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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 37 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

Page 18

by Rebecca Milton

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Ad0nis typed, ‘A beauty like yours is worth our time.’

  Sure it was just another guy trying to get her to get nude, but at least he was kind about it.

  Her chat bleeped at her, and she saw a request for a private session from Ad0nis. She had heard about these, but hadn’t expected one on her first night. It gave her a chance to end her webcam stream, but stream directly to that one user. They would pay more, so she actually made more money than the trickle from users coming in and out. Not that she was obligated to do anything more for them.

  She accepted Ad0nis’s invitation, and the chat adjusted in size.

  Really, she didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like it was a daily incident for her to accept invitations to chat privately with strange men. So she used her barista training, and smiled at the camera.

  ‘Hey there,’ she typed, ‘thanks for this.’

  It took him a second to respond. ‘My pleasure. Are you just starting out?’

  She nodded to the camera.

  ‘You’re beautiful, and look pretty smart,’ he typed, ‘you’ll do great.’

  ‘Glad you think so,’ Lacey responded with a smile.

  It brought a blush to her cheeks, and she had to tell herself not to take the compliments so easily. If she could be swept off her feet by any guy with a keyboard, she was in trouble.

  ‘Did you want anything in particular?’ Lacey asked, trying to cut to business.

  Ad0nis responded, ‘Talking is fine. What do you do?’

  She smirked, but didn’t know how to respond. It was a rule not to give out too much personal information, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have small talk

  ‘I serve coffee, fun job.’

  ‘I work with computers,’ he typed back. ‘Nothing major.’

  If someone told her she was going to spend an evening getting paid to have a digital date with a stranger, she would have brought coffee for her night stand. It made her nervous, wondering if Ad0nis was walking her into something. Her brain told her that was why she never found nice guys at work, paranoia. A little kept you safe, a lot kept you lonely.

  ‘So do you work with games?’ she asked.

  ‘I wish.’

  Lacey adjusted her pose, trying to bring more of her cleavage into the webcam’s shot. She figured Ad0nis was paying for it, he may as well get it. Besides, he seemed like a nice enough guy.

  ‘You have such a wonderful figure,’ he typed.

  She smiled. ‘Thanks for noticing.’

  ‘Hard not to notice.’

  Her face went red, and she could feel her body reacting. A warmth flowed through her, and she realized she was enjoying this.

  Lacey cupped one of her breasts through her bra, and squeezed it. ‘What makes you say that?’ she typed with her free hand.

  The squeeze sent a short shock of pleasure through her, but she played it off with a silly smile.

  ‘I like that,’ he typed.

  She kneeled on her bed, and gave both cups a squeeze. It wasn’t much, but the situation, knowing some stranger was watching from who knows where, made her heart beat faster. It was strange, unlike anything she had done before.

  Instead, she found her fingers going to the back of her bra, ready to unfasten it.

  There was a knock at her door, and Lacey bolted upright.

  “Hello?” she said.

  “What are you doing?” called her roommate, Jennifer. Likely she was making something for both of them to have for dinner.

  Lacey typed into the chat, ‘Sorry. I have to go for tonight.’

  ‘Another night then?’ Ad0nis said. ‘If you don’t mind me coming back.’

  She smiled at the camera, ‘Of course not. Any time.’

  He dropped the chat, and she closed her laptop before running over to the door. She cracked the door, and Jennifer peeked inside as if she missed something.

  “Food is done,” she said, “You okay in here?”

  “Of course,” Lacey said with a heavy huff. “I’ll be out in a second.”

  Work was boring in comparison. Working at a local coffee shop meant a lot of taking latte orders, and occasionally greeting a customer who looked like they need a smile. Then once per day, without fail, some guy would try to hit on her.

  “You should feel flattered,” Margaret said as work got busy. “They take a moment out of their hectic day to tell you how nice you look in an apron.”

  “Right,” Lacey said as she handed off a grande to a regular, “I don’t know anything about you, but you seem perky, want to date some time.”

  The guy getting the coffee adjusted his black framed glasses, and accepted the cup with a shy wave. Then like that, he was gone.

  “Hey,” Margaret nudged her in the side, “What is the harm?”

  She shook her head, and instead tried to focus on the night before, and Ad0nis. It was strange to go back to what was just one of many guys that watched her the night before, but his kindness went a long way. It was like going to the first day of class, and finding someone there who was willing to walk you through the ropes. She wondered if he was actually some chubby guy hiding behind his computer screen. With a name like Ad0nis, she had to bet.

  That didn’t change things though, she always told herself that looks only meant so much. She couldn’t complain about guys approaching her about her looks, then shoot down someone else for not looking perfect, could she?

  The same bespectacled customer was at the end of the counter, and she found a gap in time to go see what he needed.

  “Can I get a replacement cap, Lacey?” he said with a nervous smile.

  She looked at his drink, and saw the black coffee top was cracked. She smiled back, and reached under the counter to grab him a new one.

  “Your name is Greg, right?” she asked as she handed it over.

  He nodded as he took it, “Yeah, and thanks.” Then he headed back to his chair.

  Lacey thought he was cute, though a bit quiet. It didn’t help that his glasses covered so much of his face.

  After work, Margaret walked with her to the bus.

  “So did you do it?” she asked, “You know, the webcam thing.”

  Lacey looked innocent, and hummed, “I don’t know. My elite list of clients might not like me spreading their secrets.”

  “Shut up,” Margaret said. “Was it easy?”

  “Simple, after I got approval to be on, I just sat in chat and let a bunch of guys ask me to do stuff.”

  Margaret looked skeptical. “That doesn’t exactly sound like fun.”

  Lacey nodded, “The cool thing is though, you never have to do anything. I was always in control. Some of the guys would get mad and leave, but there were always more willing to take their place. I figure as long as I smile and wear a nice shirt, I could keep a few guys in there while just browsing the internet.”

  “Never thought you would actually do it, maybe I should too.”

  “I don’t think its for everyone, but I’ve only done one night so what do I know.”

  “What all did you show them?”

  The conversation was getting awkward, but Lacey figured if she was brave enough to actually do it, she had to be brave enough to talk to her friend about it. She wasn’t ashamed of showing off her bra, so why fret when her friend wanted to know about it?

  “I just got down to my panties, really.”

  Margaret looked incredulous. “nd how much did you make doing that?”

  “Barely anything, but it was worth an hour’s time at David’s Coffee,” she said with a thumb over her shoulder back toward their job. “Mostly because a guy requested a private session.”

  “Private?” her friend gasped. “What did he want?”

  “That was the weird thing,” Lacey said. “He just talked about me, complimented me, and asked me what I do. I made sure not to tell him any names or addresses, and he still seemed interested in me. It was kind of nice.”

  They were at the bus stop, and Lacey p
iled in at the back of the line. Her friend drove, so they hugged as she prepared to leave.

  “You doing it again tonight?” Margaret asked.

  “I better, I need every dollar I can get.”

  “I hear that.”

  Lacey found herself spending a ridiculous amount of time choosing what to wear that night. It felt strange, choosing what skirt to take off, deciding what panties to show to strangers. In the end, she settled on a short black skirt that would go well with the red lacy underwear she was wearing underneath. Then she relaxed on her bed, and logged in.

  At the start it was the same as the night before, some guys logged in and told her to take off her top. She imagined them like cat callers on the street, the equivalent of men whistling at her as she passed. She smiled, but shook her finger at the camera.

  ‘Hey guys, how has your night been?’

  ‘Doing better now,’ said one.

  ‘You can make it great, girl,’ said another.

  She laughed, and even that got some reactions from her audience. It was great, it didn't matter what she did, at least some of the guys loved it. It was invigorating in its own way.

  She pulled the top she was wearing over her head to finally reveal the red bra underneath, and the chat exploded into a flurry of comments. A few more men joined the chat, and among them she saw Ad0nis.

  ‘Hey Ad0nis,’ she typed, and waved at the camera.

  ‘Hello again,’ se replied.

  Since she had given so much to Ad0nis the night before, it seemed only appropriate to show off for the general chat today. She had to get some regulars. She knew there were girls that did intense ‘shows’ on the site, but if any of these guys wanted that, they would have been in one of their chats. Instead she decided to relax, and be herself. Talk about life a little, hang out in her bra and a skirt, see who stuck it out.

  Lacey did that for about an hour, sitting with a few guys in the chat, and watching her numbers fluctuate. They talked about clothes, current events, and occasionally, sex. Though she tried to keep that last one to a minimum, just to temper expectations. Before long she moved to sitting cross-legged, just to tease them with occasional views up her skirt, and whenever the camera caught a glimpse, the chat went wild. It made her blush every time, but she tried to keep a confident face.

  She heard the chime, and saw that Ad0nis was asking for another private session. She smiled, and said goodbye to the main chat before accepting. The window adjusted again, and she was alone with Ad0nis once more.

  ‘Are you doing okay today?’ he asked.

  She nodded, ‘Of course.’

  Lacey smiled, but realized she wasn’t going to be able to see his response.

  ‘That’s great,’ he typed, ‘I had a tough day at work, but seeing you makes it a lot easier.’

  She frowned. ‘Oh no, what happened?’

  ‘Nothing special, boss bullying me, not appreciated. That wasn’t the worst part of the day though.’

  She got relaxed, ready for a longer conversation. She couldn’t let her favorite customer wallow in depression.

  ‘What else happened?’ Lacey asked.

  ‘After work I saw the girl I like, and like usual, she barely noticed me.’

  Lacey smiled. Her Ad0nis was probably some nerdy guy barely old enough to log into the site. She tried to calm her face, so he didn’t think she found his plight amusing.

  ‘She probably notices you, you just have to be confident, big. Girls love that.’

  ‘Really, do you like that?’

  She paused, then nodded. Sure plenty of guys came in being confident, and she turned them down at work, but it was still a good trait.

  ‘Squeeze yourself,’ Ad0nis typed.

  Her eyes went a little wide when she read it, but right away she recognized it for what it was. He was exerting his confidence on Lacey. She felt a knot in her stomach, sat up and put a hand to her breast, massaging it like he commanded.

  ‘That’s good, I like that,’ Ad0nis typed.

  She liked it too, a second hand went to cupping herself, and she savored the pulses of pleasure coming from her chest. She looked straight at the webcam, but she could see herself out of the corner of her eye, see the lewd look she had on her face. Her lips slightly agape, her stomach was warm, her body wondering why they were stopping here.

  ‘Lose the bra,’ Ad0nis said next.

  Lacey stopped her hands. Was this going too far? She knew she was allowed to show whatever, it was in the rules. Especially in a private session, they were paying anyway. Ad0nis was effectively paying for a private dance. She moved to the back of her bra, and unlatched it, letting the lacy red cage fall free.

  Her nipples were already hard, and as her fingers went back to tease them, she shivered visibly. Each circle of her fingers, each tweak of the tightened flesh, and she was having trouble keeping up the playful exterior on cam.

  ‘You like that?’ Ad0nis asked. ‘How much do you like it?’

  She nodded, and her right hand wandered down her body, sliding her skirt up around her waist. He didn’t type anything as she moved her fingers up her thigh, or as she cupped several fingers over the outside of her panties.

  Her fingers slid up the outside, and her body released a burst of warmth, screamed out in lust. She needed more, even if it was in front of him.

  ‘Touch yourself,’ Ad0nis typed. ‘I want to see you moan.’

  Lacey’s fingers slipped into the gusset of her panties, fingertips sliding over her button, down to her waiting lips. Her fingers slid along her intimate folds, and her fingers immediately became slick with her own juices. As one hand held her left breast, the other played at her entrance, shaking her with little waves of joy.

  It wasn’t anything she hadn’t done before, but now it was different. The whole time she touched herself, she could see Ad0nis’s messages.


  ‘I bet you do this all the time.’

  ‘You just can’t help yourself, can you?’

  ‘Open yourself wider.’

  Every time her eyes wandered to the screen, she could see his words, then she could see herself, red in the face, panting with lips open. It drove her wild. It put her on edge, each slide of her hands bringing her closer to that wonderful moment.

  She heard a heavy footstep in the hall, and Lacey’s eyes went wide. She covered her breasts with her arm, and sat up just in time for Jennifer to open her door.

  “You coming to eat or,” Jennifer stopped as she saw that Lacey was undressed, “Sorry.”

  Jennifer didn’t seem to panic, she just closed the door again, “Lock your door if you’re going to be nude.”

  Ad0nis typed, ‘All done for today?’

  Her heartbeat was throbbing in her head.

  Lacey uncovered herself, and leaned down to type, ‘Gotta go again. Sorry.’

  He didn’t seem phased, typing, ‘That was good. Thank you a lot, and for the advice.’

  ‘My pleasure,’ she replied. ‘We can chat more later, if you want.’

  It took a second for him to respond, so she began to put her bra back on.

  ‘That would be nice, you know, about normal stuff.’

  She smiled, and then he ended their private session.

  Lacey got dressed and went to eat with Jennifer. It was mostly easy rice and chicken, but she appreciated her roommates gesture.

  “Sorry about that,” Lacey said as she sat down.

  Jennifer shrugged, “Your room, your business.”

  Lacey blushed, and wondered exactly what Jennifer thought she was doing in there. Not that their rooms were soundproof, Lacey had heard her fair share from Jennifer’s door.

  “I’ll eat and then head to bed,” Jennifer said. “Early day tomorrow.”

  “Same here,” Lacey said. “Sucks though. I was talking to a friend.”

  Jennifer didn’t look up from her rice, picked at the plate with her fork.

  “Have you ever had a long distance relationship, Jen

  Her roommate shook her head, “Can’t say I have.”

  “I’m just wondering, how would you even know it was for real? A lot of people do it now, I guess. But do you just trust your feelings, and possibly fall in with some creeper?”


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