Book Read Free

Dead Wrong

Page 7

by Kate Allenton

  “Mr. Moreno gave us explicit instructions to watch your back while you work on setting him free.”

  I rested my hand on my hip. “Yeah, see, here’s the thing. I’m not working on getting him free. I’m working to find a potential killer.”

  My words came out a little louder than I’d expected as aggravation seeped into my voice. A group of college-aged students sitting near us were staring as if expecting the thugs to rob me.

  “Either way, you’re working on getting him out.” The large Italian shrugged. “Just continue doing your thing. You’ll never even know we’re here.”

  “Tell your boss I’m still waiting on a name.” I spun in place and glanced over my shoulder as I started to leave the building, pointing from my eyes to theirs and back again in the universal sign that I’d be watching them, watching me. They remained ten paces behind me like a solid wall of muscle and I was some movie star that they’d take a bullet for. Their presence was hard to miss, scary and intimidating as hell.

  I pulled out my phone again and fired off the best friend’s name to Jitters to see what he might be able to find and told him I’d be by soon. Just as I hit Send, I had an incoming text from Mason.

  I’ll meet you in your new rental, and watch your back, Blue. Those are Moreno’s guys.

  I grinned and shoved the phone back into my pocket as I hopped inside my Jeep.

  I needed something only Mason could currently give me. I could have threatened him with going public about using a psychic, but I was saving that little gem for when I really needed it.


  Chapter 11

  C ree’s neighborhood was quiet in a way that Mason expected most people lived. Kids played out in the yards. Women wearing spandex jogged up and down the streets with their dogs on leashes. A man wearing a suit pulled into the drive three houses down, stopped, and picked up a bicycle that a kid had left out. This was typical suburbia. The kind of life Mason had tried to live.

  Roses were wilting and dying in the garden outside the librarian’s house. The house on the other side of Cree’s was just the opposite, almost in a nauseating, overpowering way. Everything in that lady’s garden was pink and on steroids.

  The female neighbor waved, and Mason smiled back. He guessed she took that as an invitation since she was cutting through the yard in his direction.

  “She hasn’t given you a key yet?”

  “Not yet,” he answered, kicking the overnight bag he had at his feet, even though it didn’t have his clothes in it. It had something much more important to Cree.

  “I’m Marcie. I live next door.” She glanced at my holster. “I see you’re a cop. I’m sure the whole neighborhood will feel safer when you move in.”

  He just slowly nodded. He had no intention of living in this neighborhood, much less letting Cree stay too much longer. That was why he was here.

  Marcie was a cute girl, but nothing like Cree. Where Cree had a timeless girl next door beauty that seemed effortless, Marcie appeared to be trying too hard. Her makeup was too thick, her tank top too tight, and her shorts barley covered her ass. She’d left little to the imagination.

  “I was just admiring your garden.”

  “I’m good with my hands.” She winked.

  Cree pulled into the drive, wearing a baseball cap, and got out of her Jeep. She smiled before glancing up and down the street.

  “There you are.”

  She walked over to him, and Mason rested his arm over her shoulder and pulled her in tight.

  Cree glanced up at him and then back at Marcie, taking the hint. She wrapped her arm around his waist. “Thanks for keeping my honey company.”

  Marcie’s cheeks pinked. “Anytime.”

  Her words dripped with double meaning.

  Marcie walked off, and Cree headed for the door. “My neighbor likes you.”

  He didn’t even respond to that comment as he followed Cree to the door. She’d paused with her key poised for the lock when she took a step back. She pointed to where the door wasn’t pulled all the way closed.

  “When I left, that was closed and locked.”

  Mason handed Cree the overnight bag. “Isn’t this a little presumptuous?”

  Mason just shook his head and pulled his gun from the holster. “Wait here.”

  She nodded for once, not fighting him.

  Mason made quick work out of silently clearing each room, checking for an intruder or any sign that someone had been in the house. Nothing even remotely looked out of place. He returned to the door and held it open for her to enter. “Nothing looks out of place.”

  She slowly moved around the room, disappearing toward her bedroom before returning. “Maybe I was wrong.”

  “I don’t like you living here,” he said moving to the French doors to look outside. “You don’t even have any security.”

  “Actually…” She paused until he turned around. “Moreno sent me Freddie and George.”

  She was on the first-name basis with Moreno’s right-hand muscle. He’d screwed up royally by taking her to Faraday’s house and getting her mixed into this mess. This was all on him.

  “What have you found out?”

  “The librarian was likable. People still come in asking for her. It’s possible she had a stalker, or some sicko just followed her home from the library. It could have been anyone. You should check out the library and see if they had surveillance.”

  “I’m sure the investigators already covered it, but I’ll check again when I get back.” Mason walked over to her and stopped in front of her. He rested his palm on her cheek. “These are dangerous people, Cree. What’s it going to take to get you to walk away?”

  “Finding the librarian.”

  He had a feeling she was going to say that. The truth was written in her eyes. Cree would do pretty much anything for the people she cared about. He slowly nodded. “Good, then let’s find the librarian.”

  Mason grabbed his overnight bag and set it on the table. He unzipped it and pulled out one of the evidence bags like the one she’d given him the first time they met. “They didn’t collect much from the crime scene, but I brought you the bloody sheet.”

  Cree smiled, the kind that reached her eyes, and he was finding he liked it more and more. “You believe me.”

  Lesser men might have shrugged off her words, but there was nothing lesser about Mason. He understood the impact of that statement and what it might actually mean to her. “I believe you know things you shouldn’t possibly know. I believe you have a good heart and protect the people you care about. I believe in you.”

  Her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink as she closed the distance between them. She stared up into his eyes. The pools of hers were vibrant and clear. Mason lowered his head, his mouth hovering near hers.

  “I have to go out of town, but when I get back, I want to take you out on a date. A real date.”

  She closed the distance and kissed him without even answering. She tasted like sweet tea and honey in his mouth. He didn’t deepen the kiss. He let her take what she wanted and gave it right back. When she pulled away, she was slow to open her eyes.

  “I’ll let you take me out on a date when you remove the tracker from my car.”

  Mason grinned and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. “Not happening until I know you’re safe. I’ve got to go pack.”

  “I would wish you good luck but…”

  “Yeah, yeah, you already know.” He kissed her cheek one last time before heading to the door. He glanced back once more. “Stay safe, Blue, and be sure to lock your door.”

  “Will do.”

  He opened the door and paused again turning around. “No matter what you find, promise me you’ll wait until I get back.”

  She clasped her hands together and batted her eyes. “I promise to try.”

  Mason sighed. He knew exactly what that meant. Cree had a way of finding trouble or, rather, it finding her. His FBI interview couldn’t have come at a worse time. He need
ed to be here. He needed to watch her back. “No more investigating without me. If you get a lead, you call me, and I’ll have someone do the leg work until I get back and can do it myself.”

  He gave her that stern look that meant business, and she wiggled her fingers as he shut the door.

  Chapter 12

  M y lips still tingled from our kiss as I locked the door behind Mason. He was an unexpected surprise I hadn’t seen coming. Why hadn’t I seen it coming? I’d have to ponder that later; albeit it was a nice surprise. I was leaning against the door reminiscing about the way he smiled at me when my phone rang.

  “Hey, Cree. I’ve got an address on Mandy Stuart,” Jitters said

  “Perfect, text it to me. I’ll go by her place after I visit Faraday in the hospital tomorrow. Tell Charlotte that I’ve got evidence and to call the rest of the gang in to meet tomorrow afternoon to use Insight.”

  “The twins are still out of town, but Winston should be back by then. I’ll just need to check with the Doc to make sure he’ll be available.”

  I loved these guys. The kind I could count on for anything. “Text me a time when you know for sure.”

  The rest of the night was uneventful as I hunkered down in front of the television trying to give my brain a rest. I needed the zone-out time and a good night’s sleep as a way to reenergize before I used Insight tomorrow.


  I woke rejuvenated and refreshed, ready to go. In no time I was stepping off the elevator onto Faraday’s floor. I’d had to practically produce DNA in order to get past the watchdogs stationed at Faraday’s door. Faraday knew me better than most people. He’d been there when I’d run away. Granted I was only five years old and made it only to my tree house, but he knew enough about me to know that I was stubborn. I could see it in his eyes as I approached the bed. The way he was taking me in as if he could read by look alone just how much trouble I’d managed to get into while he’d been under lock and key in the hospital bed.

  “Detective Spencer told me that you were coming,” he announced as I took his hand.

  “Remind me not to invite Mason to any surprise parties.” I kissed the stress wrinkles on Faraday’s head.

  “He also told me that you talked to Moreno.”

  I wasn’t surprised. Leonard Mason Spencer had been on me like gum stuck to a shoe.

  “Did he tell you that he put a tracker on my car?”

  Faraday’s lips twisted up into a grin. “No, but good for him. Someone has to keep you out of trouble.”

  “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.” I rolled my eyes and climbed up in the bed next to him as if I was about to read him a story. I was in a way. I was about to tell him the entire story of everything I’d been up to while he’d been resting.

  When I was done, I could tell he was mulling over everything I’d uncovered. When the minutes ticked by, and I was sure he was about to yell, I spoke again. “Do you know what I don’t get?”

  “What’s that, Cree?”

  “The best friend, Mandy Stuart.”

  “Have you met her?”

  “No, but if it were Charlotte who was missing and presumed dead, I don’t think an entire army could stop me from trying to uncover the truth. I would have put out a full-page ad in the paper asking for leads. I would have wormed my way into every television talk show begging for clues or answers, and yet, I haven’t seen or heard a peep from the best friend. Hell, I don’t even know what she looks like yet and don’t even get me started on the mysterious boyfriend. Some boyfriend he is.”

  “Sounds like you have more questions than answers.”

  “For now.” I slid off the bed and took his hand again. “I’ve got your room ready at the Lady Blue when they release you.”

  “I hear you’ve been renting a new place next to the crime scene.”

  I grinned and shook my head. “He’s a little tattletale.”

  “Stop being a pain in his ass, Cree. I asked him to watch out for you.”

  I let out a tired sigh. “I know.” I kissed his forehead again. “Get some rest.”

  I was heading for the door when Faraday called out. “Hey, Blue.”

  I spun with my hand on the door.

  “The librarian was dating Moreno’s son, Mickey.”

  I let go of the door and walked back over to the bed. “Really? Moreno told me he’d never met the librarian.”

  “I couldn’t find any connection, except the gun. Moreno’s prints were on it. Mickey and his dad had a falling out when his mom died. Another suspicious death if you ask me.”

  “Mickey could have planted the gun.”

  Faraday shrugged. “I’m sure after you use Insight, you’ll be able to tell me exactly what happened.”

  “I hope you're right.” I patted his hand. “I’ll keep you posted with what I find out.”

  I headed down to the lobby and found Freddie and George lounging on the chairs reading papers. I plopped down beside the bald ginormous Italian and crossed my legs. It was comical the way they shared a look with each other like I’d lost my mind.

  “Did you need something?” Freddie asked.

  “Yeah, actually I do. I need you guys to tell me where I can find Mickey Moreno.”

  “I’m afraid that isn’t in our job description.”

  “Okay.” I slapped my palms to my knees and rose from my seat. “I’m sure Moreno isn’t going to be happy when I walk off his case.” I held up my forefinger and thumb together an inch apart. “Especially when he was this close to being free.”

  I spun on my heels and headed out the electric doors and, for once in my life, thought maybe walking away from this case might be one of the wisest decisions I’d ever make.

  I slipped inside my car just as the Freddie and George were getting into theirs. I waved once and pulled out, heading to the address that Jitters sent me for Mandy Stuart. If Frick and Frack didn’t want to help me, maybe the best friend could point me in the right direction.

  Fifteen minutes later I was parked on the street in front of a pizza parlor two blocks away from Main Avenue. I double-checked the address and noticed a darkened apartment upstairs and some side steps.

  I climbed the stairs ignoring the grumble in my stomach and knocked on the door.

  No answer, not even a sound coming from inside. I could wait. The smell from the pizzeria downstairs made my stomach growl louder. I’d still technically be waiting, if it was say, inside the pizza shop downstairs while stuffing my face. Who ever said stake outs were hard? This was a piece of cake, more like melted cheese pepperoni style pie. I chuckled as I jogged down the steps and headed inside.

  The smell of hot and fresh pizza smacked me in the face with the garlicky homemade pizza sauce. The delicious scent was overpowering and calling my name. I had a bad habit of forgetting to eat when I was determined, but nothing could have dragged me away from the place before I had at least one slice except maybe the tenant arriving upstairs.

  I sat at one of the stools at the counter and smiled at the man behind the counter.

  “What can I get you?” he asked, pulling the pen from behind his ear.

  “A slice of pepperoni and a sweet tea.”

  “That’s it? Just one slice?” he asked, putting his pen back behind his ear without writing anything down.

  “Afraid that’s all I have time for. I was hoping to catch Mandy.”

  He raised his brow and wiped his hands on his apron before resting them on the counter. “Does Mandy know you’re coming?”

  Heat filled my cheeks. “Not quite, all I had was this address.”

  He gave a slow nod. “What’s this about?”

  “Margarete Stead.”

  I watched the suspicion in his eyes cross the rest of his face as a frown turned down at the corner of his lips. “Are you a cop?”

  “Hey, Mickey, your order is up,” one of the cooks yelled from the kitchen and rung the bell indicating an order was ready.

  “You’re the boyfriend,” I whi

  “What did you say?” he asked, turning the full force of his gaze back on me.

  He had the same penetrating gaze as his father. The same color eyes and high cheekbones. “I didn’t see the resemblance to your dad, but I do now. You were Margarete’s mysterious boyfriend. You’re Mickey.”

  “Listen, lady, I don’t know who you are—”

  “She’s helping your dad, kid. Tell her what she wants to know,” Freddie answered as he and George took seats next to me.

  “You don’t look like the type of woman that hangs out with my dad.”

  I turned toward Freddie. “Is that a compliment?”

  He nodded. “You’ve got brains instead of boobs. Take it.”

  “What do you want to know? I already told the cops what I knew.”

  “How did you meet Margarete?”

  “I had a hook-up on MateSpace.”

  My mouth momentarily parted before I snapped it back closed. Mickey was a good-looking man. Tall, dark, and handsome and he owned his own restaurant. I could tell he did just by the décor and what was hanging on the walls. He had authentic Italian designs throughout. A picture of him and someone who appeared to be his grandmother or great-grandmother were posing in a picture in front of the building.

  “You don’t strike me as the type of guy that needs a dating site to meet women, and from everything I’ve heard about her, she doesn’t strike me as the type of person to use those websites.”

  He ran his hand over his head while grabbing a slice of pizza from the case and sticking it in from of me. “Technically we didn’t meet through MateSpace. I was meeting another woman at the library.”

  “Public place. I get it,” I interjected. “Did that other woman ever show?”

  “I don’t know. I took one look at Margarete, and I knew I instantly that I was wasting my time even meeting with the other girl. Margarete…” He sighed, and his eyes turned sad. “She was beautiful. She had a kind soul, the kind you can actually see. Do you know what I mean?”


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