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Tristan's Destiny, Bonus Book #1.5

Page 6

by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

  Over Tristan’s shoulder Nora saw Jase leave the area. He’s so hurt. He’d been through so much hell with Rebecca in the last month and a half. At times his anger…or pain got the best of him. Of course, he was happy for them, but his pain was still great.

  “Where ya at, Nora?” Tristan squeezed her closer.

  “Absorbed in you two.” She peeked down at her abdomen. “You three.” Nora was delighted by the two of them. “I look forward to the rest of my life with you all.” The song ended and the three of them strolled back to the table.

  He pulled her chair out. Glancing around the table, he asked, “Where’s my brother?”

  Nora tilted her head toward the ranch road. “He went toward the barn. Maybe you should go to him.”

  “Sit here, Des.” He stood Destiny on the chair beside him, nodding to Nora. “Yeah, I will.” He said to his mom, “We’ll have that dance later.” As others went to the dance floor, he headed toward the barn to find his brother.

  Chapter 5

  Tristan removed his jacket and pulled his shirttail out of his jeans. Selva unhooked Roark from the carriage. Tristan took the reins. “I’ll take him back.”

  Selva attempted to take the horse from him. “Hey, this is your wedding, I’ll take care of it, amigo.”

  “It’s okay, I need to talk to my brother. He’s over at the barn.” Tristan took hold of his mustang and shifted his gaze down the road. “I’ll be right back.” He pointed toward the party. “Go ahead, have a good time. Sure looks like Randy is with Roxanne. Get on the dance floor yourself.” Tristan chuckled. “I had to. Not that I minded dancing with my bride.”

  “A fine bride she is, boss. You two deserve each other. Y’all have fun the next few days. Don’t you worry about anything around here. I got it under control.”

  “I know you do. My faith is in you. Randy and Stuart will lend a helping hand. I appreciate what you do.” Tristan shoved his arm in a friendly way. “You enjoy the night. Find somebody out there to dance with. Hell, maybe you’ll be the next one hooked on the Double Dutch.” He took hold of Roark’s bridle and walked him to the barn.

  When he neared the door, Jase stood at the other end of the barn looking out over the back where Tristan had begun the new house. “Hey, Jase.” Tristan put Roark inside his stall and went to stand by his brother. “Ya doing okay?”

  “Huh? Well, yeah, I guess. I’m watching the mare and her little filly out there running around. Those two were a great bargain.” The Friesian nuzzled against her mother as they played in the corral. “I’m fine. Just needed a break. Go back to your bride, dude.”

  “The food is being served. They’re probably waitin’ till I get back. Come on.” He couldn’t walk away from him like this. “Have you heard anything from Rebecca?” Tristan examined a nail that had popped through the wall and grabbed a hammer from the tack room to pound it down.

  Jase followed him. “Nope. Nothing since I saw the kids last. She wouldn’t let me bring them to your wedding.”

  “She’s a damn bitch.” He tossed the hammer to the work bench. “I know this isn’t easy for you, being here now. You don’t have to stay. Leave after you eat, I don’t care. Fix a plate to take with you.”

  “Nah, I’ll be okay.” Jase glanced through to the front of the barn. What’s up with Randy?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine.” Tristan shrugged. “Hell if I know. Who can explain how anything works around here. Come on, let’s go.” Tristan stopped to give Roark a pat on the nose.

  On the way back to the party, Jase asked, “What time you wanna leave for the airport?”

  “Eleven sounds good. Everybody can continue the party, but our flight leaves at almost two, so we best get ourselves settled in before that.” They headed on toward the pavilion.

  “The ranch will be fine. Go and don’t worry. It’ll run smooth around here. I mean it. Don’t worry.”

  “I won’t. I have a feeling Nora will be keeping me busy.” Tristan laughed to himself. In reality, he planned on keeping her occupied.

  Jase put his arm around Tristan’s shoulder. “I want you to do me a favor when you come back.”

  “Sure, anything.” If he could help to make his life better, there’d be no hesitation. His own animosity toward Jase’s wife came to the surface and he hated her for what she’d done to his brother.

  Jase continued, “Wait while I have dinner with the kids, and see if you can find out where Rebecca goes when she leaves. She just disappears. Fucking disappears, like she knows I’m following her, but she vanishes.” Jase flung his arm out in agitation, coming to a complete stop in the road. “How in the hell does she fade into the night with my kids?”

  Tristan eased Jase onward. “You know I’ll help.” He spotted Nora right away sitting at the table, her gaze locking onto his as he came closer. Giving her a wink got a big smile from her. “I’m starved, how about you?” he said when Jase took a seat beside his mother.


  Nora took hold of his arm. “We waited for you.”

  “Thanks, sweetheart.” The wedding party was called up to dinner first. Tristan asked her while in line. “Are ya excited about our trip?”

  She put a small serving of salad on her plate. “Yes, so much. I can’t wait.”

  “I told Jase we’d be ready to leave at eleven. It works for him, too.” Tristan served himself, and her, a portion of roast beef.

  “We’ll be ready.”

  After fixing their plates, everyone tapped on their glasses. Tristan wrapped his arm around the back of Nora’s chair, kissing her until the clinking stopped. When they both took a breath, the tapping started again, continuing until they were all called up to get their food. Destiny was the worst once she caught on.

  Tristan took her spoon. “That’s enough. Eat your dinner.”

  She gave him a cocky five-year-old eye roll. “Okay, Dad, but I’m doing it again later.”

  “You do that.” He leaned over, whispering, “I can’t get enough of kissing her anyway.” The gleam in his child’s eyes set his heart on fire. Seeing her happy was one of his life goals.

  Destiny laughed out loud and wiggled her little butt around on the chair like she had a big secret.

  “You look so pretty in your dress. Daddy will miss you while we’re on our honeymoon.” Not a truer word spoken. Being away from his only child would be difficult.

  “It’s okay. Grammy, even Uncle Jase will help take care of me.”

  He winked at his daughter. “That makes it all perfect. I’ll bring you back some white sand from the beach.” Tristan kissed her forehead. “We have cake for later. Mmmm, huh?”

  She giggled and picked up her fork making the motion like she was about to tap her glass again, but she set it down, smirking at her dad.


  Later, Nora and Tristan stood in front of the cake. “You’re not shoving it into my face, are you?” Nora asked.

  “Darlin’.” Tristan tilted his head, his lips pressed together. “Do you honestly think I’d mess up your adorable face?”

  “Yes, I know once in a while your bad cowboy slips out.” He’d probably been rehearsing all month.

  “I’m not wearing a cowboy hat right now.”

  “That doesn’t make you any less a cowboy…or bad.” Off to the side, the photographer held his camera at the ready. Their guests waited. “The photographer and Rob are waiting on us. You better be nice.”

  “You’re the one I’m worried about, you flirty little bride.” Tristan teased her. “You’ve been hiding that bad girl for the most part, but I know she’s lurking. Can I trust you?” He picked up the knife. “Hmm?”

  If he hadn’t said anything she might’ve listened to her own words about not smearing cake, but it seemed he expected her to do it. Tristan handed her the knife and they made the first slice together. When finished, she put the knife down. Nora lifted a brow as he raised the bite to her lips. “Mm, thank you.”

  “My pleasure, ma’am—m
y wife.” Tristan winked but there was a devilish slowness to it.

  Nora picked up her fork. Control. I can control myself. Waiting for the photographer to finish, she set the fork down after giving him a dainty bite, getting an eye roll from him in return. Oh, her mind whirled and she couldn’t resist, but he beat her to it. Squish! Right smack against her mouth—a big bite. She grabbed hold of his fingers and brought them to her lips, seductively licking the frosting off his fingers. She narrowed her eyes. “Funny man you are, Tristan. Daring, too. Remember, that paybacks can be hell.”

  “You keep licking my fingers like that, we might have to have a quickie before leaving for the airport.” He pulled his hand away and wiped it on a napkin.

  “Oh, dear me. Imagine that. Like it was my fault.” Nora stuck her fingers into the cake on her plate. Maybe he didn’t see it coming until it was too late. He tried to duck, but she clenched his arm, smearing a piece of cake all over his mouth. She held her hands up. “Oh, goodness. Did I do that?”

  They both laughed like a couple kids. So did everyone around them, not to mention flashes went off by the dozens.

  “Are we even now?” Tristan hauled her against him. “Y’all are kissin’ this off.” He narrowed his eyes. “All of it…” In front of everyone he crushed his lips against hers until the sweet frosting was all over both of them. He turned her away from the laughing spectators and openly licked her lips. “Tasty.” His chest heaved with deep breaths. “You’re so sweet. Ooh, I’m just getting started.”

  “Goodness, Tristan. That’s damn exciting, I must say, and it turns me on to have you licking me.”

  Tristan grabbed his head with both hands. “I didn’t need to hear you say that.” He grasped the back of her neck and bent forward. “Count on it.” He made serious eye contact. “All. Over. Everywhere. Think of that the rest of the night. My tongue, everywhere.” He glanced over her shoulder. “Now, my mom’s waiting for that dance, but I need a cold beer first to settle myself down. Oh, to clean my sticky hands—not to mention my face, too.” He swiped his finger over her lips and licked it. “Damn, woman…”

  He took a napkin while the caterers sliced cake for everyone. They stood there eying each other. Tristan backed a step away from the table. “Oh, Nora. You’ll pay for this.”

  She headed back to their table to speak to her brother. “Counting on it.”

  Brody caught her before she got to him. “That was a great cake-cutting episode.” He held his arms open to her. “We have to dance, too. Ready, sis?”

  Nora gave him a quick hug. “Brody, give me a minute to go clean my face.”

  She was almost to the door, but Tristan caught her arm. “Need any help, Mrs. Carlson?”

  She pressed her palms against his chest. “No, go find your own bathroom. I know what’s on your mind.”

  He held the patio door and slipped his hand to the small of her back, clenching her dress at the waist—letting her know he planned on being boss.

  She had news for him. Nora smiled at him on the way to the bathroom. “Everyone is waiting for us to get back out there for the dance. Dammit, Tristan, you’ve got me boiling inside…physically shuddering.” Did this stem from her crazy hormones, too? Or was it the man beside her? The man!

  Tristan put his arms around her waist and yanked her against him. “I know, darlin’. Try to control yourself in the bathroom all alone with me. I’ve never made love to a wife before.”

  She pulled out of his arms, ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind her, leaving her lustful thoughts on the other side of the door. “I’ll be right out.”

  Tristan groaned. “All right, go hide from me. I’ll use my own bathroom. Your loss.”

  Chapter 6

  Once seated on the plane, Nora looped her arm around his and laid her head against his shoulder. “This will be different. No work. Only play.”

  “Ya got that right, darlin’. The ocean, hot tub, white sand, and whatever else we can figure out. It’s been forever since I’ve had a vacation, but you’re my first honeymoon.” Tristan kissed her atop the head. “Your first child. Maybe they’ll be more.”

  “Our first at a lot of things.” Nora sat upright. She wasn’t getting any younger as she had told Tristan at Christmas—if they were having more, they’d have to plan ahead. Nora touched her abdomen. “Do you want to know what we’re having?”

  Tristan hesitated. “I don’t know. It might be nice.” He eased her dress farther up her leg and caressed her skin. “Jase knew with both his kids. We all liked the idea at the time.”

  They’d have to think about it. If it was a boy, at least it’d give Destiny time to accept the idea of having a brother. Out the window lights flashed by as the plane sped down the runway for takeoff. Nora lifted the armrest and cuddled closer. “Let’s wait, honey. That way if it is a boy, we’ll be surprised right along with our little girl.” She closed her eyes a moment, but leaned forward, excited now. “I don’t know! Of course, we can decide anytime even if we don’t want to know yet.”

  Tristan shifted toward her, covering a yawn. “It’s been a long day. I need to rest a little bit. You should, too.”

  Later, when the ‘fasten seat belt’ beep came on, she wrapped her fingers around his forearm. “We’re almost there.” Their honeymoon was about to begin. She couldn’t wait to see the hotel in person. The website made it look so extravagant. “Just think…the full moon over the ocean. I’m thrilled.” The idea of being with her husband under the moonlit beach made her pulse race. Nora sat back and tightened her seatbelt. She was raring to get started.


  Driving down the highway from the airport, Tristan had a hard time staying awake. It had been a long day. He’d been up close to twenty-four hours. “It’ll be dawn by time we get situated. Maybe we need to rest a few hours and take on the moonlight tonight after dinner?” Tristan peeked over at Nora. “You awake?”

  Her eyelashes fluttered before opening her eyes. “I don’t think so.”

  “We’ll do the beach tomorrow. Let’s get some rest.” Her eyes were closed again when he glanced at her. “Yep, we’ll get some rest.” He loved the idea of cuddling in bed. No more nights of asking her to stay with him, or him leaving her place at dawn to come home. They’d have the rest of their lives to curl up with each other. Her lips were parted, almost making it look like she wore a smile. The soft expression on her face as she slept made him fall in love with her all over again. Reflecting back on the day they met, he was convinced it was meant to be. He pulled up to valet parking. “We’re here, baby.”

  Nora opened her eyes, stretched, and glanced around. “I’m so excited, honey.” She cracked the door open. Nora lifted her chin and inhaled. “I smell the ocean.”

  “Let’s get checked in. I’ll grab a cart for our luggage.” Tristan came around to open her door. When Nora stepped out he took her into his arms. “Four days here. This is gonna be awesome.”

  A man came out the door with a cart and shook Tristan’s hand. “Welcome. I’ll take care of your vehicle. Your luggage will be delivered to your room.”

  Tristan introduced them while handing him the keys. The employee held the door open. “Enjoy your stay, Mr. and Mrs. Carlson.”

  “I’m not used to being called Mrs., yet.” She elbowed Tristan. “I plan on being a Carlson a whole lot longer than I was a Trinity. Got that straight?” Her sleepy eyes sparkled in the brightly lit entranceway. The lobby hosted modern furniture, beautiful paintings on the wall, and marble floors—no surprise from a five-star hotel.

  “Yep, I agree.” Tristan checked in and they took the elevator to their floor. He pulled her into a hug after he opened the door. “Whoa, hold on there, ma’am.” Tristan lifted her into his arms, giving her a kiss as they entered the room.

  Nora wrapped her arm around his neck. “See, you swept me away again.”

  He continued holding her, the both of them checking out the room. The suite was bathed in a soft glow with dim lighting throug
hout, giving the rooms a cozy tone—adding to the romanticism of the night.

  The suite was huge, painted and decorated in subtle earth tone colors—tans, light browns, rich-looking wood tables, and eggshell colored sofa with two chairs. The balcony door was off to the right. A large, opened archway led to the bedroom where a king size bed sat right in view from the entrance door where they stood.

  “Everything about this room is special. So romantic! Even the smell…like, hmm, I don’t know. Fresh flowers? Whatever!”

  “It smells like roses.” Tristan released her to the floor. “I repeat…this will be fun.” He bumped her arm. “I’m not tired anymore. How about you?”

  She turned in a circle with her arms spread out. “Oh, I’m still whirling.”

  A knock on the door disturbed them. When he opened it, a bellhop brought in their luggage. Tristan thanked the man with a hefty tip. He flipped the locks, and leaned against the door when the bellhop left. “I say we hit that balcony with a glass of fake champagne.” He nodded toward the ice bucket. Beside it was a bouquet of roses along with a box of Ghirardelli Chocolates. “I know the ocean is right out there.” He removed his light, leather jacket—proceeding to the buttons on his shirt. “It’s chilly, but we’ll deal.”

  Nora removed her jacket while Tristan opened the bottle of sparkling juice. “You could’ve ordered champagne for yourself.”

  “Hey, I’m good with this. I’ll have it at dinner or sometime, but right now this’ll work.” Tristan poured some for each of them. “Let’s take a look.” He handed her a glass and they went out on the balcony. The salty spray and windblown sand hit them in the face.

  Nora mumbled, “Ummm, I love it.”

  “Did you live near the beach in L.A.?”

  “Not too far, but it was different. This is right there, I mean look at the moonlight glittering on the water.” Reaching out for him, she gave a pleasant sigh before giving him a kiss. “Thank you for thinking of this. Listen to the waves kissing the shore. It’s so peaceful. We’ll sleep with the door open. I don’t care if we do get a chill.”


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