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Page 19

by JJ Aughe

  Bailey was trying to figure who the gentleman could be when Melissa partially explained him with an incredulous cry, “Eddie? Mr. Parker?” and took a step toward him.

  “Stay right where you are, Missy,” that gentleman ordered. “At least until I get some answers!”

  “You, Miss, whoever you are,” he gruffly ordered Carol. “Go stand beside your friends, but don’t obstruct my view of the man in the bed.” When Carol complied, he entered the room, backing against the wall next to the door.

  “First, Missy,” the old gentleman began, again using the nickname he had always used for her as he eyed her bandaged arm and the blood spots on the other redhead. “You know I am a good a shot. So if you are here under duress you can be assured I will take care of anything these people may try. I want to know what is going on, why you are here and who these people are. Just know that you can answer without fear. Are you with these people willingly, or have they kidnapped you and forced you to bring them here?”

  Melissa smiled reassuringly and tried to explain. “Eddie, these people are friends of mine and I am with them voluntarily. What has brought us here is an almost unbelievable story and I’ll explain everything. Before I begin though, I want you to give Carol’s weapon back to her and put your own away.”

  Shaking his head negatively the old gentleman firmly replied, “I don’t think so, Missy. You tell me what is going on first.”

  The old gentleman’s expression changed from concern for Melissa and intimidating toward her companions to incredulous as Melissa introduced first Bailey, then Carol and Jessie and explained the events that had brought them to the cabin. His face showed genuine concern when she told him the man in the bed was a Bellevue Police Detective and needed medical attention, possibly even surgery.

  Eddie was torn between a vow he had made to himself almost forty years earlier and what needed to be done now for the wounded man. I have to do this, he raged at his conscience. I can’t stand by and watch another human being die when there is something I can do about it! I just can’t! Making his decision, he stared at Melissa.

  “Missy,” he said. “Things have happened in my life to make me not be as trusting as I should be. But I have known you since you were just a kid. You have always been up front and truthful. So, because of what I am about to do, I hope what you have just told me is true.”

  Stepping toward the bed he handed Carol’s pistol to her and lay his own on the foot of the bed with the others. “Missy,” he continued, as he moved to the head of the bed and began a cursory inspection of the wounded man. “Do you remember the foot trail to my cabin?” When Melissa answered that she did he continued while removing bandages and inspecting wounds. “I’ll explain later, Missy, but I used to be a doctor. A surgeon and a good one! Though it has been years since I have practiced, I believe that I can help this man. To do that properly I am going to need some things from my cabin. I know you are injured, Missy, but do you think you would be able to guide someone to my place to bring back what I am going to need?”

  When Melissa, secretly smiling to herself, nodded, he began telling her what he would need from his cabin. “Sitting under the large window in my study at the front of the cabin you will find a steamer trunk. There is a padlock on it. One I put on it over forty years ago. I know you can use a pistol, Missy, so because I no longer have the key, take a weapon with you to shoot the lock off.”

  Eddie Parker turned to look into her eyes before saying, “Among other things from my past you will find a very large black medical bag and one about half its size. The two bags contain my surgical instruments and medical equipment and almost everything else I will need. Also, in my bedroom closet there is a built-in cabinet where I keep emergency pain medications and bandaging materials. I will need those too. Empty everything from those ten shelves into the green duffle bag you will find folded on one of the lower shelves. Bring all of it back here. And hurry!”

  He started to turn back to his patient, remembered something else and whipped back around. “Oh! One more thing before you go. There is a roast cooking in a crockpot on the counter in the kitchen. From the looks of things I probably won’t be returning to my place tonight, and since you all have just arrived here, I know you couldn’t have even thought about fixing something to eat. That roast is a six pounder and already seasoned. So bring the crockpot and the large bag of frozen veggies you’ll find in the freezer. It can finish cooking here for all of us to enjoy. And I guarantee, you will enjoy it,” he added with a wink at Melissa.

  Melissa immediately looked at Carol, who nodded and they started for the door. Before they could reach it, Bailey stopped them with, “Melissa, Carol. Wait a second. I’m thinking that what you will need to carry will be too much for just two people. So I had better go with you.” Turning to Mr. Parker he qualified that command. “If you want me to stay here in case you need help, Mr. Parker, I will. But considering everything that has happened and Melissa’s own injuries, I don’t want to take any chances. Almed is still out there somewhere.”

  Eddie Parker could tell from the man’s words and the expression in his eyes that the man wasn’t just thinking it would be hard for the two women to carry everything back to this cabin. He was worried for the women’s safety. Understanding also that Melissa had put her trust in Bailey Gilmore, he nodded. “I agree, Gilmore. Go with them. And instead of hiking over there, take that truck out there. It will save you a lot of time and trouble. I am sure Miss Melano is capable if I need any help here.”

  While Bailey and the women were gone Jessie searched the house for the supplies the retired doctor needed. She found herself in Melissa’s Grandfather’s former room in the process. Since she was there and Melissa had mentioned there might be extra clothes in the closet that would probably fit her, she checked to find out if there were any she could wear. She found the closet had an abundance of different types of hunting togs, so before returning to the ‘sick room’ with the towels, wash clothes and sheets she quickly availed herself of a pair of tan slacks and a tan and green checked long sleeved shirt.

  Since Melissa’s short summation of their circumstances had left a lot out, when she returned to Sean’s room Jessie brought the doctor up to speed on all the events of the past two days. When she finished Eddie shook his head.

  He paused while still working on Sean’s wounds to look up at Jessie. “If everything you say is correct, and please don’t take me wrong Ms. Melano, I do believe you. It is just mind boggling to think that even Homeland Security could not protect you. That being the case, I believe that, even as remote as it is, this cabin is not safe either.” Jessie’s quizzical expression had him explaining his worry. “If that terrorist is as thorough as you say, he will surely check all of your backgrounds and your possessions. In that case, he will probably check Melissa’s land holdings and this cabin is in her name. Today is Saturday so there is a chance that he won’t check until Monday, but I don’t think we should wait to leave here.”

  Jessie was of a mind to agree with the doctor. She had been thinking along those same lines and was really concerned for their collective safety. Except for wishing they could figure out a way to make a surprise raid on Almed’s strong hold, wherever that might be, she hadn’t been able to come up with a solution for the problem. Where else, she quietly pleaded for her brain to answer, could we be safer? Because there was a good chance that Almed did not know about the cabin and wouldn’t be able to find us we had hoped to stay here until Sean is in a good enough condition to be moved. At the moment, though, I know the question of where to go is a moot one. Sean is in no condition to be moved and probably won’t be for at least a couple of days.

  The turmoil of what to do must have been showing on her face or in her eyes because the doctor came around the bed and placed a hand on her shoulder. He told her in his best bedside manner he was sorry he had caused her to worry about the situation. Then he dropped some information on her that he hoped would alleviate some of her worry.

  “Ms. Melano. Jessie, if I may call you that?” he started. At her affirmative nod he continued. “There is a way out of this. One that I know you and the others, even Melissa, would never have guessed might be available.”

  “You see, Jessie, I own another home in Southeastern Washington near enough to Walla Walla and the Tri-Cities to reach a hospital in less than thirty minutes by helicopter. I happen to own an Army surplus Huey helicopter too. It is based in Renton and is being used by my pilot for my various business needs. It is always available to me whenever I need it.”

  Jessie was dumbstruck! When her mind finally began to work again she stammered, “Y-y-you mean you would call for the helicopter to take Sean somewhere that far away? And throw in a place for us to stay that is so far from here that Almed would never know where we went?"

  “Of course,” he replied with a nod of his head. Then continued with, “When I feel that we can safely move your friend here I will call the pilot and he can be here whenever I want him to arrive to take us all there or to one of the nearest hospitals in that vicinity.”

  The others returned just in time to hear the last of the doctor’s words and Bailey roughly demanded, “Who’s going to arrive to take us to a hospital?”

  Jessie excitedly explained the doctor’s offer. Then asked what Bailey and the women thought. Melissa was enthusiastic about the idea, but Carol and Bailey seemed reserved until Eddie, already searching through the bags they had brought back informed them that he could perform the surgery to repair the damage of Sean’s bullet wounds, but the concussion was an all together different matter, something beyond his skill. “Your friend’s brain could very well be swelling or there could be bleeding inside his skull. The only way to find out for sure is to get him to a hospital so tests can be run and, if needed, a qualified surgeon can go in to relieve the pressure on the brain. In other words, if he doesn’t get to a hospital there is a very real possibility he will die.”

  The prospect of Sean dying was too much for Melissa. “I don’t care what the rest of you say! If Eddie feels that Sean needs surgery then to hell with this Almed and Homeland Security too! Surgery is what he will have!”

  “Who needs surgery?” came a very weak, hoarse, voice from behind them.

  As one, they all turned to find Sean’s eyes open and a wry smile on his chapped lips. Forgetting everyone else in the room Melissa was the first to react. “Oh, Sean!” she cried, rushing to his side to place a very wet kiss on his dry lips.

  “By Gory!” he croaked when Melissa drew her head back. “I must be in heaven, or I’m dreaming! I’ve been kissed by an angel!” His eyes slowly closed as he lapsed back into unconsciousness.

  “No!” Melissa cried, thinking the worst. “Eddie! Help him! Please help him!”

  Eddie was already checking Sean’s vital signs. “It’s going to be okay, Missy,” he soothed. “He is just unconscious again. His lucidness just now is a good sign though. I think that once he is stronger and we are able to get him checked at a hospital he’ll be okay.”

  Twenty-five miles west of the cabin:

  Another failure! Staring out the window in the cubbyhole office of a small diner in Kent, a city just southeast of Seattle, Almed was furious! “There is no excuse for failure, Jamad!” he vented his displeasure on his second in command. “Achmed has already paid with his head for firing that missile before I arrived to give the signal. If that imbecile Bealour had survived I would also take his head!

  The only good he did me was planting GPS chips on those two women. Now, you tell me that our supposedly expert communications man has misplaced the flash drive with the pass codes for them! Those codes are vital to our keeping track of our quarry! Why weren’t the pass codes encrypted like everything else is supposed to be and included on my laptop with the rest of our information instead of being saved separately to a flash drive?”

  “Never mind!” he hissed, cutting off the man’s response. “You can’t seem to get any information on where our quarry has gone and without those codes we can’t find them! I want you to make sure the one responsible is punished appropriately!”

  “Now,” Almed ground out. “You, Jamad, will take appropriate action with the others responsible for the debacle this evening! When the pass codes are found I personally will see to the capture of the infidels. I will have my revenge!”

  Chapter 11: Amazing Finds

  8:30 pm, Saturday evening:

  Alone, Bailey lay awake in his room. Carol had caught up to him on patrol, a precaution he had insisted was necessary, told him she was too restless to sleep and relieved him. That had been more than an half an hour ago. So why, he asked himself, am I lying here awake staring at the ceiling instead of, . . . What ? Going to Jessie’s room? No. I couldn’t do something like that. I respect her and love her too much. Besides, I have to keep my mind on our situation and the danger Almed presents. Wanting Jessie beside me isn’t the reason I am not asleep anyway. I just can’t get past the idea that Almed is unaware where we are. He proved he is too smart not to have taken precautions by his finding us at the safe house. He had Bealour in his pocket and he was a trusted agent of Homeland Security. What other precautions could the terrorist have taken to be able to find us here? That is the question I need to answer. But I don’t know the answer and that bothers the h-e-double toothpicks out of me. What I do know is that he has technical resources of which even Homeland Security is not aware. I’ll have to think about what technology he might be using and what he could possibly use to find us. One thing I know for sure; He used real-time satellite in Afghanistan to keep track of comings and goings at our base. Could he be using that here too? He seems to have the financial backing to do just about anything so I guess it would be possible. That would be an awful long stretch, though.

  Finally deciding he wasn’t going to be able to sleep, Bailey went to the kitchen to make coffee. Man! What a shot of brandy would do for me right now, he mused as he added water to the coffee pot. Setting the pot on the stove he lit the burner and, having always been fascinated at the way a percolator functions, stood almost hypnotized as the coffee made. He was reaching into the cupboard for a cup when he heard a very familiar, and all so-o-o sexy voice behind him say, “Get a cup for me, too.”

  Glancing over his shoulder he saw Jessie, clad in a pale blue terry cloth robe, standing just inside the doorway. Her hair in disarray, her eyes puffy from sleep, or lack thereof, and her lips curved in a seductive smile, she looked so bewitching that he just stared. This woman wants to marry me? I must be the luckiest guy in the world!

  Then she did something that blew his mind so bad that he completely forgot the coffee.

  Her eyes twinkling mischievously, she put a finger to her sexy lips in a signal for silence and, using the fingers of the other hand, lightly brushed strands of her long hair back over her shoulder. Seductively, she slowly walked to him, placed a hand tenderly on each of his cheeks and gently pulled his head down so she could kiss him soundly.

  Bailey thought she would step back when he couldn’t seem to respond. But Jessie wasn’t through! No. Not by a long shot!

  Moaning softly, she placed butterfly kisses on his cheeks, forehead, nose and then his neck. When her lips arrived at the prominence of his Adam’s apple she opened her lips, stuck her tongue to it and began stroking her tongue around, over and above, driving him mad with desire.

  Jessie wasn’t finished. Deftly unbuttoning his shirt with one hand she ran the other one up and down his muscular arm as her lips traveled down his t-shirt clad chest in seductive kisses until reaching the slight bump in the material indicating his left nipple. There, she paused to glance up at him. Her eyes again mischievous, she circled the bump with her wet tongue until his t-shirt was well dampened. Then she nipped the nipple tenderly with her teeth.

  Now beyond all sane reason, Bailey grabbed her by the waist, hauling her onto the counter top. Aggressively pushing her robe open with his hands he discovered her breasts were bare. Glancing up
, he saw the pupils of her eyes were dilated with desire, her lips slightly parted. Kissing her bare nipple he cupped the other breast tenderly and began gently rubbing that rigid nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  Intent on their love play they didn’t notice as, barefoot and water pitcher in hand, Melissa stepped to the doorway. She almost gasped at what she saw but caught herself in time. Embarrassed beyond anything she had ever known she tried to make a hasty retreat down the hallway. But, alas, retreat was not to be. She was in such a hurry that her big toe caught the edge of the braided rug her grandmother had made for the hallway causing her to stumble, lose her balance and begin to fall. She tried to catch herself by grabbing the hall table but her injured arm didn’t hold her and she crashed heavily against the small mahogany table, sending a large plastic vase of fake flowers crashing to the floor.

  Bailey, his outer shirt completely unbuttoned and the dark wet spot over his left nipple showing very plainly, was immediately helping her to her feet. He picked up the vase and set it back on the table as he asked if she was okay.

  She felt the heat in her neck and face and knew she was turning red as the proverbial beet. Mortified, she answered in a rush of words. “I’m fine, Bailey. Sean was awake again and he drank all his water. I was just going to get some more cuz’ he went back to sleep!”

  Bailey suspected that the blush he saw on her face and her rushed words were because she had seen what was happening in the kitchen. He was starting to try to ease her embarrassment when Jessie, retying her robe, came from the kitchen. Carol, hearing a loud crashing noise had hurried in to investigate, joined them from outside where she had been patrolling.

  “What’s going on?” Carol inquired, a worried expression on her face. “I heard a loud crash. Is everything alright in here?”


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