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Blood of the Demon kg-2

Page 30

by Diana Rowland

  Yeah, that would have been when I had the damn things taken down. Idiot.

  “Breaking in was fairly simple, especially since there was already a broken window in the back. I came in here and … there was something—a little Tinker Bell thing. It attacked me and stung me, but then I grabbed it.” She shook her head. “I don’t really remember what happened, but … God almighty, it was like consuming a dozen lives at once. I think I passed out … but when I came to, I was different. Stronger.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Hungrier.” A shudder racked her, and I could see a sheen of sweat on her forehead. “I don’t want to have to kill anyone else. I swear. But I don’t know how much longer I can control this.” She flicked a glance at the warded portal. “It came out of that corner. I remember that. I figure if I can find another one of those things, then that could hold me for a while. Maybe I could just feed on those and not have to kill anyone else. But nothing’s coming out.” The look she gave me was one of desperate pleading. “You have to help me get another one of those things out. Please!”

  I shook my head slowly. “Rachel, I can’t do that. It would only make things worse. I’m sorry.”

  Her hands shook as she clenched and unclenched them. “No, you’re not sorry. You want me to starve to death.”

  Would that work? Could she be weaned from this sort of addiction? “Let me figure out another way to help you.”

  “No! I don’t have time for you to figure something out!” She licked dry lips. “If you won’t help me, then I’ll have to … to do something else. What? You think you can stop me?” She gave a laugh tinged with hysteria. “You can’t shoot me.”

  “And what makes you say that?” Ryan asked calmly.

  “You would shoot the poor distraught wife of a recently deceased judge, who came to see you only to find out more about her husband’s crimes?” Her eyes glittered. “You don’t have any proof that I killed anyone!” She took a step toward us.

  “I don’t fucking care,” I snarled. “Take another step and I will shoot you.” Better to risk losing my career than let her touch me.

  She hesitated a second, breathing harshly, then shrugged. “Well, let’s see how that goes then, shall we?” she said cryptically. I was still trying to figure out what she meant when she leaped toward us, hands outstretched.

  I fired at the same time that Ryan did, my finger tightening spasmodically on the trigger. Spots of blood bloomed on the front of her shirt, but unlike in the movies, the shots didn’t throw her dramatically across the room. Rachel stumbled forward as Ryan backed to the wall, and she grabbed his gun hand even as he pumped another round into her chest.

  Ryan screamed—a sound I hoped to never hear again.

  “Shoot me again and he dies!” Rachel rasped, clutching at Ryan’s hand as he dropped his gun and went to his knees, his eyes wide and agony spasming across his face.

  “No! Stop!” I shouted, fear for Ryan slamming through me. “Don’t pull any more from him! I’ll help you, I swear.”

  Her breath came raggedly, and she seized his hair with her other hand. “Drop your gun!” she ordered. Blood pumped from several places in her torso, but even as I watched I could see the blood flow slow and then—grotesquely—the holes close. Ryan shuddered, face graying, and I realized with horror that she’d pulled from him and somehow used his essence, his natural potency, to heal herself.

  “Stop pulling from him!” I yelled again.

  “Drop your gun,” she ordered, “or I’ll suck him dry!”

  If I shoot her in the head, would that stop her? The thought flashed through my mind and I dismissed it just as quickly. I was several feet away from her, she was using Ryan as a shield, and while I was a decent enough marksman, I didn’t trust my skill enough to be certain I wouldn’t shoot Ryan in the head instead.

  I slowly lowered the gun. “If you swear not to kill him or me, I’ll … open another portal so you can get more of those pixie-things.”

  Her eyes narrowed in distrust. “How?”

  “I have the ability to open a portal between this world and another. So did my aunt.”

  Her lips pulled back from her teeth. “Then do it!”

  “I can’t work with this one,” I lied. “I have to create a new one. Swear you won’t hurt either of us, and I’ll open another one, just for you.”

  “He’s really strong,” she said, voice barely above a whisper. Her hand tightened on Ryan’s arm and he gasped in pain. She actually licked her lips. “Never tasted anything like him before.”

  I could feel Ryan’s essence pulsing erratically. “I can’t open this portal,” I said quickly, “but I can create another one. Up in the attic. It would take me only a moment … and it’s much bigger and stronger.” I dropped my voice. “But, if you kill him, I swear to you that I will call powers that you cannot even begin to comprehend, and you will be well and truly fucked.”

  Distrust, fear, and hunger flickered in her eyes, but she jerked her head in a nod. “Lead the way,” she snapped, pulling Ryan to his feet. His breath rasped harshly, and his face was ashen. But he met my eyes and gave me a faint shake of his head. He thought I was giving in to her. Or maybe he suspected what I was planning to do.

  “Try anything stupid and your boyfriend’s a goner,” she reminded me unnecessarily.

  “He’s not my damn boyfriend,” I muttered as I turned and started down the hall toward the staircase. She followed, leading Ryan with the grip on his arm and his hair. He looked like shit, but there was still a murderous look in his eyes.

  I opened the door to the attic and flipped on the lights. It was cool, bordering on cold, thanks to the AC vent that I’d left open. But more important, I had a diagram already sketched out, and the storage diagram beside it still brimmed with the potency I’d been siphoning into it for the past day.

  Rachel exhaled softly as she entered the attic. “This is like that thing downstairs? It doesn’t look the same at all.”

  I stepped to the edge of the diagram and picked up a piece of chalk, then turned to look at her. “You’re right. But comparing the portal downstairs to this one is like comparing a toy car to a Ferrari. You’ll have access to much more power than you could ever get with the other.” Holy shit, I hope I don’t fuck this up. She had to be stopped, but I also wasn’t about to let her loose to rampage through the demon realm.

  But I knew she could be destroyed. Rhyzkahl had told me that much. I just didn’t know how.

  Her eyes nearly glowed with hunger as she looked upon the diagram.

  “Kara … no, you can’t do this,” Ryan rasped, then he hissed in pain as Rachel squeezed her hand on his arm.

  “Oh, yes, she can,” Rachel replied with a low laugh. “Yes, this will do very nicely. Go ahead, do whatever you need to.” She lifted her chin imperiously to me.

  I will. “Stand back and don’t touch any part of the diagram,” I told her. “This will take a couple of minutes.”

  “Just get it done.”

  I didn’t look at Ryan again. I wasn’t sure if he knew exactly what I was planning to do, but I didn’t want to see his reaction when he figured it out. I quickly lit the candles, sketched the needed changes into the sigils, then positioned myself at the edge of the diagram so that Rachel and Ryan were to my right. I lifted my arms and began the low chant, weaving the power into the summoning and allowing myself a brief twinge of pride at my ability to manipulate the stored potency. The runes and wards flared to life as I quickly worked through the required forms. I was taking some shortcuts, but it wouldn’t matter with this summoning.

  I knew I would be safe, especially with the offering I had ready.

  The portal widened from a slit to a glowing vortex, and I could hear Rachel’s triumphant laugh. You won’t be laughing for long, bitch.

  I spoke the demon’s name, and a heartbeat later the portal went dark, the candles blowing out from a nonexistent wind.

  “What happened?” I heard Rachel complaining. “Is it open? Is it done?�

  My heart thudded painfully in my chest. I could sense him in the circle. I could hear Ryan’s breath hissing through his teeth. He knew who I’d summoned. I lowered myself to one knee and bowed my head, clutching my hands into fists to keep them from shaking.

  Blue light flared. Rachel gasped, and I knew I had mere heartbeats before she figured out that I’d duped her.

  “My lord Rhyzkahl,” I said, voice trembling despite my best effort to appear strong. “Save Ryan Kristoff and stop Rachel Roth, and I will serve you as your summoner.”

  Chapter 34

  I expected to hear a shout of protest from Ryan or some sort of noise from Rachel, but there was nothing but silence. After several heartbeats I lifted my head. Rhyzkahl stood before me, arms folded across his chest, face impassive. I risked a quick glance around, shocked to see a familiar white-marble hall and raised dais with the Mark of Rhyzkahl carved into it—a symbol that I knew all too well. I blinked in confusion and then looked back to the lord.

  “No, we are not in my realm,” he said, answering my unspoken question, voice low but thick with power. “This is merely an illusion that grants us time and privacy so that we can seal the terms properly.” Now I understood. He hadn’t actually frozen time or transported me elsewhere. This was no doubt like the dream sendings, where he manipulated the appearance of reality. And since this was no small thing that I was offering, Rhyzkahl obviously wanted to be absolutely certain that the agreement was a solid one.

  I took a shaky breath, heart thudding. “The woman, Rachel Roth, is the creature I told you about. She can consume essence, and … and she’s getting stronger. Much stronger. I think she consumed a hriss from the”—I hesitated, unsure whether to mention the portal, then realized that it was a bit late for that sort of worry at this point—“from the portal in my aunt’s library.” I thought I could see his eyes narrow, but I couldn’t be sure. I swallowed harshly and forced myself to continue. “She came at us and we both shot her, but she got hold of Ryan and healed herself and is holding him hostage—sucking his essence out.” Sweat stung my armpits despite the chill in the air. “She has killed a lot of people, and I don’t know how to stop her, and—”

  “And this creature you know as Ryan Kristoff is important to you,” Rhyzkahl finished for me.

  I struggled to work moisture into my mouth. I had the horrible feeling that I was about to burst into tears, which was really the last thing I needed to do when attempting to establish terms with a demonic lord. And, of course, the more I struggled to keep myself from thinking about crying, the more tears stung the backs of my eyelids.

  “Yes, my lord. Wh-what manner of service would you have me offer you in exchange for your aid that would fulfill the bounds of honor?” Damn it, I was crying now. I could feel the treacherous tears snaking their way down my cheeks, and it took everything I had not to wipe them away.

  “Stand up, Kara. Kneeling does not suit you.”

  I got awkwardly to my feet and then went ahead and swiped at the tears with the back of my hand. Rhyzkahl turned away from me and took the two steps to his throne, seating himself in a languorous manner. “This matter is more complicated than you can know,” he said, looking thoughtful.

  “Because of Ryan, right? He’s not just an FBI agent?”

  He gave no indication of denial or affirmation. “It is a complex matter. It is not so simple for me to interfere.”

  “Why?” I persisted. “Does someone want him dead? Is that why that kzak was pushed through the portal? To get him?”

  His crystal-blue gaze speared me. “When did you encounter a kzak?”

  “A week ago, I think. Was it after him?” Or me? I added silently.

  His expression remained inscrutable. “I cannot answer that.”

  I scowled. I was definitely over the wanting-to-cry part. Now I was into the annoyed-at-being-in-the-dark part. “Can’t or won’t?”

  “Let us get back to the matter at hand, shall we?” he said. He stood and strode to me, then cupped my chin in his hand and tilted it up so he could look down into my face. “You wish to have the threat this woman poses eliminated, and you wish Ryan Kristoff to be spared from this threat.”

  “Yes.” I couldn’t really nod with his hand under my chin.

  “Yet you also wish to protect your world, your realm, from the chance that an arcane creature of my power would despoil it for his own gain.”


  He released my chin and took a step back, to my relief. He was a lot taller, and I was getting a crick in my neck. He clasped his hands behind his back and regarded me, a thoughtful expression on his face. “If this creature consumes Ryan Kristoff, there is little doubt that she would proceed to then destroy you.” It didn’t sound as if he was hoping for any sort of response, more as if he was working out a problem. I wished I had a clue as to what the problem was. I kept silent and waited for him to get to the damn point.

  He was silent for several more heartbeats. “I have an interest in you and would prefer that you were not harmed by this creature.” Then he nodded, as if satisfied with some internal debate. “You will summon me to your world no less than once every turning of the moon around your earth for the next three of your world’s years. Upon being summoned, I will remain no longer than half of one day, unless additional terms are set at the time of the summoning. During that time in your world, I will do nothing with the intent of causing you harm or that acts against your own code of honor without your leave.”

  I quickly ran through what he’d said. Once a month for the next three years, for no more than half a day. “My code of honor includes obeying the judicial laws that apply to me. I would have you obey them to the same degree, unless I indicate otherwise.”

  He inclined his head. “Agreed. In return, I will remove the threat that this woman poses to you and to those you hold dear.” I thought his lip curled in derision, but if so the expression was a brief one.

  “And you will also agree,” I said, straightening my shoulders, “on all subsequent summonings of your person, to answer no less than three questions that I ask of you, to the best of your ability.”

  A faint smile curved the corner of his mouth, as if pleased at my temerity to bend the negotiation to my favor, even if only by a few millimeters. “One question.”


  “Done. These are terms that I can and will abide by.”

  I let my breath out. “These are terms that I can and will abide by,” I echoed. And, to my relief, they were.

  “Give me your hand, Kara.”

  I extended my right hand, but he shook his head and reached for my left, turning it palm up. A knife abruptly appeared in his hand, a wicked and evil-looking artifact, with a blade that shimmered with an oily blue sheen and a handle covered in spikes that thrust between his fingers as he gripped it. The thought flashed through me that a careless grasp on that knife would be a painful experience. A dark-blue jewel capped the pommel with a dull light that seemed to flicker sluggishly from its depths.

  A spasm of abject terror shot through me at the sight of the knife, for no reason that I could name. But before I could yank my hand back, Rhyzkahl tightened his hold and pulled my arm straight, then slid the knife across my forearm, perfectly following the thin scar on my arm from where I’d cut my own flesh to summon Kehlirik. A hideous wave of cold nausea swept through me at the touch of the blade, but it was gone as soon as the metal was no longer in contact with my flesh. I watched the blood well up from the shallow slice, then looked up at Rhyzkahl in time to see him make a similar slice on his own forearm. He took a step closer to me and pressed the two slices together. I expected to feel something—a shock or burning or something bizarre as the blood mingled—but all I could feel was the powerful aura of him that surrounded us both.

  “And now the oath is bound in blood.” He smiled and kissed me—a light and strangely chaste kiss, especially compared to some of the deep and throbbing and heat-filled kisses he had laid
on me before.

  “I need to know something,” I said after he stepped back. “I mean … could you answer two questions for me now?”

  He inclined his head ever so slightly in acquiescence.

  “You said that the link you had with my dreams was broken when I died … but … do you still have any sort of link to me?”

  For an instant I had the impression he wanted to laugh, but all he did was smile. “Perceptive and clever. In those last seconds before you perished, I forged a new and different link—one that I knew would survive your death.”

  The fucker. He hadn’t lied to me before, but he sure hadn’t told me the whole truth. But at least now I knew.

  “Your second question?” he prompted. I had a feeling he knew what I was going to ask. I wasn’t so sure I wanted to know the answer, but I knew I needed to know.

  “What is a kiraknikahl?” I asked, voice cracking.

  The demon’s mouth curved in a hard smile. “A kiraknikahl is an oath-breaker.”

  A heartbeat later his throne room was gone and we were back in the attic, leaving me no chance to process the meaning of his answer. The knife was still in Rhyzkahl’s hand, and even as I registered the change in the surroundings, he turned and seized Rachel, yanking her away from Ryan in a swift and fluid move. Before she could do more than widen her eyes in shock, Rhyzkahl had plunged the knife into Rachel’s chest, directly into her heart.

  She screamed and clutched at the knife, clawing at Rhyzkahl’s hands as he held it buried to the evil hilt in her chest. Ryan sagged heavily to his knees, then looked up at Rachel and Rhyzkahl. His eyes rested on the knife, widening in horror as he scrabbled weakly back, gaze locked on the blade.

  Rachel screamed again—a sound a thousand times worse than the scream Ryan had made when she’d begun to steal his essence. Rhyzkahl slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close to him in what could have been a loving embrace except for the knife he held buried in her chest. I could feel a malevolent coiling of potency filling the room, and I found myself drawing back from the two of them along with Ryan, not stopping until we were both up against the wall of the attic.


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