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A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears)

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “God, I could touch every inch of you, and I would never get enough.” His mouth was on her thigh, and he was dragging his tongue up her leg, over her rounded belly, between her thighs, and to her neck. She was liquid beneath his touch, but ready for so much more. He moved his tongue along the base of her throat, and licked and nipped at her pulse point. She was sick of talking and sick of touching. She wanted him to fuck her until she couldn’t walk, until all she could feel was him still inside of her even when he wasn’t. He gripped the back of her thighs, right under the crease of her ass, and lifted as if she weighed nothing. Wrapping her legs around his waist and running the tip of her nose up the side of his neck, she inhaled deeply and groaned at the scent of him. He smelled like the trees and wilderness that surrounded them, like the wild animal that resided inside of him. Her red fox could tell his bear was right below the surface, ready to take her like there was nothing he wanted to do more at the moment.

  The room was dark, and when he bumped into something and made a grunting noise she couldn’t help but laugh. The rough scrape of his stubble along her cheek had her laughter dying and her eyes rolling in the back of her head. The slight discomfort spurred her pleasure, and she wanted more.

  “I want it rough, Ford. I want to feel you on every part of my body.” A gasp left her when she felt his canines scrape along her shoulder. He growled, a true bear-like sound that had her tightening her thighs around his waist. His dick was hard between her thighs, hot and thick, and she wanted it inside of her now.

  “Fuck, Talia. What are you doing to me?” He sounded pained as he murmured against her neck. Was he having second thoughts? The feel of his jean-clad erection pressed between her thighs told her he was right there with her, but he sounded as though he was unsure. “I want this, but this is all new to me.”

  She gripped the sides of his face and lifted his head up. The room was shrouded in shadows, but she could see a lot of emotions passing across his face. The prominent one was this darkness that seemed to take over him, tightening his body and having a flash of self-hatred taking control. Her fox could sense it, and her human could as well, and that meant he wasn’t trying to conceal it, or he couldn’t control it.

  “I just want to feel you tonight.” Talia didn’t want to say the next part, but knew she had to make him realize that his fears of her wanting more, whether she actually did or didn’t, were unfounded. Just looking at him told her he wasn’t the type of guy to have something meaningful, not when he was clearly so hurt by his past. “I just want you to touch me. I’m not asking for anything more.” The sound that came from him was rugged, but she knew he wouldn’t deny either of them what was inevitable.

  “Shit.” The clouds of his inner turmoil passed along his face like a raging storm. She was set on the bed and watched with unleashed anticipation and arousal as he all but tore his own clothing from his body, tossed them aside, and grabbed a condom. His cock was huge, long, and thick. Even in the darkness she could see the tip dotted with a bead of pre-cum. The fact he was just as frantic for this as she was had a powerful surge of energy moving through her. He sheathed his massive erection, and for several long moments all he did was stare at her, spread out on his bed like some kind of offering. She knew what she looked like: her thighs spread out, her pussy on display, and her breasts thrust out.

  “Hell, Talia. I am going to take you so fucking hard.” He was staring between her thighs, and ran his hand over his mouth, like he was about to lose it. “Get on your belly, baby.”

  Her heart was thumping so damn hard it was almost impossible to hear him. When she was on her belly Ford gripped her ankles, yanked her roughly to the edge of the bed, and gripped her inner thighs right before he thrust them open. The tips of her toes touched the ground, and then he was ripping her panties from her body. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think as he slapped his palms on the mounds of her ass so hard the sting traveled up her back.

  “God, your fucking ass was made for my cock.” His words were so rough, so hoarse, that it was like he was more bear than man at this moment. He lifted his hand, and she only had a split second to realize what he was doing before he did it. He slapped her ass again, and again, and again, until the blood rushed violently to the surface. Ford alternated between her cheeks, and soon started working his erotic spanking down the back of her thighs. Never had Talia experienced this, but she couldn’t lie and say it didn’t make her wetter than anything before. The spankings seemed to go on and on, and Ford’s low, husky whispers seemed to fuel him on even more. “You skin is so fucking hot and red from my hands.” His lips replaced where he had just spanked her ass, and his tongue moved along her deliciously abused flesh as if washing the sting away.

  Cool air washed along the crease of her ass when he spread her cheeks open, and her heart stuttered in her chest when that chilled air was replaced with his warm, humid breath. Oh God, what was he going to do? She didn’t have time to question what he was doing because Ford’s tongue was moving along the slit of her pussy, over the opening of her body, and between the globes of her ass. At the first flick of his tongue and mouth over her anus she stiffened.

  “Shh, baby. I’m gonna make it feel so fucking good for you. Just surrender this part of yourself to me. Trust me.” He flattened his tongue and licked her again. “Just trust me to make you feel good.”

  She relaxed against the mattress and forced herself to just feel what he was doing, and not the idea of where his mouth was. This seemed taboo and unnatural, but then she just closed her eyes and let the rhythmic flicking and lapping motion of him against the area of her body no man had ever touched wash through. When she finally let go, surrendered to him and let herself enjoy what Ford was doing, a sense of euphoria filled her.

  “Yeah, that’s fucking it. Let go, Talia.” He curled his fingers into her ass, his claws digging into her flesh and causing a surge of pain to mix with the pleasure.

  He moved away from her far too soon, but before Talia could moan in her disappointment, Ford’s chest was pressed against her back, and his mouth was kissing a trail over her shoulder blades. The thick length of him pressed against the ridiculously soaked area between her thighs, and she spread her legs open wider, hoping he would take the hint and ease this torture. When he curled his hips forward his shaft parted her labia. A strangled groan left him, but was muffled against her back. He slowly started to thrust his hips forward, and although there was no penetration the motion of his cock rocking against her pussy had her clit swelling and the promise of orgasm swiftly approaching. Everything was done so precisely, so masterfully, that it was a fluid movement of his hips moving against hers. Slow, steady thrusting had her gushing in need for him, wanting him inside of her body already. The tip of his dick bumped her clit, over and over again until the promise of climax was right there. He didn’t stop, though, and instead moved harder, quicker, and then she was exploding so powerfully her vision clouded with pleasure. The gasping, strangled noises that filled the room were coming from her, but she couldn’t find humiliation in them. Ford grunted, cursed something foul, and then right before her pleasure diminished he was flipping her on her back, gripping her wrists in one of his hands, and thrusting them above her head. The muscles of his biceps bulged and stood in stark contrast. At that moment, as he stared down at her with an intense and wicked look on his face, she felt totally bared and vulnerable under him. Spreading his knees wider apart caused her thighs to open even further. With his free hand he took hold of the root of his dick, aligned it at the opening of her pussy, and, never breaking eye contact, shoved his dick hard and deep into her in one thrust. Mouth parting, eyes widening, and the sense of being completely filled had euphoria washing through her. She wasn’t a virgin, but she sure as hell felt like one. The pleasure/pain of having Ford buried inside of her was the most overpowering sensation Talia had ever felt.

  “Fuck, baby.” He groaned and closed his eyes. Hips jerking and pushing him impossibly further in her pussy, a
cry of ecstasy left her. She felt another massive orgasm building inside of her despite the one she had just seconds before. She curled her fingers into the palm of her hands, wishing she could hold onto him, and dig her nails into his flesh. “I’ve never felt anything so tight, or hot, or so damn good.” Sweat started to bead along his brow, and he grunted when she clenched her inner muscles around him. He started to slowly pull out of her pussy. Right before he slipped completely out Ford shoved back in, hard. Crying out from the agony and ecstasy the act caused, she knew that he had ruined her. In just two short strokes she would never be the same, and would always compare every other sexual experience with this one moment. She realized the fucked up nature of that, but when a male like Ford took control, and, lord was he taking control of her, nothing was ever the same.

  He started to thrust inside of her, filling her up and leaving her empty. Over and over he did this, bringing her to the edge of climax then denying her the end result. Talia wasn’t below begging for him to give it to her, to ease her suffering, but he was a sadist intent on torturing her with pleasure, and she was happy to claim the title of masochist.

  “God, I’m going to fuck you so good, Talia.” Shit, wasn’t he doing that already? He started slamming into her and retreating. In and out. In and out. He let go of her wrists and grabbed her hips to keep her stationary, and then Ford delivered on his promise to fuck her good. The root of his shaft rubbed along her clit every time he slammed back into her, sending her closer and closer to coming, but as if he knew what was about to happen and just when she would break over the edge he slowed, and the pleasure waned. It was a never-ending crescendo of torture, and she wanted it to end in the worst kind of way. Talia wanted to feel his dick swell even further inside of her, filling every available inch of her pussy until there was no part of her he wasn’t touching.

  She thrashed her head back and forth, braced her feet on the mattress, and lifted up to drive him deeper in her pussy. He growled deep in his throat, and pushed back until he was sitting on his haunches. He placed his hands on her inner thighs, and curled his fingers into her flesh until she felt the pain that would no doubt leave bruises. She wanted it, though, wanted his mark of ownership on her. That realization was shocking and intense.

  “Harder, Ford. God, fuck me harder.” The words spilled from her, and she was surprised by her own wantonness. The low rumble that came from his chest was so powerful it seemed, so loud, that the vibrations slammed into her core and had her clenching around him. He started slamming into her with so much force she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t grasp the severity of his ministrations, and couldn’t handle the thought of only doing this once. She forced her eyes to stay open and watch in rapt awe as Ford stared at where his cock was sliding in and out of her pussy.

  “Your cunt is so pink, wet, and stretched so tightly around my dick.” Sweat glistened off his body, and slid down the hard planes of his muscular abdomen. She wanted to sit up, run her tongue along each individual droplet until the flavor of him was embedded inside of her. He pressed his thumb against her clit, and she exploded instantly. Biting her lip and tasting blood when her teeth sliced into the tender flesh, she relished the flash of pain. He continued to rub the nub back and forth until she pleaded with him to stop, told him it was too much, too sensitive.

  In a move quicker than she could have ever anticipated Ford had her flipped over on her belly again, a pillow shoved under her hips, and had her ass popped out in the air. He palmed her ass, murmured how good she had tasted, and that he would never have enough. But his touch was gone, and before she could miss the feel of him he had his cock shoved back inside of her pussy. His hands on her hips were painful as he pulled out and pushed back in, but she met him thrust for thrust. Her inner fox bristled in excitement, and her claws unsheathed and tore into the mattress, shredding the sheets and having stuffing puffing out around her in a frenzied rush. The noises both of them made were guttural, animalistic, and raw. They were honest and true and full of so much wild emotion that she could see her fox emerging and letting this bear claim her. As strange as a coupling like that sounded, it also seemed so perfect and right.

  “Christ, Red.” The fact he called her the nickname she had heard only her closest loved ones say to her spread warmth in her chest. “I’m going to come, baby. Fuck, I’m to come so fucking hard.” It was just those erotic words that set off yet another orgasm inside of her, the third one in such a short time that it seemed unreal. Her inner muscles tightened involuntary and caused a loud, glass-breaking roar to leave him. He slammed into her three times, and when he bottomed out in her and came long and hard, she felt the world tilt. Talia actually felt him swell further inside of her, felt the pulsing of him emptying his balls into her body, and buried her face in the sheets as she cried out in ecstasy. It was an experience she had never felt before, one she would never forget. The sheets smelled like him, and she involuntarily clenched around him again, her body heating all over even though she had climaxed so hard. What was it about him that made her feel so off-balance? The heavy weight of his chest pressing against her back had the air leaving her. He got up from the bed and was gone for a few minutes, but she was too lethargic to move. When he returned he wrapped his thick arm around her waist and hauled her against his sweaty chest.

  “You’re not going anywhere, baby.” He kissed the top of her head, and the act seemed far more intimate than what they had just done. “That was ... holy fuck, I don’t even know how to explain it. I have never felt anything like that in my life.” The way he said the words seemed to mean something much deeper, but she didn’t question him or contemplate it. She would enjoy what time she had with him, because she, too, had never felt anything like what they had just shared.

  It wasn’t just about two people having sex. Her animal had risen to the surface, for the first time since she started having sex, and she had felt his bear right there as well. The touch of his claws on her skin, so close to breaking the surface of her flesh, had felt like a cataclysm of sensations. The scent of the predator that Ford was had been primal and carnal, feral and savage. He tightened his hold on her, and even though they had just got done having mind-blowing sex, he was still semi-hard. Being embraced by him had Talia feeling safe, protected, and had her drifting off in the warm, powerful embrace of this bear.

  Chapter Seven

  Ford lifted a piece of lumber over his shoulder and carried it over to the two story home Wylde construction was currently building. The development consisted of twenty-four houses in a three block radius, and they had three homes left to finish. It was hot, nearing ninety degrees, and all he could think about was Talia. It had been three days since he’d dropped her off at some boutique in town, per her request, and he couldn’t get the little red fox out of his head. The night he had spent with her had been raw and like nothing he had ever felt, not even with Mina. The darkness that had been so much a part of him for the last ten years had vanished the moment he touched her, kissed her, and buried himself deep inside of her. He couldn’t just have one night with her, not when she made him feel alive, and wanting more out of life than getting drunk and fucking nameless females. He wanted her and only her, and that revelation was a blow to the carefully erected wall he had built around himself. How had he fallen so hard for someone in just a short amount of time?

  His reaction to what was only supposed to be a one-night stand was not like him at all. Working constantly until he was exhausted hadn’t helped either. Although he wanted her, he was also scared shitless of what he was feeling. His bear was constantly on the prowl inside of him, growling and wanting to emerge and hunt her down like a predator finding its prey. Why he had this infatuation with a female that would be leaving Sweet Water was beyond him, and why did it hurt so damn bad at the thought of her going away? He thought back to Charlie and wondered if this was how he felt when he’d found Ary. He hadn’t spoken to his brothers about this, but maybe he should. Maybe then he could make sense of why he felt so
unbalanced. He thought fucking her that one time would ease this pressure inside of him, but it turned out it made him just want her that much more. He was a fiend when it came to Talia, and she was the only drug that could quench his insatiable addiction.

  He set the lumber against the side of the building and went back for more. Sometimes he stayed behind the scenes and worked with the architects on the blueprints, but the majority of the time he did manual labor, trying to wear his body and mind out so much he just passed out. But in just the three days since he met Talia he had needed more than just manual labor to help ease the frantic feeling inside of him. No amount of working tired him. In fact, he seemed even more wound up after a hard day’s work. It was as if he couldn’t control his bear, like the fucker wanted out to do whatever the hell it wanted to.

  “Hey, you okay, Ford?” Bram jogged up next to him. They both picked up a load of lumber and made their way back to the frame.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” He could sense Bram’s stare but didn’t bother looking over at his youngest brother. After setting the wood down next to the first load and wiping the sweat from his face, he finally looked at Bram. His brother sported a nasty looking black eye and a busted lip. “I should be asking you if you’re okay.”


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