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Bratva Redemption

Page 6

by Coco Miller

  “What happened?” Vlad hurries back in with half a sandwich in his mouth while pushing the cart full of different foods.

  “Nightmare. She’s all right. She didn’t wake up.”

  “She will,” he says through a mouthful of food.

  “Da.” I nod. “I know she will. She’s my woman. She’s capable of anything.”

  “And she’s my sister. She’s strong like me. It’s in our blood,” he says with his chest puffed and proud.

  “Da,” I agree. “She is strong, isn’t she?”

  Still, even with all of her strength, I can’t help but wonder, what if strength isn’t enough? What if death is stronger? What if her desire to get away from me, my father and all that we represent in her life proves to be stronger?

  Chapter Eleven


  My dream lifts and my eyes flutter. Trying to open them is like pushing through grains of sand. When I manage, it’s blurry for a moment before my eyes finely focus. I expect to wake up in the small cell I’ve been held captive in, but instead I notice a ceiling fan, and the strings for the light sways slightly as the blades rotate. I have a pillow underneath my head that’s very soft and smells like lavender. The mattress against my back feels like heaven. It’s way better than some dirty floor. The smell though…the smell still lingers.

  It’s me. I still smell terrible.

  Why am I here?


  Kazimir. He found me. He saved me.

  When I turn my head, I see Vlad on the chair, sagging a bit as he sleeps. His chin is to his chest, and his arms are crossed. I let out a short chuckle when I see a half−eaten sandwich still in his hand. I look in the other direction next to see Kazimir, his chest rising and falling steadily with every breath he takes. He smells just like the scent I thought of while I was in the cage. It’s familiar and strong and it makes me feel so safe.

  I place my hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. I need to make sure he feels real. I close my eyes, sighing when the strong organ drums against my palm. He stirs, and unlike me, his eyes snap open and his hand reaches up to take mine.

  “Alegra?” his deep voice breaks with sleep.

  “Kazimir.” I don’t want to cry, but the happiness I feel... “Kazimir,” I say his name again, and he sits up, pulling me to his chest quickly and wrapping his arms around me. I try not to wince. I want him to hold me but it hurts.

  “Alegra. I knew you’d come back to me. I knew it,” he says.

  “I’ll always come back as long as I’m able to breathe, Kazimir, I’ll always come back to you,” I say in my head. To weak to say the words right now.

  “Do you know how fucking scared I was?” He cups my face, suddenly remembering to keep his touch light and soft because of my injuries. “Finding you took too long. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I should have gotten to you sooner.”

  He brushes his knuckles over my cheekbone, and then his thumb tugs my bottom lip. And then his hand lands on my ribs.

  “How are you feeling?” he asks, rubbing his left eye awake.

  I missed him.

  I missed his intense eyes and dirty blonde hair, and I especially missed getting to see it messy like it is right now. Freshly washed and standing tall in every direction.

  “Tired. Sore. Dirty,” I say as I smell myself.

  “Of course, my love. You must really want a bath.”

  “I really want to brush my teeth, and then I really really want a kiss, Mr. Volkov.”

  I lay my hand against his cheek, and he shuts his eyes and leans against my palm.

  “Do you forgive me, Moya Dusha?”

  I knew he would blame himself for this, but I played my part in this fiasco as well. I shouldn’t have ran. I played right into that bastard Santini’s hands. But Kazimir will never let me take any responsibility for this.

  “Yes,” I say plainly.

  He rolls out of bed and walks into the bathroom, leaving me alone in the bed.

  “Where are you going?” I say with slight urgency. I want him to come back. I need him to not ever leave my sight again. My eyes have to be on him.

  “I’m going to bathe you, Alegra. You’re going to let me take care of you.” He slides his eyes to Vlad and then crawls into bed with me. “This is going to hurt, and I’m so sorry, Alegra.” He lifts me into his arms, and while my ribs hurt, they don’t hurt as bad as they did the other day. He carries me into the bathroom, kissing my temple and telling me how sorry he is a hundred times in the three steps it takes to get to the bathroom.

  The bath is running and there are lavender-scented bubbles forming on top of the water. He rips off the nightgown I was in and then places me in the tub. I groan when the hot water seeps into all the right places, hugging all my curves, soaking into my wounds. Half my hair is wet, and the water is already turning a light pink from the dried blood on me.

  “Maybe we should have started with a shower.”

  Kazimir reaches into the tub and unplugs it. It’s a vintage clawfoot soaker tub, so the plug is old fashion, hanging on a simple chain. He turns on the shower next. I still sit there not wanting to try to get up yet.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be back. I’m going to tell Vlad you’re up.”

  “Okay,” I answer, staring down at my body, the same body that Kazimir sees and cringe when I see all the bruises. I look like I got hit by a car, but if I compare Marco to a truck, then maybe I did.

  I hear a whoop and a clap of hands. “Tell her I say hey. Tell her I want to get to know her more. Tell her—” Vlad says in a raised voice until Kazimir interrupts him.

  “I know, Vlad. I’ll let her know, okay? I’m sure she wants to get to know you too.”

  I grin, loving that Kazimir knows that I want to get to know my brother. I might not have wanted to a few days ago, but it was an overload of information learned in the completely wrong way. I’m ready now. I want nothing more than to be close to my family. After everything that has happened, I want to live my life the best way I can, loving who I can. Healing from the sins of the past.

  “Okay,” Vlad says. “Can I see her tomorrow? Soon?” he asks with impatience.

  “Soon, my friend, soon,” Kazimir says in a way that makes me think he just patted Vlad’s shoulder. A few seconds later, the bathroom door opens up, and a half−naked Kazimir stands in the doorway. His shirt is off, and even while I’m in pain, I am inexplicably attracted to him. The place between my legs tingles and my nipples bead when the ridges of his abs flex as he walks.

  He’s too sexy for his own good.

  I want to lick every inch of him like a lollipop and keep licking until I get to the sweet center that I know he has.

  He takes off his sweatpants next and kicks them to the side. His cock is long and soft, hanging to the left. It sways as he moves and when he gets to me he lifts me up and sets me in the shower stall that’s next to the tub.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him as he climbs in the shower with me.

  “I said I was going to bathe you and I meant it.”

  He closes the shower door behind him, and I get the perfect view of his bubbled butt. I reach up and steal a squeeze of the firm peach. He turns his head over his shoulder and lifts a blonde brow at me smirking. “What are you doing?”

  “I missed you. I wanted to feel the goods,” I say, fluttering my lashes at him.

  “None of that. You need to heal first.” When he turns back around, his cock is half−hard and I lick my lips, wanting to drag my tongue down the length.

  “Don’t even think about it.”

  “Too late,” I singsong and reach for it.

  He slaps my hand away and grabs the loofah.

  “Don’t you want me?” I ask, and it sounds more emotional than I intended it to be. I guess the rejection bothers me right now, even if I know he means well.

  “Moya Dusha, I want you more than anything right now, more than my next fucking breath, but I won’t take you while you are in pain, my sweet. Ne
ver while you are in pain.”

  He squirts some of the cucumber melon body wash he got me on the loofa and starts to clean off my skin.

  “You’re really going to bathe me?” I ask in shock, watching the shower soak his deliciously defined body.

  “Every day for the rest of our lives,” he says, dropping one arm, leaving it sudsy. He grabs the other and does the same. “I missed you.” His voice cracks. “I didn’t think I’d get to you in time. Every day without you was a day a part of me died, Alegra.”

  “I’m here,” I remind him, placing my hand on his chest, right above his fierce heart.

  “And I’m not ever letting you out of my sight again. If you are angry at me, you will speak to me, yell at me, hit me–but you will not run. I will not survive losing you again.”

  “Never again, Kazimir. I swear.”

  The loofah scrubs up my arm and over my shoulder, down the middle of my chest and around my breasts. I worry my lip in my mouth and try not to react because I know he won’t touch me like that even if I want him to.

  “You are so damn beautiful.” His voice is deeper, and his cock grows to full mast in a blink of an eye. “So perfect,” he marvels, swirling his finger around my nipples.

  I tilt my head back and the water hits against my chest, washing away the soap. “Kazimir,” I say breathlessly, hoping and praying that he does more than tease me.

  “You’re defying me, Alegra,” he says on a slight snarl, dropping the loofah between my legs. “Open.”

  I spread my legs and even the small movement has my ribs stinging, but I’m not about to tell that to him. Kazimir’s chest rumbles as he runs the loofah up and down my clit, cleansing me. It’s intimate and personal, but I trust no one else to care for me like this other than Kazimir.

  “Did they keep you in that cage the entire time, Alegra?” he asks with a slight bite to his voice.


  “Did anyone touch you the way I’m touching you?”

  My eyelids flutter.

  “No, baby.”

  He presses his thumb against my sensitive swollen clit and I cry out his name, digging my nails into his thick bicep.

  “Kazimir, I’d love it if you would make me come.”

  “I know you would, sweet Alegra. I’ll take care of you. I’ll always take care of you.”

  He circles his thumb on my clit again, and my legs try to close from the intensity. He spreads them again.

  “Don’t even think about hiding this pretty little clit from me.”

  He gets onto his knees, his face coming closer to my legs and with one swipe of his tongue, I come. It’s the fastest an orgasm has ever hit me. The high numbs my body and

  takes me to a place where pain is irrelevant, only pleasure. And the waves of pleasure are so robust, so outstanding, that I don’t open my eyes again.

  I fall into a deep satiated slumber instead.

  Chapter Twelve


  Two weeks.

  Fourteen Days.

  Three hundred and thirty six hours.

  It’s been two fucking weeks without sex. I understand why, I really do, but the shit has been hard. When the doctor said that she was not to have any sexual activity for fourteen days, I catered to her hand and foot.

  She’s sucked my cock every night, and I’ve played with and eaten her beautiful pussy until she sang my name in the highest soprano notes she could. Of course that’s nothing like being inside of her.

  She’s healed nicely, regardless of my sexual state. Her bruises have faded quickly, her appetite is back, which only reminds me of the time I came on her chest and she scooped some of it up and fed her pussy with it.

  Fuck, everything is leading to sex.

  I feel like a depraved maniac. I need to be inside her. I need to feel her walls. Too much has happened. I need to claim her again. I need to fuck her so hard, so long, and fill her up with my seed until it finally fucking sticks. Then she will grow round with my child. And just the thought of her belly growing with my baby has my cock leaking.

  Back to sex...yet again.

  “Mr. Volkov, are you listening?” The doctor is updating me on my father’s condition right now and I’m being the worst son in the fucking world by not listening.

  “I apologize. Please repeat what you said.”

  “Your father is probably not going to wake up from this coma, Mr. Volkov. He is declining. You need to prepare yourself. It will be any day and this world will now be your burden.”

  “This life is no burden,” I hiss. “Get out. What the fuck do you know? Get out! You’re fired.” I’ll find a new doctor. One that won’t view me so disgustingly. Maybe I can hire a private doctor who lives in the house with me and only caters to me and my men. Yes, I’ll do that.

  I need Alegra.

  She’ll make me feel better.

  I walk out of the room first since the shocked doctor still stands there with his mouth open like an idiot. The door hits the wall after I open it and I walk down the corridor, my shoes echoing with every step. I’m wearing a fucking suit today, and I can’t wait to take it off. It’s my first day back to running the business since saving Alegra, and I see why people love sweatpants so much. I never want to take them off. They are amazing. Why I have never just worn sweatpants is beyond me. I’ll never know.

  When I get to her door, I lay my finger on the scanner and it buzzes to allow me in. I hear her laughter and then a deep chuckle that I hear all too often. It’s Vlad. They have gotten to know one another very well over the last week, and similarities must be in their blood because sometimes they have the same mannerisms. It’s adorable. I’m glad they’ve found each other. It’s the only silver lining to this whole fucked up story.

  But he needs to get the fuck out now.

  He can have his sweet moment with her another time.

  When Alegra sees me, her smile falters, and her lips form an O. She can see what I want just from the look on my face.

  “Vlad, get out. I will call you later.”

  “But Alegra was just telling me about the time when—”

  “Out!” I shout.

  “Alright, alright. So cranky, Da? How do you deal with him?” He jokes and leans down to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. “I will see you later, sestra.” That’s another thing; he never calls her by her name. It’s always sestra. Our word for sister in Russian.

  “Bye, Vlad. Love you.” She waves at him.

  He stops in his tracks when he’s at the door and runs back to her, pulling her into a tight hug. “I love you too, sestra.”

  I feel like an asshole now for ruining the moment and all. I think it’s the first time they have said that to each other.

  “I will see you later,” Vlad says. “I must go before my boss kills me.” Vlad sniffles, and when he walks by me I see a tear trickling down his face but a smile on his lips. The damn man is a teddy bear, but I wouldn’t have him any other way.

  The door closes and when I give Alegra my attention, she gets on her knees, crawling to the edge of the bed, wearing nothing but one of my soft t−shirts.

  “You know, that wasn’t very nice of you, Mr. Volkov. I thought you had better manners.”

  I take off my suit jacket and lay it on the chair and start unclipping my cuff links. “You must not know me at all when it comes to you. When it comes to somebody standing between us, I have no manners, Moya Dusha.”

  Once the links are off, I slowly start undoing my shirt, and her eyes lock onto the skin of my neck, watching me show myself to her.

  “What are you doing?” She practically pants, fisting the hem of that shirt that’s about to come off and be nothing but a useless pile on the floor.

  “I’m going to make love to the woman I love. It’s been fourteen days and one hour to be exact, and my cock can’t wait any long—” before I can finish my sentence, the shirt that she had on hits me in the face and then falls to the ground just like I wanted it to. The last butto
n is finally free and arm by arm I take off my shirt while staring at my woman.

  She’s naked, flicking off her simple cotton panties from her foot.

  Fuck. Her skin is almost free of bruises and back to its beautiful color. I can’t wait to lick her all over and finally satisfy the sweet tooth I’ve been having.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one anxious,” I say and undo my belt.

  “You have no idea how much I want you.”

  She can’t ride me yet. Her ribs aren’t ready, but the doctor said I can fuck her. Well he wasn’t so crass. He said missionary position should be okay as long as I don’t lay heavily on her.

  “Alegra, do you see this?” I fist my bare cock right as my pants fall to the ground. It’s rock solid and ready to slide into her tight cunt. A bead of pre-come leaks out of the slit, and I use it as lubricant to jack my cock. “The doctor, I just fired by the way, said we have to take things easy at first. So for today you stay on your back and let me do all the work. Understood?”

  “Da.” She grins mischievously.

  I let go of my aching shaft and walk forward, chest out, peacocking a little for her. She spreads her legs and tugs on her elongated, hardened nipples. Her slit is already wet and her sweet nectar is leaking from her hole.

  I crawl on the bed, my cock swaying in the air, and run my hands up her legs, feeling her silky skin under my palms. It’s such a sweet gift, her life, her body under me, after thinking I wasn’t ever going to feel it again when she was taken from me.

  I finally hover over her, getting to her sweet face, cupping her jaw with both of my hands. My cock is ready and at her entrance. I don’t have to guide it or anything of the nature because we are so connected and made for one another that we fit without adjustments.


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