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The Tower Of The Watchful Eye: The Legend Of Kairu Book 1

Page 16

by Tim McFarlane

  I stretched out with my mind but the strange undertone from earlier was louder and made it impossible to focus on anything.

  That’s not good, Cathy said.


  There is definitely another Mage here, Cathy answered.

  “Damn,” I said looking to Natalie and Aaron.

  “What?” Aaron asked suspicious.

  “I can’t feel anything,” I answered. “I’m being blocked.”

  “Blocked?” Natalie asked. “Blocked how?”

  “Another Mage is preventing me from checking the area,” I explained.

  “So there definitely another Mage?” Aaron asked.

  I nodded.

  “How does that affect you?” Natalie asked worried. “Can you still use magic to help us?”

  “Of course,” I answered. “This happens all the time in the Tower. I just won't be able to influence or sense anyone until we take him out.”

  “Ok, good,” Natalie said relieved. “I don’t know how well I trust you with a sword.”

  “Thanks,” I said sarcastically.

  Natalie looked ahead in the direction of Chester’s escape “Looks like we’re stuck with good old fashioned instincts on this one.”

  “How were you able to sense the archers in the passage?” Aaron asked.

  “I couldn’t until they were close enough and the Mage didn’t know we were here,” I explained. “Now that they do, they are trying harder.”

  “So the Mage could be weak when it comes time to fight them?” Aaron asked.

  “That’s what I’m hoping,” I answered.

  “I’ll take lead,” Natalie said. “I still know the layout and that should help us. Aaron, take the far back so you can get to higher ground easily. Andy, stay close and be ready for that Mage.”

  “I’ve noticed you’ve stopped calling me ‘Demon’,” I pointed out.

  “Demon is way too cool a nickname for you,” Natalie said heading off the start our search of the mine.

  “Even when you're mocking me?” I asked.

  “Even then,” she chuckled.

  Seems like she trusts you now, Cathy said. Now, you don’t have to worry about being murdered in your sleep.


  I followed behind her and Aaron tapped my shoulder and handed me back my sword when I looked at him.

  “You might not want to forget this,” he chuckled.

  “I really am terrible with these,” I smiled as I put it back into its sheath.

  We followed Natalie through the passageways. They were big enough to accommodate two people walking side by side so there would be plenty of space for movement, and for Aaron to take care of any archers.

  Without saying anything, we fell into a system that worked; Aaron would hit bandits as they drew closer, I would throw up barriers to block the arrows and Natalie would finish off any that made it close to us. We had killed 6 bandits by the time we made it to another open area where the elevator to the lower section was kept...and guarded. The Mage who had been trying to scramble my mind welcomed us with a Fire Ball.

  “Hit the deck!” I exclaimed as I dove out of the way.

  The Fire Ball missed us and hit the wall behind us with an explosion of heat. I looked up at the Mage who stared at us with a crooked smile and hands aflame.

  “Is there another way down?” I asked Natalie.

  “Of course, it’s a little longer but...” she answered.

  “Take it,” I said. “I’ll meet you down there.”

  “Good luck,” Natalie said as she grabbed Aaron and ran back in the direction from which we arrived.

  What do I do now?

  Remember your dream when you fought the Mage, Cathy said. You used your Harden Skin spell.

  I grabbed at the chest piece I was wearing to try and remove it. The tingle of magic approaching caught my attention and I rolled out of the way. I wasn’t fast enough and the armour started getting hot. I jumped to my feet and finally freed myself from it.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” the Mage smiled. “Chester’s offering a pretty good pile of gold for your head.”

  Power flowed through my body as scales replaced my skin. The Mage’s expression changed as he watched me cover my whole body in scales.

  “Oh yeah?” I asked as I rolled my shoulders. “How much?”

  The Mage’s face hardened as his flaming hands grew brighter. I simply covered my face with my scaly hands and felt his flames engulf my body. A warming feeling grew but it was only a comfortable warmth, like being wrapped in a blanket. When the attack stopped I dropped my hands and smiled at my opponent. Doubt was creeping into his eyes as he gathered his strength to launch Ice Bolts. I laughed as I swatted them away like flies.

  You are really having fun with this, Cathy chuckled.

  It’s nice knowing the Order isn’t going to punish you for ‘excessive use of magic’.

  They grow up so fast, Cathy said more to herself.

  The Mage started to back away as I began advancing on him. He was searching for a trick or spell that he could use to beat me and stood ready for whatever I was about to unleash on him.

  The sound of footsteps drew my attention as two bandits came running up from the passageway behind the Mage. They took one look at me and turned to flee. The Mage turned around and unleashed a spell I had never seen before. Twin trails of pale blue erupted from the bandits and flew into the hands of the Mage. He groaned and his eyes glowed white as he turned back to face me.

  Damn, Cathy hissed. That’s what I thought.


  He’s possessed, Cathy explained. Rage Demon. He just drained the life force out of those two bandits. This also explains the magical barrier.

  “The game is over, young Mage,” the possessed Mage boomed in a new voice. “You’ve been a worthy foe, but now it is time for you to die.”

  Oh god.

  Just hold out against his attacks, Cathy said frantically sensing my fear. They are all attack no strategy. He will use up all his power then be vulnerable.

  The possessed Mage’s hand grew bright orange and I quickly covered my face with my scaly hands. When the attack hit me it was like being trapped in an inferno. I focused more power in my Harden Skin spell but it only brought the heat down to an uncomfortable hot.

  Just hold on, Cathy said worried.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on holding off the attack. My knees grew weak and my whole body started shaking. The heat would not give up and I was starting to lose my grip on my consciousness.

  You are not allowed to die on me, Cathy said stressed.

  A wave of power entered my body and the heat was brought down to a comfortable level. When the attack finally ended, I brought my hands down and smirked wearily at the possess Mage.

  “Is that it?” I asked.

  The possessed Mage’s body had gone grey and gaunt as the Demon within was using his body’s own life force to feed that attack.

  “Imposs...” it said looking at me.

  I focused some power into hand and launched an Ice Bolt at him. He wearily deflected it away. Same with another that I launched at him while I advanced. Too weak to run away, the possessed Mage allow me to pick him up. I carried him to the edge and dangled him. Sensing that his mind was an open book from exhaustion, I couldn’t help but have a little fun.

  Making him think my eyes started glowing white, I made my voice booming. “Go back to the Spirit Plain. This one’s mine.”

  The possessed Mage’s eyes grew wide and I focused what little energy I had into lighting my hands on fire. The fire quickly spread over the Mage’s entire body and I threw him down to the lower levels. He screamed as he fell, landing with an unhealthy crack between some unsuspecting bandits. When they looked up and saw me they started running away in fear.

  I don’t think it was in fear, Cathy chuckled. After the last fire attack...well...look down.

  I looked down and was shocked to discover that I was completely naked
. The fire must have been so hot it melted off the armour. Even the sword had been melted off.

  Right, I should probably take care of that.

  I headed towards the two bandits that had been unlucky enough to run into the possessed Mage and stole their armour.

  Oh by the way, Cathy said as I pulled up the greaves while my skin returned to normal. ‘This one’s mine’ was a very nice touch.

  I thought you would enjoy it. I thought I was done for. Where did that extra power come from?

  Me. Who else? She answered.

  You can lend me power?

  I guess so, she answered. I’m a part of you after all. I lent you a little bit so it didn’t overwhelm you. It worked perfectly. I figure it would be handy to have in emergency situations.

  Very handy. Thank you for saving my life.

  OUR life, she said. I’m in here too.

  Sorry, OUR life.

  Fully dressed again, I climbed into the elevator and took it down to the lower level. Trying to feel around with my mind, I was too tired to focus but I could feel two people at the bottom of the lower level. I drew my new sword and waited. When I was close enough to make out who they were, I put away the sword and waved to them.

  “What’s with the flaming guy?” Natalie asked motioning to the still burning corpse.

  “He had a rather nasty trip,” I answered.

  “Good to see you’re still alive,” Aaron said.

  “Same,” I said as the elevator came to a stop. “Did you run into much trouble?”

  “Tons,” Natalie said excited. “But that’s because they were running away screaming about a naked Demon. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  “I’m fully dressed,” I smiled. “So, no.”

  “Chester’s just up ahead,” Natalie said pointing behind her.

  “And the Princess?” I asked.

  “Were you not paying attention earlier?” she chuckled.

  “We were preparing for the ambush from the tunnel,” Aaron explained.

  “Right,” she said turning to me. “He’s already sold her to a Nesqian crime lord looking to ransom her for money and power over the Emperor.”

  “Damn,” I said disappointed.

  “Cheer up,” she said. “Chester’s the type who keeps documents on everything. You won’t leave here empty handed for your little quest. Now, come on, he’s lived long enough.”

  Back in formation behind Natalie, she led us through the final passageway in the deepest part of the mine. Natalie explained that it was where miners had discovered an underground river that runs through the mountains to the south side of Malkia. This was also the place that Chester the Mongoose called his home.

  To my amazement the passage opened up to a natural cavern within the mountain. The high ceiling was a welcome change from the almost claustrophobic nature of the mine. The rushing river split the cavern in half with a single landmass in the middle of it. Chester stood amongst his possessions holding a golden statue of a falcon.

  “I should have known you’d make it this far, Nat,” Chester called out as we approached the river.

  “I had a good teacher,” Natalie called back.

  “Stop,” Chester said as we were about to cross the river. “One step onto my island and I throw the Falcon in the river. We both know only one of us is walking out of here. But if I fall, you don’t get a prize.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Natalie clench her jaw.

  Well she only has the two decisions, Cathy said. Kill him and lose it or trade the gold for his life.

  “I’ll cut you a deal,” Chester said. “I’ll give you the Falcon and you just turn around and leave. Your life and the falcon, for my life.”

  Did I call that or what? Cathy chuckled.

  I searched the cavern for any situation that could favour us. The only notable thing was the hanging vines and moss that droop from the rocky spires off the ceiling.

  “Both are pretty crappy deals,” Natalie said. “How can I be sure you won’t just hunt me down later?”

  “You can’t,” he answered. “We have too much history, love. We will always be in each others' lives.”

  Already feeling pretty burnt out, I tried to reach out and control the vines. The vines responded to my magic, but for how long I didn't know.

  “Kill him, Natalie,” I said focusing on the vines.

  “But...” she said.

  “What? You don’t trust me?” I smiled.

  She looked in the direction of the vine then back to me. I could see her smirk and she drew her blade. She charged across the river and Chester looked at her with shock before turning to his right and throwing the Falcon. I lashed out with a vine, caught the Falcon and threw it towards Aaron.

  “Catch it,” I said as I dropped to my knees in exhaustion.

  Aaron ran into the river and caught it with a flying dive while Chester brought his sword up to battle Natalie. Natalie crossed the river as if she was walking on top of the water and struck out at Chester. Her speed was too much for Chester as he failed to block her attacks. After a slash to his hand he dropped his sword and backed up slowly. Natalie advanced slowly and I could see that Chester was talking but couldn’t make out any words. Natalie replied then stabbed him in the chest. As he fell to the ground in a heap, she retracted her blade and headed back to us.

  “How you holding up there, Andy?” she asked as she stepped back on our side of the river.

  “Nothing a nap couldn’t cure,” I answered. “What did he say?”

  “Oh, he asked me to think it through,” she laughed.

  I laughed too as I struggled to get back to my feet. Aaron handed her the Falcon and she smiled as she studied it.

  “Looks like you are set for retirement,” I said.

  “Not quite,” she said. “This is for a different purpose.”

  “What is it exactly?” Aaron asked.

  “A golden statue crafted by Nesqian smiths for the Emperor’s family,” she explained. “They found it among the Princess’ thing when she was kidnapped.”

  “Shouldn’t it be returned to them?” Aaron asked.

  She shook her head. “No, I need it.”

  “For what?” I asked.

  “Mind your own business,” she snapped.

  “It’s okay to tell us,” I started. “You wouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for simple greed. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong,” she said frustrated before sighing and continuing in a calmer voice. “I just...I made a promise that, if I ever made a big score, I would donate the money to Honeywell Orphanage. There, you happy?”

  “You’re hiding that you want to give your money to an orphanage?” Aaron asked confused.

  “True, I don’t see you as the type but it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I chuckled.

  She smiled. “It’s more than that but I don’t want to go into detail. I just...want to give back to the only place that was home for me.”

  “Fair enough,” I nodded.

  “So, I can keep it?” she asked.

  “Of course,” I nodded.

  “Aaron?” she asked looking at him.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “Thanks,” she said. “Now Andy, let’s go get you some information for your quest.”

  “I don’t think I can make it across the river,” I chuckled.

  Wuss, Cathy said.

  “Wuss,” Natalie laughed as she threw my arm over her shoulder.

  Chapter 20

  With Natalie’s help, I was able to find Chester’s private documents. It appeared that Chester had someone follow the Nesqian crime lord back to his hideout so that after the Princess was ransomed off, Chester and his men could attack for the gold.

  And they say there’s no honour among thieves, Cathy had said sarcastically.

  The rest of the night was a chance to celebrate in luxury as we ate and drank as much of Chester’s food as we could. We removed the dead bodies from the c
rew quarters and spent the night sleeping in warm soft beds.

  The next morning, we filled our packs with the food and equal shares of the gold and headed out into the morning sun. Disguising ourselves as bandits again, we retraced our steps through the countryside back to the great city of Thurlborn Peak. Under the evening sun at the outskirts of the city, Aaron and I quickly changed back into our normal clothes while Natalie wrapped her head back up into her headdress and scarf.

  “I’ve got to meet my appraiser,” Natalie said as she finished tucking in her scarf. “I’ll meet you by the docks.”

  “I’ll come with you,” Aaron said stuffing both our sets of bandit gear back into the pack. “Andy can handle the King of his own.”

  Because things went so well last time, Cathy chuckled.

  “Just be quick and quiet,” Natalie said to Aaron before turning to me. “Good luck up there, ‘Demon’. See you at the dock.”

  “Back to mocking me, are we?” I asked adjusting my hat.

  “You wear the hat, you get mocked,” she answered as she and Aaron headed for the city.

  I shook my head before following them at a distance, we split ways in the market and I headed for the Stairway of Kings. The guards that protected the Stairway were different this time and I stopped when the one raised his hand.

  “What business do you have at the Stairway of Kings?” The guard asked in a proud voice.

  “It owes me gold,” I answered in an equally proud voice.

  The second guard snickered but tried to keep it hidden when the first guard stared at me. “I beg your pardon?” he asked.

  “And you may have it,” I said closing my eyes and raising my hand. “For I am Second Keeper Holcombe and I grant pardons to those who seek them.”

  The second guard laughed harder and when I opened my eyes the first guard was starting to turn red in the face.

  “Oh, calm down,” the second guard said to the first guard before turning to me. “Do you have business in the castle, Mage?”

  “Yes I do,” I smiled politely.

  “Go ahead then,” the second guard said motioning with his thumb behind him.

  “You need to relax more, Larry,” the second guard said to the first as I started to climb the stairs. “Things like this won’t keep happening then.”


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