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A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears)

Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  Talia was quiet for a very long time, but then she asked him the question he had been waiting for. “Do you still love her?” The raw pain in her voice cut him deep, and all he wanted to do was take it away.

  Shaking his head and clearing his throat because suddenly it had closed up, Ford wished she wasn’t so unsure. “No. I haven’t loved Mina since she told me she loved another man. That was over ten years ago, baby.” He didn’t dare reach for her in fear that she would reject him. Ford stared into her eyes, watched the emotions behind the tranquil blue depths, and finally decided to reach out and take her hand. “It took me a very long time to come to grips with everything, but I didn’t understand what living was until you walked into my life, spilled coffee and all.” Her smile was small, but it was there nonetheless. “Your personality throws me for a loop, and all I can picture is seeing us together years down the road. It’s okay if what I say scares you, because fuck, it scares the shit out of me, but at least tell me you feel the same crazy-ass need I do.”

  Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. She cleared her throat, and he let go of her hand, waiting for her response.

  It took her a minute to reply. “It’s crazy and doesn’t make any sense.” She dropped her gaze to her hands, which were bunched in her lap, and when she lifted her eyes back to his he held his breath. “I can’t think of leaving Sweet Water because that would mean leaving you, and that does funny, painful things to my chest. I trust my fox, and ever since meeting you it has told me to go to you. I have acted out of character, but I have come to realize that maybe I was just waiting for you to act like myself. I like being spontaneous with you, love that you don’t make me feel like I have to hide within myself, and couldn’t live with the fact of never seeing you again.”

  He couldn’t help the smile that grew wide across his face. Everything she just said made him so damn happy he knew his euphoria was probably choking her. “You are my mate, Talia. It’s fast, intense, and doesn’t make any sense, but hell, it feels so damn right. There isn’t anything on this planet that could tell me this isn’t what was supposed to happen.”

  With that he didn’t wait for her to say anything, just took hold of her face between both of his hands and kissed her until they were both panting. Resting his forehead against hers, he stared into her eyes. “All I can promise is that I am who I am. I have a tendency to start fights, to get drunk, and may even say some things that might piss you off. Despite all of those flaws, I can also promise I will never let anyone hurt you, that I will treat you with the respect you deserve, and that I will always be the male that will protect you.” He kissed her again, and again, and on the third time he pulled away. His lips were tender, but he would have kissed her until his lips were numb. “Do you understand what I am saying, Talia?”


  “You’re mine, and the human and bear in me won’t let you go.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Talia left the motel room the following day after spending the entire evening wrapped in Ford’s embrace. He left early that morning, telling her he would be at the construction site the majority of the day, but they were to meet up at one of the small bar and grills located right on the edge of town. She had to meet with Luke and tell him what she sensed from Mina. What her brother did with that information was up to him, but at least she wouldn’t feel as if she hadn’t just sat back when it was clear the woman still had feelings for another male.

  Twenty minutes later and she was pulling into the long driveway that led up to the massive estate that was owned by Mina’s parents. The yard was being manicured to perfection, pristine white tents were being set up, and equipment was being assembled for the wedding that would be held the following day. Every time she thought about her brother marrying Mina a knot formed in her belly, and her fox snarled in distaste. Talia could chalk it up to just not liking the woman, but knew it was so much more than that. How her brother put up with the constant bitching, demands, and overall snotty attitude was beyond her, but it was clear love did strange things to people. Talia just hoped Luke didn’t take offense when she told him the attraction she’d felt from Mina when Ford had come into the room. Just thinking about Mina and Ford together had a sour taste filling her mouth, and although it was so long ago and way before Talia was even in the picture, she couldn’t help but think about it

  She parked the car off to the side and made her way into the house. The foyer was an impressive combination of crystal, marble, and dark oak. The staff Mina’s family always seemed to have on hand bustled around, but it was the raised voice of Luke that had everything else drifting away. Following the noise to a small study at the end of a long hallway, she found her brother in a very heated discussion with Mina. Talia didn’t want to intrude on their private conversation, but when she went to turn and leave she heard Luke comment on how untrustworthy Mina was. Everything inside of Talia had stopped. Had Mina finally dug her own hole? Would it be Mina that ultimately ruined her own relationship with Luke?

  “I think you’re blowing this way out of proportion, Luke.”

  Talia’s interest was piqued, and she moved closer so she could see through the slightly open door. Mina sat on one of the leather chaises and appraised her nails. The unconcerned attitude came from her, and Talia gritted her teeth because she could feel Luke’s hurt and anger.

  “Blowing this out of proportion? Are you serious right now?” Luke paced the length of the room and came to a stop in front of her. It was clear his anger was clouding his other senses because he didn’t even realize Talia stood right on the other side of the door. “I have to hear from your gossiping friends that you were with another man only months ago?” Talia felt her eyes widen at the admission.

  “Luke, honey, that was two years ago. We had just started seeing each other, and it was far from serious.” Mina glanced up at Luke and gave him a sugary smile. “You know I love only you. The past should be just that, the past, honey.”

  Luke opened his mouth, most likely to let his anger spew forth in the form of words, but her brother didn’t say anything, and instead ran a hand over his mouth.

  “How am I to know you didn’t do the same at some point in our relationship?” Mina asked.

  “Are you fucking serious right now?”

  “Luke, watch your mouth in my parents’ home.” Mina stood and smoothed her hands down her too tight skirt. For someone who had supposedly come from such class, she looked pretty trashy at the moment. “Listen, the wedding is tomorrow, and you are acting like a lunatic. I don’t doubt the whole house can hear you right now.”

  Talia could feel her brother’s ire growing by the second and moved away from the door. Was there any need to even tell him about Ford? Before she could answer her own inner questions Luke started talking again.

  “You say you love me, yet I can smell your desire for another man coming off of you like a cheap fucking perfume.” Silence followed, and Talia knew this was not a time for her to speak with her brother. She headed out the same way she had come in, and just as she slipped back into her car she saw her brother storming out of the front doors. He stopped on the top step and shoved his hands in his front pockets. With his head downcast he looked like a broken male. Before she could get out of her car and go to comfort him, Luke glanced up at her. He made his way toward her in long strides, got into the passenger seat, and stared out the front windshield. Talia didn’t know what to say, so she just kept her mouth shut and waited for him to say something.

  “I know you were right outside the door and heard everything.”

  Talia kept her eyes trained ahead and watched as men and women in black and white attire moved back and forth in preparation. There was no accusation in Luke’s words. She shouldn’t have thought Luke was too upset to realize she was there. Nothing got by him.

  “I didn’t mean to spy or anything. I just came over to talk to you, and I should have left when I first realized you were in an argument with Mina.” He didn’t respond, and w
hen she looked at him she could see the muscle under his jaw ticking. “I’m sorry.” Talia didn’t know what else to say.

  “I’m not mad at you, Talia.” He looked over at her and smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Want to hang out with your older brother today?” Without responding, she nodded and started the car. She had plans to meet Ford later on tonight, so she headed over to the bar. It didn’t matter if she spent all day there with Luke. It was clear he needed to get away, and she was going to be the person to help him ease some of his pain.

  After they were at the bar and seated they spent the next several hours drinking beer and talking about everything that didn’t have to do with Mina. The sun was starting to set, and although he hadn’t broached the topic of Queen Bitch and whether or not the wedding would progress, it was something they would have to discuss. Her brother’s turmoil was a living entity, and she wanted him to unload his problems on her.

  “I know you don’t want to talk about it or you would have already, but Luke, you should get whatever you’re feeling off your chest.” She watched him, and although he stayed silent for several long moments his emotions were written clearly on his face. “If you really have second thoughts on marrying Mina, we should address them.”

  “It isn’t really your problem, Talia.” His words were clipped. He stared at her for several long seconds and then brought his beer to his mouth and took a long pull from the bottle.

  “This isn’t the first time she has done this to a guy.” By the look on his face this didn’t come as a surprise. “She did it with another guy more than ten years ago.” Again, he showed no emotion over this. “Luke, are you even hearing what I’m saying?”

  “Yeah, Talia, I’m not fucking deaf.” The sound of him using such crass words didn’t make her flinch, but it did sound strange coming from him. He never swore in front of her. “This isn’t news to me. Hell, it seems anywhere that I have gone in this fucking town someone was talking about Mina and her ex, whoever the fuck he is.” He leaned back in his seat and scrubbed his hand over his hair. “I don’t even care about that shit. That was before I came along.” He held her eyes, and she grew uncomfortable because it was clear he had other things on his mind. “How about we not talk about her and instead you tell me about this bear shifter.”

  Well, she certainly hadn’t planned on talking about this with him tonight. “What are you talking about?”

  He finished off his beer and gestured their waiter for another one. Talia looked down at her bottle and started picking at the label. He didn’t respond, just gave her that look that said “don’t play dumb”.

  “Okay, so you know I’m seeing someone.”

  “Yeah, I can smell him all over you, and can see his fucking mark on your neck.” Talia lifted her hand to the bite mark in question and felt the tender wound right under her fingertips. Surprisingly there was no anger laced with her brother’s words. “So you and that Ford guy, yeah? Damn, Talia and a bear … fucking crazy shit.” The waiter gave them a fresh round of beer, and Luke finished half of the new one in two drinks. “He’s the same one that is Mina’s ex.” It was a hard statement, one where she thought he might have been warning her about.

  “Yeah, I know, actually just found out yesterday when Mina’s arousal for him nearly choked the shit out of me in the café.” Luke nodded slowly, and she could smell his acceptance in all of this. Just looking at him told her that he was already aware of who Ford Wylde was, and what he had been to Mina.

  “Yeah, I found out about his connection to Mina when she started talking about him today and her lust was off the charts.” Luke shook his head and all she wanted to do was go and comfort him, but he was drinking heavily, and needed his space no doubt. She didn’t bother telling him he needed to go easy on the alcohol. Her brother hardly drank, but it was times like these some people just needed a little something to help numb the pain. They didn’t speak for several more moments, but finally Luke went on.

  “He claimed you pretty hard, Talia. You do realize that, right?” He leaned back in his seat, and although it was bizarre talking about this with her brother, it also felt right to discuss something so serious and important with him.

  “Yeah.” She cleared her throat and took a small sip of her beer. She’d had only two prior to the one she was drinking now, so she was pretty clear on her thinking, but looking at her brother she could see he was three sheets to the wind. “I care about him, a lot. I don’t want to leave Sweet Water.” Luke showed no reaction, and she was surprised.

  “Even if you ran it’s clear the bear would chase after you. No shifter male will let their mate go once they find them.”

  “Is Mina your mate?” She hated asking him, but there really wasn’t a good time for that anyway.

  “No, but it isn’t like I’m getting any younger. A shifter doesn’t always find his mate, and I didn’t want to be alone with the hopes she might show up. That’s not to say I didn’t care about Mina, because I did. She was sweet in the beginning, but I never felt the urge to mark her, and that had always left an empty feeling inside of me.” He gave a humorless laugh. “I guess I should have known right then when my cougar didn’t feel the need to claim her.” He ran a hand over his face, and the devastation on his face broke her heart. She could kill Mina for the pain she caused in Ford and now in Luke. He looked around the bar, but his gaze was emotionless. “It’s strange to see all these people going on with their lives as if they don’t have a care in the world, but here I am heartbroken, knowing I have no future with her.”

  “But isn’t it best that way?” Talia didn’t want to rub salt in the wound, but he had to know he was better off without her.

  “Yeah, it is, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt like hell.” He stared at her and chuckled humorlessly again. “Here I am, with everything I could possibly want, and yet I can’t have the one thing I ache for.” He didn’t need to say “a mate” for her to know what he meant. “The wedding’s off if you haven’t already figured that out.” He finished off his beer and snagged the waitress’s attention as she passed by. “It wasn’t just what you heard today that made everything come to light, though. I have always had this feeling that being with her wasn’t the right thing to do, but I was a fool to be ignorant of the way she treated me and others.” He lowered his gaze so he was looking at the table. “I should have broken it off with her a long time ago.” He smiled even though he didn’t look up at her. “I’ll tell you what, there are going to be a lot of pissed off people when they find out the wedding is off.” Talia’s heart broke even more for her brother, because although he tried to act strong, there wasn’t an emotion that could be hidden from her. Instead of saying anything more about that she got up and gave him a hug. They might be adults, but even her big brother needed a hug every once in a while.

  They sat there for a while longer, and Luke continued to drink with no end in sight. Her back was to the front doors so she couldn’t see him enter, but instantly she sensed Ford. He smelled crisp and clean with a hint of citrus and wilderness mixed together.

  “I don’t need to tell you your bear just arrived.” Right after Luke spoke he finished off his beer and stood. Talia’s heart raced as she thought Luke might start trouble, so she quickly turned around and headed toward Ford, but was surprised to see him already beside her. Talia meant to place herself between the male she had grown to care about so strongly and her older brother, but apparently Ford wasn’t having any of that since he took hold of her waist and moved her behind him. His wide, muscular back took up her entire view, and she tried to move around him but it was no use. He reached around and stilled her actions with a firm, yet gentle, hand to her hip.

  “Calm down, Talia. I’m not about to get into a brawl with your mate,” Luke said with a slur in his words.

  Ford tensed, but she didn’t scent any discomfort over the situation from him. She also didn’t sense any anger. There was only the deep rooted need to protect her, and Talia would be lyi
ng if she said she didn’t melt at that very idea.

  “I just want to tell him that you are very special to me, and if he hurts you in any way I’ll make sure to hunt him down and break every one of his bones.”

  Ford was still tense in front of her, and for a moment she thought things would get violent. In just the short amount of time she had been in Ford’s presence, Talia knew Ford Wylde was not a shifter to mess with, but then again Luke Landon was also powerful in his own right. Looking around Ford’s massive bicep she could see the two males staring each other down. It was so tense between them, but then again a glance around the bar showed no one paid them much attention.

  “Yeah, I understand, but know this,” Ford curled his fingers just slightly on her hip. “I will protect your sister with my last breath. She isn’t just my mate, she is my everything.” Nothing more was said, but she saw the subtle nod each male gave the other, and let out the breath she was holding. “Now, maybe I could join you two for a beer?” Luke nodded again, turned and gestured for three beers, before turning back toward them.

  “I’m Luke, by the way. We didn’t really get proper introductions the last time we met.”

  “True.” They shook hands in the quick way men usually did, and just like that there was no more tension. Maybe it was because Luke was drunk, but his easy acceptance of her relationship with Ford shocked her. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t pleased beyond belief. They spent the next our drinking, talking, and actually laughing. To see her brother smile, despite what he was going through, had Talia feeling so much better. The night was closing in, and she could see it was time for her to take Luke home. He was far too drunk to even speak in full sentences, and that broke her heart all over again.


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