Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2)

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Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2) Page 29

by B. N. Toler

  “You trust Bridge?” I ask skeptically. I haven’t thought much about Bridge since I left Myrtle Beach, but the mention of his name kicks up old feelings of distrust.

  “I do,” Daniel answers plainly. “He is my oldest ally.”

  I bite my tongue and hold off speaking badly about Bridge. I need to focus on one monster at a time. Andre comes first, but I will speak with Daniel regarding Bridge just as soon as Andre is killed. “Why spend so much time with Andre and decide to kill him now?”

  “Because something I’m becoming very fixated on keeps interfering and I want to take care of him before he hurts her.” His words stun me. My knees buckle and I’m momentarily speechless. He would completely change his plans and kill Andre to protect me?

  “What if she wasn’t involved? What would you do?” I ask softly still wrapping my head around what he just said.

  “I’d continue working, weeding out the good of the nest from the bad. I’m also trying to become affiliated with other nests. The plan was to take them all down at once, one huge rebellion, but that will take a long time.”

  “So you’d change your plans for me?”

  “This one time, yes. At least one nest would be taken down. But in the future, you will do it my way.”

  This would be the chance of a lifetime. I have focused on nothing but getting Andre’s attention, but I never knew what I would do with it once I got it. I figured I would just wing it. What was I thinking? I really am an idiot, but I’d never admit to Daniel I was wrong. Pride is a fickle thing. “How would I kill him?” My gaze moves to his and his lips curve slightly. He knows he’s got me now.

  “You stake him through the heart, of course.”

  “Just like in the movies?”

  “Yeah.” He moves in a flash, pulling me up and my body collides with his. “Now, I’ve waited long enough. Let’s get this coat off of you.” His lips brush against my neck as his beautiful fingers work diligently to undo the buttons of my coat. My body leans into his, begging for his touch as he slides his hands inside of my coat and unties the towel I have around my chest, pulling it down and letting it fall to the ground. Returning his hand, he gently gropes my breast, rubbing his thumb across my nipple.

  “Are you sure I’m grown up enough for you?” I tease.

  “I think I’m seeing promising signs you are well on your way,” he hums in my ear. “Is this what you want, kitten? Are you woman enough to take me?”

  My hands fist his shirt and I whimper as his mouth rounds one of my nipples and he bites. “Are you?” he dares me again.

  “Yes,” I breathe, almost begging.

  “Look at me,” he orders and pulls me back. Our eyes meet and I steady myself on trembling legs as his gaze falls on me. “I would be honored to make love to you right now, if you’ll have me.”

  I nod yes, dreamily, unable to speak. He just spoke so gentlemanly. So…unlike him.

  “You understand if we do this, I’m going to turn into a real prick when it comes to you. I don’t handle jealousy well, and I easily fall victim to it. I will protect you, push you, provide for you and you won’t argue. I won’t hold you back, but you’ll trust me and listen to me. There will be no other men. I’ll fucking rip the throat out of any man that comes near you. If you can’t agree to that, then we can’t do this.”

  I swallow the lump in my throat. I want to be his. I want him to own me. I know it’s crazy, it’s happened so fast, but God help me I want to be his.

  “Same rules apply to you,” I answer in a whisper. “No porn stars at bars.”

  “I knew you were pissed about it. I shouldn’t have brought her home. I was so worked up and conflicted about you; I thought I could just fuck it out of my system. But you’re like a damn parasite. You dug your way in, and I can’t get you out of my system.”

  “Wow, that’s the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to me,” I reply dryly.

  “Yeah, I’m a real charmer.” He makes a playful smile.

  “So, now that I’ve burrowed my way under your skin, that means you’re mine, too,” I add.

  He smiles wickedly at me, his eyes hungry. The sexual tension hums between us and I realize the idea that I want to devour him, own him, and completely ruin him for any other turns him on as much as it does me. “So be it.” Before I know it my coat slides off of my shoulders and falls to the floor, and I’m in his arms. He lays me on his large bed with great ease, before he pulls my jeans off and stares down at me, naked and exposed.

  My body trembles as his gray eyes grow dark. “That night I brought you here and found you in my bed the next morning, I almost climbed on top of you and took you then. Seeing you half-naked, so soft and beautiful…fuck, it was hot.”

  “I got myself off in the shower that night while I fantasized about you.”

  Daniel’s jaw tenses. He is truly an exquisite being. His body is tight, stiff with sexual tension and my words have only fueled his lust more. His massive arms hang to his sides and his chest heaves up and down.

  Pulling up on my knees, I crawl towards him so my naked body is an inch from his. I rub my hands over his broad shoulders as I nibble at his neck. “You see, it was never because we had each other’s blood.” My inner self is giving me a round of applause at how brazen I’m being. Daniel is a sexual being of a magnitude I should tremble in the presence of, but instead; I feel emboldened. It’s the effect he has on me. He’s not afraid to let me fuck up and tell me what an ass I am afterwards when I should’ve known better. And no matter what, no matter how big of a fuck up I conjure, he still wants me. His words from the night when he explained what it is to truly want another person resonates somewhere in my mind and I understand completely now what he was telling me. My voice is husky, and sensual, when I use his words to explain how I feel about him. “This isn’t blood lust. This isn’t a crush. This is a desire that has coiled around my soul like ivy. It’s selfish, and it’s raw. I want to use you up and ruin you for any other woman.”

  With that, he’s on me, kissing, sucking, and nipping my skin. His mouth crashes over mine, and I fist his hair trying to pull him closer to me.

  Standing quickly, he pulls off his pants and climbs back on me. His erection pushes against my sex—hot, wet, and throbbing for him. He takes his time, torturing me with his tongue as it flicks my nipples, making sure to give both ample attention.

  “Please, Daniel,” I beg for his entrance, to ease the ache that has seized my body.

  “Patience,” he teases as he kisses down my body. His head steadies between my legs and he grazes my sex with two fingers. “So fucking wet,” he growls and my legs shake with anticipation. “Easy, kitten. I’m going to take good care of you.” His tongue flicks against me and the warm sensation makes me moan. His hands grip my hips and his mouth takes over, licking, and sucking, devouring my core.

  “Oh God,” I moan, as my climax builds. Daniel sucks on my clit and it’s over. My orgasm shoots through me, and I moan his name over and over. He crawls up my body until his face is above mine.

  “I want you to kiss me. I want you to see how good you taste.” I pull him to me and kiss him desperately. His wet mouth and beard rub against mine until he pulls back and presses his erection against my entrance.

  “Now,” I demand, losing my patience.

  “You know it may hurt somewhat the first time?” He looks at me with concern in his eyes.

  “I’ll be okay. Just go slow.” I touch his face, letting him know I trust him.

  “Look at me,” he orders and my gaze locks with his. Something in his stare hits me hard and makes my chest ache.

  “What is it?” I whisper, praying he’s not about to back out…again.

  “I’m about to tie myself to you. From this moment on, you’re a part of me. There is nothing in this world, come heaven or hell that will take you from me. I’m giving you all I have. I’m giving you my heart.” His tone vibrates down my spine and my breath hitches with his words.

ll cherish and protect it always.” I stroke his face gently.

  “I’m honored you’re sharing this beautiful gift with me. I’ll treasure it always.” With that, he pushes inside me and I bite my lip to keep from making any sound of pain or discomfort. He lets out a moan and his body tenses. When the initial shock of his entrance fades a bit, and in spite of how full I feel, I realize he’s not all the way in.

  I try to relax my muscles that seem to be trying to stop his entrance. “I’m okay. I want all of you inside of me. Don’t stop,” I moan, clinging to him.

  Daniel hisses as he sucks in air through his teeth. “You’re going to make me lose control. It should be gentle your first time.”

  “Please give me all of you,” I beg and with that he thrusts further inside of me. I can’t bite back my whimper and he stills. The pain is sharp, but it feels good.

  His body tenses, but he doesn’t ask if I’m okay, or if he should stop. He can’t stop. It’s too late for that and I know it. On some level, I know he’s thinking he should pull out or ease up, but on another level, that level where a regular human can control their sexuality, he cannot. At our core, it’s just as Eileen said. We’re savages. We do what feels good. We’re driven by instinct and desire. My body is his. We’re connected so deeply now, there’s nothing I want more than to please him. There’s a romantic connection, but what I speak of is primal. Like Daniel said, we’re part of one another now. Our blood courses through one another’s veins and now that we’ve connected this way, it can’t be undone. It can’t be stopped. I understand what Eileen was trying to tell me. Though I’m hurting because it’s my first time, my body can’t reject him, can’t stop this force of nature that is connecting us. It feeds me and drives me now. My life will never be the same, and the intensity of this realization is more erotic to me than anything I’ve ever experienced. To know Daniel and I share this blows my mind—makes me feel enlightened—our connection beyond an average human’s comprehension.

  I stroke his shoulders, letting him know it’s okay. He doesn’t have to fight himself. Not with me. Not with us.

  Daniel presses his forehead against mine. “Look at me. I need to see your eyes.” My eyes dart to his and our gazes lock. He moves slowly, watching my face intensely each time he eases out and pushes back in. After a few moments his rhythm picks up and I arch my hips to meet his thrusts. There’s soreness, but it’s nothing compared to the sensation of the blood roaring through my body.

  “Bite me,” I order him and his fangs elongate as his eyes darken. I’ve done it now. He couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to. “Please.” I need to be in him, fill him, and satisfy him. I need my body to provide him everything.

  Daniel moves faster and my eyes roll back. My body is drawn up tight, ready to explode at any moment. Suddenly, Daniel’s fangs plunge into my neck and I can feel his pull as he draws the blood from my flesh. Thrusting harder, he grunts as his body drives into mine, until he tenses and explodes into his own orgasm, his fangs drawn back as he moans my name.

  Collapsing on me, I wrap my legs around him as his erection throbs inside of me. We lie tangled in each other for what feels like an hour, but it’s only been minutes. When he pulls out of me, he flips over onto his back and pulls me into him.

  “You’ve ruined me,” he laughs. “I’m a goner.”

  “Is that bad?” I ask meekly.

  “No.” He kisses my forehead. “I’ve just never felt like there was another part of me out there I would do anything to protect. Now you’re here.”

  “You don’t have to protect me.”

  “Aldo, I won’t hold you back, but we talked about this. You’re mine now. I’m going to protect you.” The words bring on a bad feeling, a memory of Rhett saying the same thing. I feel like I need him to understand it’s two sided.

  “We’ll protect each other.”

  Daniel slides down my body, kissing along the way when he freezes.

  “What?” Looking down I see blood slicked on my inner thighs; evidence of my lost virginity.

  His hungry gaze meets mine before he begins licking the inner part of my thighs, removing all traces of blood.

  Holy shit! I am incredibly turned on right now.

  “You taste too good to waste one drop.” With that, he slides out of bed and pads to the bathroom, returning with a wet washcloth.

  Reaching between my thighs, he begins to clean me and heat flushes my face. “Don’t be embarrassed with me. My body is as much yours as it is mine, and vice versa. There will be no shyness between us. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” I nod, completely blasted with lust by his words. I open my legs wider to give him better access.

  “That’s my girl.” He gives me a wolfish grin as he finishes cleaning me with the cool cloth.

  When he’s done I push up and wince again from the pain of my burn and broken hand.

  “I shouldn’t have fed from you.”

  I feel fatigued, but I gather it’s from the incredible sex I just had and my need to feed.

  “I’ll feed soon,” I promise. “I have to go.” I stand and scan the floor for my jeans.

  “Where are you going?”

  “They’ll be worried about me and I need to find Rhett before he does something stupid. He saw the tape of Andre all over me.” I cringe remembering the video.

  “I wouldn’t have let that happen. If Jamie hadn’t gotten thrown out by him I would’ve been there the entire time. I tried to get back as soon as I could.”

  “You stopped him.” I touch his arm. “You told me to feed and I didn’t listen. Like you said, I always have to learn the hard way.”

  “No more of that, okay?” He gives me a pointed look. “Will you trust me from now on?”

  “Yes, but will you allow me to make mistakes from time to time?”

  “As long as the mistake doesn’t involve the possibility of death and rape.”

  “Fair enough, but that tends to be where I stumble, for some reason.”

  Daniel pulls my body to his and kisses me. His erection presses against my belly. “I’ll give you twenty-four hours to get your affairs in order. Then you’ll come back here. I’ll call Flynn and have him bring everyone up.” His lips graze my neck and it takes every fiber of my being not to push him on the bed and have my way with him.

  “You promise I’ll get to kill Andre?”

  He grazes my cheek gently with his knuckles. “I promise, as long as you do it my way.”

  “Okay,” I agree.

  After a long shower Daniel insisted we share together where he banged me against the shower wall, I leave his apartment wearing one of his black T-shirts under my coat. A part of me wants to run back inside and hide away with him while we ravage each other, over and over, but there’s work to be done. He would’ve walked me back, but we agreed it was too dangerous for us to be seen together. I promised him I would go straight to the apartment, but I have to find Rhett first. My stomach feels heavy remembering the look in his eyes last night—that hurt, that anger. I never wanted to put that pain in him. Not after everything he’s been through. Not after what he’s done for me. I need to speak with him. He needs to know there’s a possibility Thomas could be his brother. After Daniel and I worked out a basic plan, I agreed to return to his place in the evening and he would feed me more blood, and we’d fine-tune our plan.

  I’m two blocks from the apartment when I have to stop and rest. I lean my forehead against the cool brick building and breathe deeply, trying to compose myself when I hear a honk. I jerk up, startled, and find Corbin in his red Chevy Cavalier.

  He jumps out of the car and runs to me. “Aldo, where have you been?”

  “It’s a long story.” I sigh with relief that he’s found me.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I lie. “Just tired and I have a headache.”

  He helps me in the car and we take off, but we’re heading opposite of the apartment.

  “Where are we going?” I as

  “I’m sorry,” he says shaking his head.

  “For wha—” I begin to ask when I feel something pinch my leg and a burning sensation scorches through my body. I shriek in pain. I look down as Corbin withdraws the syringe he just stabbed me with. The pain is excruciating and after a few moments, I realize I’m passing out.

  There is darkness, but there is peace. I sense the presence of someone, but I’m not sure who.

  “You’re in trouble,” Lucy whispers to me as she strokes my hair. Her voice is familiar as my own. I know I’m dreaming if Lucy is with me.

  “What do you mean?” I struggle to open my eyes, my body still burning from whatever Corbin injected me with.

  “You’ve been deceived, my love.”

  I force my eyes open and look at her. “By who?”

  “It’s easy to do. Trust the wrong people.”

  “Thomas?” I ask.

  “No, it’s not Thomas this time.”

  I make myself sit up and the room is dimly lit. Lucy is wearing all black and holds a handkerchief in her hand. “Am I dead?” I ask panicking.

  “No child,” she laughs, but it quickly fades. “But you will be very soon.”

  “What do I do?”

  “I don’t know,” she answers shaking her head, clueless. I sigh and lie back down.

  “Where am I?”

  “Corbin has you. He’s going to attempt to trade you for his wife.” This is obviously information I have absorbed and my subconscious is posing as Lucy to explain it to me.

  My heart sinks. Not Corbin. “He’s my friend.”

  “You might have seen it coming if you hadn’t been drinking yourself into a stupor every night to hide from your dreams,” Lucy scolds me. I haven’t sorted information in weeks. All I’ve wanted is darkness and quiet. I shake my head. Of course, I wouldn’t have had a chance of knowing Corbin may have been planning to betray me.

  “What do I do?” I ask again.

  “I don’t know,” she shrugs. “I have to go,” she kisses my cheek. I smile back at her, too tired to do or say anything else.


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