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Haunted by Atrocity

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by Cloyd, Benjamin G.

  35. Barry Howard Limited, “First Draft Exhibit Notebook, National Prisoner of War Museum Book One,” April 9, 1993, 5. 19. T1—5. 21. A1., in possession of the author, Andersonville National Historic Site.

  36. National Prisoner of War Museum Andersonville, Georgia Dedication April 9, 1998 (N.p.: privately printed, 1998), 1.

  37. Atlanta Journal and Constitution, April 10, 1998, accessed through LexisNexis Academic, April 13, 2003.

  38. New York Times, April 10, 1998, accessed through LexisNexis Academic, April 13, 2003.

  39. Cleveland Plain Dealer, April 10, 1998, accessed through LexisNexis Academic, April 13, 2003.

  40. “Andersonville Annual Visitation (1992–2002),” in possession of the author, Andersonville National Historic Site.

  41. Fred Sanchez, “Andersonville Prisoner of War Oral History Institute: To Preserve the Legacy,” in National Prisoner of War Museum Andersonville, Georgia Dedication April 9, 1998 (N.p.: privately printed, 1998), 31–33.

  42. “First Annual Centennial Strategy for Andersonville National Historic Site August 2007,” (accessed July 15, 2008).

  43. Bruce Babbitt, “Foreword,” in Rally on the High Ground: The National Park Service Symposium on the Civil War, ed. Robert K. Sutton (New York: Eastern National, 2001), vii.



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