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Page 5

by Shameek Speight

  “Ahhh! Lord help me! God, please help me! I have children. Don’t kill me, don’t kill me! My son and daughter need me. I’m all they have.” The skinny woman begged and pleaded to Black Ice, while still trying to inch away.

  “I’m tempted to leave you and see if you will survive. The fight you have for your life really intrigues me, bitch. Just look at you, literally, just fucking look at you. You’re no more than a hundred pounds soaking wet, you have no arms and just one leg, and your ass is still trying to crawl away. I’m kinda shocked you didn’t bleed to death. If I would have known you were this tough bitch, I would have made other plans for you. Only if I was a nice guy, but I’m not.” He swung down again, chopping off the other leg. She screamed from the top of lungs for God to save her. “I don’t think God can hear you,” he told her and began to laugh as he swung down one last time, to cut her body in half. He began to whistle again as he continued his path back to the nurse that ran inside the patient’s room.

  Stephanie’s body trembled. “Why did I leave my phone at the nurse’s station?” she asked herself, while crying and breathing hard. The screams in the hallway finally stopped. “Go away, please just go away,” Stephanie whispered, praying the psychopath in the hall would just leave, but she could still hear the deep tone singing Jesus Loves Me, which sent chills through her body. She heard the room door open and covered her mouth with her hand to keep from screaming.

  “In all my years of killing, you have to be the dumbest bitch of them all.” He reached around and grabbed her ankle from under the hospital bed.

  “Ahhhh!” Stephanie screamed as loud as she could.

  “You’re really pissing me off. First, you run into a room that only has one way in and out, and then, you hide under the hospital bed, out of all places. I’m not going to even kill your stupid ass here. You don’t deserve a fast death. I have worse plans for you,” he informed as his foot came down on her face, knocking her out.

  Black Ice began to drag her body out of the room, and then pulled out his phone to call his henchman that was waiting a few blocks away for his orders. “Kill the power, clean the mess up here and take as many women as you can, but don’t touch Faith,” Black Ice ordered.

  Faith’s mind raced, thinking about all she will lose before even having it. She now stood in the hospital building staircase, looking over the rails and could see Erica, looking back up at her with one good eye and the axe stuck in her face. Jamaica Queens Hospital was a five story building but they were only on the third floor. Faith knew if Erika made it to the fourth floor lobby, it will be all over and there would be too many witnesses.

  “I can’t let this happen,” she said out loud, just as it went completely black in the staircase.

  Faith looked back behind her in the little glass window on the door she came from and it was completely dark through the whole building. She smiled an evil grin and quickly wiped it from her face as Black Ice’s face popped up in her head, “I’m nothing like him, but this is perfect timing to get that fat bitch,” she mumbled to herself and looked up at the emergency exit light.

  “Ahhh!” Erika screamed, knowing she had to get away from Faith fast. The adrenaline in her body that was keeping her from feeling too much pain, was now running over as her body ached and her head began to throb and spin. “Got to keep moving, I can’t die like this.”

  She could hear Faith’s footsteps quickly catching up to her as she ran back down another flight of stairs. Erika sighed with hope as she could see the red exit sign, knowing she made it to the first floor lobby. She grabbed the doorknob of the steel door and Faith aimed and tossed the knife, slamming and ripping into Erika’s hand and the steel door.

  “Ahhh!” Erika hollered as she looked up and could see Faith a flight away, with a sick smile on her face. Erika’s hand was now stuck in the door by the knife. She grabbed the long wooden handle with her left hand and pulled with all of her might, but the knife didn’t budge. Erika turned around to see Faith walking down the stairs.

  “No, no, not like this. I’m going to die an old lady, not like this!” She shouted while still pulling the handle, realizing she wasn’t strong enough. She took a deep breath and pulled back the hand that the knife was stuck in, “Ahhhh!” she screamed as the knife ripped through her flesh, splitting her hand in half, “Ahhh! Ughh!” Erika screamed, looking at her hand dangling like a piece of meat.

  “Oh shit,” Faith said, not knowing that Erika would go through the extreme of ripping her own hand in half to get away.

  Faith stopped walking and started running towards Erika as she headed down the next flight of stairs. Faith grabbed the handle of the knife that was stuck in Erika’s hand and in one swift pull, she yanked it out of the door. Erika made it to the basement floor and looked up to see a sign that read ‘Parking Lot’. She reached for the door with her right hand and cried even more while looking down at it. For a brief second, she forgot she couldn’t use it. She pulled her hand back and pressed it hard up against her breast to use as pressure to stop the blood and numb the pain. She used her left hand to open the door and run through.

  “Ugh! Help! Help! Somebody help me!” she screamed as she stumbled through the parking lot, praying someone was coming to park their car or leaving out. She saw three men dressed in all black loading something into a white van through the emergency spot lights. “Help! Help!” she screamed, then stopped when she noticed they had masks on and were throwing patients into the van. She quickly scanned the basement and noticed five more vans of different colors with men loading more patients and nurses. “Ugh!” Erika groaned, while coughing up blood from feeling a sharp blade enter the center of her lower back. She then looked down and could see the knife poking from her stomach, dripping thick blood. She could now feel someone pressing against her back and lips pushing up on her ear.

  “I bet at this moment, you wish your ass wouldn’t have talked so much shit to me, huh bitch?” Faith taunted as she snatched the knife out and pushed it back into her back, and continued to stab her repeatedly.

  “Please stop! Stop it, please,” Erika cried as she fell to the floor and rolled over onto her back.

  Faith stood there and stared at her, before she jumped on her and began to stab her in the chest and stomach. Blood splattered all over her as she heard Erika whimpering in a quiet, raspy tone, “Stop… please.”

  Faith couldn’t if she wanted to at this point. She was beginning to have flashbacks of all the pain and beatings she took from her mother. All she could hear was her own voice as a child saying, ‘Stop mommy. No, please stop.’

  Faith looked down at Erika with the axe still jammed into her face, damn near taking part of her face off and about nineteen stab wounds in the chest and stomach.

  She stood up off of her, “What have I become? This isn’t me. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Faith cried out as tears ran down her face.

  “You’re becoming who you were supposed to be, my child; a wolf, not a sheep, not a fucking victim.” Faith heard a voice say in a very deep tone.

  She turned around to see Black Ice holding a bloody machete in one hand and an ankle to an unconscious nurse in the other.

  “This isn’t right, it’s wrong. We’ll go to jail for this,” Faith panicked while crying.

  “Didn’t I tell you that we’re above the rules and everyone else follows? We are above the law! And my foolish child, there will be no trace in two minutes. My men cleaned the blood, took the security tapes, and cut the power. By the time the police notice something is wrong, they’ll have no leads, just about fifteen women nurses and patients, missing without a trace. You checked in as Jane Doe, they have no name or record of you. Now finish that bitch off, so we can go,” he ordered.

  “Finish her off,” Faith mumbled, wondering what he was talking about. She looked over to see Erika squirming around the parking lot, sliding in her own blood. “Oh shit, I almost forgot about her,” Faith said to herself. “No, I won’t finish her off. This isn’t me.
I’m not you!” Faith shouted.

  “Listen, you little bitch. We don’t have time for this back and forth shit. You are what the fuck you are, the child of the devil. Now, get your black ass over there and kill her! Now!” Black Ice shouted.

  “No!” Faith screamed and threw her knife with every ounce of strength she had.

  Black Ice stepped to the side and followed the knife with his eyes, as it slammed into the forehead of one of his henchmen that was loading the women into the van behind him.

  “Isn’t this how this all started in the first place, with you having a fuckin temper tantrum and throwing shit with no aim or practice?” he rhetorically asked as he watched his henchman fall to the ground dead, with blood leaking out of his head. He then turned around to face Faith, but to his surprise, she was gone. “Hmmm, maybe she has more of me in her blood than she knows.”

  He dropped the ankle of the nurse he was carrying and began whistling while walking up to Erika. Erika repeatedly coughed up blood and tried to move, but couldn’t. She looked up to see Black Ice standing over her.

  “Children never listen and girls are worse with their emotional ass attitudes.” That was the last thing Erika heard while watching Black Ice’s foot stomp down on the axe that was jammed into her face. The axe went all the way through, cutting her face in half. The smell of feces hit the air as her bowels released seconds before she died.

  Chapter 6

  As soon as Faith threw her knife, she took off running for her life, back up the stairs to her room to grab the things that Dr. Monroe gave her. Once everything was cleared out, she headed to the street. It was 3a.m. and rain was pouring down as she walked the streets of Queens, NY in her hospital gown. Sirens could be heard coming at rapid speed, so she began to power walk down a backstreet behind Vanwyck Highway, to a block of private houses. She stopped in the middle of the block when she noticed a house boarded up. She opened the front gate that surrounded the house and walked around to the backyard. Faith pulled and removed the long wooden board that covered the back door and pushed the door open to enter the dark room.

  She sat down on the floor and cried hysterically. “I’m not him or the hoe my mother wants me to be. This is my life. I choose who I am,” she said to herself, over and over. She rocked back and forth while holding herself until she fell asleep.

  Five hours later, sunlight peeped through the cracks of the wooden boards that covered the windows.

  “Mmm,” Faith moaned as the light hit her face. She opened her eyes and looked around, trying to figure out where she was. Then, it all came back to her, including everything that happened in the hospital.

  She looked down at the dirty hospital gown that she still had on. She noticed that the rain rinsed off most of the blood, “Shit, what am I going to do? Where am I going to go?” she looked down in the hospital bag to see what Dr. Monroe had given her. Inside was a credit card, cellphone, and what appeared to be a keycard to a hotel, and a note telling her what to do.

  Dr. Monroe pulled into his parking spot at his new condo. He walked into the lobby where the guy at the front desk nodded his head at him. Dr. Monroe removed his keycard from his pocket and swiped it across the scan to access the elevator. He got inside and pressed the button with number 17 on it and scanned his keycard once more, to enter the penthouse. He had on a grey suit that fit his body perfectly. As he walked into the penthouse, he removed his Glock 45 from the holster and cautiously walked inside. The first thing you can see, upon entering the penthouse, was an open kitchen with brown cabinets and marble countertops. As you step deeper into the penthouse, you’d reach the living room with all white furniture and a black throw rug. The view from the living room was remarkable; you could view the entire city through the large window that came from the floor to the top of the ceiling.

  To the far left, you could see the master bedroom; one of the three rooms in the condo. Dr. Monroe let his gun lead the way as he could hear the shower running. He cautiously opened the door and the large canopy bed was the center of attention. He walked passed it onto to the master bathroom door. He scanned the room quickly and noticed about fifteen shopping bags of women’s clothing and shoes. He opened the bathroom door and thick steam rushed towards him. He walked to the shower and could see a silhouette of a sexy woman with thick legs, and a body shaped like Serena Williams. He slid the glass door back and pointed the gun at the woman. She turned around and smiled, still washing her legs.

  “So, you point your gun at everyone you give keys to your place?” Faith asked.

  Antonio stood there, lusting over her, before her words sunk in his head, “No sweetie, I’m sorry,” he replied while lowering the gun.

  “Could you hand me a towel please?”

  “Hmm, yes. Sorry,” Taking his eyes off the perfect, chocolate woman, he reached over to hand her a towel.

  Faith wrapped the towel around her and stepped out of the shower. “You have a beautiful place. I never seen anything like this in my life. And why do you have a gun?” Faith asked, while drying off, walking out of the bathroom.

  Antonio walked into the master bedroom behind her, “I’m sorry for pointing the gun at you. To be honest, I wasn’t really expecting you, but figured you were here because I get emails every time the credit card is used,” he explained.

  “Oh, so you want me to leave. I don’t want to intrude,” Faith said as her smile immediately left her face. She dug around in one of the bags to find the baby oil and rubbed it all over her body, without even making contact with Antonio. She reached and pulled out a purple thong and matching bra, then put them on.

  “Wait, wait! I never said that. I want you here. I meant, I wasn’t expecting you to be here, since the weirdness happened at the hospital. You didn’t notice anything?”

  “Notice what? I was supposed to leave today, but I couldn’t stay any longer, so I left before I was even discharged,” Faith said with a confused look on her face.

  “Well, over seventeen people; staff and patients went missing last night. There was a black out at the hospital and almost everyone on the third floor just vanished in thin air. Traces of blood could be found, but the people don’t know what the hell was been going on,” he replied.

  “So, that’s why you carry a gun? And that’s crazy, that so many people can just disappear,” she said as flashbacks of Black Ice’s henchmen loading people in the van, started playing in her head. ‘I got to play it cool. I can’t let him know what’s going on. Maybe I can tell him the truth; that I have a super thug as a father I just met, that kidnaps people, kills them, and wants me to do the same thing. Yeah, I should tell him everything over lunch and everything will be okay. Yeah right. My past will be just that. This man is my future and present,’ Faith thought to herself then walked to him seductively. Antonio grabbed her into his arms and let his hands travel around her smooth, soft skin. The sight of her chocolate skin turned him on even more.

  “You don’t know how long I waited and wanted you in my arms, baby,” he said in a deep sexy tone.

  Their lips locked and they kissed passionately. Antonio removed his clothes while stepping forward, guiding her to the bed. He laid her down on the king size canopy bed and spread her legs. He moved her purple thong to the side and leaned in, taking her clit in his mouth. Faith moaned as her body tightened up. She removed her bra and began to play with her breast, rubbing her nipples.

  ‘Damn, I’m surprised that I can still feel anything down there after what my mother did to me.’ Faith thought, but her mind went blank as Antonio flicked his tongue up and down her clit, while gently sucking it.

  “Mmm. Yes, shit!” she moaned while grabbing the back of his head.

  “Mmm. You taste so fucking sweet,” Antonio moaned while taking his middle finger and inserting it into his mouth, until it was nice and wet. Then, he slowly slides it into her tight pussy and worked it in and out, while sucking on her clit. He kissed and sucked repeatedly, teasing her and pumped his finger faster while twistin
g and turning his finger with every pump. He came up for air and smiled, seeing her white cum cover his finger and running down his hand. He then slowly climbed on top of her and inserted the head of his dick in her, then worked the tip in and out, before pushing it all the way in.

  His thick, seven-inch dick touched the back of her walls and he grinded slowly. “Ahh. Shhh. Oh yes, baby. Fuck me. Fuck me,” she moaned, while wrapping her legs around his body.

  “Fuck, fuck,” he groaned, while looking at her with lust in his eyes. “In thirty-five years of my life, I never felt a pussy grip my dick like yours,” he said out loud as he pulled out of her and went back down, taking her clit back into his mouth.

  The sensation of his dick was still throbbing inside of her, even after he pulled out and his lips, now on her clit, drove her crazy.

  “Oh God! Yes, baby, yes!” she screamed, while grabbing the sheets and she let go of her pounding orgasm. Her body went into convulsions as she climaxed multiple times, soaking the blue satin sheets.

  “Damn, I never saw a woman cum so hard. You’re so fucking sexy,” he stated as his ego grew and his dick got even harder.

  He flipped Faith around, arched her back and slid into her wet warm pussy. Faith could feel the veins on Antonio’s dick throb inside of her. She slowly threw her ass back and Antonio watched his dick disappear into her sweet pussy and come back out. He thrust harder and could see her cum covering his thick dick, exciting him even more.

  “Oh God, baby. You ain’t going nowhere, baby. I’m never letting this good pussy go. Never,” he groaned, while pounding her faster and harder, gripping her waist. He watched her ass shake, “Oh God, I can’t take it!” he screamed as her pussy tightened around his dick. “Oh, God,” he groaned and then pulled his dick out of her, jerking his dick sending white, thin cum over her ass cheeks.

  “Mmm,” Faith moaned and then turned around. She took his hard dick into her hands, slowly jerking him off, allowing her hands to travel up and down his shaft and around the tip.


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