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A Man to Trust

Page 19

by Cheryl Yeko


  His lips twitched.

  Because of his boneheaded suspicions, he’d not only damaged his fragile relationship with her, he’d also failed to protect her.

  He cursed softly, wanting to get his hands on the bastard who’d hit her. See just how brave the sonofabitch was against someone his own size instead of a fragile woman. He gritted his teeth, as anger ate at him.

  “You okay, bro?” J.D. asked quietly from the back.

  Jake sighed, then glanced at his brother. “Yeah . . . no.” He shook his head. “Just thinking how badly I screwed up with her.”

  “Yeah. You really made a mess of it.”

  Jake quirked a brow. “What, no words of advice or encouragement, little brother?”

  J.D. chuckled. “Beg for forgiveness, is all that comes to mind.”

  Jake removed the keys from the ignition and unlocked the doors. “Gee, thanks, Einstein. I already figured that out on my own.”

  J.D. exited the back with his arm wrapped around a sleepy Stacey. Jake walked around and opened Angela’s door. He squatted next to her and shook her gently to wake her. She gave a moan of protest, then her eyes fluttered open.

  For a moment, he lost himself in her warm emerald gaze. She smiled at him. “Jake,” she murmured.

  He returned her smile, unable to resist the need to cup her sweet face in his hand and brush his lips across hers. “We’re here, babe.”

  He knew the moment she recalled the night’s events. The moment she remembered he was an ass. Her gaze turned icy.


  He had a lot of begging to do. But first, he needed to make sure she was safe, find out who the hell was after her, and put a stop to it.

  Angela brushed his hand aside and exited the car without his assistance. He frowned when she glared at him and turned her back.

  Jake met J.D.’s sympathetic gaze over her rigid shoulders. His brother made a clicking noise with his tongue and shrugged before heading inside.

  J.D. had called ahead and booked a room for him and Stacey. Tomorrow, they’d move the girls into larger accommodations. It would also be easier to protect them if they stayed together.

  All four of them stepped into the elevator and J.D. punched the number just below Angela’s floor. Stacey yawned.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Stacey,” Angela said.

  Stacey’s eyes drooped, but she smiled. “Okay, hon.” She yawned again as the elevator doors opened and they exited to the hall, J.D.’s hand placed protectively at her back.

  “Tomorrow, bro.” J.D. said as the doors shut.

  Jake didn’t have a clue where to start apologizing first. He grimaced. Should he apologize for making love to her without a condom? Or for believing the worst of her afterward?


  He clenched his fist at his side. Or maybe the fact that he’d been so overwhelmed by his own anger, he’d allowed those bastards to take her.

  When they reached their floor, J.D. unlocked the door to her room. He flipped the switch on the wall, flooding the area with light. He winced at the sight of her darkening bruises in the bright lights.

  She drooped. That was the only way to describe it. Her clothes were dirty and torn, her hair tangled, her posture slumped with exhaustion. Everything about her made his protective instinct scream for action. He desperately wanted to make her feel better, smooth away the traces of pain from her face. Eliminate the sadness in her eyes, some of which he’d put there.

  Jake took her arm and led her to the couch. She collapsed onto it with a low moan. He knelt next to her and brushed her hair away from her face. She met his gaze, and it felt like a kick to the gut when he saw the tears that hid there.

  “Angel, wait here while I run you a bath.”

  Her eyebrows arched. She licked her lips and gave a tired sigh. “You’re going to run me a bath?”

  “Yep.” It was the least he could do. “Don’t move.”

  Angela gave a delicate snort and laid her head back against the leather back. “Don’t worry, I don’t think I can.”

  He chuckled, pleased to see her humor returning. He made his way to the bathroom and filled the tub with water, adjusting it to a comfortable temperature. He glanced around for some lotions or soothing bath oils, finding none.

  After filling the tub, he went back to the living room for Angela. She hadn’t moved, and he wasn’t sure if she was still awake. He sat on the couch next to her and reached over to unbutton her blouse.

  She stirred, but he didn’t stop what he was doing when she opened her eyes and met his gaze. “Wha-what are you doing?” She wet her lips.

  Jake smiled. He wasn’t above seduction to get her forgiveness. “Getting you ready for your bath.”

  He tugged her forward and slid her blouse off her shoulders and down her arms. His eyes dropped to her breasts, showcased in nothing more than a wisp of black lace. Jake lifted his gaze to hers, then swept his hand behind her and unsnapped the catch, sliding the delicate material off. He leaned back and enjoyed the sight of her lush breasts as they spilled forward.

  “I’m-I’m still mad at you,” she said breathlessly.

  Jake glanced back up into her eyes. They were dark with passion, but he also saw resistance. She was still angry and he didn’t want to mess this up.

  “I know, Angel. I’m sorry for doubting you.”

  She opened her mouth as though to speak, but didn’t tell him to go to hell. Instead, she took a deep breath, her eyes shining with both desire and anger.

  “Just a bath, nothing more.” He unsnapped her jeans and tugged them down her body, followed by her black lace panties. His blood coursed hot at the sight of her naked curves. He forced his eyes to her face.

  He quickly lifted her into his arms and strode to the bathtub, lowering her inside. He reached for the cup he’d placed on the edge and dipped it into the water. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want to happen.”

  Jake tilted her head back and poured the water over her silky, black hair. His heart caught in his throat at the sight of her straining breasts thrusting into the air. With an audible gulp, he reached for the shampoo, squeezed a dollop into his hand, and gently massaged her head.

  He was encouraged when she gave a satisfied sigh under his ministrations and her body relaxed. He worked his fingers through her silky strands as he knelt at the side of the tub. Piling it atop her head, he continued to massage her scalp with slow, sensuous strokes.

  “Oh, that feels good,” she purred.

  Jake smiled. Maybe he had a shot at forgiveness after all. His body grew tight with the need to sheath himself inside her, sink into her depths and find the pleasure that awaited them both. Digging into a reservoir of patience he didn’t know he had, Jake kept his touch gentle.

  This was about more than sex. This was about a lifetime of love and happiness. And yes, okay, he’d admit it. Sex. Lots and lots of sex. But it was also about this beautiful, brave woman that had battered through his defenses without even trying and secured a place in his heart.

  Jake refilled the cup and rinsed the soap from her hair. She sighed again, and didn’t protest when he laid her head against the back of the tub as she soaked in the water. With his hands free, he picked up the washcloth and eyed the tempting sight before him while working soap into the cloth. His blood pulsed hard in anticipation of touching her.

  He started at her feet. She giggled when he moved the cloth between her toes. Ticklish? He’d remember that. He then proceeded to work the soapy cloth up each leg with caressing strokes. He made soft swirling motions until her skin was silky and clean. Satisfaction surged through him when her breathing grew shallow as he moved up the inside of her legs.

  Another grin split his face when she moaned a sound of protest when he bypassed her sweet spot, continuing up her hips to massage her stomach.

  Nope. Most definitely not above seduction to get her forgiveness.

  By the time he reached her glistening breasts with the
cloth, her taut, pink-tipped nipples were a temptation he couldn’t withstand. His hands replaced the cloth as he gently kneaded and stroked the soft orbs.

  “Jake.” The sound of his name on her lips drove him wild. He leaned in and took a delectable nipple into his mouth and suckled hard, her cries of pleasure filled the room.

  Jake moved his hand to the sweet honey pot at the juncture of her thighs and inserted a finger inside her moist heat. She was slick with desire, and he inserted a second finger to join the first and began a slow rhythmic dance as he pleasured her. The sound of her passionate cries and sloshing water filled the room as her hips thrust against his hand.

  He hungered for her, but fought against the desire to crawl into the tub and bury himself between her legs until they both found relief. This wasn’t about him. It was about her, and her forgiveness. He needed her to trust him again. He’d had it once, then he’d fucked up. He wanted that trust back.

  He moved to reclaim her mouth in a tender kiss at the same time he found the swollen bud at her center, stroking it with his thumb. It took only two short caresses to send her over the abyss.

  He swallowed her cries of pleasure in a deep sensual kiss as her body shuddered in completion and convulsed around his fingers in hard spasms. He lifted his lips from hers, but continued his caresses until her body went limp, his hold on her the only thing that stopped her from sinking into the water.

  “Ohmygod,” she murmured. “I can’t believe you just did that.” Her voice was low, sleepy.

  Jake chuckled. She didn’t sound mad anymore.

  He reached for a towel and lifted her from the tub to dry her, wrapping it around her glorious nakedness. Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to the bedroom, removed the towel, and tucked her under the covers.

  Male satisfaction flowed through him at her relaxed, sated state. She was crashing, barely able to hold her eyes open. The terror from the night, for now at least, seemed forgotten.

  Stripping off his own clothes, Jake crawled in next to her and gathered her into his arms. Her soft body felt like pure heaven as she sleepily snuggled closer, and his body went tight again.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Sweet dreams, Angel.”

  Jake pressed a kiss to her forehead and splayed a hand over her flat belly, remembering how he’d made love to her without a condom. He drifted off to sleep and dreamt of a little girl with bright emerald eyes, long black hair, and a sweet smile.


  Michael stared at the lifeless body of John (Snake) Mallory. He didn’t look so tough any more. Dead from a bullet to the head.

  The hand forcing his grip on the gun loosened and it fell from his grasp, landing on the floor with a thud. Sheer black terror flowed through him at the certainty of his own impending death.

  “Perfect,” the killer said in a voice filled with satisfaction. He wrenched Michael’s hands behind him and retied them to the chair.

  “Whatever they’re paying you . . . I’ll triple it,” Michael said. His voice squeaked, his throat choked with terror. The words a waste of breath. He was a dead man. But he had to try. Images of his wife and children flashed across his mind.

  The assassin chuckled. “Michael, Michael,” he said with a smirk, shaking his head. “My employer is very unhappy with you.”

  “I can still fix this,” Michael pleaded.

  “Sorry, your time is up.” He strode to a table and picked up a Smith and Wesson handgun.

  “So, Michael. This is how it’s going to go down.” The assassin turned back to him with a cocky grin. He used the gun as a pointer and turned it toward Snake. “You and your second-in-command have a disagreement. You kill him.” He pointed the handgun back to Michael. “He kills you. As far as the cops are concerned . . . end of story. End of investigation.”

  Michael swallowed hard against the fear lodged in his throat. “What about Slater?” He stalled for time. The longer he kept the assassin talking, the longer he would stay alive. The tight knot of fear in his gut twisted. What had he been thinking getting into bed with the Mafia?

  The assassin went to Snake’s dead body and knelt next to him. “Slater’s already been taken care of.” He gripped Snake’s lifeless hand and wrapped it around the gun.

  Michael wiggled his hands in a desperate attempt to squeeze out of the ropes.

  “What about Angela Beebe?” Desperation filled his voice. “She was in on it with her husband. She knows things.” Michael fought for control of his rising panic as the killer raised Snake’s hand, along with the gun and pointed it at him.

  “Don’t worry about the woman. She’s our problem now.”

  Michael cringed at the sound of the gun being cocked. He was about to die.

  Angela awoke to the sound of Jake’s voice. Judging from his colorful vocabulary, he was not a happy camper. She sat up and blinked the sleep from her eyes.

  Her mouth fell open at the sight of him standing in the middle of her bedroom, naked, except for a tiny towel wrapped around his waist. He looked scrumptious, obviously having just stepped out of the shower.

  His hair was damp and tousled, as though he’d dried it with the towel and not combed it. He hadn’t yet shaved and morning stubble shadowed his face, adding to his naturally sexy unkempt state. She licked her lips and drank in the sight of his strong hard body. She quivered in response as desire flooded through her.

  When had she stopped being angry with him? Her thoughts drifted back to the prior night’s events, ending with the way he’d given her an orgasm with nothing more than his hands. And his soft, sensuous lips against hers. Her heart thudded.

  She peeked under the sheet to confirm her suspicion. She was naked. Angela groaned and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to want him. She still hurt over his distrust of her.

  “Angela, are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes to see him toss the cell phone on the corner chair and stride toward her. His gaze held a look of heated possession. Although she could also see anger and frustration lurking there.

  Who was he talking to?

  “What is it?” Her pulse raced. “Did something happen?” Angela clutched the sheet to her chest, silently pleading with him to stop and not come any closer, her emotions on a precarious edge where he was concerned.

  Jake stopped at the foot of the bed. His lips tightened for a moment before he spoke. “Slater is dead.”

  She blinked. “Oh.” Then relief washed over her. “Does that mean it’s over?”

  “No.” Jake closed the remaining distance between them and cupped her cheek in his palm. “Not as long as Hirschman and his hired thugs have you in their crosshairs.”

  She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth and then released it. “But, now I don’t have to testify, right? So, I’m no longer a threat.”

  Jake’s eyes flashed dark, and he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way.” His voice was husky. “They don’t just want you dead, they want information.”

  Desire heated her. She turned her head and his hand fell away. She kept her gaze lowered, not wanting him to see how he affected her. “I don’t know anything.”

  “They think you do.”

  “What happens now?” Her voice shook, but not just out of fear. She still loved him.

  She lifted her eyes to his. His brows were drawn into deep furrows as he studied her. As much as she wished otherwise, they had no future together.

  Angela reached for her pendant as an ache filled her heart. He was attracted to her, but he didn’t love her. He didn’t even trust her. She needed to keep him at a distance until this thing ended. Then she’d never have to see him again.

  She’d managed to survive an abusive marriage, but she wasn’t sure she could survive falling deeper in love with Jake, only to have him walk away.

  Too late. Her heart was already broken.

  “You’re thinking too hard, Angel.” His voice was gentle, but his eyes appeared grim.

nbsp; A knock sounded on the front door. Jake continued to stand there and stare at her. She lowered her lashes, breaking their gaze.

  Her mouth went dry when his towel dropped to the floor. She peeked at him as he dressed, admiring his magnificent body as he tugged on his clothes from the night before.

  The person at the door knocked even louder.

  “Coming,” Jake yelled. Zipping up his jeans, he stepped out of the room.

  Angela sighed and threw back the covers to go take a shower.

  When she’d finished drying her hair and returned to the bedroom, Stacey sat on the bed flipping through a home and garden magazine.

  Angela rushed over and gave her a big hug. “Oh, Stacey. I’m so glad you’re here.”

  Stacey laughed and hugged her back. “Yeah, it looked pretty iffy there for a while last night. So I’m pretty glad to be here as well.” Her tone held a teasing note.

  Angela held her at arm’s length and studied her. Black eye, her face a rainbow of colors, her upper lip cut and still swollen. “How can you joke about it? You could have been killed.” Angela shuddered. “We both could have died.”

  Stacey tossed her curly red locks over a shoulder. “But we didn’t.” She gave her an impish smile. “Instead we were rescued by two really hot brothers.” Her eyebrows wiggled.

  Angela’s eyes widened, then she giggled. “You are incorrigible.”

  Stacey’s fingers brushed across Angela’s cheek. “Are you okay? What happened after that guy took you? Who is this Snake I keep hearing everyone talk about? Is he the one who hit you?”

  “Didn’t J.D. tell you?” Angela thought he would have brought Stacey up to speed on the situation.

  “Well,” Stacey said. “We didn’t exactly get a lot of talking done last night.” She wiggled her eyebrows again.

  Angela snorted. Then she remembered the bathtub and Jake, and heat flooded her cheeks.

  Stacey chuckled. “So, spill, girlfriend. What happened with you and Jake? You seemed pretty PO’d at him last night. What changed?”


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