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The Instruction of Olivia

Page 11

by Geoffrey Allen

  'Now your arse really is bare,' he laughed. 'Look.'

  Olivia stole a frightened glance at her reflection in the now darkened window. It was true. Her bottom bared itself completely, for the tear had ironically followed her crease and thus her buttocks were displayed from one side to the other.

  'This is all your doing,' she protested, crying with the further humiliation she would now have to endure.

  'If I were you,' he said solemnly, 'I'd wait here until nightfall. The train isn't going anywhere, so you have plenty of time to make whatever plans you have in mind.'

  Then, to her utter amazement, he reached under his greatcoat and tossed her a shilling. She would have thrown it back but a warning voice told her to be more prudent. A shilling was better then none in a city as great as this.

  'Am I supposed to be grateful?' she asked bitterly.

  'You have a splendid bottom, miss,' he complimented, 'and if you take my advice you'll put it to good use. In your shoes I wouldn't ask anything less than half a crown.'

  And before Olivia could utter an astonished reply he put on his hat and left her, quickly vanishing into the throng heading along the platform.

  Chapter Eight

  It was dark before Olivia ventured out of the compartment and onto the deserted platform. The tear in her dress seemed to have lengthened in its dimensions, and her whole bottom and upper thighs bared themselves to the cold night air.

  The station, which she had hoped would be deserted at that hour, was still busy with porters loading things into vans, and officials scurrying to and fro waving bits of paper as a sign of their authority. Olivia made her way along the platform by dodging behind iron pillars, edging towards the entrance in the far distance. Her thoughts, like any other young woman in her position, although ready to point out her difficulties, were at a loss to suggest any solution, so she simply made a dash for an archway that seemed to lead out into the great wide world of London.

  It was much smaller than she had imagined; an alleyway, narrow and cobbled, meandered into the fog which hung about her, swirling around her bare bottom and making her teeth chatter. She walked on, vainly tugging her bodice across her near naked breasts, for that too had ripped, not enough to expose them completely, but at the slightest heave they would burst loose.

  At an intersection in the alley a half-starved mongrel jumped up and sniffed the join of her thighs. She aimed a kick at the filthy animal that promptly dodged behind her and placed its cold nose right into her bottom-cleft. When she started forward the brute ran off, taking with it the hem of her skirt, spinning Olivia round in a circle and leaving her completely naked from the waist down. Her hands flew to her join when a carriage rattled by. The driver yelled an obscenity and deftly lashed her thighs with his whip. A group of men trudging to work stopped to stare, thinking it was the gloomy light playing tricks with their eyes.

  The suggestions they made indicated that if she were still there twelve hours from now, and if her private parts hadn't frozen over, they would give it to her good and proper. But Olivia had no intentions of standing there waiting to find out what that meant, and she bolted along the pavement ready to surrender to the first available magistrate. Everything had gone against her. She would approach the nearest person she saw and ask the way; a sound thrashing and six months hard labour could not be worse than this, she decided.

  The alley opened onto a narrow street, and under a gas lamp she saw the vague outline of a woman leaning against its post. Now it was Olivia's turn to think she was delirious, for the woman's skirt was also ripped, and hung open to reveal a pair of bare legs which she was at pains to thrust at anyone who passed.

  Olivia was about to cross the street, but suddenly a carriage drew up and the woman clambered in. The driver and horse stared straight ahead, quite oblivious of the squeaking springs and grunting that came from within. Then the carriage was gone, leaving the woman as before; looking up and down the pavement and hitching her skirts even higher. Olivia took a deep breath and walked up to her.

  'Please,' she asked politely, 'I'm lost, and am in sore need of rescue. My clothes are in ribbons and I don't know where to turn. All this is new to me and—'

  The young woman surveyed her with wild disbelief, and then interrupted Olivia's pleas with a wild shriek of laughter.

  'God luv me!' she exclaimed, recovering slightly. 'For a moment you 'ad me fooled. Good line though,' she added seriously, 'must go down a treat.'

  Olivia had to think about that, and in that brief interlude she observed the young woman much more closely She was about her own age with a pretty oval face and good legs, perhaps a little too thin but nevertheless very comely. Her waist was trim and her bottom pert. Her breasts high and firm, were exposed to the nipple.

  'So how's trade?' the young woman asked. 'Been bug hunting 'ave yer?'

  Olivia knitted her brows 'I'm sorry?'

  'Bug hunting. You know, flicking drunks and cleaning 'em out'.

  'I don't know what you are talking about I haven't been...' she couldn't bring herself to use that foul word, 'doing it with men, or doing any cleaning either I came to London to find gainful employment, and all I've had are assaults about my person by a man on a train who made me suck his thing and forced me naked out of the window and then left me, dress all ripped and like to be raped.'

  'Dear, dear,' the young woman replied, with a great display of sympathy.

  She was no longer laughing, but steered Olivia to a nearby cab-stand out of the freezing fog, which Olivia noticed didn't seem to bother her at all. She took off her shawl and wrapped it around Olivia's naked bottom.

  'Got anywhere to stay?' she asked, knotting the shawl over Olivia's belly.



  'A shilling.'



  'Then I knows just the place.'

  And so saying she marched quickly along the pavement, guiding Olivia with an arm around her waist, turning her into alleyways and through various courts until at length they halted outside a dilapidated inn. Olivia was considering whether all this was a good idea when the door opened and she found herself in a dark passage. A voice called from above and the young woman replied with more incomprehensible jargon, and up they went.

  Olivia, groping her way with one hand, clung to the young woman's waist with the other. A door creaked open and Olivia was hurried over the threshold.

  'Rita!' exclaimed several young women in unison.

  Rita affected an extravagant bow and pushed Olivia forward. 'This is...'

  Olivia whispered her name and was announced with equal flamboyance, whereupon the dozen or so young ladies introduced themselves in quick succession.

  As they spoke, Olivia returned their wide and beaming smiles with horror-stricken eyes, for all of them were virtually naked, apart from those attired only in their drawers or corsets. She blushed at their nakedness and averted her eyes to the clothes hanging all around the walls.

  'What is this place?' she asked, eyeing the strange collection of petticoats and frilly dresses.

  'It's a kind of theatre,' a voice chirped, and the whole company fell into giggles.

  'You're actresses?'

  'When we're not flat on our backs.'

  'Or up against a wall.'

  'Or with our legs in the air.'

  And they all laughed, slapping and poking each other. The laughing ceased abruptly when a middle-aged woman appeared from a back room and made straight for Olivia. She looked magnificent in black stockings, a black corset edged with scarlet lace, and with a figure that many women half her age would have killed for.

  'A new girl, ma'am,' Rita said, introducing Olivia.

  'Call me Euphemia, or Effie for short, and don't you pay any heed to these,' her arm swept the assembly, and as it returned led Olivia through a side door and into a room smelling strongly of cheroots and brandy.

  'Take off your clothes and let's have a butchers,' she said, unlacin
g her own corset.

  Olivia's tattered rags fell away. She didn't understand the term 'butchers', but assumed it was just another form of address, and she would just have to get used to it.

  'Fine body,' Effie muttered, circling her, patting her bottom and prodding her midriff 'Fine form indeed, and tight between the fork. That'll go down well.' She stood back to appraise her new arrival. 'Of course, I assume you've had your fair share of men in your time - what girl of your age hasn't? But what about women?'

  Olivia's thoughts reverted to the advances of Flora, but she put that quickly from her mind.

  'I've never been with either,' she replied, biting on her lower lip.

  Effie recovered from her shock with surprising speed. 'But you could learn, or act as if you had, eh?'

  'I suppose so, just as long as it didn't get out of hand.'

  'It'll be in your hand for quite some time if I know my clients, or rather patrons, as we call them in the acting profession. Now don't tell me you haven't done that either - frigged a man, I mean.'

  Olivia didn't understand that, so Effie demonstrated with a tossing motion of her hand.

  Olivia blushed and shook her head.

  'Well what have you done, in God's name?'

  'I have been forced to put it in my mouth,' Olivia whispered, bemused as to why this woman was asking such personal questions, but anxious not to offend. 'And was made to suck until it went as hard as a rock and spurted a load of salty stuff down my throat. It was awful. Simply awful.'

  'How many times?'

  Olivia bowed her head in shame. 'Three,' she whispered.

  Effie drew closer and very gently pinched Olivia's nipples, tweaking the teats until they hardened. Then she leaned over and kissed them in turn, licking at the areolae and slowly moving outwards, covering the breasts with her tongue.

  'I want the truth,' she said softly and looked up. 'Are you still intact, down there?' and she raised her thigh and rubbed it between Olivia's legs, and kept on rubbing until Olivia reddened and started to pant.

  'Are you really a virgin?' she asked, putting her arms around Olivia's shoulders and drawing her close.

  Their bellies and nipples found contact and before Olivia could utter an astonished reply, Effie kissed her full on the mouth. But it was not like the strenuous advances of Flora. This was a real heartfelt kiss, soft, warm and gentle, accompanied with a deep purring from Effie's throat that had an almost hypnotic effect, as did the thigh pressing harder into her groin.

  'Yes, I am a virgin,' Olivia breathed, allowing Effie to lay her on a nearby couch.

  'And you've no objection if I prove that for myself? I have to know.'

  Olivia shook her head and muttered, 'I suppose... if you really have to.'

  'My, you are tight,' she heard Effie muse, as her fingers went up inside her, exploring carefully the tunnel walls and tickling the sensitive bud that the stranger at the undertakers had so willingly aroused.

  Olivia's mind went back to that remarkable man who had set her forth on her journey, and she found herself in his arms dreaming dreams of knights in shining armour and being borne away on a white stallion. Her legs started to thrash and her hips began again that serpentine motion which lifted her bottom and thrust it hard against the fingers working inside her.

  'Slap me... please,' Olivia begged. 'Slap me hard.'

  Effie's eyebrows shot upwards. 'You want me to slap you?'

  'Oh, God, yes.'

  Effie obliged by driving the flat of her free hand into the sides of Olivia's thighs. Hard, uncompromising slaps that could be heard outside where the rest of the girls had assembled and were listening avidly to the proceedings. Effie, realising at once what was happening to Olivia, slapped her across the nipples and then bit them so hard that Olivia screamed. And she went on screaming and panting, jolting and heaving, until her juices seeped onto the couch.

  Effie, herself in the throes of orgasm, left her, and with magnificent self-control went to a cupboard and came back with a whip.

  'It seems that pain gives you pleasure,' she panted, rolling Olivia off the couch and onto her stomach.

  The whip lashed into Olivia's buttocks, and when her legs shot outwards Effie sent another stroke whistling into her groin. The effect on Olivia surpassed Effie's wildest hopes, for Olivia writhed and thrashed in all directions, arching her back and tossing her head to and fro. The sight of those splendid legs and back, and those bottom-cheeks clenching and bouncing, sent Effie into spasms. Her own nipples were tingling as the whip lashed Olivia's virgin flesh, crossing her back and shoulders with thin red stripes. She was certain the girl was having another climax.

  'Turn over!' she yelled, and hardly aware of what had possessed her, Olivia rapidly spun onto her back, throwing open her legs, hoping that Effie would lash her pouting mound.

  She was not disappointed. The whip cut into her wetted slit, landing directly on her clitoris. Olivia had lost all control and gave vent to a long, deep moan that had the girls in the passage nudging and winking at each other. She shrieked a lot louder when Effie sent the whip lashing over her nipples. Her bottom soared high in the air and returned with a crash of her hips. A yell, greater than those caused by the whip, reverberated around the room, for Olivia's head was thrown back, her mouth fully open and gasping for air.

  Effie was down on her in a trice, sprawling between her legs and crushing mouth onto mouth, nipple to nipple, belly to belly.

  'Don't stop now, I beg you!' Olivia gulped, suddenly throwing her legs over Effie's back.

  She wriggled and squirmed, settling her hips and locking her heels together. Her arms flew around Effie's shoulders, nails scoring the skin. The door behind them had eased ajar and a dozen heads peered round.

  Effie's muscular hinds bounded like a rutting mare between Olivia's thighs, which now glistened with trickling sweat. Above their gyrating limbs the air was thick and heavy with the scent of feminine, sexual odour. The onlookers could see clearly the way Olivia's nipples responded to the ministrations of Effie's searching tongue. Her hands had gripped her breasts and had forced them to a point, giving the teats greater prominence as she bit and sucked, not caring at all for the acute pain that Olivia was suffering.

  Yet, strangely, the pain seemed delicious as its fiery darts shot through her breasts and belly and came together in one glorious cataclysm. Olivia thought a hot brand had been placed in her womb as Effie gnawed and chewed over her nipples. Her second orgasm climaxed simultaneously with Effie, who emitted a harsh grunt and slammed her pelvis into Olivia's hips. Effie lay there for a good ten minutes blowing and panting, feeling her juices flow into Olivia's drenched pubic triangle.

  'I'm bleeding,' Olivia whimpered, letting her calves drop from Effie's back.

  Effie heaved herself free and looked hard into Olivia's groin.

  'You're not bleeding,' she said, knitting her brows. 'It's only... well smell for yourself,' and she placed her soaking palm over Olivia's mouth.

  'What is it?' she asked, genuinely baffled.

  'You are a virgin,' Effie said dryly, getting up and scattering the girls in the passage.

  She settled back on her haunches between Olivia's thighs, resting her hands on top of them, feeling the sweating skin.

  'The patrons are going to love you,' she remarked, 'and I have just the man in mind. But before that comes your training. I have no doubt that you'll make a good actress.' She laughed to herself. 'As if acting'll be really necessary! Have you been whipped like this before - I mean in all your secret places, and gone all wet like this?' Her hand went to Olivia's groin and rubbed.

  'It would seem so,' Olivia replied, looking at Effie's arm going to and fro. Then she unwittingly let slip about the man on the train, and explained in great detail how he'd so rudely accosted her, and taken such dreadful liberties with her trusting nature.

  Effie audibly sucked her breath. The hand stopped in midair and hovered uncertainly above Olivia's mound.

  'Let me understand yo
u aright,' she said, looking very intrigued. 'You've had it in your mouth and up your arse - both of which you permitted - but never here,' and she returned her hand, sliding her fingers inside Olivia's tunnel again.

  'I suppose so,' Olivia grumbled.

  'You suppose so. You didn't object when I put my fingers inside you.'

  'You're a woman.'

  'That makes not the slightest difference, apart from these,' and she put her free hand on Olivia's left breast and squeezed. 'And this here, I admit,' and she wiggled her fingers, watching Olivia's trembling lips.

  'You've come to me a penniless trollop,' Effie continued, 'but when I've finished you shall be a fine actress, and rich into the bargain.'

  'Please, have you finished now?' Olivia replied, shifting her bottom away from the clammy patch forming beneath.

  'For the moment, yes. And after you've eaten I shall begin your education.' And with that startling piece of intelligence she hauled Olivia to her feet.

  'What about my clothes?'

  'What...? Oh, yes, clothes. I have just the thing in mind, but first we fill your belly, not literally of course, at least, not yet.'

  Olivia, confused and not a little nervous, followed Effie into a kitchen where a plate laden with meat and vegetables already awaited her. The girls who had prepared it watched with some amazement as Olivia demolished its contents, then laughed when a loud and unexpected belch came from her rumbling belly. The pint pot of porter they placed on the table went the same way with equal ferocity, and another belch escaped her lips. But this time the girls didn't laugh.

  After giving her time to digest they led her into a room that looked for all intents and purposes like the drawing room of a rich household. It put poor Olivia in mind of the governor's private quarters, and she shuddered.

  'Sit on the sofa,' Effie said, now wearing an immaculate silk dress that must have cost a fortune. 'And watch closely while the girls perform, because afterwards you shall take part yourself.'

  Olivia, a good deal restored and thankful that providence had sought fit to place her amongst such generous benefactors, reclined on the sofa, stretching her legs out in front of her. Her nipples still tingled and she wondered why it had been so important to undergo such rigorous examination, but then again, similar things were done in houses of correction and convents, and she was wise enough not to question it further. The memory of walking bare bottomed through a railway station was not one she cared to repeat.


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