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Molly and the adventures of the Fluffalump

Page 8

by David Barron

  Chapter Eight Fluff has trouble with next doors Cat

  Monday morning at school, there was a great hullaballoo for everyone was making a great Show of Roland. He was the hero of the hour, and the teacher had given him a small box of chocolates, and told him that it was the bravest thing she had ever heard, and that he was to forget all the nasty things she had said about him and his family it was all to be left in the past. That night molly sat up in her room, and looked out of the window and wondered what Fluff had been up too all this time, for she was dying to tell him all her news. She settled down for the night, and closed her eyes; she had school the next day after all. That night quite late molly was awoken by a terrible screeching coming from the bottom of the garden. She sat up and looked out of the window but could not see anything as it was quite dark. Then from the room next door she heard her father opening the window, and shouting something about that blooming noisy cat. Molly snuck back under the duvet and went back to sleep, excitement over. Next morning as usual it was the school run, and molly was out the door in a flash to get there. The day went by quite normally, until her return when looking out of the kitchen window at dinner time she spotted next doors cat, sitting on top of the shed, and he was hissing and spitting, he was definitely after something. Molly thought oh my, I wonder if Fluffs ok, so opening the door into the garden she went down to the shed, and looking inside and seeing nothing, she decided that just to be on the safe side she would shoo the cat away. So looking right at him she shooed and shooed, but he would not move, but just sat there his eyes never leaving the shed door. Finally molly picked up an old shoe and lobbed it near to him. The cat meowed loudly and jumped down from the roof, shot across the garden and out through the hole in the fence. Just then molly felt something swish by her and bolt for the open door of the house. Her father came to the door then and asked what she was doing, molly said that she had seen the cat and it was after one of the birds in the garden so she had made it go away. Her father laughed and said,

  "I could have done with you down here last night, blooming racket that cat makes." "Come on now back in the house and finish your dinner love, mums waiting to wash up."

  Molly went back and after finishing her dinner, went to her room. Fluff was waiting for her and she noticed that he had some cuts and bruises on his skin.

  "My Fluff whatever’s happened to you, you look like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards." Fluff explained that it was next doors cat, and that he had been caught coming out of the shed last night.

  "Why didn’t you use your invisibleness then molly enquired?"

  "Oh that’s no use with cat’s molly, they can still see us, and there the only animals on earth that can you know, apart from the yeti."

  "Well I never knew that said molly and what do you mean the yeti, aren’t they just a fairy-tale?"

  "On the contrary molly yeti’s still live you know high up in the Himalayas, we see them all the time."

  "Are they invisible then like you?" asked molly.

  "No they can be seen by humans, but only if they wish them too or they have no choice, for instance if a human was hurt and they had to help, they show themselves then, but there very secretive and prefer to live as far from man as they can."

  "Now as to the cat molly we must do something, for it will surely have me one of these nights."

  "Right", said molly, "leave it with me I’ll figure out something, you wait and see if I don’t, nasty cat." Molly didn’t of course hate next doors cat, but she did not want her friend Fluff to end up getting eaten by him either. She got some things from the bathroom cabinet and after washing and dressing Fluff’s wounds, they sat back and watched some very funny laurel and hardy films. The films cheered them both up and after watching one particular film molly thought up a grand idea to rid themselves of the nuisance of the cat. Next day after school molly went to work and with an old net she’d found in the shed and some rope and a twig, she made a trap for the cat, nothing that would hurt him just enough to give him a start, so that he would think twice about hanging round their old shed. So after a while it was all set and all she had to do was wait for him to walk onto the shed roof and take up his usual place. Sure enough after dinner the cat appeared through the hedge, and jumped up onto the shed roof via a tree branch which overhung it. Once he had picked his spot he made to lie down on the piece of netting never suspecting he had just walked into Molly’s trap. Then he sat down to wait, suddenly the net was drawn up as molly let the twig go, and the net closing round him, pulled him up into the tree. Soon he was free but it had given him such a fright, that he never did poke his nose back into their garden and to make doubly sure Molly even blocked up the hole where the cat came through. Fluff was truly relieved and said so, for now he could come and go as he pleased without the cat constantly on the hunt for him. Molly was sure now that she and Fluff would have many more adventures together, and she wasn’t wrong.

  The End

  ©David Barron 2011

  Dear Reader, Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book. I hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I had writing it. If you liked my book please tell your friends, and as this is my first book ever to be published, any feedback would be most particularly welcome. I can be reached at


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