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Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2)

Page 14

by B. N. Toler

  “How’d it go last night?” I finally ask unable to stand the choking silence that lingers like an old lady’s bad perfume.

  “Fine,” he shrugs.

  “Did you kill any vampires?”


  “Am I not privy to that information?” I snidely remark.

  “You’re too eager. I know you want to kill as many vampires as you can, but right now, you need to focus on getting stronger.”

  “I am stronger.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Just keep focused. You have an eternity to kill vampires.”



  “Promise me that when I’m ready you’ll let me do it. Kill vampires I mean.”

  “You don’t trust me?” His tone is steady showing no offense to my request.

  “I’ve trusted a lot of people, who for one reason or another have lied and hid things from me. I really want to trust you.”

  “You can,” he answers simply. “But while we’re on the subject, is there anything you haven’t told me?”

  My throat tightens. There are a few things. The twin I told you I had that died doesn’t exist, I’m actually a triplet and both my siblings are still alive. I used to date a blood healer. By the way, you’ve met him—he tried to get you to tell him how to train me or stop me from becoming a hybrid— he’s also a dream walker and he saved me from a self-induced yearlong coma where I created a fake world in my subconscious. Oh yeah, not to mention I do have another gift. I can absorb information from anyone I touch—including you, all mighty powerful hybrid. Lest I forget, I know about your super power and I’m completely fascinated by it. I am a complete hypocrite. Here I am asking Daniel to promise he’s being honest with me and I’ve pretty much lied about everything. But my gut says now is not the time to reveal my deceit. Not when Daniel and I seem to be getting along so well. My inner self reminds me Bridge may know more than he’s let on and could expose me at any time, but I’ll deal with him.

  “No,” I answer casually. I dig out a pair of sunglasses from my purse and slide them on as I kick off my flip-flops and prop my bare feet up on the dash of his car. I can feel Daniel’s eyes on my feet and I know he wants to ask me to put them down, but he doesn’t, so I don’t. My mind wonders to Rhett and the giant ache in my chest that resides there, knowing for sure now that he really was willing to keep me from my destiny. Maybe he had reasons he thought had to do with his love and desires to protect me, but there’s no excuse.

  “You okay?” Daniel’s husky voice jerks me back from my pity party.

  “Yeah. Just tired,” I lie.

  “Maybe some music will help wake you up.” Daniel turns on his radio and AC/DC’s You Shook Me All Night Long blasts through the speakers.

  Music has always been a helpful aide in curing my blues. I immediately start wiggling in my seat, singing obnoxiously and pushing down any thought of Rhett, when I realize Daniel is watching me with a grin. “What?”

  “Nothing.” He cranks the music up louder and starts singing and moving his head with the rhythm. I stare at him in awe for a moment. Who knew the big bad hybrid could actually have fun? We jam out to music all the way back to Myrtle Beach.

  The morning after we return, Eileen drags me out to the mall, and we spend hours shopping. She picks out a ton of outfits for me ranging from athletic wear, to swim wear, to formal wear. Everything paid for on Daniel’s credit card.

  “How does he afford all of this?” I ask when Eileen hands over his credit card for the sum of four hundred dollars. This is the third store we’ve been to. We’ve racked up about two thousand dollars so far.

  “Daniel has many secrets. His money is one of them. Flynn says he probably discovered a sunken ship filled with pirate gold eons ago.” She smirks as if she can hear Flynn saying the words.

  “He does this for everyone?”

  “Oh, you pay for it one way or another.” She rolls her eyes.

  “What does that mean?

  “Let’s just say, he expects loyalty and faith. You never question him, and do what he says.”

  “In essence he owns us?”

  “Yeah…in essence.” She takes the bag from the cashier, and we leave the store.

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “No. Daniel saved us. We walked through life with this feeling that we were off. Like we were meant for something bigger, but we didn’t know why. He took us in, taught us, and protected us. In a way, he’s like our father.” Eileen shrugs.

  I can’t deny she just described exactly how I felt before meeting Daniel. “Kind of weird to think of him like my father,” I smirk. Considering I masturbated as I imagined him going down on me last night.

  “That’s because you guys are hot for one another.”

  “What?” My head snaps to her.

  “You heard me.”

  “No. You’ve got that wrong. I’m not interested, and Daniel thinks I’m an idiot.”

  “If you can’t see he’s got the hots for you, he may be right.” She bumps my shoulder with hers.

  “Whatever, Eileen.” I want to end the conversation. I have no business thinking about Daniel in any way other than my mentor.

  As we make our way down the escalators, I notice a salon on the bottom floor. I finger a lock of my long, brown hair.

  “Hey, do you mind if we stop there?” I point to the salon as we take the last step off of the escalator.

  “You want a manicure?”

  “No, I’m thinking something a little more drastic.”

  Seven hours later, I’m decked out in jeans and a loose black top that drapes off my shoulders exposing my thin upper frame.

  “Wow. You look amazing.” Eileen smiles brightly as I make my way up on the top floor. She looks stellar in her emerald green silk blouse and skinny jeans.

  Flynn’s eyes follow her as she crosses the room to me. I understand now what Daniel meant about the power female hybrids possess. Flynn watches her like he may pounce on her at any minute. She’s exquisite. Even I can feel the power that radiates from her. Is that how men see me now?

  “Magnifico!” Cassia says from across the room.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Magnificent,” Flynn interprets.

  “Your new hair really rocks, Aldo” Eileen nods approvingly.

  I wasn’t sure if I’d like going blonde, but when it was all said and done, I love it. It makes me look more…womanly. Not like a young teenager.

  “Yeah, well it’s different. That’s for sure,” I smile.

  “Okay, ladies. Let’s go.” Flynn hops up and waves to Cassia and Nick.

  “You guys aren’t coming?”

  “No. We like it when we have the house to ourselves.” Nick winks at Cassia and she smiles mischievously. Okay, got that one loud and clear.

  “Where are Daniel and Bridge?” I ask.

  “Working on some things,” Flynn answers as he shoos Eileen and I down the stairs.

  “Oh, my God, Aldo. I swear it’s so nice to have another girl who likes to dance in the house. When Flynn told me about how you loved dancing I almost died of happiness.” Eileen grabs my hand like we’re best friends as we head down the stairs. I cut a dagger glare at Flynn. His lips are pressed together trying not to laugh.

  Twenty minutes later we enter a club called Flame that sits near the end of the boardwalk. The place is packed, but we muscle our way through the crowd with ease. Flynn is a pretty intimidating looking dude and people tend to move out of his way.

  After we order drinks, Flynn takes the first shift on the dance floor with Eileen. I’m not sure why he complains about it, he basically stands swaying side to side while Eileen moves around him. My heart aches watching them. Rhett and I never got to go to dance clubs, or out on the normal dates most couples go on. He was always too worried.

  I’m on my third Jack and Ginger when Flynn comes over and tags me in.

  “I hate you,” I smile at him.

  “I kno
w, but seriously—you’re my best friend.” He takes my hand and kisses it, his eyes bright with amusement at my expense.

  I make my way out to Eileen who is easing away from a guy that’s just approached her. She’s loyal to Flynn, even on the dance floor. I try to get into the groove and keep up with Eileen, but I feel like an ogre next to a swan. After a few minutes, Eileen grabs my shoulders stopping me.

  Her piercing green eyes stare into mine. “Do you trust me, Aldo?”

  “Sure,” I shrug. She hasn’t given me a reason not to.

  She mumbles something to me, but I can’t really hear her over the music. When she turns and starts dancing again, I follow suit.

  The music is really bumping, and my body seems to catch up with the rhythm. After Flynn brings us another drink and I gulp it down, I’m feeling awesome, like I can dance all night. Flynn leans down and says something in Eileen’s ear and she looks my way and smiles. When she looks back to him he meets her eyes with a look of disapproval, but she says something to him. He looks at me and shrugs with a smile, then gets between us, and we sandwich him while we dance. Hours seem to pass, and I can’t stop moving. Even as I make my way to the bar two more times for drinks, I never stop dancing.

  Flynn leaves the floor to take a breather, leaving Eileen and me when I feel hands on my hips. When I look back, a young guy, maybe a year or two older than me is dancing behind me. He’s got short black hair and a goatee. Eileen eyes me, but I wave her off. I’ve never danced with a guy at a club—Flynn doesn’t really count—so, this is pretty exciting for me. Besides it’s not like he can do anything to me. I’m a hybrid. Eileen heads back to Flynn at the bar while I continue dancing with the dark haired guy. The song is slow, warranting me to turn around, but I don’t really want to look at the guy. I just want to dance and not be obligated to make small talk or eye contact, so I remain with my back to him. His body is tight against mine as he holds my hips with his strong hands. We’re moving back and forth, his head in the nape of my neck. I reach up and hold his neck with one hand, but as soon as I do, he pulls away. His body returns and I try to resume the rhythm we had, but he’s stiff. Backing up, I press my body to his as I reach my hand back and grab his neck while I adjust my movements thinking maybe he needs a minute to catch up, but his body remains still. Again, I press my body harder to his and feel his erection press into my back. Startled, I stop dancing and glance towards the bar where Eileen and Flynn sit staring at me wide eyed. Why are they looking at me like that?

  I spin around and face my dance partner. Shit! Daniel’s gray eyes beam down on me, but I don’t recognize the look—maybe pissed? Why would he care if I’m dancing with a guy? Then I realize I’ve been bumping and grinding against him. He probably didn’t care too much for that. Part of my brain orders me to stop dancing, but I can’t. My body keeps moving, like I’m in a car on autopilot, unable to control the car as it crashes head-on into a telephone pole.

  “Stop dancing,” he growls.

  I stare up at him wide-eyed, his intense look beaming at me. “I can’t.” I shake my head defensively. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Daniel curses under his breath before shooting a look towards the bar, then grabs my shoulders and pulls me to him while my body continues to move with the music against my will. His body begins to move with mine, and he lingers near me for a moment as if he’s smelling me before he pulls back and looks deep into my eyes. He mumbles something and my body almost collapses, but he catches me. He steadies me and leads me toward the restrooms in the back. Before I know it I’m pressed against a wall in the hallway. Daniel takes a lock of my now blonde hair and eyes it shaking his head. Guess he doesn’t like it. Like I care. My inner self taunts you know you do.

  “What are you doing, Daniel?” Eileen tries to push past him, but he blocks her.

  “This was your doing?” His eyes dart to Eileen, and she seems to recoil slightly.

  “She was having a good time, Daniel.” Her tone is defensive.

  “Would you like it if someone played with your mind?” Daniel snaps back at her.

  “I was just trying to help her loosen up. The girl needs a little fun.”

  “She’s not your fucking puppet, Eileen!” he roars at her, and Flynn immediately steps between them.

  “Daniel, we were watching her the entire time. We would’ve never let anything happen to her,” Flynn argues calmly.

  “Oh, was I the only one that saw some jerk-off with his hands all over her?”

  “They were dancing, Daniel. People actually touch when they dance,” Eileen snorts.

  “Did you ever consider you might be putting other people in danger, Eileen? She’s new, she can’t control the thirst.”

  “Can I say something?” Their eyes dart to me.

  “First, Eileen…I appreciate you trying to help me have a good time, but please don’t do that again without my permission. Secondly, I wanted to dance with that guy.”

  “You did?” Flynn asks surprised.

  “I mean I was obviously hypnotized to dance, but yes. I chose to dance with him.”

  Daniel’s gray gaze burns into me. “Whatever.”

  “Whatever?” I grab his arm and he whirls back. Flynn and Eileen’s eyes are as big as saucers. I guess people don’t grab Daniel. “You haven’t taught me to hypnotize so how am I supposed to stop it?”

  Daniel jerks his arm away and walks out.

  “I’ll go talk to him,” Flynn groans, and goes after him.

  “Come on. Let’s use the ladies room.” Eileen grabs my hand and takes me in the one stall bathroom. “Daniel is on a trip tonight, don’t sweat it.”

  I stare into the mirror running my fingers through my new blonde hair. I only took a few inches off and had the stylist trim my bangs so they sweep to the side. I look like a different person, but I like that. I want to be a different person, at least for a little while.

  “He watched you dance with that guy for like ten minutes before he realized it was you,” she laughs. “I think he’s pissed because he was eye fucking you and he didn’t even realize it was you.”

  I roll my eyes unsure of how to respond. “Yeah, I do look pretty different.”

  “I think he likes it.”

  I meet her eyes in the mirror, but she jerks them away.

  “Be careful, Aldo. What we are…” she motions her hand between us, “can be very dangerous for the males of our breed. They want us even though they know a large part of it is due to nature, our pheromones, or whatever that mumbo jumbo is, but even if they have you, they are very possessive. To have us is power.”

  “How so?”

  “Nature, girl. You know, the biggest and baddest only mate with the healthiest and best of the females.”

  “You really believe all this? I mean, it makes us sound so...savage.”

  Eileen turns to me. “Every creature in nature is savage in some part. Most hide that part away though. We hybrids are savage…it’s a part of us, but that’s nothing to be ashamed of. The point I’m trying to make to you is recognize the power, respect it, and don’t abuse it.”

  “Can I ask you a favor?” My voice is almost a whisper.

  “Of course,” she whispers back.

  I swallow and ask, “Can you hypnotize me to dance better or at least not care how I look dancing?”

  She laughs a little. “Yeah, but do not tell anyone!”

  “I promise. And please make sure I can stop this time,” I add.

  “Okay. And we call it spelling, not hypnotizing,” she corrects me.

  “Got it.”

  Eileen works her magic and with that, we make our way out of the bathroom. My night has been going great until now. I want to leave as soon as I see Bridge at the bar next to Flynn and Daniel.

  “Come on. Play nice.” Eileen squeezes my hand having noted my dismal expression.

  Flynn turns and wraps an arm around Eileen’s waist as he hands her another drink. Then he hands me one. I smile at how thoughtful he
is. I think about what Eileen said in the restroom and just can’t see it. When I watch Flynn with her I see that he wants her, loves her, but I can’t see anything savage about it.

  “Having a good time?” Bridge beams a friendly smile at me that makes my skin crawl.

  I was until you showed up. “Yes,” I answer sweetly. I hope he sees the truth in that. Jackass. I chug my drink and put the glass back on the bar.

  “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?” Daniel asks.

  I glance up at him with a smile because I think he’s joking, but quickly see that he’s not. “No. I don’t.” I turn to make my way back on the dance floor, but he grabs my arm. Current runs under my skin as my gaze meets his. “Where are you going?”

  Bridge, Flynn, and Eileen are staring at us like we’re about to get in a bar brawl.

  “To dance,” I answer simply before pulling my arm away.

  I dance a few more songs with a few different guys before I return to the bar. Flynn sits on a stool with Eileen standing between his legs.

  “Think I’m done.” I sway a little from my heavy buzz. “Where did Daniel and Bridge go?”

  “Bridge left and Daniel…” Flynn’s eyes jerk to the back where I see Daniel hovering over a redhead backed up against the wall. One hand holds his drink while the other is pressed against the wall above her head supporting his weight. She’s like a size negative five and has ginormous boobs. He’s a walking cliché.

  I roll my eyes. “Ready?”

  “Two more songs and we’ll go. Come on, Flynn.” Eileen pulls his hand as Flynn chugs his beer down and lets her drag him back to the dance floor.

  I glance at Daniel who is still occupied with the future porn star then at Eileen and Flynn. They’re all having a good time so I decide to slip out. I could call a cab, but I’m nowhere near tired so I decide that a walk would be better and help me sober up. I head south, down the boulevard towards the house. On foot it will probably take me a few hours to get back, but being alone is exactly what I need. I turn right and walk six blocks to the beach. Once I reach it, I slip off my shoes and proceed to walk barefoot in the sand. The air is chilly, but I’m warm from dancing all night so it doesn’t bother me.


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