Book Read Free


Page 16

by JJ Aughe

  Agent Winfrey’s voice came over the intercom before Jessie could ask how they could do that. “Red alert cancelled. Mr. Gilmore. The occupants of the vehicle include Deputy Administrator O’Donald. He has instructed me to have you and Ms. Melano meet him in the living room.”

  Jessie drew away from Bailey’s chest, a question in her eyes. Bailey knew what she was asking. “No,” he whispered. “The microphone here is only activated if that light is on. She couldn’t have overheard us.”

  His usually clear, sky-blue eyes clouded with worry, Bailey took Jessie by the hand and started for the door as he stated, “I guess we should go meet Dennis and find out why he is back so soon. He told Agent Winfrey he probably would not return until Monday, but here he is back and it’s only Saturday morning.”

  As Bailey and Jessie entered the living room, Dennis O’Donald ushered in another man and a woman. Bailey noted immediately the woman appeared to have been in an accident and wore a hospital I.D. band on her right wrist. Her left arm was in a sling and under the trench coat she wore he could see a hospital robe and gown.

  Just glancing at the man, whose clothes looked as if he had slept in them, Bailey was sure he was either a cop or one of Dennis’ agents. He was puzzled though by the obvious protective way the man acted toward the woman, one of his hands laying gently, but possessively, at the small of her back as Dennis ushered them into the room.

  Jessie, being used to sizing people up at first glance, also noticed the protective way the newcomer acted toward the woman and wondered just who they were and what they were doing there. It ran through her mind that these people might be Homeland Security personnel, here to help keep a constant eye on them. If not, she surmised, they must be in protective custody too. Jessie glanced at Bailey, instinctively knowing he had the same questions going through his mind.

  O’Donald acknowledged Jessie, then Bailey. After a short introduction he briefly went over the events of the previous evening. The Crime Scene Investigators had discovered that two of the bullets that hit Ms. Calahan-Hough’s vehicle entered the driver’s side fender at an angle, went through the engine block, entered the interior of the car just under the dash on the passenger side and exited through the front passenger door. Because the rounds had to have been armor piercing, military issue, and the fact that no shell casings had been found at the scene of the attack, Bellevue Police Captain Merrill Burgess followed Deputy O’Donald’s previously given directive and notified Homeland Security. After reading Sean’s preliminary report regarding Ms. Calahan-Hough’s statement to the first officer on the scene Dennis had the suspicion that both the attack on Bailey’s plane and the concerted attack on Ms. Calahan-Hough were in some way related. He immediately placed Ms. Calahan-Hough in protective custody because, if that were the case, she might be in as much danger from Almed as both Bailey and Ms. Melano.

  “Now,” he continued with a chuckle to lighten the situation a bit. “I saw both of your reactions when I introduced Sean. As I told you, Sean is a detective with the Bellevue Police Department. He is also a sentimental old fool who just happens to be my uncle. He was the responding detective after Ms. Calahan-Hough was found. When he found out we were taking over the investigation and putting Ms. Hough into protective custody he insisted on coming along. Because of the severity of the situation regarding Almed, now that Sean is here I have no recourse but to detain him also.”

  Dennis continued with a quick, knowing glance toward Jessie. “The forth bedroom will not be ready for occupancy until late Monday. Until then, Bailey, Sean will be bunking in with you. Ms. Calahan-Hough will be quartered in the other vacant bedroom.” Gesturing down the hall he spoke to Melissa, “Second door on the right.”

  “Now,” and he almost grinned as he half turned toward the hallway. “If you will excuse me, I need to have a word with Agent Winfrey to see if we have extra clothing for Ms. Hough. I shouldn’t be long, Bailey. In the meantime you are free to fill Sean and Ms. Calahan-Hough in on the security arrangements here. Or, if you would rather, you four can just get acquainted and Agent Winfrey can do those honors.”

  Bailey pulled a face at O’Donald’s retreating back then, knowing from Dennis’ last remark that these two detainees had a need to know, quickly went over the security details for Sean and Melissa. Bailey noticed Sean’s face was set with fury as he finished, compelling him to ask, “I take it you don’t care for the security setup, Detective?”

  “Let’s get something straight at the onset, Gilmore,” Sean testily returned. “I have no doubt that my nephew is the best. He wouldn’t be the Deputy Administrator of the Northwestern Mountain Region of Homeland Security if he weren’t.”

  “That said, I’ve been a cop for twenty-one years and I respect the use of security precautions as much as the next cop. Believe me when I say I have seen and been involved in some pretty scary and traumatic situations. But, no matter how critical the case, none of them ever required a victim to be sequestered in an environment like this! Oh, sure. There have been times when it became necessary to put a victim or two up in safe houses, but never before has there been this kind of security! Those four guards out there are carrying the latest in military issue firearms and I suspect are wearing Kevlar under those uniforms. I even saw some very sophisticated communications gear! ”

  “I think,” he quickly continued. “Since my good nephew has neglected to enlighten us, Ms. Calahan-Hough and I deserve to know the ‘what’s, why’s and wherefore’s’, as they say, of what we have become involved!”

  Bailey regarded him for a few seconds before he answered. “Dennis will have to inform you of the rest, but if you will both take a seat I will tell you everything I know of what is going on.”

  Jessie sat in one of the recliners listening while Bailey described the events of the last two, three weeks. She noticed the Detective and the woman were sitting closer together than necessary, the Detective unobtrusively touching her leg or her arm. Each time he ‘accidentally’ touched her, the woman’s eyes illuminated with a light Jessie could only surmise was affection. How deep that feeling went she could only guess, but she was certain it was an attraction that, if reciprocated, would become serious. The detective’s covert actions as they sat listening to Bailey indicated Jessie was right and she was certain the two would soon become a couple. Just as she made that determination she became aware Bailey was staring at her expectantly. Evidently he had asked her a question.

  “I’m sorry, Bailey. I was off in my own little world and wasn’t listening. What did you ask?”

  Bailey gave her a quick, understanding smile as he again asked her what she thought of the security and the personnel here at the safe house. While she answered that she was impressed with the depth and scope of the operation Bailey took a little journey into his own little world.

  He had known Dennis O’Donald since their days in Afghanistan and not once had the man mentioned he had an uncle or any family at all. Since their arrival, he had noticed there didn’t seem to be any real familial affection between the two. Dennis was pushing forty and even having acknowledged Dennis’ expertise in his field, Sean O’Donald treated his uncle as if he were still wet behind the ears! Bailey couldn’t help wondering what the relationship between his friend and the Detective was that Dennis had never mentioned his uncle. He made a mental note to get Dennis to talking about his family sometime in the near future.

  Jessie was finishing her thoughts on the safe house when Dennis reappeared from the control room. Sean O’Donald immediately jumped to his feet and started asking questions. Questions that Dennis either didn’t want to, or could not, answer.

  “Sean,” Dennis started when Sean abruptly went silent. “At the moment, I don’t have time to answer your questions. I have just been informed of another situation in Olympia that requires my immediate attention. I’m sorry, but I do have to leave. I will be back sometime tomorrow or Monday at the latest. Hopefully, this new situation will allow me to say you can all go home at that

  “In the meantime, Ms. Hough, Agent Winfrey informed me that the closet in your assigned bedroom has been recently stocked with a variety of clothing of different sizes. You should be able to find something in there to replace that hospital gown and robe.” Without another word Dennis strode to the door and was gone.

  For a short space silence followed Dennis’ departure. Then Sean O’Donald vented his displeasure. “How dare Dennis treat me like my questions don’t deserve his attention,” he fumed. “I damn near raised him from a pup and he’s acting like I’m nothin’!”

  Agent Winfrey’s voice again came over the intercom, cutting off his tirade. “Mr. Gilmore! Will you please show the new arrivals into the Com room for a complete orientation?”

  “Now,” Bailey laughed as he led the way to the communications room. “You get to vent at the real boss around here. But I wouldn’t get too heated, O’Donald. The woman might just put you in solitary!”

  Fifteen minutes later Detective O’Donald seemed quite subdued as he and Ms. Calahan-Hough returned. “So,” Bailey queried. “What did you think of Agent Winfrey and the security here?”

  O’Donald spread his hands from his sides, palms up. “She is somethin’ else again!” he replied with a grimace. “Efficient isn’t a good word for her, but it is the best word I can think of at the moment. As for what I think of the security here? All I can say is, outside of one area, it is pretty tight.”

  “Oh,” Bailey replied, wondering if the area that concerned him was the same area he himself had noticed. “And what area is that?”

  O’Donald jerked his head toward the rear of the dwelling. “That wooden fence out back is a real security threat. It would be so easy for someone to sneak along that blind spot and gain access to this main building. When I was in the com-room I didn’t see one monitor showing that area. I don’t mind telling you that worries me. It worries me a lot!”

  Bailey saw the knowing glance Jessie gave him before she gave O’Donald a nod of agreement. “We know how you feel, Detective. Bailey and I noticed the same area as we arrived yesterday. Bailey was discussing it with one of the security guards when you arrived.” Locking her emerald eyes on Bailey she asked, “What did Strickland have to say.”

  Bailey gave her a slight nod, letting her know he approved and replied, “He informed me that the area has sound and motion sensors. To back those up, he told me there has been an especially designed laser trip-line that covers the area. Then he laughed and told me not to even worry about it ‘cuz a rabbit couldn’t even get through there without the com-room being aware of it. I didn’t like his nonchalant attitude though and was about to tell him so when Agent Winfrey interrupted.”

  The discussion abruptly stopped for a few minutes as Bealour, one of the security personnel, came in and went into the kitchen. While they waited for the guard to leave, Ms. Calahan-Hough asked the guard if there was any bottled water in the refrigerator. At his affirmative reply she went to the kitchen, returning with a bottle for herself and one for Detective O’Donald too.

  Bailey was impressed by the Detective’s opinion and his knowledge of security procedures. The only thing really bothering him about Detective O’Donald was his relationship with Dennis. Bailey had to ask himself what the Detective would do if he found out they didn’t feel they were safe here and were planning to escape from protective custody. Would Sean O’Donald go along with an escape plan? Or would he blow the whistle on them?

  Earlier, while Bailey had been informing the Detective and her of what had been happening over the last few weeks, Ms. Hough had become beset with misgivings and concern for Kerry, her beloved Irish setter. Had he torn the place apart? Or had her neighbor noticed her car had not been in the driveway all night and used her key to check on him. She promised herself that she would do something special for the woman if she had taken care of Kerry. She had been so involved with her own thoughts that she didn’t really take notice of Bailey’s mention of the small lake and tract of land he was in process of trying to buy. Now, while Ms. Melano was telling them that the fence at the rear of the house was one of their concerns also, she was jarred as Bailey’s mention of the lake and its whereabouts finally registered. The similarity of the property Bailey was trying to buy and the Minetsiac Project she had been working on jolted her. Could the two properties actually be one and the same? Then she remembered something else.

  Thursday morning she had called the attorney in Santa Fe, New Mexico who was handling the Minetsiac Project transaction at that end for confirmation on a couple of points in the proposal. The attorney had mentioned that one of the investors, a Mr. Abdul Ahmed, was very anxious to get the deal concluded! She remembered jotting the man’s name on a scratchpad on her desk and later entering the man’s name as a reference name in the file.

  As she sat there thinking about the real estate deal she recalled the name of the terrorist thought to be responsible for the attack on Gilmore’s plane. Abdul Ahmed Amusel Almed. Suddenly the similarity of the two names hit her. Mr. Abdul Ahmed had to be the terrorist! The enormity of the realization caused her to burst into tears, jump to her feet, involuntarily exclaiming, “Oh my God!”

  Through her tears Melissa saw everyone’s attention had turned to her and blurted. “I just realized why they tried to kill me!”

  Sean was immediately beside her, his hands gently cupping her face. When she said no more and stared past him with tears streaming down her cheeks he understood. “Melissa,” he soothed, as he gently pulled her to his chest, enfolding her in his arms. Being cognizant of the state she was in Sean quietly held her until her tears abated. When she had calmed he led her back to the couch. When she was comfortable he sat beside her, gently asking her to explain.

  Melissa told them about the Minetsiac project she had been working on the night before and the revelation of one of the names of the investors. Holding back a sob she speared Bailey with anxious, terrified eyes. “Just by what you have told us about this terrorist, this Almed or whatever his name is, Mr. Gilmore, when that lawyer mentioned him by name as one of the investors of that tract of land I know I became a woman marked for death.”

  Saying the words herself, Melissa suddenly realized the enormous ramifications of that phone call. Covering her eyes with both hands she began to sob anew. Sean O’Donald immediately pulled her back into his arms. “It’s going to be alright, Melissa,” he soothed. “I promise you that I am not going to let him get to you.” When her sobbing did not lessen, Sean took her by the shoulders, pushing her to arm’s length and giving her a gentle shake. “Do you hear me, Melissa?” he almost growled. “Unless it’s over my dead body, that fanatic is not going to even get close to you!”

  Nodding, she said she believed he truly meant it, then shook his hands from her shoulders, stood and started for the hallway. Spinning back to face him she softly said, “But, Sean. There is a possibility that you won’t be able to protect me. Especially if we stay here. And if there is any chance at all that he can get to us here I think we had better get out of here!” Seeing Sean’s incredulous look and knowing he was going to tell her that it was safe there, she let her voice rise, tears flowing down her cheeks as she cried, “That fanatic, as you called him Sean, is not going to give up that easily. He will find us here! I just know it!” Spinning back to the doorway she fled down the hall.

  The room was silent for a few seconds as she disappeared into her room. Jessie broke the silence as she informed the men that she was of the same opinion. Then, because Melissa was so distraught, and to let her know she wasn’t alone in her opinion, she followed Melissa.

  After Jessie entered Melissa’s room and closed the door, Bailey, encouraged by Melissa’s outburst, decided it was the perfect time to find out just where Sean stood. “She’s right, you know,” he began, as he stood to face Sean. “I already told you Almed will stop at nothing to get Jessie and me. He may not know his identity has already been discovered, but he is a cautious adversary. He is known t
o set up resources in advance in any area he is going to be operating. He is vicious too, Detective. But, like I said, he is also a very cautious and cunning adversary. So, make no mistake O’Donald, he knows it is necessary for him to stay anonymous if he is going to accomplish his goal here. He evidently knows Ms. Hough was told his name. I’d bet that he even searched her office and found where she had jotted his name too. I would also bet that the lawyer Ms. Hough spoke to in New Mexico is already dead.”

  “That,” Bailey continued after pausing for effect, “is why he went after Melissa in the first place, and why he won’t stop until he finds and eliminates that lady you appear to be so very fond of!”

  Though Sean McDonald’s eyes got big at Bailey’s intimation about his feelings for Melissa, he was able to control his other outward appearances. Wanting to know what Bailey thought of their chances he decided to find out. His voice calm, he asked, “If Almed is determined to eliminate Melissa, what chance, if any, is there that Homeland Security, you or I can do anything about it?”

  With steady eye contact Bailey firmed his voice as he matter-of-factly answered, “If we stay here? Slim to none.”

  Hours later, Melissa and Jessie were again in Melissa’s room waiting a bit impatiently for the men to finish another private conversation. The two women had talked a good deal about their respective pasts. They discovered that, except for their financial differences, their pasts were very similar, causing an immediate bond between them. Both their parents had died tragically when the women were in their late teens or early twenties and each had been forced to grow up fast.

  Melissa paced anxiously back and forth between the dark tinted window and the bed where Jessie sat waiting for Melissa to explain about the missing locket she seemed so attached to. “So, Melissa,” Jessie began. “What is it really about the locket being missing that upsets you?”


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