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Thorn (Thorn Tattoo Studio Book 2)

Page 15

by Leslie North

  Before he could mount his bike, his phone rang. Luciano answered it without thinking. “Hello?”

  “Hello, Mr. DeRose.” Luciano’s real estate agent, Skylar, was on the phone. “I tried calling Ms. Noel, but she informed me that she no longer works for you, and that I’d have to call you directly. I’m sorry to interrupt.”

  “You’re not interrupting anything.” Luciano sat on his bike and let his vision lose focus. “I was just about to start driving. What’s up?”

  “There have been several offers made on the house since the new pictures were uploaded,” Skylar said. “I was hoping I could meet up with you to deliver them? You can either decline or counter. Some of them are quite generous.”

  Luciano blinked. There were bids on the house? “Are you serious?”

  “Yes. The redecorating helped more than you could ever imagine. The showings have been going so well everyone’s been commenting on what a lovely space it is.”

  Melanie was right. Luciano smoothed a hand down his face and shook his head. He wasn’t expecting the results to come in so quickly, but he guessed he shouldn’t have been surprised. It was seldom Melanie was wrong about anything.

  “No shit. Well. What’s your schedule like?”

  “I’m available in an hour from now to meet up at the house,” Skylar said. “Would that work for you?”

  “Sure.” Luciano would make it back with plenty of time to spare. Even with traffic in the city, he was confident he could honor that schedule. “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  The call ended. Luciano slipped his phone back into his pocket and started his bike.

  It wasn’t the kind of distraction he’d been banking on, but it would work well nevertheless.

  Luciano hadn’t been back in the house since Melanie redecorated. He let himself in, eying the furniture placement and how she’d set up the paintings and other pieces of art. Tall potted plants used sparingly brought pops of life and color to the rooms. Sleek, modern furniture made the place sparkle as it never had before. Even without Cassandra’s glitter curtains, the place looked fantastic.


  Luciano had been so reluctant to see it changed, but now that he witnessed the transformation in full, he knew that it had been worth every penny. Not only had Melanie given the house a new lease on life, she’d turned it into something beautiful. It was a lot more like a home than it had ever been before.

  He walked silently through the living room, remembering what it had looked like under Cassandra’s influence. The bright colors and immature choices were all her but then again, she’d only been twenty-three when the accident happened. At twenty-seven, would she have hated the bright colors and the sparkle she’d picked out? Would she go for something more like Melanie had chosen?

  It bothered Luciano that he didn’t know, and that he would never know. He’d always thought they’d party forever and that the good times wouldn’t end. He’d been mistaken.

  The party was over.

  Somehow, he still managed to have fun.

  Luciano digested that thought as he moved into the kitchen and took inventory of what was there. Cassandra’s rack of hot sauces was gone. He mourned their loss quickly and internalized the memory of her laughing face as she struggled with how hot she made some of her meals. She was always looking for an adventure—looking for something to spice up her life and to keep her memory stagnant and frozen in time was wrong of him. He understood that now.

  The kitchen looked good. Cute. He could see why someone would want to buy the house already, and he hadn’t even been upstairs yet.

  There was a polite knock at the door, then the click as it opened. Luciano exited the kitchen to find Skylar standing by the door, wiping her shoes carefully on the welcome mat. Beneath her arm was a folder stuffed with papers. “Hello, Mr. DeRose.”

  “Luciano is fine,” he said. He stood a respectful distance away. “Are those all the offers?”

  “Some of them are. Some of them are other documents. If we make a counter offer, or decline an offer, we’ll need to inform the other party.” She opened the folder and removed a stack of papers sectioned off by a paper clip. Skylar extended them to Luciano, and he accepted them silently. “Take a look and tell me what you think.”

  The bids were all incredible with a couple over the asking price. It looked like those interested in buying the house were serious about their purchase. Even though Luciano felt like life had him beat, he smiled. “These are great.”

  “It’s a pleasure to see so many roll in at once. I attribute it to the interior design update.”

  Luciano leafed through the offers until he came across one that made him stop. Melanie had put in a bid for the house. His mouth dried, and he stared at the application form. Melanie Noel. How long ago had she made the offer? His heart tightened.

  “Oh. Right. That offer has been rescinded.” Skylar plucked the paper out from the stack and folded it in half. “The rest are all still interested. It looks like you have quite the pick, Luciano. I’ll be happy to go over your options with you and assist you in choosing a buyer.”

  Melanie. Just like that, he was back in Thorn Tattoo, watching through his own eyes as he broke her heart. As he’d fired her and told her to get out, she’d dropped her gaze. He’d seen the misery in her expression. The dejected way she slumped her shoulders said more than words ever could.

  Then she’d turned and ran from him, exiting the shop and his life.

  He was losing her all over again. Luciano couldn’t think, couldn’t speak.

  All he knew was that he needed to make things right before he lost the second love of his life.



  The only things she owned were compact enough to fit in the trunk and the back seat of her car. She’d traveled around the United States with Luciano for two years, her car their storage vehicle, without batting an eye. Now, without Luciano’s things to pad the extra space, her car felt empty. Melanie frowned, as she looked it over, wishing things were different.

  But they weren’t.

  She hadn’t found an apartment to rent. She hadn’t found a house to buy. Now she was unemployed and unattached. The world was her oyster. She’d find a new place to settle down and start a new life. There were tons of options out there. Due to her work history, she felt more confident with choosing a big city to start fresh in, but from there, she was limitless. She could go east, north, or sneak even farther south.

  There was nothing out there but the open road. She had savings she could live off for a while, and she’d put them to use.

  Luciano had run indiscriminately, but she’d run with purpose. Somewhere out there, she’d find where she wanted to settle down, and then she’d do it. She’d have a full, meaningful life. She wouldn’t let the past cloud her future.

  She’d make a name for herself all on her own.

  Melanie shut the back door and headed around to the driver’s side of the vehicle. Maybe first she’d go visit her parents and her sister in California. It sounded like they were happy, and it would be good to see them again. Melanie had a niece she’d never even met, and she thought it would be a good idea to fix that before she left on her own adventure.

  “It’s going to be okay.” Speaking the words didn’t make her feel any better. It looked like her mantras were starting to wear thin. She’d been under so much pressure for the last two years that she was surprised they’d lasted this long. Working for Luciano was a trying experience, even if it was fun. “Everything’s going to be okay. You’ve always only had you to count on. This isn’t going to make things any different. You know that you can do this.”

  She did know, and she did trust herself, but damn if starting all over wasn’t hard.

  Melanie inserted the key into the ignition and was about to bring the car’s engine to life when her phone rang. She sighed and went to answer it. Had Luciano not told everyone at the shop that she was no lon
ger employed there? Melanie had no idea who else would be calling.

  Luciano’s contact information appeared, and she almost tossed her phone onto the passenger’s seat in disgust. If he was calling to chew her out, she didn’t want to hear it. If he was going to come at her with some thin apology, she didn’t want to hear it, either. Nothing he said could reverse the damage done. Melanie knew she’d crossed a line and pushed buttons better left unpressed, but she’d done it for his sake. His reaction, while justified, hurt her. She didn’t think he’d ever understand that.

  Against her better judgment, Melanie answered the call. If he were going to keep bothering her, she’d get a restraining order or ditch her number and get a new one. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mel.” He sounded apologetic. Melanie let her head fall back on the headrest and stared at the ceiling. “Thank you for answering. I know it’s probably not uh, you know, really easy for you right now.”

  “It’s not,” Melanie snapped. It was rare she lost her temper, but she couldn’t calm herself down. “Can you please make this quick?”

  “Yeah. Of course.” Luciano paused. “Skylar, the real estate agent? She says that there’s some kind of legal jargon that requires you to sign off on your duties as manager of my estate, since you’re gone. Until you do that, there’s nothing we can do about the house. As tempting as it is to leave me hanging, please be a better person than I am. Come over to the house and sign the papers. Skylar’s waiting.”

  Melanie wrinkled her nose. “Is that a thing? I’ve never heard of it before.”

  “I’m no real estate agent,” Luciano admitted. “I’m only the messenger. Skylar can’t call you because her phone’s dead. I told her I’d do it.”

  “Is she there now?” Melanie asked.

  “Yeah. She’s at the house, waiting.”

  “And where exactly are you?” She wasn’t ready to see him. In fact, she wasn’t sure she’d ever be.

  Sighing audibly, she didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll be there.” A small detour wasn’t going to change anything. Despite everything, Melanie didn’t want to leave Luciano in a tight spot. As hurt and angry as she felt, she wasn’t going to be a vindictive ex who did everything in her power to ruin the man who’d wronged her. Luciano was miserable enough on his own.

  The call ended. Melanie drove to the property and parked at the bottom of the driveway. She’d returned all of Luciano’s keys and other effects the other day, and she had no way of getting into the garage or through the front door, should it be locked.

  It wasn’t.

  Melanie let herself in to find the living room empty.

  “Hello?” she called out. “Skylar?”

  She stepped through the living room, looking around. The house was gorgeous. She’d done a great job arranging it, and she sincerely hoped that it sold soon. According to what she’d heard from Skylar the day before, there were already some offers. She’d rescinded her own and was thankful for it. As much as she loved the place, she’d hate living there thanks to its connection with Luciano.

  There were other beautiful houses in her future, she was sure.

  “Skylar?” Melanie asked. Maybe Skylar had grown tired of waiting and left. Melanie hoped not. She wasn’t interested in staying in Vegas for any longer than she needed to. For the first time in her life, she understood Luciano’s desire to escape.

  “Skylar’s not here,” Luciano said from the kitchen. Melanie stopped in her tracks, her heart thudding in her chest. “I’m sorry to have lied, but I didn’t think you would have come on your own.” He stepped out from the kitchen doorway, standing several feet from her. Melanie bit her lip. She wasn’t going to cry again. Not in front of him. She stared at him.

  Muscular. Tattooed. Sarcastic. Funny. If Luciano weren’t so chained to the past, he’d be perfect.

  “You were right,” she said softly. She knew that seeing him again was a bad idea, that she’d be weak in his presence, just like she was now. “I’m not interested in talking.”

  “But I am.” Luciano spoke quickly. “I don’t need you to talk. All I need you to do is listen.”

  It echoed back to a conversation they’d had earlier, back when they’d first started this whole mess between them. Melanie shifted her weight from foot to foot, and then nodded. She would listen. She’d show him that much respect.

  “I made a mistake. Hell, I made dozens of mistakes. I am literally a walking mistake at this point.” He shook his head. “And I’m defective emotionally too, because I’ve acted in rash ways that have hurt you instead of listening to what you needed to say. You were wrong to go behind my back, but that didn’t give me license to retaliate like I did. I should have been man enough to listen to you.”

  It was so easy to give in and forgive him. Too easy. Melanie wanted it more than anything in the world. For a brief moment, Luciano had been hers before what they had fell to ruin. She wanted it back, and the first step was his apology but she had to remind herself it wasn’t the last step. Luciano was damaged. He was stuck in the past. Even though she’d been patient and tried to help him out of his head, he needed time. Mourning was not the same for everyone, and for some, the mourning process went on longer than others did.

  If she couldn’t respect that, then she couldn’t stay. Melanie still wasn’t sure he was ready to commit to his own healing. Unless he could prove that he was making steps forward instead of regressing, she knew she still had to leave.

  “So I wanted to clear the air and apologize for my behavior. What I did was wrong. I realize it. I recognize it. You deserve a lot better than that.”

  Melanie sucked in her lower lip and thought about what Luciano had said. He sounded sincere. She didn’t believe he had any reason to lie. “I’m sorry, too,” she said. “I know that I shouldn’t have done what I did. I was trying to help you when you hadn’t asked for my help, and that was wrong of me. If you’re not ready to heal, it’s not on me to force you into it.”

  “We were both wrong,” Luciano said softly. “Doesn’t matter. All of that’s in the past. What’s important is right now, and right now is going to be affected by how we move forward.” Luciano closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. “So, that’s why I called you here. I want to try to make things right. So here it is.”

  From a nearby coffee table, Luciano picked up a document. He handed it to her, and Melanie glanced it over. It was paperwork to officially accept a bid on the house. He was selling the property and all the furniture in it, too. Melanie didn’t recognize the name of the buyer.

  She didn’t understand.

  “Um, alright,” she said. “So you’re selling?”

  “Everything.” Luciano nodded. “I think it’ll be about a month before all of the loose ends are tied up and the official transaction happens, but… that’s fine. You know I’ve got more than enough money.”

  Melanie did know. She’d been managing his accounts for two years.

  “But what does this mean?” Melanie asked. “I don’t understand how this makes up for anything. I’m glad that you’re getting what you want, but personally, I’m not involved in any part of this.”

  “But you are.” Luciano shook his head slowly. “You don’t see it, do you? The house was on the market for months and months without a single offer until you stepped in and redecorated it. People are drawn to you, Melanie. Even if you’re not there in person, the way you shape your world, and the imprint you leave on it, is brilliant. People are taken with you without even knowing you, and it’s more evident than ever after all the offers I just received. You’re smart, you’re well read, you’re never afraid of a challenge, and your heart is in everything you do. I know it, and I’ve seen it at work, and it’s something I never want to lose again.”

  The table had a narrow drawer. Luciano opened it up and pulled three loose papers from inside. Melanie narrowed her eyes as she looked at them, but from behind, they were blank. It wasn’t until Luciano handed them to her that she saw what they
were; property listings for houses in Las Vegas.

  Melanie looked up at him, confused.

  “I want to leave this place behind, and with it, I want to leave behind the part of me that was always running away.” Luciano slid his hands into his pockets. “I’m sick of running. I’m sick of being bound by the past. Cassandra is always going to be a part of me, but she can’t be my entire life anymore. What we did to this house? How we made it our own? How much fun we had together, picking out the furniture and squabbling over choices? I want to do that again with you. Only this time, I want it to be our house.”

  Melanie didn’t know what to say. Her heart raced. She’d lived with Luciano for two years, and she knew him better than anyone else did. She knew that they made good roommates, and after what they’d shared at the club, she knew they were fantastic lovers as well.

  But move in together?

  Her expression softened. She looked up at Luciano and smiled. “You seriously want to spend the next who-knows-how-long putting up with me without being able to tell me to get out of your house?”

  Luciano scoffed. “Well, I guess I still could.”

  “It’d be my house, too, though.” Melanie grinned. “I could just as easily tell you to get out of my house.”

  “That’s a risk I am more than willing to take.” Luciano winked. “I mean, if you’re interested. I can’t promise that it’s going to be a smooth ride. We’ll probably fight. You’ll probably get angry. I’ll probably have moments of weakness. We might even not be able to decide what color paint to use in our bedroom, but… well. We’ve been unofficially living together for two years now, and I think it’s time I make my move official. I am in love with you, Melanie. It’s terrifying, and liberating, and every moment with you feels like an adventure… like I’m alive again. And I want to keep that for always.”

  The gesture of growth she’d been so sure he’d be unwilling to show was grander than she ever could have imagined. Melanie blinked back tears. “I love you, too, Luc. And I know it’s going to be difficult, but… but I’m ready. As long as you’re willing to face the future together, I think I feel ready for anything.”


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