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A Man to Trust

Page 13

by Cheryl Yeko

  And yet, it was those exact same characteristics that frightened her. Afraid she would lose her identity again if she allowed him into her life. Become nothing more than a shadow of herself, just as she was beginning to heal from the emotional wounds left by Scott. Besides the sexual attraction that flowed between them, they really didn’t know each other. And she could see by the questions in his eyes that he still didn’t trust her.

  “Angela, did you hear me?”

  “Yes. That’s fine.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked again, concern vibrating in his voice.

  “Just tired. I’ll see you when you get back.”

  A heavy sigh accompanied the sound of Jake’s footsteps moving toward the door as he left.

  Jake gave the entry ticket to the cashier and made his way to the safari train. It was a warm spring afternoon and the sun shone brightly overhead as a soft breeze flowed over him. He would have liked to have brought Angela along, but it was too dangerous. Nevertheless, he knew she hated being cooped up at the hotel all day. Maybe when all this was over?

  He spotted J.D. standing near the carousel.

  “Hey, little brother.”

  He sat next to J.D., then glanced over to see the boys each astride a colorful carousel animal, waving at him with huge smiles as they twirled by. He grinned and waved back.

  J.D. took his attention from the boys long enough to shoot Jake a quick glance. “Glad you could make it. How’s Angela?”

  Images of Angela’s gorgeous, naked breasts popped into Jake’s mind. Heat crept up his neck. Shifting guiltily, he studied the carousel. “She’s good.”

  “I bet she is,” J.D. said, with a chuckle.

  Jake glared at his brother. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  J.D. lifted his hands up in a surrender gesture. “Nothing. Just makin’ an observation.”

  “Uh huh. Well I observed that you seem to be pretty taken with her friend Stacey. What’s with that?”

  J.D. grinned. “Yeah, she’s nice. We’re going out to dinner tomorrow night.”

  “Really. Shouldn’t you hold off until the case is over?” The hypocrisy of the statement hit him before the last words even left his mouth.

  J.D. shot him an amused look. “Seriously, bro?”

  Jake squirmed under J.D.’s perceptive gaze.

  J.D. glanced back at the boys and continued. “Anyway, she already gave her statement and didn’t have much to offer. So, I don’t see any reason to wait.” He clicked his tongue. “Besides, Nate didn’t seem to have a problem with it.” He gave Jake a lopsided grin.

  Jake chuckled. “Well, there is that.” Nate was newly married, and his wife just happened to be very pregnant. Anyone who could count knew the baby was conceived when Nate was in charge of her protection while hiding her at a safe house.

  The carousel slowed to a halt and the boys jumped off. Jake stood as three little boys threw themselves at him.

  “Hey, guys,” he said with a grin.

  “Dad—Uncle Jake—” The boys grinned up at him.

  “You guys ready for a train ride?”

  “Yeah,” they yelled in unison, before running toward the kiddie train.

  “Slow down,” J.D. shouted, as they hurried after the boys.

  Nick, Alex, and Wesley sat along one bench and Jake and J.D. took the opposite side as they made the slow crawl around the zoo. They exited near the elephants and began a leisurely stroll through the exhibits.

  “Stay close,” Jake reminded them as they meandered along the felines viewing area. “Are we all set for Tuesday?”

  J.D. nodded. “Angela’s gonna be the last one on the stand. There are two other witnesses that day.”

  “Which ones?”

  “The first is an expert witness from the cell phone company. He’s going to verify the tower pings on the cell phones for the jurors.”

  Jake nodded thoughtfully. “That’s cool. That should lay out the timeline, and the route taken from the property where the bodies were found to where the SUV was dumped.”

  “Right. Then the defense has a new witness.”

  Jake quirked a brow. “Someone I’m not aware of?”

  “Yeah, not sure how long that witness is going to take, or even why she’s being called on the stand. My best guess is that he wants to introduce doubt into the jurors’ minds that Beebe was the only one with a motive to want the victims dead.”

  “Who is she?”

  J.D. snorted. “Believe it or not, it appears to be one of Beebe’s clients, although she claims they were just friends. With what little contact I’ve had with her, I’m not sure she’ll be able to stay straight long enough to testify.”

  Jake shook his head. “Defense counsel must be desperate.”

  J.D. chuckled. “Yeah. We’ve got a boatload of evidence against Slater. The only way he could win would be to confuse the jurors. Angela’s testimony should seal the deal.”

  Jake nodded, in full agreement. Now that he knew everything she’d been hiding, the threatening call and her husband’s abuse, he felt comfortable with her testimony.

  Wesley ran up to them. “Hey, Dad,” he said, bouncing up and down. “Can we go to the petting zoo?”

  J.D. ruffled Wesley’s hair. “Sure, little guy. Lead the way.”

  “Yeaahh!” He turned and ran back to his brother and cousin.

  They stopped and bought five sodas, along with a hot dog for each of the boys, then made their way to the petting zoo.

  When they neared the entrance, Jake tossed his empty soda can into the trash and reached into his pocket to fish out some quarters for the animal feed.

  He glanced at J.D. “I’ve got about $2.50, what about you?”

  J.D. picked through his change and came up with another $3.25. They divided coins equally between the boys and gave them a stern warning to stay within sight before they ran off to feed the goats.

  Jake found an empty bench facing the petting area and they took a seat to watch the boys.

  J.D. tipped his soda and drained it, before tossing it in the trashcan. “So, you gonna tell me what’s happening between you and Angela?”

  Jake shrugged. “There’s not much to tell.”

  “That’s not what I saw.”

  Jake shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah, I like her. But she had a pretty rough time of it with Beebe. I can’t rush her.” He glanced at J.D. “You know she’s innocent.”

  “So, you believe her now?” J.D. asked.

  “Yeah. I don’t believe she knew anything about Scott’s business.”

  Jake glanced over at the boys and frowned when he only saw Alex and Wesley. He glanced around looking for Nick and leapt to his feet when he saw him standing near a man by the tree line.

  “Nick, get over here,” he ordered, his voice hard and commanding as fear and fury rode him. Nick glanced over his shoulder toward him, but Jake’s attention was on the stranger. A large tattoo was visible on the side of the guy’s face. Although he’d only caught a brief glimpse of the sniper at his home, he’d also had a tattoo on his face, and this guy’s build matched. Jake took off in a sprint toward his son.

  As he drew closer, he watched in horror as Tattoo Man reached for Nick. “Now, Nick!”

  The guy dropped his arm and looked around, as though finally realizing he’d never get out of the zoo with a kidnapped child, he stepped back into the trees.

  Nick ran toward him. “What is it, Dad?”

  For just a moment, Jake crushed Nick to his chest in relief before turning back to J.D., who now had Alex and Wesley by his side. A scowl covered J.D.’s face and fury shone in his eyes. He held his cell phone to his ear.

  Jake’s lips flattened and he gave J.D. a curt nod before releasing Nick, pushing him toward his brother. “Stay with Uncle J.D.”

  “Okay,” Nick said, his voice quivering. Not really understanding why Jake was angry, but obviously realizing something was wrong. He ran to J.D., who gave Jake a returning nod.

  “I’ve g
ot ‘em, Jake. Go!”

  Jake ran into the trees and caught a dark flash off to his right. He followed, his jaw clamped tight to keep his rage from boiling over. The bastard had tried to snatch his son and he wanted the motherfucker. Exiting the trees near a concession stand, he crossed the train tracks and caught sight of the guy running through a group of children near the giraffes, then disappearing around a curve.


  This thing could go south in a mere blink, and even though he wanted to take his Glock and drop the prick, he couldn’t take the chance with a park full of children. Jake reached the curve just as the guy darted into the small mammals building. Jake reached the building, threw open the doors, and ran inside.

  It took him a couple seconds to adjust to the dim lighting. The nocturnal animal building was full, and people slowly strolled through the viewing areas. The cacophony of children’s chatter, parents’ amused laughter, and animal noises filled the compact space. It was warm inside, with dim lighting and stale air.

  Jake’s brows drew together and he scanned the long, narrow room for Tattoo Guy, then made his way down the center of the crowd.

  He finally spotted the SOB near the other exit and picked up his pace, but the packed room made movement difficult. Within ten feet of his target, Tattoo Guy suddenly turned and their gazes locked.

  No, Snake Guy. Jake could see that the tattoo was a snake that coiled at the side of his face.

  The prick’s lips curved into a cocky grin, his eyes, hard and cold. Jake tensed, his senses on high alert. The room overflowed with innocent bystanders, children and women. He should have waited outside for the guy. His hands itched to go for his gun, but he kept them fisted at his sides and quickened his pace.

  Then, what he feared most, happened. The guy grabbed a child, a little girl, no more than ten years of age. Pulling a knife, he held it to her throat and backed toward the exit. The sound of panicked screams surrounded him, those close enough to see what was happening surged past him, toward the exit.

  A woman screamed pierced the air. “Please, don’t hurt my baby,” the little girl’s mother pleaded tearfully.

  Jake stopped in his tracks. He had to somehow get this guy outside, away from this crowd. His eyes narrowed in on the sharp blade pressed at the child’s neck. Big, fat tears rolled down her frightened face, but she didn’t utter a sound.

  “If you hurt that little girl, you’ll never be a free man again.” Jake growled the words and took a step forward. “That is if you even manage to survive until trial.” Every muscle in his body begged to unleash its fury on Snake Guy.

  A flicker of doubt flashed across the man’s eyes, along with a sliver of fear.

  The little girl was suddenly shoved toward him as Snake Guy turned and dashed out the door. Jake caught her as the terrified mother stood by screaming.

  “Sshh,” Jake soothed as the weeping child wrapped her arms around his neck and held on, trembling. “You’re safe now.”

  He pried her arms from his neck to check for injuries as the mother rushed to them.

  Relief at having the child safe warred with his anger at losing Snake Guy. His instincts were to rush outside and go after him, but his gut told him it was too late. He retrieved his cell phone from his pocket to give J.D. his last location. But he knew the bastard was already gone.

  Fury ripped through him, and then the cold hand of fear. They’d tried to take his son. They needed to move the boys somewhere safe until the danger ended.


  Angela woke to the sound of a door clicking shut, and rolled over to glance at the nightstand clock. 3:22 a.m. Heart racing, she shot up in bed, bringing her hand to her throat. Was it Jake?

  When he hadn’t returned the prior evening, she’d decided he’d also had doubts about what was happening between them and wasn’t coming back. Possibly even assigning someone else to handle her case. She opened her mouth to call to the men guarding her when the bedroom door flew open.

  Jake. The moonlight shone from the living room window casting him in a soft shadow. His face etched in hard lines, eyes dark with an intense emotion she couldn’t read.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Angela braced for bad news and her body tensed.

  Holding her gaze, he made his way over to her in long, even strides, reaching up to unbutton his shirt along the way.

  She gulped. “What—what are you doing?” Her voice quivered, but her belly tightened in anticipation. She was the gazelle again. She swiped a nervous tongue across her lips.

  Jake dropped the shirt to the floor and came to a stop at the edge of her bed, burning her with his heat-filled gaze. Her eyes slid across the strong, muscular planes of his chest and rippling abs, coming to rest at the hard bulge under his pants.

  Her breath caught and her gaze flew back to his.

  He vibrated with tension and raw hunger. Towering over her, big and male, intense, with a dark emotion rolling off him. He should have frightened her, but he didn’t. Instead, she was held captive by his passion-filled eyes, darkened eyes that shone with sensual promises.

  Jake placed a hand against the wall above her head and leaned down to take her mouth in a gentle, soul-stealing kiss. His mouth moved softly over hers, seeking permission.

  Angela parted her lips, her tongue entwining with his. His flavor exploded in her mouth, his kiss possessive and demanding. A wanton need curled in her belly before traveling to the juncture of her thighs where dampness gathered. A moan escaped her.

  Jake slid a hand to her back. Moving the other to the base of her neck, he pulled her up into a passionate embrace. The hardness of his arousal pressed against her stomach made her womb clench in anticipation.

  Jake's lips left hers to feather across her face to her neck. She breathed a sigh of need.

  “Let me make love to you, Angel,” he murmured against the pulse of her throat. His tongue slid out and caressed the rapid beat. The sensation made her quiver.

  She should say no. She knew that. If he touched her, he’d know. The humiliating knowledge made her tense, her passion-dazed mind began to clear . . . until he kissed her again. And she was lost, lost in her desire for him, for the sensations that he alone made her feel. No other man had ever made her body hum with nothing more than a heated glance, a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck.


  Covering her body with his, Jake pressed her back against the mattress, then buried his hands into her hair and took her in a hard, demanding kiss.

  She ran her hands up the rippling muscles of his back and across his powerful shoulders. He groaned and rocked his erection against her as she ran her fingers down to caress the rock-hard muscles of his biceps. He was so big and solid. Safe. She was safe with him.

  “Jake.” Her voice shook, needing him to touch her, to take her. Her entire body burned for him.

  Lifting away from her, he brought her arms above her head and removed her nightgown. Laying over her again, he encircled her wrists in a gentle grip, trapping them while his other hand explored her body. Unable to move, a niggling sense of unease touched her. Their eyes locked.

  Jake ran his hand lightly over her cheek, to her neck, then splayed it over her breasts. A sensual smile curved his lips, his eyes filled with need. He cupped her breast and pinched the aching peak, and passion overcame everything but her desire for him. Her heart raced and a needy moan passed her lips.

  His breathing grew ragged as he slowly lowered his head and took her mouth in a slow, searching kiss. Angela returned his kiss, letting down her walls, opening herself up to him, she gave him everything she had, everything she was, lost to the sensation of his touch.

  Jake's hand moved lower, brushing across the scar on her breast. She stiffened and broke their kiss, turning her head away as reality crept back in. The urge to tell him everything Scott had done to her flashed across her mind. Warn him before things went any further.

  “Easy now,” Jake whispered, capturing her mouth
again. His hand continued down her body, caressing her with a gentle touch until she lost herself again to his tenderness. Relaxing once more, filling with need and desire as he kissed her.

  His mouth made a moist sweep down her neck to her breasts, lavishing attention to the sensitive peaks. A sweet tension built within her. A moan of pleasure tore from her lips and she pressed her body against his, needing more of him. The way he touched her made her body come alive, unlike anything she’d ever known.

  “Please, Jake,” she said breathlessly.

  Jake gave a low chuckle and then, thank God, captured an aching tip between his lips to suckle gently. With each draw of his mouth at her breast, sensual waves of pleasure built within her. When he moved to her other breast and gave it the same rapt attention, she ran her fingers through his hair and called his name.

  He moved down her body to her stomach, leaving pockets of heat in his wake from his gentle caresses. Gripping her hips to flick his silken tongue into her belly button caused her body to clench with need.

  Lost in a haze of desire, her breath caught on a shiver of anticipation as he slid her panties off and lowered his mouth to brush a kiss across her inner thigh. Never having been touched in such a way, the sensation made her quiver with delight. Then, her blood froze at the knowledge of what he’d soon discover.

  He stilled. The sound of a low growl came from him, his grip on her hips tightened for just a split second, then his lips brushed across the cigarette burn there. A soft sob escaped her and she threw an arm across her eyes in despair.

  “Ssh, Angel.” He widened the V of her legs with gentle hands and placed another light kiss against the area, then moved up her body to flick his tongue across her center.

  Angela gasped at the erotic sensation. Scott had never touched her that way, only interested in his own pleasure. All coherent thought vanished from her mind as she was caught in a whirlwind of sensations, floating on a cloud of pleasure as Jake’s mouth intimately explored her most sensitive area. Driven by the heady caresses of his talented tongue, her legs widened and she arched in wild abandonment at his sensual ministrations. Her hands fisted the sheets as she flew higher and higher. She never wanted the electrifying sensation to end.


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