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The Billionaire's Virgin Fiancée: A Fake Fiancée Romance

Page 23

by Tia Wylder

  “Eat up. You made it. You deserve to enjoy it,” he smiled. She returned the expression with some hesitation, and the table fell silent as the three enjoyed their breakfast. Amanda finished first, despite having the largest stack. She burped loudly, gasping and covering her mouth immediately after the sound escaped her lips.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled. Tiffany giggled, soft laughter at first that soon turned into loud guffaws. The sound was infectious, and Daniel found himself chuckling as well.

  “I’ve never heard such a big burp from such a little girl,” the woman teased, and Amanda pouted petulantly. “Oh, I’m just having a bit of fun with you. I’ve done worse in my day,” she added, reaching out to ruffle the young girl’s hair. Amanda’s pouty expression melted away, and she giggled softly before reaching out to grab her tablet.

  “I’m gonna go play in my room for a while, if that’s okay?” Amanda asked politely, looking to her father. Daniel tapped his chin, pretending to give the request deep consideration.

  “Hmm… let you play in your room, all by yourself? Who knows what trouble you could get into…,” he began, continuing to tap his chin.

  “Daddy,” Amanda groaned, drawing out the word in a long whine. He chuckled, gesturing for her to go ahead. She hopped away from the table, darting upstairs to do God knew what. The two adults watched her go with near-matching expressions of adoration. Tiffany glanced towards Daniel, and he interrupted her before she could speak.

  “I’m sorry, Tiffany. I just… didn’t want to give you the wrong idea,” he muttered, setting his fork to the side once he was done eating. With an empty plate as well, Tiffany wrung her hands nervously.

  “I shouldn’t have expected,” she began softly, but Daniel rose to his feet, circling around the table to draw her into his arms. “I just got swept up in things, I guess,” she murmured, pressing her face against his shoulder. Her chest was pressed flush to his own, and he could feel the point of her nipples beneath her shirt. Warmth washed over him, and he drew away with a faint smile.

  “I can understand. I just… I want you to know it’s not because I’m not attracted to you. I simply…,” he trailed off, unsure of how to finish his sentence. She smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

  “You’re just too nice, Doctor Brookes,” she hummed, patting his cheek. She drew away, moving to busy herself with cleaning up the mess from breakfast.

  “You’re not the help, you know, we can clean up after ourselves,” he muttered after his attempt to help was thwarted.

  “Don't be silly," she said dismissively, gathering the dishes and placing them in the dishwasher. "In my apartment, I had to hand wash everything. Putting things in the dishwasher is a breeze," she chuckled. He hummed, crossing his arms over his chest as she edged past him. “Don’t you have work today?” She inquired softly, moving to stretch out on the couch.

  The sheets he had slept on the night previously were strewn haphazardly across it, but she paid it little mind. He could only wonder if the scent of his arousal clung to the bedclothes, but she gave no indication one way or another. She simply fixed him with a coy smile as he sat in his easy chair. He swallowed a thick lump as it formed in his throat, trying to fight his own embarrassment. He felt as if he had no right to be embarrassed, especially after what he had put the woman through. For her part, however, she carried little shame now. Perhaps it was water under the bridge. If only he could banish thoughts of her bare skin from his mind, the way her lips would feel wrapped around his...

  “Earth to Daniel. Don’t you have to work today?” She inquired, looking amused. He jolted in his chair, blushing so hard he was reminiscent of a tomato.

  “N-no. I was just going to spend today with you and Amanda,” he muttered, averting his eyes. She rumbled a laugh, obviously amused by his flustered appearance.

  “I can keep the house down, if you want to spend some time alone with your daughter,” she offered, sounding more serious. He considered her words, knowing he should leap at the chance to have time away from the woman who haunted his thoughts. However, he was forced to acknowledge the fact that he very much wanted to spend nearly all his time with her. It was counterproductive to the decision he had made the night before, and he knew he should tread carefully.

  “Maybe just a lazy day in,” he finally decided upon. Tiffany considered him for a long moment, before quirking her lips in a smile.

  If he allowed himself to pretend, it was almost as if his family were whole again. If only he could stop making so many mistakes.

  Chapter Six

  Some days later found Amanda preparing to visit with her mother, much to the young girl’s chagrin. Daniel knew she had been having a blast with him and his pretend lover; going to the park, the movies, even to the arcade in town that he claimed was a germ haven. He found himself able to relax more with Tiffany, and it seemed that his daughter had noticed as well. She sat sullenly in the back seat, arms crossed over her chest as she sniffled softly.

  “Honey, you only have to stay with your momma for a few days. Then, it's back to playing princesses with your daddy and me," Tiffany murmured soothingly. Daniel chuckled, glancing in the rearview mirror. His heart ached at seeing his daughter so upset, but he couldn't justify depriving his wife of time with her; at least, not yet.

  "Will you make daddy wear the feather boa again?" Amanda inquired softly, and Daniel glanced to Tiffany from the corner of his eyes, silently mouthing ‘no.'

  “Of course. Maybe I’ll even break out my makeup and give him a makeover," Tiffany said in a tone that sounded entirely too pleased with herself. She grinned at Daniel, and he rolled his eyes good-naturedly before focusing back on the road. "But I'm only going to break out the lipstick if you behave for your momma until we come back to get you,” Tiffany added, and the young girl groaned unhappily.

  "She never thinks I'm good," Amanda lamented, and Daniel rumbled a laugh as they drove into the parking compound of Melody's apartment complex. Daniel unfastened his seatbelt, watching as Tiffany remained firmly planted in the passenger seat.

  “Come on. You two will have to get used to being in each other’s presence from time to time,” Daniel teased. Amanda giggled brightly as she unfastened her seatbelt as well, opening the door and jumping out of the car.

  “Yeah, Miss Tiffany. Maybe you and mommy can be friends,” she announced grandly. Tiffany snorted, but quickly composed herself. It was obvious she couldn’t say no to Amanda’s pleading gaze, so she unbuckled and stepped out of the car as well. They walked as a group to Melody’s apartment, and Amanda rhythmically tapped on the door.

  “Hold on a minute,” Melody called out grouchily, and moments later the door was pulled open. She brightened upon seeing her daughter, though her expression immediately dropped again upon seeing Tiffany. “Well, look what the cat dragged in,” she muttered. Daniel stiffened, prepared to launch into a tirade. However, Tiffany spoke before he was able.

  “I owe you an apology, Melody,” the larger woman murmured, and Melody’s eyes nearly bulged out of her head. Daniel might have found it laughable if he weren’t so surprised as well.

  “An… apology?” Melody repeated, uncertainty obvious in her voice. Tiffany breathed a sigh before reluctantly nodding.

  “I shouldn’t have said the things I said to you. I have no way of understanding what your relationship was like with Daniel. Though he treats me quite well… maybe he’s simply changed since the two of you were together. I just wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for my behavior and that I realize it was inappropriate. Especially in front of Mandy," Tiffany murmured. Melody looked taken aback, opening and closing her mouth for several moments. She looked much like a fish, and Daniel forced himself to swallow a laugh. Despite feeling as if the apology was unwarranted, he couldn’t help the warmth that bloomed within him in the face of his pretend lover’s compassion.

  “...Thank you,” Melody finally settled upon, her face looking significantly less strained than it had when they first approa
ched. “Truth be told, I owe you an apology as well. I was so angry to see that someone was happy with my ex-husband. I wanted to rip that happiness away from both of you. But regardless of how Daniel treated me, you could be right. Maybe he has changed. For your sake, I hope he has," Melody muttered, looking vulnerable. Daniel looked between the two women and felt Tiffany give him a rough nudge in the ribs. He glanced at her, fighting a groan when she jerked her head towards Melody. As much as he wanted to deny it, the truth was that he very much owed his ex-wife an apology. Though she struggled to be a good mother at times, she had loved and taken care of Amanda during the times he simply could not. She may not deserve full custody of their daughter, but at the very least, he felt he could offer an apology for the way he treated her towards the end of their relationship.

  “I’m sorry, too,” Daniel apologized bluntly, and Melody looked even more surprised. “For all our fights, you helped raise Amanda the best you could. I should have been a better husband to you. I know I can’t change that now, but…,” he trailed off, and Melody averted her eyes, clearing her throat.

  “If you want to make it up to me, treat this one well, Danny. I mean it,” Melody uttered with an air of finality. She reached out to take their daughter’s hand, guiding the small girl into her apartment. “I’ll see you two in a few days. Enjoy your time together,” the slender woman said before abruptly slamming her door shut. Daniel stared at the door for a moment, before glancing towards Tiffany. She met his gaze with something akin to amusement, and all at once he felt his heart surge with affection.

  “Let’s go home,” she murmured. He nodded, fighting the urge to shout to the heavens how wonderful she was. He slipped into the car, and she turned the radio up once he started the ignition, humming under her breath. It was a wonderful sound, a sound that brought memories of the night he had nearly shared with her to the forefront. She sensed that he was rather uneasy, and as they pulled into the driveway of his home, she turned to face him. “Daniel? Are you okay?” She inquired softly. He hesitated for a moment, meeting her gaze. All at once, he lost control of himself. He lunged forward, tensing his hands in her blouse and forcing their lips together. She squeaked, immediately deepening the kiss. After a moment, however, she jolted away. "You said," she sputtered, and Daniel looked at her with a pleading expression.

  “Since that night, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. How beautiful you are, how much I want to… to...,” he trailed off, and she stared at him through wide eyes. “But you deserve so much better than to lose your virginity to a man who can’t make up his mind, you deserve--,” he stammered out, only to feel her lips crash against his once again.

  “Take me to your bedroom,” she murmured as she drew away, eyes dark with desire.

  “But, Tiffany, if I start, I’m not sure I can stop,” he groaned. She smiled gently, caressing his cheek.

  “You don’t have to. I know you don’t love me, Daniel. But for tonight, can you… can you just pretend?” She implored. His breath caught in his throat, but he managed a nod. The two scrambled out of the car, immediately finding comfort in each other’s arms. They kissed passionately all the way to the front door, drawing away only long enough to draw breath. Adrenaline surged through Daniel’s body, and as soon as the door was open, he lifted the curvy woman up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, surprised and obviously aroused by his strength. He staggered up the stairs, struggling not from the added weight but from the sheer strain of his arousal. He slipped into their shared bedroom, tossing her onto the bed. She bounced up, laughing almost deliriously before their lips met again. He fumbled with the buttons on her blouse, and she forced him away just long enough to pull his shirt off.

  Frustrated with how long it was taking to get her shirt off her, he ripped it open sending buttons popping in all directions. She laughed, and he reveled in the sound, pressing his lips to the column of her neck. He reached around, swiftly unclasping her bra. It fell away, and his lips continued to travel down her body. She gasped out his name, keening loudly as his mouth found her plentiful chest. He wrapped his lips around a nipple, gently tweaking the other one with his fingers.

  “Daniel,” she moaned gutturally, and his stiff arousal gave a sudden throb. It was simultaneously going too fast, and not quite fast enough. She jerked her hips upwards, and he struggled with the button of her jeans before managing to yank her jeans down. He hesitated for the briefest of moments upon seeing the damp spot on the front of her underwear, leaning in to deeply inhale her scent. She whined, bucking her hips up. He moved swiftly, pulling her underwear down and pressing a kiss to the apex of her thighs. "Stop… stop teasing me, Daniel. I want you. I want you… inside me," she gasped out desperately. He seemed more animal than man now, so captured in his arousal. He slid his jeans and boxer briefs down on his hips, his arousal springing to attention once it was freed. Taking control, Tiffany pushed Daniel onto his back. He groaned, hips jerking spasmodically as she gripped his throbbing manhood. She stroked it for a moment, considering it with a hungry expression. Decidedly, she shifted to rest on top of him, pressing the head of his length to her entrance. She lowered herself slowly, and he watched her expression shift from bliss, to brief discomfort. He felt her hymen tear as he entered her fully, and she simply rested with him inside of her for a moment.

  “Are you okay,” he managed, leaning in to gently capture her lips. She whimpered against him, nodding her head before slowly moving her hips. Her motions were strained at first, but as she established a rhythm, she grew more desperate. For his part, all he could do was to grab her curvy hips and synchronously pound into her. She moaned in earnest, bouncing on top of his throbbing staff. The sensations soon became nearly overwhelming, and as she slammed down on him a final time, her walls clenched around him as she came. He cried out her name, the word coming out strangled as he shot his load deep inside of her.

  It was over all too soon, but Tiffany considered him with an expression of near overwhelming relief.

  “Thank you,” she gasped out, pressing her lips to his once more. He returned the kiss weakly, groaning against her lips as she lifted her hips off him. The clean freak inside of him might have demanded that he go shower immediately, but he couldn’t find it within him to move. Tiffany curled up at his side, and he heard her breathing begin to even out as it seemed she would drift off asleep. Just before sleep claimed him as well, she whispered three words that made his heart stop. “I love you," she uttered softly, unaware that he was still awake. Guilt crashed over him in waves, but he fought to keep his face passive as he pretended to be asleep. She pressed another kiss to his cheek and moments later she was snoring softly.

  Rest would not come so easy for Daniel.

  The following morning found Tiffany tucked comfortably in his arms, snoring softly with her face pressed against his chest. He watched her with a conflicted expression, not wanting to wake her up, but certainly not wanting to wake her up and deal with the consequences of his actions either. As much as he cared for Tiffany, he knew a relationship wouldn't work. He had already screwed up things with his wife so much, he dared not risk harming the woman in his arms in such a way. He exhaled a sigh, resting his chin atop the crown of her head. She stirred slightly, and he went still in hopes of not waking her.

  “Good morning, Danny,” she murmured against his chest, pressing a gentle kiss to the inky black tattoo that spread across his chest. His heart gave a noticeable pang, and as she drew away to look up at him, he struggled to force a smile.

  “Good morning, Tiffany,” he finally managed, edging away from her to slip out of bed. As the blankets fell away from him, he became all too aware of his nudity and Tiffany’s eyes upon him. He shifted uncomfortably, rummaging around for a pair of clean underwear at the very least. Seems laundry had been the last thing on his mind, but it also seemed he had done very little actual thinking in the preceding days. Tiffany hummed softly under her breath, and he understood she was watching him with rapt attent
ion as he got dressed. He glanced towards her, forcing an uneasy smile. “So… what are the plans for the day?” Daniel inquired softly, receiving a warm laugh in turn.

  “God, Daniel, I could stay in bed with you all day,” she hummed, burying her face in his pillow. His heart gave another pang, and he offered her an awkward smile.

  “Well, we do have to prepare the house for my daughter, tomorrow. Today, it’s just us, but... I’ll prepare breakfast for the two of us in the meantime,” he offered, shifting towards the door. Tiffany chuckled, sitting upright and allowing the sheet to fall away from her. Her breasts swayed temptingly as she leaned forward, crossing her arms under her chest.

  “Isn’t that my job? I have become something of a homemaker after all. Seems you’ve put me in my rightful place after all,” she teased. He chuckled, a rather humorless sound.

  "Oh, it's no trouble. You simply… get dressed and meet me downstairs," he forced out, turning his back on the woman and slipping out of the bedroom. He knew he was being unbearably awkward, but he wasn't sure how to approach the woman the day after their lovemaking-- sex. Their sex. What they had done wasn’t making love, because they were not in love with each other… despite the feeling in his heart. Despite the words, Tiffany had uttered when she thought him fast asleep. He shuffled downstairs, feeling a familiar emptiness at not seeing his daughter already flitting around the house. He knew she was simply with her mother, and he would be picking her up tomorrow at the latest, but he couldn’t help the ache that nearly overcame him at the thought of losing her altogether. Though that seemed an unlikely prospect with the arrangement he and Tiffany had, he was beginning to have second thoughts about the entire facade. He sighed, cracking some eggs into a pan to fry. He could hear Tiffany beginning to meander down the stairs, though he tried to pay her little mind as he prepared their breakfast. He shuffled away from the stove, slipping two pieces of bread in the toaster. He felt her approaching him from behind, unable to stop himself from stiffening as she wrapped her arms around him.


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