Fatal Discord
Page 125
on predestination, 759
return to Bretten, 600
on serfdom, 662
summary of beliefs, 726
Torgau Articles, 726, 727–728
Zwickau Prophets, 530–532
Zwilling and, 499, 537
Melanchthon-Gymnasium (Nuremberg), 710
Memmingen (Germany), 630, 631
Menno Simons, 741
Mennonites, 741
Merkel, Angela, 802
Merseburg (Germany), 444
Messina, Antonello da, 95
Metaphysics (Aristotle), 62, 81, 803
Methodism, 221, 818–819
Methodist Articles of Reform, 734
Metsys (or Massys), Quentin, 290
Metternich (count), 808
Metzler, George, 636
Michael of Cesena, 79
Michelangelo, Pope Julius II and, 155–156
Middleton, Alice, 204
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” (hymn), 593
Miltitz, Karl von, 342–344, 427, 428
The Miracle-Working Word (Reuchlin), 177, 177–178
Mirror of the Jews (Pfefferkorn), 179
The Misuse of the Mass (Luther), 502
Mochau, Anna von, 531
Mohács (Hungary), 704
Monachopornomachia, 669
monastic life
Erasmus on, 322, 711, 757
Luther on, 503–505
Zwilling on, 498, 501
Monica (mother of Augustine), 129
monks, 117
Moody, Dwight L., 820
Moralia (Plutarch), 208
morality, breakdown in, 706–707
Moravians, 804–805, 817
More, Thomas
Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer, 749
death of, 750–751
Dialogue Concerning Heresies, 743–744
Erasmus and, 70–71, 87, 140–141, 142, 161, 192, 204, 261, 293, 299, 318, 405, 482, 486–487, 693, 694, 712
Henry VIII and, 750
Lord Chancellor of England, 743
Luther and, 582, 692–693
portrait by Holbein, 694
Responsio ad Lutherum, 583
Utopia, 257, 259–260, 299, 323, 583–584
Morillon, Guy, 293, 679
Mosellanus, Petrus, 360
Mountjoy, Lord (William Blount), 69, 70, 71, 114, 159–160, 241, 688
Mühlhausen (Germany), 614–615, 638, 655, 656
Mühlpfort, Hermann, 662
Müller, Hans, 620, 634, 649
“Munich academy”, 80
Müntzer, Thomas, 533–534, 595, 596, 611, 612, 614–615, 638, 641, 653, 654, 659, 660, 663, 809
Museum of the Bible (Washington, DC), 816
Anabaptist practice, 742
congregational singing in Lutheranism, 593
Meistersinger, 566–567
Muslims, 62, 214, 773–774
Musurus, Marcus, 272
Myconius, Oswald, 756
National Socialists (Germany), 811
nature of man
Erasmus on, 712
Luther on, 238, 269
Nazi Germany, 796, 811–812
Neoplatonists, 131
Netherlands, 7–8, 545, 790, 801, 802
New Testament
about, xii, 97, 102
“Codex Brittanicus,” 476
“Codex Montfortianus,” 476
comma Johanneum, 251, 298, 381, 383, 475–476
critiques and objections to Erasmus’ Vulgate translation, 246–247, 261–263
December Testament, 554
English translation of, 688–692
Erasmus’ annotations to, 249–250, 279, 280–281
Erasmus’ translations of, xii, 243–245, 247–256, 319–320, 324–326, 354, 374, 443, 475, 556, 695, 755
Luther’s prefaces for books of, 552–553
Luther’s ranking of books of, 553
Luther’s translation into German, 523–524, 525–529, 538, 548, 552, 554–555, 576–577
old manuscripts of, 294
Pauline epistles, 132, 218–222, 230–233, 241
September Testament, 554, 556
Textus Receptus, 262
Tyndale’s translation into English, 688–691, 743, 745–746, 751
Das Newe Testament Deutzsch, 554
Nicholas of Lyra, 173, 441
Nicholas V (pope), 43, 44
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 81–82, 190
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 555
Nimbschen Convent, 578
Ninety-Five Theses (Luther), x, 49, 281–285, 299, 300, 302, 327, 346, 807, 810, 813
nocturnal emissions, 223, 493, 504
Norway, Protestantism in, 763
Novum Instrumentum (Erasmus), 255–256, 260–261, 264, 327
nuns, who left the convent, 578–579, 592, 625, 666
Nuremberg (Germany), 565, 566, 635, 710
Nuremberg truce, 759
Nusquama (More), 257
The Obedience of a Christian Man (Tyndale), 746–747
Obelisks (Eck), 303
Observants, 162
Ochsenfurt (Germany), 656
Ockham, William of, 78–81, 279
Ockhamists, 78, 80
Ockham’s razor, 78
octavo editions, 147
Oecolampadius, Johannes, 253, 323, 558–559, 579–580, 589, 606, 679, 680, 681, 713, 716, 723, 724, 743
Old Testament
Augustine and, 130
Erasmus and, 184
Luther’s translation, 577, 754
translation from Hebrew into English, xii, 743, 745–746
translation from Hebrew into Latin, 105–106
Omnis utriusque sexus (papal canon), 52, 494
On Confession: Whether the Pope Has the Power to Require It (Luther), 494
On First Principles (Origen), 590
On Mending the Peace of the Church (Erasmus), 753
On Monastic Vows (Luther), 503, 504–505, 618
On the Choice and Freedom of Food (Zwingli), 518
On the Falsely Believed and Fictitious Donation of Constantine (Valla), 44
On the Jews and Their Lies (Luther), 775, 776, 777, 814
On the Power of the Pope (Cajetan), 333
“On the Restoration of Christian Philosophy” (papal encyclical), 64
On the Revolution of the Heavenly Spheres (Copernicus), xii
On the Spirit and the Letter (St. Augustine), 219
“On the Troubles of Old Age” (Erasmus), 143
On War Against the Turks (Luther), 773
An Open Letter on the Harsh Book Against the Peasants (Luther), 660–661
Open Letter to Leo X (Luther), 430–432
Oporin, Johannes, 774
Organon (Aristotle), 60, 62
Origen, 93, 111, 297, 590
original sin, 136, 250, 263, 687
Orlamünde (Germany), 593, 611, 614, 738
Orosius, 134
Osiander, Andreas, 566, 569, 635
Osteen, Joel, 820
Oswald, John, 538
Ottoman Empire, 563
Ottoman wars, 312–313, 333, 704, 730
Our Lady of Walsingham (shrine), 687
Pace, Richard, 299, 477–478
Padua (Italy), 150
paganism, Augustine on, 135
pamphlets, 304, 352, 447–448, 478, 524, 596, 618
“Pandora’s box,” origin of saying, 89
Avignon, 13–14
Babylonian Captivity, 14
challenged by Ockham, 80
financial state of, 157–158, 275, 312
insurrections led by cardinals against (1517), 311–312
Luther and, 343, 344, 392, 394, 395
Luther’s reform program for, 395–397
papal supremacy, 438
Roman exploitation of German people, 395
“papal months,” 158
Pappenheim, Ulrich von, 454, 455
sp; Paraclesis (Erasmus), 254–255, 393, 523, 533, 598, 647, 689
Parallel Lives (Plutarch), 208
Paris (France), 57
Paris Bible, 110
Passional Christi und Antichristi (Cranach), 451
Pastor, Ludwig, 795
Patricius (father of Augustine), 129
Paul (apostle)
about, 222–230, 475
Colet on, 72, 235
doubt and self-loathing, 224–225
end of life, 234
Epistle to the Corinthians, 229
Epistle to the Galatians, 267, 278, 345
Epistle to the Romans, 132, 218–222, 230–233, 241, 290–291, 554
Erasmus and, 235
health of, 224
life of, 222–230
Luther and, 222
missionary journeys, 225–230
personality of, 224
philosophy of, 233–235
on salvation, 231
on sin, 231
Paul III (pope), 777
Paul IV (pope), 784–785
peace, Erasmus on, 291
Peace of Augsburg (1555), 802
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 789, 803
The Peasant War in Germany (Engels), 533
Luther on, 651–652, 660, 661, 663
Reformation and, 663
Peasants’ War (Germany), 632–644, 645–646, 648–660, 663–664, 691, 808, 811
Pelagianism, 134, 137–138, 298, 674
Pelagius, 133–135, 137, 266
Pellicanus, Conradus, 589, 680
penance, 51–52, 54, 55, 138, 171, 281–282, 310, 425
Pentecostal movement, 801
Peter (disciple), 222, 225
Petrarch, Francesco, 34–42, 166, 703
Petri, Adam, 556
Petzensteiner, Johann, 451, 467
Pfefferkorn, Johannes, 179, 181–182, 184–185, 412
Pfeiffer, Heinrich, 615, 638, 655
Philip of Hesse (prince), 436, 652, 709, 722, 723, 735, 763
Philip the Handsome, 391, 402
Phillip II (king of Spain), 787
Phillips, Henry, 751
Pia Desideria (Spener), 803
Pico della Mirandola, Gianfrancesco, 311
Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni, 177, 333
Pietism, 804–805, 808, 817
piety, Erasmus on, 113
“A Pilgrimage for Religion’s Sake” (Erasmus), 687
Pirckheimer, Willibald, 256, 382, 385, 509, 566, 569, 606, 648, 715
Pius IX (pope), 67
plague (Black Death), 11–12, 19, 25–26, 82–83, 90, 267, 298, 412, 517, 563, 698, 703, 706
The Planed-Down Eck, 371
Plato, 111
Plautus, 84, 99
Plutarch, 207–208
Poetics (Aristotle), 81
Poland, Jews and, 186
Politics (Aristotle), 81
Poliziano, Angelo, 272
polygamy, 763
Pomponazzi, Pietro, 333
Ponticianus, 131
pope, authority of, 362, 369–370, 422
poverty, Catholic Church on, 79
“The Prague Manifesto” (Müntzer), 595–596
Praise of Folly (Moriae Encomium) (Erasmus), xi, 51, 142, 193–197, 204, 241, 243, 246, 247, 261, 290, 417, 521, 785, 794
Praiseworthy Order of the Princely Town of Wittenberg, 536
prayer, friars, 119
Calvin on, xiv, 766, 767
Melanchthon on, 759
Paul on, 239–240
Wesley on, 817–818
Prierias, Sylvester, 314, 315, 327
authority of, 422
clerical celibacy, 104, 320, 495, 497, 503, 504
Luther on, 423–424, 502–503, 598
ordination of, 423–424
role of, 54–55
The Prince (Machiavelli), 258–259
print shops, 146–148
printing press, 183, 197
Priscilla (early convert), 227
Pro Archia (Cicero), 37
Probst, Jacob, 444, 545
The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (Weber), xiv
birth of, 722
charter document of, 421
liberal Protestantism, 806, 809
number of adherents worldwide, 801, 814
in Scandinavia, 752–753
Troeltsch on, 809
in the United States, 814–821
world-wide empire, 814
Prussia, wars of liberation, 807
Erasmus and, 92
Luther on, 172–176, 187, 189–191, 219, 237, 300
recitation of, 119, 121, 125
Psalterium iuxta Hebraeos (Jerome), 174
punishment, in Christianity, 53–54
Purgatorio (Dante), 53
purgatory, 53, 54
Puritans, xiv
quadrivium, 77
quarto editions, 147
Queen’s College (University of Cambridge), 206–207
Querela Pacis (“A Complaint of Peace”) (Erasmus), 291, 794
Quincuplex Psalterium (Lefèvre d’Étaples), 174, 295
Rabelais, François, 201, 736
Raphael, 155, 274, 313
Ratio Verae Theologiae (“True Theological Method”) (Erasmus), 325–326
Rattenberg (Austria), 626
Raymond (Archbishop of Toledo), 62
Reasons Why Andreas Karlstadt Remained Silent for a Time (Karlstadt), 595
about, xi, 514, 521
Anabaptists, 663, 737–741
anti-intellectualism following, 597
Calvinism, xiv–xv, 772
in central Germany, 762
change process, 525
Christmas Day communion, 530–531
Confessio Augustana (Augsburg Confession), 731–733, 734
Diet of Augsberg (1530), 725, 726
Diet of Speyer, 709, 722–723
early history of, 570, 572
early years in Wittenberg, 531–537
English Reformation, 686
expropriation of Church property, 709, 735
in Germany, 569–570, 610, 663, 709–710, 762
growth of, 709–710, 762
in Hanseatic cities, 710
insurrection against papists, 522–524
Marburg Colloquy, 723–724
peasants and, 663
Praiseworthy Order of the Princely Town of Wittenberg, 536
in Scandinavia, 752–753
Swiss Reformation, 514–519, 558–559, 593, 713–715, 725, 743
worship service entirely in German, 596
Zwickau Prophets, 530–532
Reformation Parliament (England), 747
Reformed movement, 772, 773, 801
Rehnquist, William, 814
Reichstag, 436, 440
Albrecht of Mainz, 284, 505–506, 525
in churches, 12–13, 501
in Counter-Reformation, 785
Frederick the Elector, 267–268
Religion Within the Limits of Reason Alone (Kant), 676, 806
Erasmus, xi, 34
German Renaissance, 565
Pope Leo X, 272
Responsio ad Lutherum (More), 583
The Restitution of Christianity (Servetus), 769
Reublin, Wilhelm, 519–520
Reuchlin, Johannes
about, 316, 348, 586
Adrianus and, 294
Augenspiegel (“Eye Glasses”), 182, 183
in Brussels, 294
De Rudimentis Hebraicis, 175
Defense of Johannes Reuchlin Against the Cologne Slanderers, 182
Erasmus and, 245, 586
heresy charges against, 182, 183
Hoogstraten, 375–376
Hutten and, 377
life of, 176�
Luther and, 443
The Miracle-Working Word, 177
study of Hebrew, 176, 177, 178, 181, 185
University of Wittenberg, 328, 347
Revolt of the Comuneros, 403
Rhau-Grunenberg, Johann, 169, 173, 218, 283, 304, 341, 548, 706
Rhenanus, Beatus, 245, 290, 306, 323, 324
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 81
Riario, Raffaele (cardinal), 152, 154, 310, 421
Richard II (King of England), 364
Richard III (King of England), 70
Richard of Greiffenklau (archbishop of Trier), 465
Ridley, Robert, 691
righteousness of God, 218–219
Rohrbach, Jäcklein, 636–637
Roman Catholic Church. See Catholic Church
Roman church, 802
Roman Inquisition, 785
Roman literature, 33, 34, 36
Roman rhetoric, 153
Roman Trinity (Hutten), 392
Romans, Epistle to the, ix, xiii, 131–132, 139, 218–222, 230–233, 235–240, 241, 264, 290–291, 554, 652, 754, 790, 809, 817
Romans, Jews revolting against, 234
romanticism, 794
Rome (Italy)
about, 150–151, 697
Erasmus and, 151–153
fifth century, 134, 135
Italian Wars, 699–702
Sack of Rome, 703
seven great churches of Rome, 163–164
Rothenburg (Germany), 635, 650
Rotterdam (Netherlands), 4–5
Rowse, A.L., 32
Royal Library of Berlin, 220
Roye, William, 690
Rubianus, Crotus, 444
The Rudiments of Hebrew (Reuchlin), 178
Rühel, John, 643, 659–660, 662
Ruiz de Virués, Alonso, 711
Rule of St. Augustine, 30, 117, 118
Sabbath, Karlstadt on, 594–595
Sachs, Hans, 567, 618
Sack of Rome, 699–704
sacramentarians, 705–706
sacraments, Luther on, 421–425, 627–628, 705–706
Sadoleto, Jacopo, 273, 316
saints, veneration of, 12
Aquinas on, 80
Aristotle on, 82
Augustine on, 136
Luther on, 307, 760–761
Ockham on, 80–81
Paul on, 231
Scholastics on, 81, 82
St. Paul on, 232
Salzburg (Austria), 648
Santa Croce Basilica (Rome), 163
Santa Maria del Popolo (monastery), 163
Santiago de Compostela (Spain), 12
Sappho, 93
sausage incident (Swiss Reformation), 514–518
Saverne (Alsace), 657
Savonarola, Girolamo, 15–16, 462
Saxony (Germany), 166–167, 268, 315
Scala Sancta, 164
Scandinavia, Protestantism in, 752–753, 763
scapular, 122
Scarabaeus aquilam quaerit (“A dung beetle hunting an eagle”) (adage, Erasmus), 215
Schalbe, Heinrich, 50
Schappeler, Christopher, 630