill in the air.

  He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Ready?” His fingers caressed the curve of her chin as he pulled his hand away, sending tingles through her.

  She tensed. What is wrong with me? What she felt for him was an illusion, not something she could trust.

  “Are you okay?” Concern vibrated in his voice.

  She managed to wrestle her emotions under control. For a moment, she’d forgotten he was a cop and thought her a liar. “Yes, just tired.”

  Jake lightly grasped her elbow and directed her to the elevator. Butterflies stirred in her belly when he took a watchful stance between her and the other passengers. Something soft and feminine inside her responded to his protective action.

  Angela frowned, reminding herself that he considered her a possible criminal. She neither wanted, nor needed his concern.

  When they exited the building, he steered her toward a dark blue Mustang. After helping her inside, he pulled onto Burleigh Street, then shot her a glance. “I wish you’d change your mind about letting me stay. Just until we know for sure you’re out of danger.”

  “No. That won’t be necessary.” Angela didn’t want him to spend the night, needing to put distance between them. She didn’t understand the emotions he stirred in her, didn’t want to think about them. She just wanted him to go away. Besides, she still wasn’t convinced her accident was anything more than that . . . an accident.

  Angela watched the greenery roll by, running her finger along the chain at her neck. It had been this time last year when Scott was murdered. She closed her eyes against painful memories of her husband.

  When she’d first met Scott she had been emotionally fragile, still dealing with her mother’s death. He’d stepped into the void and created a world of calm and comfort, treating her with delicate care. She’d fallen head over heels for him, thinking him one of the good guys. Within three days of accepting his proposal, they’d married. That’s when her nightmare began.

  Her mind drifted to the last evening she’d seen Scott alive.

  . . . Standing outside the den, her stomach churned and acid burned her throat. Just one more night and she would be free. Everything was set for her escape. She and her grandmother would soon disappear. Somewhere Scott would never be able to find them. With a determined lift of her chin, she opened the door and stepped inside to face the monster in the room.

  Scott turned toward her, a hungry gleam in his eyes. “Ahh, here is my lovely wife. You look amazing, doll, as always.” His gaze moved over her possessively. “Angela, this is Daniel.”

  Daniel gave her a curt nod. “Mrs. Beebe,” he greeted.

  She gave Daniel a returning nod and a smile. Her heart sank when Scott’s expression twisted with jealousy.

  “Daniel, if you could please give me a minute with my wife. I’ll meet you outside,” Scott said, his voice hard.

  “Don’t take too long,” Daniel snapped. He turned and left, the door slamming shut behind him.

  The familiar sensation of fear poured through her; its bitter taste filled her mouth. Before she could turn and flee to her room, Scott backhanded her and she fell to the floor with a strangled cry.

  No! Not tonight!

  If he hurt her now, she’d be unable to carry out her escape.

  Don’t fight back . . . don’t make him any angrier.

  Fury roared through her. But she kept her head down so he didn’t see it shining from her eyes.

  Angela took a deep, fortifying breath as his footsteps drew near. She could do this. Just one more night, and he’d never be able to touch her again.

  Scott stopped and squatted next to her and held out his hand to help her up. “Baby doll,” he crooned. “You shouldn’t make me hurt you like that.

  She placed a trembling hand into his palm and he pulled her up, his arms folding tightly around her, slamming his mouth to hers for a hard kiss.

  He lifted his mouth from hers and fisted her hair in one hand, tugging her head back to kiss her neck.

  “I-I’m sorry,” she said softly. God, she hated him.

  He ran his hands up her skirt to cup her butt. “I need to run an errand.” He braced her against the wall and pressed his erection at the juncture of her thighs. “But I’ll be back in a couple hours. Change into that little black baby doll before I get back.”

  She bit down hard on her bottom lip, trying not to let her revulsion show as he rubbed his hard-on against her.

  When she didn’t respond, he squeezed her
face with one hand and gave her another brutal kiss, until she tasted blood on her lips. The hand at her bottom slid around to cup her mound with a bruising force. “Did you hear me, Angela?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good.” He removed his hand from between her legs, then reached up to smooth the blood away from her split lip. Tears rolled down her cheeks, but she remained perfectly still, watching him warily as he turned and strode away.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  Jake’s voice pulled her from her dark memories. “Yes.” Her voice shook, and she kept her gaze averted.

  They drove in silence the rest of the way. When they stopped in front of her house, she unzipped the jacket. Jake reached over and stayed her hand. Something akin to an electric shock traveled up her arm from his touch. She jerked her hand back, then met his gaze, her breathing suddenly shallow.

  “No.” A look of determination covered his face. “Keep it on. I’m coming in.”

  She shook her head. “No. You’re not. We went through this at the hospital. I’ll drop it off at the station.” She opened the door and jumped out.

  “Dammit, wait.”

  Jake’s car door slammed. He caught up with her as they neared the front porch.

  She stopped and turned to him. “What?” Her voice shook.

  He scowled. “I just want to check the house, make sure it’s safe.” His gaze softened, his voice turned low and coaxing. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  Why? He didn’t trust her, believed she was capable of murder. Why would he care what happened to her?

  “Okay,” she conceded, her heart thumping. “Then you’ll go?”

  A muscled jerked along his jaw, but he nodded. She opened the door as he reached under his shirt, retrieving the gun at his waist. Angela stood near the entrance while Jake conducted his search. He exited the kitchen and strode toward her. The gaze he raked over her was filled with determination. A shiver of awareness flowed through her. She needed him to leave. Before she gave into temptation and allowed him to spend the night.

  “Angela, promise me you’ll stay inside until I can figure out what’s going on.”


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