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Page 5

by McKayla Schutt

  Waves of hunters jumped from a makeshift covering, guns rang out. None of them did damage unless they could find the soft underbelly. Stella’s tail whipped some of them making a few males fly in the air. Her darker red fire burned hotter than Gerald had ever felt before. He wondered if it had to do with her being in the fire clan. Gerald mentally shook himself to regain his focus.

  Deep down he liked watching Stella kick ass and take the hunters out, but his dragon didn’t want her in danger.

  He moved his large form to block Stella from a blast of bullets. The metal fell to the ground after they hit his scales. A light bruising sensation bloomed where the bullets had hit but he ignored it. Gerald roasted a few men but more seemed to be coming from every direction. Rage filled his body as he realized what he had done. He had landed in a trap for The Devil Hunters. Their ugly symbol glistened on every weapon they used. He turned toward Stella and motioned toward the sky.

  She shook her head and stomped her foot on hunter near her feet. The man screamed in pain till Stella lit him on fire, killing him in seconds. A bag with powder hit Gerald’s back, and he turned to see it falling down. The blue powder seemed oddly familiar but he couldn’t place it but he knew deep down it wasn’t a good sign if the hunters had it.

  They killed a few more hunters, but he kept pushing Stella again to take flight between attacks. A low growl left his lip in an attempt to command her but her green eyes glared back at him. The woman had too much alpha inside of her to truly fear him like the rest of his clan. Part of him knew this was a wonderful trait to have in a mate but right now it put her life in danger. Damn it woman, get your ass in the fucking air. He pushed again but she wouldn’t budge.

  Another bag of the same powder landed against his neck. Fire flew out of his mouth killing more as they charged ahead.

  They yelled at each other, yet their words barely meant anything until one man yelled.

  “They need to breathe in the powder you idiots! That shit isn’t cheap!”

  I need to get Stella out of here alive.

  The dots connected, they were using Shade, a powder used to knock out dragons. When a dragon inhales shade, they are forced to shift, but the force causes pain to radiate through the body. A dragon on shade is forced to be in human form for twenty-four hours no matter what. During crusades, it helped to kill numerous dragons.

  Gerald killed a few hunters at her feet trying to hit Stella’s stomach and then put his head under her body. With a swift lift of his strong neck Stella took flight. He thanked the goddess above as she flapped her wings once. While she glared at him, she lifted her body causing a down draft. A small sense of peace settled into his stomach for a split second.

  Another bag hit his nose while he met Stella’s scared gaze. Pure pain wrapped around every muscle and bone in his body. He gritted his teeth trying his best not to scream out, Gerald didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of hurting him. Slowly his body shrank as waves of agony consumed him. A gasp for air turned into a holler of pain as he hit the snow with a thud. His dragon went quiet inside of his head for the first time ever.

  “Get her!” A man yelled. Gerald’s vision blurred when he opened his eyes. He blinked a few times trying to find her. Stella lifted her large body higher and headed south. She’s safe! He tried to lift his head when a foot came into his vision. Darkness took over.



  Stella couldn’t believe what her eyes witnessed. She flapped her wings as hard as she could toward the house. The only thought she held on to was getting help for Gerald. Her body flew through the sky without any problems but panic slowly settled in as she scanned the vast tundra. Everything looked similar till she caught Gerald’s scent. She turned her head around hoping to see him flying behind her. Only her large form graced the sky making her heart fall into despair.

  She tracked the faded trail from Gerald, a few similar hills came into view from when she met Gerald. Everything had changed in such a short time, emotions surged forward yet she wouldn’t admit them out loud. Gerald meant something to her, more than just an alpha and a home to live in. She wanted him safe and home in her arms. He had done everything in his power to protect her when the hunters attacked. She hadn’t figured out what he was doing until the damn shade powder hit his face.

  Watching him shift to his human form by force had been so painful to watch. The hunters were aiming it toward her once Gerald had finished shifting. His cry of pain still vibrated in her head. Knowing she couldn’t take them all on her own kept her flying away from Gerald.

  The property came into view a few miles out and she pushed her body harder toward the open backyard. She roared loudly to alert them of her arrival. She folded in her wings and descended swiftly. With a loud thud, she hit the ground.

  Zane and Darius ran out of the house followed by their mother and the females who had been talking about Stella earlier. Her dragon let out a low growl at the site of them. She couldn’t help her anger toward the women. She shook her head to calm herself and shifted. Stella didn’t need her dragon burning down the house just to kill another female dragon.

  “What’s going on?” Zane asked.

  “Gerald and I were flying up north and I think he caught a scent and landed. When I landed next to him a flurry of hunters just started attacking.” A blast of wind bit at her flesh making her shiver.

  “Let’s get inside.” Darius tried to motion toward the door but Stella put up her hand.

  “They have Gerald. The hunters used shade on him to make him shift. There were so many I couldn’t get them all before they used shade on me.” Stella took a shaky breath. “We need to find him now.”

  “We need a plan, Stella.” Darius firmly replied. “Plus, how in the hell did they know you were out flying.”

  “I saw one hunter at the hotel but he acted like he didn’t know who I was so I can’t be sure.” Stella hated herself for not seeing the signs sooner.

  “Well then we definitely need a plan if they are prepared.”

  “The plan is brute force, we go in kill them all and get Gerald.” Stella couldn’t understand how they were being so damn calm with their brother missing. Her insides were in knots and his damn cry of pain still rang in her ear.

  “And if we don’t plan someone else could get hit.” Darius turned toward the house but Zane made no move to follow him.

  “We could always do a fly by where they attacked you and see what is going on.” Zane suggested. Stella wanted something better but she would take what she could get.

  “It’s too dangerous.” Darius shoved his hands through his hair. Panic filled Stella’s body. A small bout of wind and snow slammed into her naked body but she wouldn’t be ashamed of it. She felt Lillo’s eyes glaring at her but the little bitch didn’t matter, she only wanted Gerald back. I’ll hit the bitch later. The idea calmed her beast for a moment.

  “Then you better make a plan in the next five minutes or I will leave without you and try to get him back on my own.” Stella growled after a moment to show her seriousness.

  “Fine.” Darius narrowed his eyes toward her. Stella knew he didn’t like taking demands but Stella wasn’t used to having others test her. Lillo shook her head after a few minutes and put up her hand to stop Zane from talking then she turned toward Stella.

  “This is all your fault. He never would have been flying if you weren’t here.” Lillo stormed toward Stella. Anger raged through Stella’s system.

  “Back away.” Stella pushed herself hard to make her voice calm as she stared at Lillo.

  “I won't back down, you should leave. You have been nothing but trouble since you flew into our territory.” Lillo’s voice spiked. In one way, Lillo had been right but Stella wouldn’t back down.

  “I won't say it again, back away before my beast comes out to play. Trust me she won’t take it easy on you.” Stella ground her teeth. Her dragon would love to tear into Lillo.

  “You can't touch me. I'm the
alpha's favorite.” Lillo smirked. Stella lost her patience and grabbed Lillo by the throat, lifting her into the air by an inch. Lillo struggled against her grip but failed.

  “I will leave when Gerald asks me to leave. Till then I don't want to see your face in this house again. Do I make myself clear?” Stella’s hand tightened and Lillo gasped for air.

  Lillo's eyes narrowed on Stella and nodded once. Stella dropped her like a rag doll. Everyone, just stared at Stella.

  “We don’t have time for this. Let’s go find Gerald.” Stella turned and walked away. As soon as her feet hit the open area, she shifted into her dragon. She didn’t give a damn about the pile of clothes she destroyed. While waiting on the brothers to shift, she prayed to the goddess above when they reached Gerald he would be alive.



  Gerald resisted the groan slipping from his lips. All his muscles were sore while his arms were bound above his head. The weight of his body strained his shoulders. The shade had been mixed with something to keep him weaker than normal. Shade could only be used to stop the shift. After an hour or so his strength should have been back. Gerald’s eyes snapped open to find a small room with stone walls. An old mildew smell wafted its way into his nose.

  A pair of shorts covered his hips, Gerald wondered when they had dressed him as the cold air hit his chest.

  He pulled at his tight bonds with no success. A man chuckled off the side, he stepped into the light.

  “Welcome. We don't get many guests here.” He waved his hands around the room. After nothing but silence for a minute the man scratched his full beard. He stood two feet shorter than Gerald yet it didn’t really give him the advantage being tied up.

  “Not very talkative, are you?” He studied Gerald. No way Gerald would speak to the fucker. He would rather die than give up his other dragons. Images of Stella filled his mind and his dragon was breathing fire for not marking her all the chances he had. I shouldn’t have hesitated.

  “I do have a proposition for you. You give me the location to the pack or whatever you dragons call it and I will kill you quickly.” The man smiled like this would fly. Gerald resisted rolling his eyes and stared at the man. He wondered if this was some sort of joke. Did he really think I would give up my clan? After a moment Gerald couldn't help but laugh at the man with gray eyes.

  “I would never tell you shit.” Gerald laughed until the man slapped him. A growl left him but it barely shook the man standing in front of him. “I’m the alpha and you can screw yourself.” The word mate vibrated in his head and his dragon tried to push against the Shade barrier.

  “You will talk half breed. And you'll die a slow painful death.” The man stood tall and moved to a table Gerald had missed the first time he glanced around. Only one door for the room making his escape limited. If the damn shade hadn’t been used, he would have killed them all. He cursed the one who had invented that shit.

  Footsteps could be heard sporadically above him. A click in the room caught his attention bringing him face to face with a long dagger. With a swift flick of the hunter’s wrist he cut Gerald’s arm. The cut stung but Gerald managed to hold his face passive. Within a minute the bleeding stopped and began to heal.

  The hunter flicked his wrists three more times cutting his other arm and both of his legs. Gerald clenched his teeth against the pain and stared down the man trying to break him.

  “Is that it?” Gerald’s voice deepened with anger.

  “Oh, my dear dragon, it’s just the beginning. Like a six-course meal you need to start small first.” An evil grin covered his face.

  “Well get on with it because I will never tell you shit.” Gerald spat at the ground in front of the man.

  “You’ll talk, eventually. And once you do, I will end your suffering quickly.” He patted a machete on the table.

  “You might as well kill me now.” Gerald lifted his head as tall as he could. He would never break for anyone. The man laughed as he picked up another dagger, this one an inch longer than the first.

  “Where is your pack?” The man continued to cut him while asking the same question repeatedly. Pain from each slice in his flesh blurred together. Gerald closed his eyes, images of Stella fill his mind. Her smiling face kept him company through all the torture.

  “You will tell me one way or another.” The man leaned closer and Gerald aimed his foot for the hunter. The tip of his barefoot connected with the man’s crotch and he stumbled back.

  “You’ll regret doing that.” He called in a few other hunters all in their mid-thirties. Gerald struggled to get out of the bastard’s grasp. The main hunter grabbed a large sledge hammer and swung on his lower leg. With two swings, the bone snapped and Gerald roared with anger. Images of the man’s head leaving his body played out in his head.

  His only solace was her safely home with his brothers to protect her. He made a promise to his dragon as the man cut his chest. If I get out of here, I’m going to mark Stella. His dragon howled with excitement. He couldn’t deny his feelings for her anymore. She was his light at the end of this long dark tunnel. When his strength came back, he would burn this pace to the ground and rise from the ashes to claim his mate.



  Never had Stella been so angry in her entire life as she pushed her wings harder toward the spot where the attack happened. Her heart raced the closer they inched toward the charred ground where she had killed a few of their bastards. The two brothers flew next to her as her back up. She thanked the goddess that the females stayed home and would not be there to rescue Gerald. Darius took the lead and swooped down landing with a solid thud. Stella hovered above him waiting for someone to attack.

  Moments passed with nothing but the wind howling in her ears. Darius sniffed the ground and must have picked up a scent. Darius’ light gold scales glinted against the snow-covered backdrop. Zane’s scales were darker than Darius but not black like Gerald.

  Darius took flight and headed south east away from the property. The sun came in and out of view with all the clouds blowing through. In a few hours, the sun would set making their rescue more complicated. She hated the short winter days in the Canada Tundra. Darius only told Stella to stay out of her way. Zane had been quick to add that Darius had a tendency to be a little less of a graceful fighter out of the three brothers. Stella would have laughed at Darius if not for the circumstances being so damn urgent. Stella kept close to the brothers Darius banked left and then a few moments later banked right. She wondered what he was doing until wheel tracks caught her attention on the tundra.

  Gerald’s scent grew stronger the farther they flew, making Stella’s hope rise slightly. She needed to see him. Needed him to be okay. The entire time the brothers had been discussing the plan, she had been thinking about Gerald. She wanted burn everything to the ground.

  Her heart ached with every beat, finding him seemed to be the only logical way to make it stop. A small fence came into view followed by three buildings. They reminded Stella of her old home in the south but the hot weather was a big difference. Darius locked his gaze with Stella and nodded his head. Zane grinned showing off his sharp teeth in the process. Darius dove and Zane followed close behind.

  Stella hovered for a second trying to figure out which building held Gerald. The center building looked more like a home had no trace of his scent from this height. Stella dove a bit and caught his scent in the southern most building.

  As Stella picked up speed into the air, hell broke loose on the ground as the hunters realized three dragons were here for them. Stella’s throat burned as she flipped around and pushed the fire out onto the east building. She landed with a solid boom and continued to burn the house to the ground. Darius and Zane stared at her while she let loose. By the time Stella took a breath to regain her stance the entire structure was nothing but rubble.

  Hunters began to hurl bags toward her face but missed and hit the scales on her chest. She s
tepped on a few of them before moving on to burn down the home in the center. With a defining roar being their only warning she pushed the flames out and started to burn it like the first building.

  Screams of pain sounded in her ears but as she killed the Devil hunters. Zane and Darius blocked the ones trying to attack Stella. Within minutes the screaming stopped and most of the hunters outside were dead. Zane and Darius continued to kill off the few remaining hunters. Stella shifted into her human form and walked into the final building not giving a damn about her naked body. She had other problems to deal with.

  When she entered the small building, she found some of the young hunters all huddling in fear. She stood tall and glared at them.

  “Where is he?” Stella growled. None of the males met her gaze. She stomped her foot making them all shake. A set of stairs caught her attention.

  “If you attack me, I will kill you.” She stormed toward the steps leading down, his scent grew stronger. The scent of blood hit her nose making her clench her fists.

  The stairs twisted to the right and once she caught the small light something hit her in the face. Pain laced through her skull making her stumble. Another blow came for her shoulders.

  With a swift throw of her arm, her fists connected with a stomach made of mostly muscle. A grunt met her ears. Stella gained her equilibrium and found a man a few inches taller holding a bat in his hands. She pushed down the pounding pain and focused on the hunter scum.

  Stella could feel part of her dragon surfacing and she knew her eyes had shifted to show her dragon’s eyes. Her claws descended from her finger tips.

  She caught a glimpse of Gerald hanging against the back wall, his broken body made her heart clench. Rage roared to life in her soul as she fully faced the man.

  His eyes narrowed on her as his hands shuffled on a table. The glint of a knife caught her attention. Before he could wrap his hand around the handle she attacked. Her claws slashed at flesh as he tried to block her. Adrenalin pulsed through her veins, which helped dull the initial pain.


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