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The Royal Shifters Complete Series Boxed Set

Page 24

by Alice Wilde

“Why didn’t you come for me before then?”

  Roan’s jaw tightens and his eyes shift down. “I’ve never fought more than one or two men at a time, and I could hear that Ero was not far off by the time you were thrown in the water,” he says uncomfortably. “I hope you believe me when I say I would have jumped in sooner if I didn’t think they were coming, but I was scared and had already done enough damage on the ship. I didn’t want to ruin our chance to surprise them.”

  I do believe Roan, but at the same time, I can’t help but be more than a little indignant that he was able to simply watch and wait while I was being tormented. Even if nothing severely damaging happened, it could have turned deadly in a matter of seconds. As much as I want to believe in the gods’ will, and these men for that matter, I’m starting to realize I have to find a way to deal with these kinds of obstacles on my own. There will be far worse to come, and these men didn’t even use magic to try and harm me.

  “Lass?” Roan says, his face awash with distress.

  “I understand. I don’t blame you,” I say. “I don’t blame any of you for what has happened the past several weeks.”

  “But?” Li presses.

  “I need you to help me learn to survive in this world. I was brought up as a princess, nearly everything given to me on a silver plate. What little I know of the world has been gleaned from books and moments in court. The world has proven to be a far darker place than I could ever have imagined.”

  “If it’s any comfort,” Li says, “I’ve never seen so much bad luck in such a short span of time.”

  “I doubt she finds that comforting,” Ero scoffs.

  “What I mean to say is that perhaps you’re getting a far faster introduction to the darkness so that you will be strong enough to overcome it, compassionate and just in your rulings, and the future queen your kingdom needs.”

  “Or perhaps the world is trying to tell me there’s justification for why women aren’t meant to rule.”

  “Lass, from what I’ve seen of the world and the men in it, even if I were just to base my thoughts off the past few weeks, it would be a far better place if more women reigned.”

  “All you need is some time to rest. One day you’ll realize how resilient you are. These haven’t been easy days for any of us. And we’ve had far more time to learn the ways of the world,” Li says.

  “You’ve erred the least of us all, princess,” Ero says, glancing over at me.

  The firelight plays on his face, and I almost think I can see tears in his eyes. That would be a first for Ero. Of the three of them, he’s the best at hiding his feelings. Ero turns back to watch the fire before I can see whether or not my eyes are playing tricks on me.

  “Are you hungry?” asks Roan.

  “I honestly don’t know,” I say.

  “You should try to eat a little,” Li says. “At least enough to give your body the energy to recover.”

  “Do we even have food?”

  Roan grins, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “I may have been dreadful at surviving in France, but I do know my way around the vegetation here. And Ero put some of his temper to good use by killing a wild boar. Even if it was a small one.”

  “Bigger than any you’ve killed,” Ero mumbles. “It’s nearly done.”

  I slowly prop myself up on my elbows and finally notice that Ero hasn’t been poking the fire, but slabs of meat laid out on stones to cook. I hadn’t even noticed the mouthwatering scent in the air until now.

  Roan has gathered a selection of what appears to be wild garlic, red clover, and lamb’s lettuce, as well as some wild carrots and berries. He lays the fruits and vegetables out in front of me and I pop some of the red currents into my mouth. They burst satisfyingly, the tangy sweetness sending chills down my spine. I savor the moment.

  The meat Ero is watching has begun to crackle loudly, fragrant in the evening air.

  “It’s ready,” Ero says, removing one of the pieces of meat from its spot by the fire. Placing it on another stone, he hands it over to Li, who sets it beside me.

  “Take your time,” Li says. “Meat will be harder on the stomach than vegetation.”

  I want to listen to him, but my mouth is watering beyond control. Waiting just long enough for it to cool, I bite ravenously into the meat. It tastes just as good as it smells, nearly melting in my mouth. I take several more mouthfuls before my stomach begins to tighten uncomfortably and I’m forced to stop.

  “It’s going to be a day or two before you can eat properly again,” Li says.

  I nod, but I’m not bothered by it. Although I haven’t eaten much, I am content for the moment, my stomach full. I sip some more water and then lie back with a sigh, ready for sleep once again.

  “Get some rest, lass. We’ll be bothering you again far too soon.”

  Li and Roan move closer to the fire to eat their own suppers, and I close my eyes to rest.

  My head no longer aches from dehydration, but I’m far from recovered. I can’t sleep, but the low murmurs of the men and the crackling of the fire relax my body enough to help ease much of the soreness.

  “I won’t sleep,” Ero says loud enough for me to hear.

  “Fine, suit yourself,” says Li.

  I open my eyes as Li and Roan return to me. Roan pulls me gently into his arms and I curl up against him. Li’s body is comfortingly close to my back.

  “Sleep, lass. You’re safe, now.”

  I know we’ll never truly be safe. Not in the wilderness. Not with men like Damien and Jack in the world. But with these three men beside me, I can’t help but feel protected.



  I don’t know how we were able to get to her in time, but I’ll have to remember to thank Saint Christopher for her protection. I brush a strand of golden hair from her face as she sleeps. She shouldn’t even be alive, not after everything that’s happened.

  I couldn’t bring myself to tell her the real reason I didn’t save her sooner. I’ve never killed a man, not before today. As much as I didn’t want to see her harmed, I had sat and watched, too much of a coward to attack. I know how to fight—I’ve fought many times before—but never with the intent to kill.

  When I saw what was done to Bryn, I knew we wouldn’t be able to rescue her without killing at least some of the men. I don’t think Ero has figured it out yet, but Li knows. Ero’s anger blinds him to a great many things, and for once I’m grateful for that. He was the first to arrive, although Li was only seconds behind, leaping into the water and turning it crimson with the blood of Jack in nearly the same instant. Ero killed three men before the others realized what was happening, and Li shot and the remaining men with deadly accuracy as they fled. All I did was pull Annalise from the water. She’d most likely be dead if it weren’t for the other two. And she thinks she’s not good enough to be queen.

  Annalise whimpers in her sleep and I hold her tighter. We’ve all fallen short, but none worse than myself.

  We’re not far from Scotland and my homeland now. If all goes well, we should arrive within the week. I won’t stake my life on it, but I don’t see how things could get much worse than they have been.

  I owe Annalise the rest of my life. I don’t know how I’ll ever make up for what I’ve done, but from this day forward I vow to give her my all. To fight and kill for her, to raise up an army in her name…

  To give her Scotland.



  We rise early, packing the remainder of the food in a small bag Ero had taken the day before. Ero and Li changed places during the night, but I hadn’t noticed until Roan finally woke me and I found a blindingly white head of hair resting on my belly. To be fair, Roan woke me by accident by trying to push Ero away from me with his feet. Ero sits up and rubs his eyes, giving Roan a look of annoyance before getting up and walking a short distance out of the camp.

  “Good morning, lass,” Roan says sheepishly.

  “What are you doing?”
br />   “Nothing. I just didn’t want Ero bothering your sleep.”

  “Is that so?”

  Roan grins awkwardly and then kisses my cheek before jumping to his feet and shaking out the arm I’d been sleeping on.

  “Pretty sure this arm will be useless for a while,” he says with a wink at me.


  Roan laughs and goes to help Li prepare things to leave.

  “Don’t forget to put your shoes on,” Roan says pointing at the shoes I’d thought I’d lost on the beach. “I’m sure you’ll need them. At least until we can find you a more sensible pair.”

  Li walks over and hands me a small bit of meat and a handful of berries, which I accept gratefully. I’m much more ravenous than I was yesterday. I finish and suddenly jump to my feet.

  “Don’t follow me!”

  All three turn to watch as I run a little way out of the camp and behind a thicket to relieve myself. I can hear them chuckling.

  “You didn’t have to announce that to the world,” Roan says, laughing when I return.

  “I can never be too careful with the lot of you,” I retort. “For all I know you’d go into a panic and then stumble upon me in a less than ladylike state.”

  “I’m sure I’ve seen worse,” Ero says.

  I glare at him with mock anger, but he just shrugs and continues eating his breakfast.

  “How far did you say you think we are from Scotland, Roan?” Li asks.

  “Around a week or so, if we travel slowly,” Roan says with an unintentional glance my way.

  “We’re looking at around fifty miles a day then?”

  “At least.”


  “I don’t know what you have to deliberate over,” Ero says. “We need to travel as leopards. It’s the only way we’ll be able to cut the time down and maintain a decent speed.”

  Li looks over at me. “What do you think, Annalise? If we travel as we did in France, we can probably make it to Scotland in about a week. But, if you’re willing, as leopards we can probably make it in three or four days. We’d need you to hold onto our belongings, and it would be a relatively quiet few days for you.”

  “You mean to tell me I’d get to ride you as leopards again?”

  “Depends on what you mean by ride,” Ero says.

  I roll my eyes at him.

  “Yes,” Li says, smacking the back of Ero’s head.


  “I don’t suggest choosing Ero as your mount,” says Li, side-eyeing Ero.

  “And I don’t suggest riding anyone but me,” Roan interjects.

  “You three really are ridiculous.”

  “So, who will it be?” Roan asks, raising his eyebrows just as Ero punches him in the knee.

  “Li, would you mind?” I say, giving Roan and Ero a look of pretend disapproval.

  “Gladly,” says Li.

  He stretches and rolls his shoulders, then gives me a slight smile as I watch him shed his clothes and shift into a massive snow leopard before my eyes.

  “Show off,” Ero says.

  “Guess it’s our turn. Don’t purposefully forget our clothes,” Roan says with a wink at me before he too shifts into his leopard form.

  Ero stands and walks over to me, and I realize this is the first time he’s been the only one who can talk to me.

  “You can still choose me,” he says. “I’ll understand if you don’t want to, after what happened on the ship.”

  “Don’t do that,” I say.

  “Do what?” Ero says, feigning innocence.

  “Try to guilt me into choosing you.”

  “Well, if you feel guilty, my body is at your disposal,” Ero says, bowing and transforming into his leopard form at the same time.

  “You brute,” I say, playfully swatting at him. “You didn’t even give me a chance to defend myself.”

  I run my fingers through his luxuriously soft fur and wrap my arms around his neck to bury my face into it without thinking.

  He lets out a vibrating purr and I pull myself away, blushing.

  “Sorry,” I say. “I forgot myself.”

  I bend and pick up the satchel of food and all of their clothes from the ground, tying them into bundles and then securing them together. Scanning our small campsite, I search for any missed items before turning to my violet-eyed leopard.


  Li dips his head in understanding and crouches so I can climb onto him. I drape the bundles of clothing across his back and then climb up behind them, twisting my fingers into Li’s fur as he gets up. I breathe in and flatten myself against him.

  He leaps forward and we race off through the trees, the landscape flying past us at an ungodly speed. Li’s gait is smooth and effortless, and Roan and Ero keep pace easily.

  I smile to myself. I doubt there is any better way to travel.

  So far, I’ve only encountered one drawback to our current mode of travel—falling asleep. I won’t be doing that again. Thankfully Li felt me slipping soon enough to slow down, so the fall didn’t injure me too severely. I have a few scrapes on my arms and a small laceration across my brow, but nothing that shouldn’t heal within a day or so.

  I tried to get back on Li’s back almost immediately, but he wouldn’t allow it. Taking his bundle of clothes, he disappeared behind a tree, returning in his clothed, human form. Roan did the same, but Ero just turned away before shifting in front of me. I instinctually reacted by covering my face with my hands, but I couldn’t help peeking through my fingers at his beautiful body.

  Ero’s head turns toward me, an impish grin on his face as he leisurely dresses. And by leisurely, I mean he’s not even trying to be modest.

  Roan clears his throat behind me and I whip around, my face hot with shame.

  “I never took you for a voyeur,” Roan says.

  “I…I didn’t mean to look.”

  “Yes, you did. Who wouldn’t be tempted to look when someone is asinine enough to walk around butt naked?”

  I blush fiercely and Roan chuckles.

  “I’m pretty sure he’d never wear clothes if you let him,” Roan says. “But then again, I doubt any of us would if that would please you.”

  I drop my eyes to the ground, my thoughts running rampant and far from ladylike at the idea of them naked. I’d still been too polite to stare long enough to actually see anything…even though I secretly wanted to.

  “Let’s eat and get some rest. The sooner we can start tomorrow the safer we’ll be,” Li says, preparing a small fire for us. “Ero, since you can’t seem to figure out how to put your clothes back on, perhaps you wouldn’t mind scouting the area a bit?”

  Ero mumbles something but shifts back into his leopard form and darts off into the forest.

  Li motions for me to hand him the satchel and I do. He divvies out a portion of the food to each of us as well as setting some aside for Ero and we sit and eat in silence as the sky grows dark and the stars come out.

  Ero returns a while later, once again naked and in his human form. The firelight playfully dances across his muscles as he slips on his pants and joins us by the fire to eat. I shiver, surprised by the chill of the evening air. Roan pulls me toward him, the warmth of his body instantly washing over me. We’re all too tired to talk, and I drift off as Roan absentmindedly plays with my hair.

  I am not as stiff as I expected to be when I wake. My body is only slightly sore from falling off Li’s back the day before. The arms wrapped around me aren’t Roan’s, but Li’s.

  “I hope I didn’t startle you,” Li says. “I just thought it might be better, healing-wise, if you were with me last night.”

  I am a little disconcerted, but not because I mind sleeping in Li’s arms. I imagine anyone would be surprised to fall asleep with one person and wake up in the arms of another.


  Roan offers me his back and I climb up on him as we set off once again. I half expect us to meet with misfortune at every turn, but the d
ays melt together seamlessly. Li, Roan, and Ero take turns carrying me throughout the next three days.

  The landscape slowly changes from forest to meadows, rolling hills, and seemingly endless moors. We’ve managed to keep hidden from several traveling parties as well as skirt the edges of various towns. I had hoped we’d stop at an inn along the way, but I had to be reminded we didn’t have any means to pay for one.

  Toward the end of our fourth day of travel, Roan slows to a standstill at the top of a hill overlooking a vast, grassy expanse. Li and Ero stop beside him.

  “Why are we stopping?” I ask, knowing full well they won’t respond while in their leopard forms. They’re probably all communicating with each other right now and aren’t paying attention to me.

  Ero growls, but Li growls right back, and I suddenly find myself clinging to the shoulders of a crouched and naked Ero.


  I let go in shock and fall to the soft, grassy earth below. Ero collects his clothes off the ground and puts them on, not bothering to tease me. Li takes his in his mouth and moves to a small clump of bushes where he shifts and dresses. Roan grabs his as well, but shifts nearby, his modesty covered by some very tall grass. You’d think I’d be used to their naked bodies by now, but I still haven’t seen much below the waist besides the occasional buttocks.

  “What’s going on?” I ask once they draw near to me again.

  “My home is just beyond, about an hour’s walk. I think it’s best we don’t startle anyone in our leopard forms.”

  “I’ll carry you the first part of the way,” Roan says. “Until we’re close enough to be noticed.”

  Before I can ask any more questions, or respond, Roan takes me in his arms and we set out once again. Our first destination is finally within reach. I just hope this goes as planned.



  I recognize the landscapes from my childhood, but that’s all that’s familiar to me. None of the changes in the rest of the world bothered me, but I had barred the idea of time passing at home from entering my mind.


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