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Supernatural Sensations--4 Scalding Hot Paranormal Stories

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by Logan Woods

  The two recovered quickly, giving him their full attention. Nane sucked his toes, a totally new and surprising sensation, but not as surprising as the feel of Yeraz’s tongue penetrating his own anus.

  Nane shrieked when he rose up, fearing that he would cum and she would not be close enough to catch it. She scrabbled towards his waist, but he was not yet ready.

  “The basket!” Nane hissed.

  Yeraz was already standing on the bed, pulling a leathern contraption suspended by a chain from the ceiling over Andrew’s middle and climbing into it. The tops of her feet rested on her thighs as she assumed a lotus position in the basket, and Nane lowered the basket so that Andrew’s cock was once more poised at the entrance to Yeraz’s puckered sphincter.

  Yeraz gasped as she felt his heat and Andrew gasped as he felt Nane’s fingers guide him into the dry heat of her ass. “I love the feel of you in my bottom Master,” Yeraz whimpered, wiggling her ass and trying to take more of him into her. “Hurry Mistress, please!” she begged. Nane smiled as she lowered her young apprentice onto the pulsing organ. When there was only a half inch or so of the large prick remaining outside the haven of Yeraz’s anus, Nane grasped the leather basket in both hands and gave it a hard spin.

  Andrew and Yeraz screamed their pleasure simultaneously as the spin began. Nane bent her head and sucked at Andrew’s taut balls, licking at the exposed base of his shaft. Her fingers worked furiously between her legs, building her own tension even as she felt the tremors begin in Andrew.

  As his balls raised up in their sack, Nane frenziedly pushed a tearful Yeraz away from the quivering muscle between Andrew’s legs. In an ecstasy of fulfillment Nane thrust her mouth down over the rigid cock and mated it with the succubus organ in her throat. As Andrew emptied himself into her, Nane smiled around the squirting cock.

  Nane lay beside the two lovers, now absorbed totally in each other. She was forgotten in their intimate embrace, and Yeraz was practicing all the arts Nane had taught her in the last few centuries. Nane’s organ was full, and her excitement and anticipation was just beginning…for her Incubus was coming.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jivan, a senior Incubus flew rapidly through the misty night. He had been summoned by his favorite Succubus to accept her collection this night. As he thought of her deep red hair and green eyes, both of his massive penises hardened. He knew that Nane loved the feel of him penetrating her in both orifices simultaneously without the added weight of an extra human needing to be involved.

  He smiled as he remembered his last visit, when he had stacked the two Succubi atop each other and pleasured both at the same time. Yeraz showed great promise, perhaps even greater than her mistress! His mind leaped forward to the coming night, when he would cover an innocent human girl he had located in Charleston on his last trip here. He would revel in her debauchment…one of his greatest thrills in life was to watch the transformation of human virgin to willing sex slave. His demon’s grin widened. It was grand to be alive!

  About Logan Woods

  You might not expect a former soldier and police officer to become one of erotica’s most consistently steamy writers, but Logan Woods did just that with his vivid imagination and ability to artfully describe explicit moments of passion and sexuality – and the enticing characters that inhabit such scenes. He’s ghostwritten for publishers for years but now is ready to make a name for himself, with Steam Books Erotica & Romance and beyond.

  If his writing career isn’t enough to prove he’s equal parts brain and brawn, Logan Woods also holds a B.S. in Resource Management with a minor in Economics and Military Science.

  And more from Logan Woods:


  Join Jivan, an ancient Incubus performing his duty to impregnate mortal women, as he seduces college girl Faith and her roommate, and then completes his mission by joining his Succubus friends Sevana and her apprentice, Anush. Jivan is always up to the task--it helps that he has two penises.


  A long cruise in the Caribbean alone was exactly what Ariel needed after her divorce. The appearance of a nude male trapped on a sandbar out of sight of land is the very last thing she expected. The strange nude man is exotically beautiful, and even though the perfect seal pelt on the sand next to him is the only other item on the sandbar, she has no idea she has found a selkie, a legendary creature that changes from seal to man to mate with human women…

  Check out these and more at!



  Jeanette Lavia

  Naomi Giles walked through her newly purchased century-old Victorian home on the outskirts of town.

  The past year had been such a headache for her. First her bastard husband divorced her to be with his twenty-years-younger secretary, and then it seemed like she kept getting assigned to the crap cases at work. At forty-three, she never imagined she'd be starting her life over, but here she was, nearly a thousand miles away from her former life in a quaint little town.

  As she looked at the rustic decor and phenomenal architecture, she couldn't help but laugh a little. She had heard stories of the house being haunted but she never bought into things like ghosts and ESP or junk like that. To her, the supernatural didn't exist. No one had ever proved it did. So for her, the quaint Victorian was the perfect cozy fixer-upper she had been looking for.

  One evening, a few weeks later, Naomi sat at her dining table and mused over some business documents. She moved here planning to start her own law office and was finalizing her application for a business license. So far everything had gone rather smoothly. The clerk at the Chamber of Commerce Licensing Office was very polite and extremely helpful in her quest.

  As she was filling out the last form, a strange noise caught her attention. She wasn't exactly sure what it sounded like but she glanced around the room over the thin frames of her reading glasses. Suddenly a loud creak echoed through the house and startled her. She stood up quickly and cautiously investigated each room for the source.

  Naomi found nothing as the cause of the creak and walked back toward the dining room. She flinched as she caught the movement of her reflection in the mirror. She saw the apprehensive look on her face and started to laugh. Maybe the whole "haunted house" bit had made her a bit skittish. After all, the house was over a century old and was sure to have as many creaks and groans in it as she did.

  Over the next few weeks Naomi's schedule was hectic. Giles' Law Firm was up and running and she was already building a solid reputation with her clientele. It seemed every night she came home more tired than the day before and so she didn't pay attention to the odd noises she heard at all hours of the night.

  One Saturday, she came home completely exhausted. Naomi was swamped with work and decided she needed to hire a few lawyers to take up the slack. She tossed a stack of dossiers on the kitchen counter and looked at the clock. It was nearly ten o'clock in the evening already. Naomi decided to skip dinner and just head to her bedroom.

  The nights had begun to get rather warm and balmy and even with the ceiling fan on and a window open, she found it a little uncomfortable. On autopilot, Naomi stripped out of her clothes and opted for an old, worn-out t-shirt to sleep in. It was soft with age and the looseness of the threads made it a rather cool option on warm nights.

  Naomi crawled into the bed and passed out from sheer fatigue. Naomi hadn’t even covered herself. She just laid her head on her pillows and fell asleep on top of the comforter. Thankfully, she could sleep-in the next day. Naomi was completely spent and needed an entire day to rejuvenate herself before starting her work week again.

  Her sleep was restless and she tossed and turned. Naomi dreamed of work and experienced the same stress and frustration while she slept. Subconsciously she knew she was dreaming and despite her best efforts she couldn’t break out of her dream to wake up. After enduring hours of nightmarish images, her dreams finally went dark and left her rel
axed in a state of relief.

  Naomi shifted slightly in her sleep as the tension left her body and eased her mind. She was finally comfortable and resting. All she dreamed about was being in a soothing void of darkness. She could see herself but nothing else. It was intoxicating compared to the week she just had. But then it changed in a way Naomi couldn’t explain.

  Something warm wrapped around her body and filled her with pleasure. Not contentment, not happiness, but sweet, primitive, erotic pleasure. She felt as though a thousand hands were touching her body all over in the most intimate way. Naomi moaned softly in her sleep as she felt sensuousness invade her mind.

  Suddenly she was jarred awake and she sat up immediately. She felt as if someone was there in her bedroom with her. Naomi looked around frantically, but she was alone. She knuckled her eyes, stretched a little, and flopped back on her bed.

  Her body still tingled with desire and Naomi shivered. She tried to dissect her dream systematically to figure out what exactly she had experienced. Then a moan escaped her lips and she arched her back. She looked down and realized she had her hand buried between her thighs. She was shocked and tried to stop but couldn’t.

  Something in her mind compelled her to continue and subdued her urge to resist. It was as if someone or something was in control of her body. Again, the feeling of pleasure enveloped her like a gown of gossamer. It was irresistible and Naomi submitted completely to her hidden master.

  Her body writhed on the bed. She had her legs spread wide and her hands ravaged her crotch. Naomi couldn’t get enough of herself and cried out for more. With one hand she manipulated her clit roughly and with the other she shoved two fingers in and out of her dripping vagina. Naomi’s body shuddered at the feeling of something rubbing against it like a lover’s body would as they kissed.

  She closed her eyes and sucked her lower lip between her teeth as she continued to helpless fuck herself. Naomi tried to feel dirty and ashamed of herself but as each doubting thought slipped into her mind, a stronger feeling of desire would push it out. She felt completely out of control.

  Naomi bucked her soft, round ass off the bed with each thrust of her hips. She needed more. She starved for more but couldn’t satisfy the hunger no matter how hard she tried. Even when she stuffed a third finger and a fourth into her starving pussy, her appetite continued to heighten. Naomi was so blinded by the intensity of the pleasure stabbing at her wanton flesh that she hadn’t noticed the pain that shot through her overstretched quim.

  She felt her long shirt slowly move past her flat stomach and upward. She could feel it sliding up her back beneath her and her eyes bolted open. She looked down and expected to see some hungry-eyed stranger there who was intent on exposing her body to the warm, sticky air. Instead, she saw nothing but her shirt moving up her body on its own.

  Naomi would have panicked if the permeating ecstasy would have let her but instead she closed her eyes and gave into her invisible lover. She howled in total bliss as her body tensed against her oncoming orgasm. The waves of pleasure that flooded over her were more intense than she had ever experienced before. Naomi feverishly worked her fingers in her flooding cunt to stoke the burning in her soul to burn hot, hotter than it ever had been.

  Suddenly her eyes flew open as she was jarred awake. Her body trembled as she stared at the newly restored ceiling in her bedroom. Naomi’s head swam and she draped an arm across her eyes while she tried to steady her breathing.

  It was all a dream, just an intensely erotic dream. After a few moments she finally calmed down and lay back on her bed to catch her senses.

  It was then that she smelled it. It was musky and full of sex and she brought a hand to her nose to sniff. There was no denying what she smelled but she refused to believe it. Naomi meekly slid a finger into her mouth and discovered what her nose had told her. Her fingers smelled and tasted of her juices and when she looked down she saw her shirt pulled up over her large, soft breasts.

  Naomi started to shake and moved a trembling hand down toward her womanhood. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard in anticipation. When she touched her pussy, it was wet, very wet and tender from being stretched to its limits.

  Her scream pierced the silence of her bedroom. She couldn’t believe what she experienced had been real. Naomi refused to accept it.

  As the days passed, she slept very little. She was literally terrified to go to sleep in fear of having a repeat encounter that left her deeply disturbed. It wasn’t the masturbation that worried her; she had pleasured herself many times since her divorce. It was the way she was so completely lost in a dream within a dream that scared her. She didn’t like feeling not in control of herself. What made matters worse is that she begun to doubt it had been a dream at all and maybe something in the house had possessed her for a moment of intense pleasure.

  A few months had passed without incident and Naomi had been sleeping well. Her law firm had taken off and she wasn't as stressed out as before. It seemed that she was on the right track to rebuilding her life after moving here. She had put that whole episode out of her mind and continued on.

  One night, after dinner, Naomi started hearing some rather odd and disturbing noises. They started off as usual creaks but soon turned to what appeared to be footsteps echoing deeply through the house. Naomi started to panic and grabbed a knife from her kitchen. She slowly crept through her home with the knife poised to strike at the trespasser.

  As she neared the end of her hallway the noises stopped. She froze and looked around slowly. Naomi took a deep breath and shuddered. She thought maybe she was getting overtired and it was just her mind playing tricks on her. What she needed was a nice, hot, soothing shower. That would do the trick.

  After her shower, Naomi felt refreshed. She wrapped the big towel around her refreshed body and looked at herself in the mirror. There was a hint of dark circles under her eyes. She'd been sleeping well, or so she thought, but the evidence was clear. Maybe she needed to take some time off and reenergize herself.

  As she stood there looking in the mirror, a feeling of warmth enveloped her body. It felt calming yet disturbingly familiar. The feeling reminded her of the night when she had masturbated uncontrollably. She thought it had all been a dream but this time she hadn't been asleep. She swallowed hard and closed her eyes. The towel slowly fell from her naked body and she could feel someone or something caressing her refreshed, soft skin.

  The touch started at her hips and moved slowly around to her flat stomach. Naomi furrowed her brows as whatever was touching her slid upward toward her breasts. She exhaled slowly and then moaned as something cupped her large, soft breasts and started kneading them gently. Her pussy quivered in heat and she yearned to be taken by this invisible lover.

  Something took her large, erect nipples and rolled them gently. She moaned softly at the shocks of pleasure that radiated from her sensitive nipples and coursed throughout her body. Naomi grabbed the edge of the vanity and held on for her life. Her ragged breaths deepened and her ass swayed side to side gently as if inviting this presence to take her.

  Naomi slightly opened her eyes and looked in the mirror. She screamed and turned around to face a strange man standing there. His naked, muscled body glowed faintly and translucently. Naomi was frozen in terror and jumped when he reached out and pulled her close to him. His touch was soft and she felt the heat rising up from her needy quim.

  "Who are you?" Naomi moaned softly as she allowed herself to be caressed. She had found the source of the pleasure she had just been experiencing.

  "Lorenzo," the apparition replied before leaning in to kiss her.

  Naomi responded and pressed her lips against his. They were warm and moist and intensely inviting. She kissed Lorenzo passionately as if she hadn't had a lover in decades. She ran her hands up and down his rippling back. The touch of his skin beneath her hands drove her wild, like a drug that infused her with pure lust.

  She felt his tongue against her lips and she opened her mou
th to receive it. Lorenzo’s tongue was long and soft and moist and slid deeply into her mouth. Naomi moaned into his mouth as their tongues danced and swirled hotly. She couldn’t remember feeling more passion in a man’s kiss than this. It was very tender, very erotic.

  Naomi opened her eyes slightly and blinked when she saw Lorenzo was gone. Her hungry eyes searched the bathroom for him. Suddenly she felt the touch on her pussy and she moaned in delight. It was sinfully teasing and she responded by parting her thighs slightly. Though she couldn’t see him, she knew it was Lorenzo.

  Naomi closed her eyes in delight and allowed her ghostly lover to please her. She felt his long tongue lick deeply between her puffy, juicy lips from the entrance of her burning pussy to her throbbing clit. It was cool and wet and drove her insane. Everywhere Lorenzo’s tongue slid it left tiny shocks of pleasure in its wake.

  She shuddered as Lorenzo sucked on her clit and pushed her toward the edge of ecstasy. She felt her orgasm building and every suck, every lick, every touch from him drove her closer to the fall. Naomi’s knuckles strained white as she held onto the vanity’s edge. The room spun around her in ecstasy and she was ready to fall.

  Lorenzo’s long tongue began stabbing into her dripping pussy. She felt it slide deep and fast and it felt like a thousand tongues licking all over the walls of her tightening cunt. Naomi pumped her hips against his sinful pleasuring. She fucked his invisible tongue and face wildly. She held onto the vanity harder and felt as if she were going to pass out from sheer pleasure.

  Just as she was about to explode, she felt something touch her clit. It felt like another tongue. She tried to imagine how that could be but the moment the tongue started licking along the edge of her hood, she lost it. Naomi thrust her hips forward and screamed at the top of her lungs as she came. The steady licking around her sensitive clit drove her orgasm higher and higher.


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