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Hybrid (The Healer Series Book 2)

Page 33

by B. N. Toler

  “I wasn’t half naked,” I correct him with a wink.

  “I want you to take this. It has all of our phone numbers programmed into it. You call if anything goes wrong, or you need anything.” Daniel hands me a tiny cell phone and I flip it open scanning the buttons.

  “Okay. Thank you.” I slide the phone in my coat pocket. “I’ll see you tonight.” I squeeze his hand and leave his apartment, weaving my way towards Marshall’s. We agreed it would be better for me to speak with Carter and work out the details of our plan. I move through the alleys swiftly and with caution. Daniel’s blood has energized me. My injuries are healed and I feel like a million dollars. The incredible sex could be part of that, too. Images of his body and touch play through my mind as I scurry towards Marshall’s.

  “Aldo.” He says my name and I freeze. I turn back to find Rhett about twenty feet behind me. Shit! He followed me from Daniel’s. He approaches me slowly and when he stops we stare at one another.

  “So, I’ve lost you?” His words feel like a punch in the stomach.


  “Fuck!” he shouts as he turns his back to me.

  “Rhett, let’s go somewhere and talk.” I try to grab his hand but he jerks away from me. The blood drains from my face as his beautiful green eyes stare down at me washed in hurt.

  “I should have told you. I’m so sorry. I just wanted to protect you.”

  “I know that. I love you for it, too, but you were willing to hide who I am from me. Do you understand how cruel that is, even if you were trying to protect me? Everyone has lied to me, Rhett, you, Lucy and Thomas. You said you would never betray me, but you did.”

  “I didn’t have sex with you because I knew that. I was still debating whether to tell you or not.” He runs a hand through his hair.

  “Do you think the no sex thing helped at all? You made me feel rejected; like something was wrong with me, and the entire problem was your fucking conscience!” I realize I’m shouting and I quickly clip my last word to stop myself.

  “You know I love you.” His voice is deep and laced with emotion.

  “I do know that. I love you, too. I always will.” I reach for him, but he backs away.

  I have a list of the absolute worst moments of my life. Number one was the day Lucy died. Second, although they weren’t real because they happened in my dream world while I was asleep, were leaving Whit angry with me when I set out to find Thomas, and the look Hudson gave me when I said I wasn’t going to say goodbye to Beau. Believe it or not, this moment, right here in this alley with Rhett tops them all. Tears form in those big, green eyes and my body is crushed by the sadness that washes over his face. Oh God, I do love him. I have no choice but to break one of Daniel’s rules.

  “Rhett,” I whisper and his eyes lock to mine. I feel the connection and I hook my mind to his.

  “You will not be sad. You will leave and know we shared a beautiful time together. You will know wherever I am I will carry you here always.” I pat my chest over my heart. “You will be happy knowing while we may never be together, our paths will cross again and we will always be a part of one another.”

  Rhett stares at me blankly, but I continue. “You will leave South Carolina and return to my brothers.”

  I release my hook on him, but he remains frozen.

  “Rhett?” I question. “Are you okay?”

  Still he doesn’t move.

  “Shit,” I whisper as I wave my hand in front of his face with no reaction. “Shit! Shit! Shit!” I whisper loudly. “Rhett!” I say his name loudly, but he doesn’t flinch. Well this is just great. If I call Daniel he’ll lose his mind that I tried to spell someone without his supervision. I spelled Thomas and that worked out all right, so why is Rhett all dazed out? Awesome. I am officially the worst person in the world. I have crushed Rhett by breaking up with him and now I’ve entranced him while trying to ease the pain from that breakup. Pulling out the cell Daniel gave me, I select Eileen’s number from the list. I can’t call Daniel to help me unspell my ex. Aside from the scolding he would most likely give me, it would be wrong to let him anywhere near Rhett in his mental state.

  “Hello?” Eileen answers as if she isn’t sure who is calling.

  “Eileen, it’s me,” I whisper unsure if the others can hear me over her phone. “Don’t say it’s me,” I quickly add.

  “No, I’m not Sam. I think you have the wrong number,” she covers.

  “I’m in the alley right before you get to Maine Street. I really need your help. Like right this very minute. Can you sneak away?” I plead.

  “Okay. That’s okay,” she answers and hangs up. I stare at my cell for a moment and wonder if she’ll actually show up or not.

  After placing my phone back in my pocket, I poke Rhett and say his name repeatedly trying to awaken him, but have no success.

  “What do we have here?” Eileen is beside me and I jump, startled by her presence.

  “I didn’t even hear you,” I squeak, my body still pulsing from the surge of adrenaline.

  “I’m quick and quiet.” She shrugs.

  “Did anyone follow you?” I peek behind her to check.

  “No.” She looks up at Rhett and makes a thoughtful expression. “He’s a good looking guy…for a blood healer.”

  “This is Rhett. My ex.” I follow her gaze to Rhett’s face and sigh. He really is an exquisite being. “I tried to spell him and this happened.”

  Eileen quirks an eyebrow. “Shall I call Daniel? He’d know what to do,” she teases me, knowing damn well Daniel would lose his shit on me.

  “Please Eileen,” I beg. This is Rhett. Nothing about his well-being is a laughing matter to me. I will always want to protect him, even if it’s from me.

  Eileen rolls her eyes at me. “What were you trying to get him to do?”

  From out of nowhere, sobs burst from me and I cover my mouth. Eileen’s eyes widen, surprised by my breakdown.

  “I was trying to make him forget his sadness. He loves me. I love him too, but we can’t be together. I was trying to make him remember I will always love him, care about him, but accept our lives are headed down two separate paths.”

  Eileen places a hand on my shoulder. “People think the heart is only capable of having one true love. You can have more than one. I can see what you feel for Daniel, but I can see what you feel for this man, too. But in the end, Aldo, would you take away his right to mourn your relationship to make yourself feel better about it? Is this an act of love, or is this to ease your guilt?”

  Well damn. She just made me realize what a selfish jerk I am. “He’s been through so much. I just don’t want to hurt him even more.” I sniffle rubbing my nose with the sleeve of my coat.

  “Tell me what you want me to do here.” Eileen’s tone gets serious as she scans both entrances to the alley. She wants to get out of sight. She looks back to me with a sympathetic expression. “I’ll link to him. You tell him what you want.” With that she looks into Rhett’s eyes and they are locked. “Tell him what you want now,” she orders.

  I stare up at Rhett. His beautiful green eyes are glazed over and even though Eileen is watching, even though it’s selfish, I rise up on my tiptoes and kiss him softly. “Thank you for loving me. Protecting me. For saving me. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I will always love you, Rhett. Always. Even though we will never be together, you will always own a piece of my heart. Please leave this place. Return to my brothers if that makes you happy.” Tears stream down my face as I kiss him once more lingering as his cool tingle travels through me. This is the kind of guy every girl dreams of and I have let him go. It’s sick to know when he does find love again, I’ll hate her. Whoever she is will never be good enough for him. Not that I was, but I know that. But I’ll still hate her. Because he will always be mine—in some small way that no one will ever take from me.

  “Okay.” I nod to Eileen.

  “Why don’t you just go and I’ll release him when you’re gone. It will be bett
er for him if he doesn’t see you initially.”

  I turn to go, but stop. “Please don’t tell—”

  “I like to fire Daniel up, but you can bet your sweet ass I won’t ever repeat this to him.” Her words feel harsh for some reason. As if she’s judging me. Maybe because I spelled Rhett to be happy without me—or is it because she feels in some way I’ve betrayed Daniel?

  “Thank you for helping me.” I nod with a half-smile.

  “I’ll see you later.” She continues to stare up at Rhett as I quickly make my exit and head towards Marshall’s.

  The day is cold. Winter has set in as Christmas nears and for a moment, I wish I were going to be home for Christmas to see little Beau mesmerized by the tree lights, just like his daddy. Hudson was always our Christmas lover.

  When I enter Marshall’s, I find Carter in his office with none other than Sarah sitting across from him. Sarah’s eyes meet mine and I can tell she’s up to something.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” Carter bellows an assortment of coughs.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, ignoring his comment.

  “Making plans.” Sarah crosses her arms.

  “Well that’s why I’m here. I have a lot to tell you, Carter and best of all, it comes with a plan.”

  After I explain what happened to Corbin, we stay huddled in Carter’s office for hours while we draw up plans and go over back up plans. By the time we leave I’m spent.

  “You have to work tonight,” Carter reminds me.

  “I’m exhausted Carter. I need rest.”

  “If any of them come in tonight, I want you here to alleviate any suspicion.”

  “Fine. But I’m not dancing. Just serving.” I roll my eyes and groan. All I want to do is sleep.

  “Go get ready.” Carter ignores my obvious contempt.

  Sarah follows me to the dressing room and sits with her back to me as I change into my outfit.

  “I took care of Rhett,” I tell her while she’s not looking.

  “What does that mean?”

  “I spelled him. I told him to go home and be at peace.”

  “It worked?”

  “As far as I know.”

  “You did the right thing.”

  “You knew we wouldn’t end up together, didn’t you?”

  “You and Rhett love each other immensely. I’ve seen it. But your love hinders each other. He’d hide you from the world and you can’t stand even the thought of that. You’d lie and run off to protect him. He’d go mad trying to find you to keep up with you.”

  “I know all of that. I know I want Daniel too. Even knowing both of those things, I still feel like I’m losing a part of myself.”

  “Your paths will cross again, Aldo,” she says simply.

  “I’m with Daniel now.”

  “I didn’t say you’d end up together. I just said your paths will cross again.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I haven’t seen anything if that’s what you’re asking. It’s just a feeling I have.”

  My night drags by with no sign of Andre and his posse. I head back to my hotel room and lock myself inside. After a warm bath, I climb in bed and pass out. But I haven’t been sleeping long when I feel strong arms wrap around me, pulling me close to him.

  “This is your last night in this room, kitten. You stay with me from now on. Do you understand?” Daniel’s voice hums in my ear as he feathers my neck with kisses.

  His erection presses against my leg and suddenly my exhaustion subsides as lust consumes me. “Yes,” I whimper as my body begs for his touch.

  As his hand travels down my stomach he says, “Tell me you belong with me.”

  Without hesitation I respond, “I always have.”

  The next evening, Marshall’s is booming by ten o’clock and I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to keep up with my tables. My stomach is heavy with the turkey sandwich I forced myself to eat after going most of the day on an empty stomach. Daniel let me feed on him before he left my hotel room this morning so I’m feeling strong.

  Jamie and the usual patrons are seated at a large table directly in front of the stage, being obnoxious as ever. I’ve avoided getting near Jamie all night when dropping drinks at their table because we can’t afford a scene. He hasn’t made any comments to me, and I’m wondering if it has to do with Daniel.

  It’s almost 11:30pm before Andre enters with Daniel and two other men I don’t recognize. The temperature seems to drop ten degrees, but I realize it’s probably my nerves getting the best of me. As my gaze meets Daniel’s briefly, I can see something flicker in Daniel’s eyes and quickly disappear as he enters. I’m not sure if it’s the revealing schoolgirl outfit I’m wearing, or how crowded the club is tonight that he reacted to. There are a lot of humans in here tonight, which means there’s a lot of liability—human carnage.

  I make sure to smile brightly at Andre when his eyes meet mine before giving him a wink. Mary leads them to another table that’s diagonal from the table where Jamie sits, but Andre beelines to Jamie and starts shaking hands and speaking with the others.

  Daniel joins him and I make my way towards them to take their drink orders.

  “My night just improved,” Andre hums as he pulls me into him and rests his hand at the lowest part of my back. My skin crawls, but I giggle as I push at his chest flirtatiously. “I love your costume,” he purrs in my ear and I avoid looking at Daniel. I know it’s killing him to watch this.

  “This ole thing?” I say in my best southern accent.

  Andre stares down at me with golden eyes as a wolfish grin spreads across his face. “I’ll be having a private dance later.”

  “I’ll be sure to put you down for one.” I wink at him. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’d like a taste of you.”

  Jamie chuckles, joined by the others at the table. Obviously, a taste of me could mean several things to a vampire ranging from sexual to my blood.

  “I’m not sure your palate could handle the likes of me.” I try to play along while fighting the urge to punch him in his stupid face.

  “Gin and tonic,” he finally answers.

  I look to Daniel and his eyes are black as night. “Would you like a drink?” I ask him.

  “Whiskey,” he states plainly and immediately looks away from me. This is torture for me too. Part of me wants to grab him and run away to his apartment and let him fuck me senseless, but we have a job to do—a race to save—getting fucked senseless will have to wait.

  I take the other’s orders and head to the bar. After filling my order, I drop my drinks and head to the back to check-in with Sarah. When I open the door Sarah’s blue eyes dart to mine and I know something is wrong.

  “We’ve got problems.”

  “What?” I quickly shut the door behind me.

  “Looks like Andre invited a few more of his peeps.” Camera five shows two tables being seated directly behind Andre’s. About twelve others are joining the party. There’s no way for us to tell if they’re vampires or blood healers as it’s night time outside.

  Over the screen, Daniel pivots slightly and I know he’s queuing Eileen to be on alert. Eileen is in disguise acting as a server tonight. Nick, Bridge, and Flynn are hiding under the stage ready to pounce when they get the signal.

  “Shit,” I growl. “Do you think that’s just coincidence Andre invited a bunch of other vamps on the night we’re planning to take him down?”

  “Hard to tell, but either way, it’s not good.”

  I bite my lip as I contemplate what to do. I have no idea what blood healers Daniel is in alliance with, but I was told my focus was Andre, he’d take care of the rest. Of course now we have some unexpected guests and that could be a huge problem for us, along with all of the human patronage. My heart is racing. I stare at the screen where Daniel is visible and notice him gaze across the room as the other unexpected vampires are seated. There’s too much at stake to let this
night bust.

  “Sarah, watch the screen like a hawk. I have a plan.”

  “Care to share?” She quirks an eyebrow at me.

  “I’ll be on stage in twenty minutes.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to make Andre so blood crazed he bites me.”


  “Trust me Sarah. I know what I’m doing. When he bites me, you hall your cranky little ass out there and stake him.”

  “I thought the plan was for you to do it?”

  “It was.” I touch her hand where is rests on the desk. “But it should be you.” Andre violated Sarah in a way that has been etched to her soul for eternity. He stole her innocence, her life, and maybe worst of all…her mother. If anyone should be the one to kill Andre, it’s her.

  Those piercing blue eyes meet mine and she nods; a thank you I’m guessing.

  “Watch the screen.”

  “Aldo, be careful.”

  Catching Eileen’s attention I pull her to the back and tell her my plan. I need her help if this is going to work. Afterwards, I quickly make my way to the front, flirt with Andre some more while Daniel tries not to glare at me before making my way to Carter and Thomas who are working behind the bar.

  “Get all of the girls to go to the back in ten minutes. Have R.J. play You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC.” When I come out on stage and signal, have him start the music. Not until I signal though.”

  “This wasn’t part of the plan.” Thomas’s eyes are filled with panic.

  “Plans have changed, trust me. My plan will work.” Turning to leave, I’m stopped as Thomas grabs my hand.

  “Please be careful.” His eyes are filled with fear now.

  “I will,” I assure him. I still haven’t worked out how to make sure Thomas understands we will never be together again. But it’s on a long list of things to do.

  First was spelling my ex-boyfriend into returning home and not being devastated over losing me. Check.

  Second, possibly spell my first love to do the same.

  I know. I’m such a coward. Eileen was right. What I did to Rhett was wrong, but the thought of him hurting over me makes my chest ache. Oddly enough, even after everything, the thought of Thomas suffering over me gives me the same ache. These men have played huge roles in my life. I will always love them somewhere inside of me, which means I will always care if they’re okay.


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