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The Tentacle Awakens

Page 26

by J. J. Pavlov

  I've also started to read the book that Arcelia gave me. Well, it's just like the holy scriptures of some prim and proper religion. It begins with a genesis story - which I skipped. Then there's the mention of a prophet - which I skipped, too. A section has a moral compass, which I bookmarked since it might become useful for future reference, to understand the values by which humans of this world live.

  And then there's the list of light magic spells and their incantations. Some have really vague effects, such as 'granting vitality', 'strengthening the mind' and 'increasing resistance to the dark arts'. I would interpret the last one to be a buff to dark magic resistance, but I don't know how this world's resistances work. I doubt it's a game of rock-paper-scissors of elements since that only exists in video games. Reality is quite a bit more complex than that.

  But there are also some really useful-sounding ones, like 'Libera Animar'. Apparently, it's a very simple incantation that's used on corpses to make sure they don't turn undead. Furthermore, it can also be chanted against the most basic types the undead, such as zombies and skeletons, to free their souls and turn their bodies to ash.

  First things first, there are undead in this world. I inadvertently looked at Senka when I got to that part. And it even mentions types of undead, which implies that there must be the weak rabble kind and powerful ones like liches.

  Secondly, it seems like the people of this world have figured out the secrets of the human soul, something my previous world couldn't, even with all the scientific knowledge they possessed. I guess magic allows for a broader view of things?

  Thirdly, magic does indeed use a language that's about as different as from the everyday spoken one English does from Japanese.

  In the book, there's another spell that caught my eye. It has a three-word incantation, 'Hasta de Lumin', which summons a spear of light to strike one's enemies. It doesn't specify how big or how fast it would be, or how powerful it is. Guess I'll have to try it out eventually.

  Ultimately, I don't discover any mention of a mana system or the likes, so I guess this means the magic of this world doesn't use it. That also means whoever has access to knowledge of the most powerful spells is at a clear advantage - and those who can chant quickly, too. Isn't that quite unbalanced and unfair?

  In other words, Luna's magic seems quite powerful, but her cast speed is way too low. She should level a little more and put some points into that. In other words, practice to speak faster in the arcane magic language.

  "Mahkotoh?" As always, it's Kamii who pulls me out of my thoughts and back into the present.

  "Hm?" I make and turn to her.

  "Waiting." She points with her giant pincer and the men standing in line to be healed by me flinch at her gesture. The cursed arm is of a bright red and has an appearance that suggests violence and pain. Even without the stigma of curses, people would feel uneasy when being pointed at by such a dangerous-looking thing.

  "Oh, sorry." I look up to the customer at the front and find that it's the same guy that came by this morning. This time, he has a small cut on the back of his hand, which doesn't even seem to need any medical attention, let alone healing magic.

  It's the typical pattern. Since I would be considered quite beautiful by this world's standards - women here aren't usually this fair-skinned and slender, and their hair is much rougher than mine - the men are coming to be coddled by me. I've already shot down a few who tried to court me, too.

  The second one in line is Arni, the ranger who was on perimeter watch with his party during the raid on the slave base. There's a bleeding streak across his forearm, which is most likely the result of a snapped bowstring. But it's already happened three times in the past five days, so I can't help but feel that he's doing it on purpose.

  "Arni, what will your wife say about coming to visit me all the time?" I deliberately use a seductive tone, and he goes pale.

  "H-how do you know about my wife?" He never told me himself, but I heard from other adventurers gossiping, that this guy has a wife and an eight-year-old daughter.

  "Hehe, she got you there, Arni." Another guy in line speaks in a gleeful tone, and everyone begins to laugh. I allow myself to join in on the light-hearted fun, never forgetting that any of those could try to kill me anytime if they knew I was a demon. Maou-mama's teachings continue to echo in my mind in regards to human nature.

  But I'd prefer they never found out so that these days can continue for the time being. I'm not too keen on seeing their smiling faces of trust change to hatred when they learn about my secret; when they base their opinion about me on my race rather than who I really am.

  When I finish up the line that has formed since the morning and find that nobody else is coming at the moment, I stretch my arms and yawn. It's not like this job is particularly tiring, but sitting around all day gets boring quickly. Kamii is always by my side, but Daica has been running some errands for Ingrid the past two days, as well as setting up a workshop in one of the guild's empty storerooms. She's preparing to create ointments and potions for the guild store since the regular supplier seems to have gone out of business after a fire devastated his warehouse and all the stocks inside it.

  In other words, she will begin contributing to the family quite soon, which only leaves the little dark elf as a freeloader. Not that I would make her work, though.

  Since I have some time now, I go and take a look at the quest board. It's basically just window-shopping since I can't take on any job without the full party around; it would be suspicious if I were to succeed in a subjugation quest with just Daica and Kamii. And I don't want to do any of the boring-sounding escort quests or the clichéd gathering quests.

  The majority of posted notes are of the latter two types anyway. They're about guarding merchants on their ways to nearby towns and cities or following around a herbalist as they go into the forest to procure rare ingredients. Generally, there aren't many subjugation quests available, since corruption isn't as widespread as one might think and there are no such things as giant supernatural monsters like the ones found on the Dark Continent. If it's normal wild animals, they can be taken care of by local hunters.

  By the way, the obligatory lost pet retrieval quests exist, too. That's a staple of any beginner adventurer's job, huh?

  The interesting part is that there are no difficulty levels specifically written out on any of them, unlike in fantasy game quest systems. Everyone is to judge their own abilities to see whether they're capable of doing it or not.

  Today, a rather large quest is posted on the center of the board. Not just its size but its name immediately catches my eye: Annual Cemetery Clearing. And there's something like a difficulty level for it, too; it says that only an experienced party with enchanted weapons, preferably including a fire mage, should attempt this quest. At least a hundred undead are expected.

  Wait, isn't that the perfect opportunity to test these light magic spells?

  Coincidence? I think not!

  "Ignis." I mutter, and a tiny flame appears in my palm. I cup it so nobody else sees what I'm doing since I shouldn't openly show off magic capabilities that I haven't officially learned; I know the incantation from hearing Luna speaking it. In case the light magic I only learned from the book fails, I can still use some fire. I grasp the flame, and it's extinguished without burning my skin.

  "Anything caught your eye, missy?" I hear Gram's voice from behind me and turn around. He and the bard seem to have returned from whatever job they were working on, but the others aren't back, yet.

  "I'm really interested in this Annual Cemetery Clearing request." I'll see if I can move these two to come along as an alibi; I can always act like I need their help, and then we could retreat, if it gets too dangerous for just the human me.

  "Ah, it's that time again, huh? I hear it's quite dangerous." He laughs nervously and looks at the posted quest.

  It actually sounds like the first dungeon one is sent to in action RPGs. The bosses in those kinds of games are alw
ays just a slightly stronger version of the mobs that run around the map, and it can be completed with the basic equipment and only the starter skill. Is something like that really considered difficult for humans?

  I might just be getting ahead of myself with game knowledge here, though.

  "Do you think we could do it with just the three of us?" I look up to the big man to gauge his opinion of the bard. I think he's quite useless in battle since he's just an average ranger who uses a crossbow with pretty long reload times, rather than a proper fantasy world bard. Although he has a pretty good singing voice and plays the lute well, there's no hint of his songs being able to give buffs or the likes.

  "I don't think so. We don't have anyone who can decisively strike them down. Both the leader and Runa aren't here, after all." Gram scratches his chin and points at the quest requirements, specifically the part about needing a fire mage.

  Fufufu, you have a cleric right here though!

  "You forget I can use light magic, and the Scripture of Belys has taught me spells to combat the undead with." I hold up the small book Arcelia gave me.

  "Haha, don't overestimate yourself, missy." Laughing, the big man waves my argument off. Ah, of course, he would react this way. "You only just started on this path a less than a moon ago. It took Runa many years to achieve her level of mastery, and that girl has frightening talent."

  Fair enough. It means he needs a demonstration then.

  "Hasta de Lumin!" I chant out loud, and light gathers above me, shaping itself into an oblong, spear-like form. Gram's eyes widen at the sight.

  It worked!

  Wait, what do I do with this now? How do I fire it? Maybe I need to grab it and physically throw it? No, that doesn't seem right. Even the double fire affinity mage didn't actually touch his balls of fire and only gestured with his palm. Must be like people with telekinetic powers who point their fingers to focus better.

  So, I do the same, pointing my hand and willing it to move in a specific direction. Luckily, there's a perfect target: An actual target board, hanging at one end of the guild hall, which appears to be used for playing darts.

  With a thought, I let go of the spirit spear. It shoots through the air, faster than Gram's eyes can follow, and hits the target dead center. The whole board is blasted into pieces, and a small sizzling crater is left in the stone wall behind it. Everyone in the guild hall spins their heads around upon hearing the explosion and stare with their mouths open, alternating their gazes between the wall and me.

  What's with this destructive power, oi! This only requires three words to chant! Luna's laser spell has a much longer incantation, but it feels like the power is on a similar level.

  But for now, I need to put on a poker-face.

  "I believe I'm not overestimating myself." I think that might have been too haughty. This is the first time I cast that spell, after all. Thus, I quickly change my approach and look at Gram with upturned eyes; I'm sure this will melt anyone's heart. "Come on, let's try this request."

  "Well, the leader and Runa are going to return soon, so we could just go with them..." He avoids my gaze and turns away shyly. That means it was effective!

  "Actually, the leader and Runa will retire to the tavern after their request today, since they need to leave for the next one very early tomorrow." The bard has been listening all this time and finally decides to join the conversation.

  "Ah..." Staring at the bard with an expression that suggests the latter spoke too much, Gram sighs. He knew about it, huh? Basically, he was trying to find an excuse not to go on this quest.

  "The big man is actually afraid of the undead." The bard reveals casually and grins mischievously.

  What, really?

  I spin around to look at Gram in disbelief, and he averts his gaze while scratching his nose in embarrassment. Well, at least it's not associated with a past trauma, or his reaction would have been different.

  "He was told many stories in his childhood and has never faced those fears. There are not many opportunities normally, and we have usually been absent during the season when the annual clearing takes place." Shrugging, the bard explains the reason for the big man's fear.

  "The clearing usually takes at least two groups to complete. It's not something we could finish on our own within the day." Even now, the big man still tries to wiggle his way out. I have a feeling that we could do it when we use my powerful magic.

  "Let's go!" I say with resolution and pull the quest off the board, to bring it to the front desk. I'm taking the position of the leader during the actual leader's absence since neither Gram nor the bard seems to be the decisive type.

  "Excuse me, but we cannot let a beginner take this dangerous request." The receptionist knows that I'm only a newbie, so it's only natural that she wouldn't let me do this quest. But did she not see my magic just now? Do I have to demonstrate it to her again?

  "Everyone!" Ingrid's voice echoes through the guild hall, and all heads turn to its source. She's standing in the gallery, looking down into the main hall with an alarmed expression. When she has everybody's attention, she begins to explain. "I got word from the capital. The alliance army was wiped out. Third Prince Ulterius and Queen Lillian are dead."

  Oh, if those two are who I think they are, then those are pretty old news.

  "Just like last time, the demon queen has announced a retaliatory strike through the ancient transportation network. We have to suspend any further requests and call back everyone." Her voice has a grim undertone, as she announces her decision.

  Wait, no, don't do that! I was just about to go do the Annual Cemetery Clearing quest!

  "Their forces could strike anywhere." The bard mutters with a thoughtful expression. It actually seems like this is a tense situation. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like if Maou-mama were to suddenly appear at the gates of this city and decide to attack. I mean, everyone here is so weak compared to even me, and I'm sure she's far more powerful than I am.

  Either way, this is the scenario Rolan subconsciously wished for, when he talked about his plans for the future. Now that the alliance army was wiped out, he still has a shot at taking down the demon queen.

  Rejoice, Rolan Helt. Your wish will finally come true.

  The guild is on high alert, and more and more people begin to gather in the main hall as the news spread among the adventurers and spill into the city itself. Gram and the bard left to get Rolan and Luna. In the meantime, Ingrid returned inside her office to prepare for her official announcement.

  I doubt this city will be so lucky to see the armies of my mother coming through here. I mean, while it may be a city, it's nowhere near the size of the demon capital. There's absolutely no reason for her to strike such a remote place in retaliation when the capital still stands. But if she did come here, I don't know what I should do at that time.

  "Hm..." I look down at Senka and hug her tight. I lower my mouth to her ear and whisper as quietly as possible since I don't want to risk anyone else overhearing our conversation. "What should we do, if my mother comes here?"

  She already knows that I'm the demon queen's child, so she understands it when I put things that way. Kamii is listening as well, but I haven't told her that I'm a demon, yet. I'll leave that for a more opportune timing than right now.

  "That's up to you. You have a deadline for returning to the castle, not returning to her side." She replies without moving her lips, and I see Kamii watching us. I put a finger to my lips to signal her that she shouldn't react to our conversation too obviously, and she nods. Such a good girl~

  But Senka is right. I doubt Maou-mama would lose against the humans here, so I don't think I'll have to rally to her side at that time. I should just run away with the current party to keep up appearances; after all, I still want to see more of the human world and attend the magic academy in the capital.

  "I doubt she will, though. There are many better transportation network points in this world where she could strike. And the thing is
, she will most likely not come herself." Senka brings up this fair point. She's right, why would Maou-mama come here, of all places?

  "Mahkotoh?" Kamii suddenly makes, and I turn to her, to find that she's giving me a jealous look because I'm cuddling with Senka so closely. She's been doing this quite a lot when I would lose myself in conversation with the doll girl. But this time, there's also unease in her eyes. Our hectic surroundings are signaling to her that something bad is going on.

  "Everything's alright, Kamii." I pet her hair, and she snuggles into my side. "I'm here for you."

  Soon, the entire guild hall is filled with people who have been called back. Among them, I spot the ones that were around for the slavers' hideout raid, including Inga's, Arni's and Halfdan's parties. I'm with my own party, of whom everybody has assembled now. The gathered people are anxiously waiting for Ingrid to explain the situation in greater detail.

  Finally, she comes out of her room on the second floor and stands on the gallery where everyone can see her. An aide is by her side, carrying a small stack of documents that must contain some of the information she's going to share with everyone now.

  "I received a message through the Guild Network that a single survivor from the alliance army returned to Pontis Daemonis. He had been tortured for more than a moon, and then set free with a message carved into his flesh." In a grave tone, she picks up a sheet of paper from the stack and reads from it while speaking. "The message announced that the demon army would perform a retaliatory strike within a set period of time. According to the time it took for this message to reach here, we have calculated that the deadline will pass sometime within this waxing fortnight."

  Nervous murmurs grow loud in the hall, and I can see many scared faces.

  "I don't think the demon army will hit us here, but just in case, I want everyone to prepare for an attack." Raising her volume to regain the audience's attention, Ingrid speaks with a firm and reassuring voice.

  "The alliance army numbered six hundred thousand... and they were completely wiped out?"


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