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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

Page 68

by V Bertolaccini

  When he had arrived in his time machine during the Second World War he had arrived at the wrong destination! The time machine had been unable to find the correct destination as it had found the exact destination no longer existed, and the time machine had been damaged on its entrance to the time zone it had entered, which had been the nearest event it had recorded information on, which was Hess’s landing during the Second World War.

  It had crashed and had been found by a soldier there, who had had been searching there after the discovery of Hess and his crashed plane.

  The soldier had taken him and his artifact to a nearby farm as he looked as though he would die, but had not fully known his identity or what he was. He had learned a great deal about them and their strange ways, but he had known he would die as he had been getting sicker and he had only days left to live in the end. His artifact had told him his only way to survive and return to the future had been the use of its cryogenic chamber ability, put in it as a last survival method.

  It had located a region nearby where it could be buried without being dug up, where they would dig it up in his own time zone, and he would be revived and have the damage done to him fixed.

  The farmer and his friends had dug the hole at the site of the old well, and as they had placed him in the artifact chamber he had been surprised at how much he had liked there than his own future world, and that he had even considered trying to find a way to fix the damaged done to him, but he knew he could never survive.

  When he had been awakened he felt like he had been thrown into the realms of hell, with him being awakened in the wrong way by the scientists, with his very sole being reshaped and altered within hideous energy surges, threatening to obliterate him, but it consistently had not and had not fallen out of space and time altogether, and it had consistently altered.

  At one point he had stopped making attempts at escaping and had tried to establish what had gone wrong, and he had studied the scientists and their equipment and had suspected that they had awakened him too soon and he had been trapped there! He had underestimated them greatly! It would have been normally virtually impossible to do what they had done with the time machine, and he realized he would be lucky to survive the ordeal! He had slowly realized that they actually had equipment and methods of detection that he had not heard of, but he also had slowly proved that they never had time travel or anything like the technology.

  He had adapted to handle what he had been trapped in, and he had probed the scientists and circumstances and had realized he had been lucky and that they could have killed him, and that they definitely wanted him for something, and he had realized that he had technology that he could use to bargain with, if they ever allowed him to communicate.

  The technology had been strange at first and later primitive, and he had worked out how some of it worked.

  For a long time he had watched them at work and their experiments, while many hideous energy surges intermittently attacked had played with him, leaving him on the brink of annihilation, and he had realized more than ever that he would die.

  Chapter 11

  The Lost Treasure

  For centuries stories of an ultimate time traveler and lost treasures had been passed on through generations of future civilizations, even though a few details only existed of its nature and time zone.

  How it had been detected in time had never been told and most people had thought time travel had never properly worked, and that nothing had existed that would possibly allow people to locate anything of that nature, and later on when time travel had become possible, though rarely worked properly, stories of treasure seekers risking their lives in deadly pursuits had emerged.

  So throughout months Bryson unraveled and translated what the human time traveler had given them, and what they had missed when he had told it. His future language was different, being of a far distant and different future world, and he realized again that he had realized that they had been recording everything that he had said and had deliberately disguised facts throughout his message, which Bryson went over until he started knowing the time traveler and his ways, and what he had thought of everything.

  He was sure that he had given them far more information than he should have, as it would do damage to his future world! Yet if he located anything the people of the future would hear of it, and that surely had been his intension.

  He originally had intended to get the technology and treasures, and had proven that they had existed before his dangerous mission and voyage, and during it he had found evidence of its existence and that it had been partly located at this time zone and had become undetectable on his entrance to it, and its location had been detectable through the many time zones.

  Bryson knew that he had been given a major clue to its location, and he eventually discovered it and that it was located on the same latitude as where the artifact had been located!

  From a majority of accumulated sources, the origins of the accounts had emerged from people using time probes to check throughout the depths of time for unusual occurrences and treasures. Even though the time probes had rarely worked and required colossal amounts of time and capital!

  Lost treasures and ultimate technology of colossal value had been thought to exist and explorers had gone to incredible lengths searching for it, and had carried out investigations for it with the most highly advanced time probes, as treasure seekers in the twentieth century had used undersea probes to search for lost treasures beneath the ocean.

  What existed had been mythical and priceless to the time traveler and other explorers and he knew that they had not entirely grasped what the ultimate time traveler and lost treasures had been, and the accounts of its powers and deadliness indicated that it might have altered from something else to exist in this universe!

  Chapter 12

  The Search

  Merton and Mortimer were enthralled in David Parker’s technology, setup and operating methods, and thought that it was a major breakthrough, grasping its full potential and all the future possibilities that it could deliver and offer their various forms of scientific exploration and discoveries.

  At the same time Bryson grew interested and investigated how the technology functioned in far greater detail and what its capabilities were. It had looked exaggerated and too unavailable, and his thoughts had altered once they had met him more and got to know him better. He had been surprised at his virtually identical interests, and he was actually offering to help their investigations, and future investigations of interest.

  He had found out more about him and his work, especially over at Greenland and the fascinating Pacific island discovery, and wondered what his view on the paranormal and work of the two paranormal scientists was?

  Bryson and had told him of the death of the time travel and what he believed they had missed, and the months he had spent unraveling and translating what the time traveler had given them, and what they had missed when he had given it to them, and Parker fully believed him and had listened with fascination.

  He knew of Bryson and the American castle discovery, and the discovery of the treasure there, and at the first castle, and had promised to give him all the help that he needed to carry out his mission, and to explore what he was looking for.

  He had heard some things from the media and from members of the Exploration Association about the ultimate time traveler and the lost treasures and of treasure seekers risking their lives in deadly pursuits, and was interested in Bryson’s search for it, and in the media coverage and getting some publicity from the treasure quest, and knew other things would surely appear.

  The entire sea was there to be explored by him and all he needed was a few authentic clues and coordinates! So when he had heard Bryson had found a major clue to its location and that he had discovered it was located on the same latitude as where the artifact had been located, he became confident in finding it without too much trouble as he had carried out searches over many years of most of the same latitude,
and near where the artifact had been located.

  The evidence of its existence being partly located at this time zone and had become undetectable on its entrance to it, and that its location had been detectable through many time zones, had interested him greatly, as well as Mortimer, and they both seemed to leave it until they had considered things.

  Most of the searches were done with Bryson, Merton and Mortimer, and they grew more aware of how the equipment worked and was used, but gradually the search started to show that it never existed, and the disappointment grew and Bryson realized that his reputation for searching for lost treasures and finding hidden information was becoming more damaged each day!

  The problem was most of their major discoveries had been lucky or by constant searches until they had uncovered something!

  Chapter 13

  The Expedition

  The sun beamed across the sea and Bryson watched it edging into the horizon through the plane window, and he felt the coldness from outside at the window and realized that in a few days they would be flying over the Artic.

  He gasped and realized the error of doing what he had done, and that he had persuaded them, and mainly Parker, to continue the investigate for the treasures on the longitude of the artifact!

  He had been certain that he had only translated a few words of the future language of the time traveler wrongly, and he had picked up the meaning of the word latitude wrongly and that it could only have meant longitude. But he had been sure that it had been longitude after repeated checks and Mortimer had confirmed that he had thought so.

  Yet he saw the error and that there could be many more such descriptions in the future and that he could have put his foot in it this time! The last time, when they had explored the latitude, there had only been a small amount of ground left for Parker to explore. This time they could be searching for years! But this time he realized that he might be able to get out of it, and call it off, as it would take too long to complete. He might slowly break the news to them!

  What surprised him was their belief that there was something there! He barely believed anything at the moment! Yet why were they so confident with so little? He had hardly come up with anything and they all were going crazy to go on the first flight, and to search the main regions!

  He had once heard Parker say that he was checking the line within the longitude, as they had thought the artifact had landed at the exact line the artifact was located on, which he had not been able to realize why, but was sure the scientists that he had given the descriptions and time traveler’s recordings to had been the best and most experienced to decipher it.

  Their equipment system was functioning and monitoring perfectly and he sensed that they could detect anything in a large radius, and he considered if they had deliberately given reduced and incorrect information on the distance of the scan to hide the true incredible powers of it, as it was massively confidential equipment! The satellites that they said had the technology used distances far further away!

  He was sure from things some scientists on the plane said indicated that they were carrying out a distant though less accurate scan, which he was sure they could detect it within, and he wondered if they could use the satellite technology to find stuff like it in the future when there were more satellites covering the whole globe, and they were more powerful?

  What he was unsure of was how accurate it was at different distances, and if there was anything there how large and detectable would it be? There was luck involved and he did not like it!

  From his window he watched shades of light play with his vision in animated motions, over the sea, as the plane rushed through the air, and he watched Parker and scientists at work, constantly examining their technology to discover improvements for them to introduce, and things to make breakthroughs with.

  Mortimer and Merton sat along from him sitting opposite each other at a table with a map stretched out across it, searching the area ahead and discussing it. It was strange as there never looked as though there was anything there, especially so far north, and there was little in front of the plane with anything, and further out there would be mainly ice. Yet nobody knew what place it could be, and it could be virtually anywhere! Nobody knew what it was or was doing, and what made it end up where it was?

  All they had was that they believed something of a highly advanced nature had been detected and was of great interest!

  Parker was the owner and leading research scientist, and was responsible for organizing things, but it was their find and the Exploration Association’s expedition.

  Many scientists of Exploration Association had joined the trip and first exploration of the new latitude search, and they sat around excitedly discussing it, and occasionally talking with Parker about things, and sending out messages back to the other scientists that had not come along. There had not been enough room for more, especially with all the equipment that the scientists had brought with them, and he counted at least twenty of them.

  Bryson believed that they now knew things, which they had not said, which he, Merton, Mortimer may not know, and he got the impression that they thought that it was located somewhere beneath the sea. Where else could it be?

  Yet he wondered if even it could survive below the sea without attaining damage over such a length of time, which it would have had to have been there for, and wondered how they would get it?

  All the flight might lead to could be its possible detection? They would need to find a way of getting whatever it was up from the immense depths of water. What if it were the size of a ship?

  The crew and members of Parker’s team notably still considered the Antarctic as a potential location for their original work, where the ice in regions had been proven to have been on the land there for millions of years. Where amphibious or other prehistoric animals, which had been there, could be buried there? Extinct species, and even some remaining dinosaurs, might have been roaming there and could have been killed in avalanches or snowstorms and frozen there.

  When something did occur with the equipment, the reactions they gave were unbelievable, even when they knew something was there already, as with the artifact in the field! The equipment had started showing strange reactions and nobody had comprehended anything at first, as it had been too vague, and minute reactions, which could have been anything being detected, and some nearby site creating a disturbance or being detected for something.

  The problem was they had not fully checked its reactions to everything, even though it had been tested out for years, and they were sure that other things like the artifact could create some reactions. The equipment was more sensitive at detection than ever before, and had even been modified before the trip, for detection at distances that they had not worked at, which Parker was more interested in, to speed up his other future searches.

  All Parker’s scientists went around a scientist, where reactions were being detected, and they all started discussing what they thought of it, and what could cause the disturbance, and Bryson saw that some were disappointed, and thought that if it were the same as the artifact that it was far weaker and less advanced, and they started to believe the find would be a disappointment!

  Yet what they never realized and soon started to was that it was weaker because it was far further away, and that the other artifact, Pacific island discovery, and Cornwall discovery would not even have been detected at that distance and that the new advances in the equipment to work at a that distance had confused their computers and technology, and had shown them that it could be something else.

  They thought by the reactions that it would be nothing, and that they would discover something that it had detected wrongly, but as the plane rushed forward across the immense sea they started getting increased strange reactions and accounts, and they checked for equipment problems, and they only gradually perceived that there was something ahead that had similarities to the artifact, but with immense proportions!

  Chapter 14

  The F
irst Attack

  The two paranormal scientists and other scientists were more baffled than Bryson had accepted they could be!

  It surely had been the occurrence emergence that had done it and had them and the other scientists unraveling what had been wrong with the equipment, with them gradually realizing that something else had been emerging, with them studying the slightest reactions created, while still trying to prove what had been wrong had been the alterations introduced to the equipment.

  Though it could have been the combination of it and the appearance of an island in the distance, where all the disturbances had been found to be generated, where there had not been an island earlier!

  Where had the island emerged from? Was it a coincidence that the equipment had malfunctioned at the same point?

  He knew they would hide any flaws in the technology! It was valuable and might still need advanced further, in its new state!

  Mortimer checked his map with Merton and they found nothing, and investigations proved that the island never existed!

  Nobody accepted the equipment had made an entire thirty-mile circular island appear out of nowhere, and nobody had the slightest response to give on an explanation to the phenomenon!

  Any answers to that would be incomprehensible and crazy, and would surely be recorded at such a discovery!

  Bryson realized that he could name the island and be remembered by it, and realized what the outcome of it could really be! Nobody had a clue what to think! What was it? They now were now not in control of their own fate!

  All the communications from and to the outside world had gone and the pilots reported it to them, expecting them to offer them help or at the least their scientific theories, but nobody could help and they left the professional pilots on their own to handle all the problems themselves! They were better without them being there, and knew more about what to do.


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