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The Instruction of Olivia

Page 18

by Geoffrey Allen

  'It is designed to open you up,' he said, 'and would, had you been in the harem, open you wider, day after day, usually for a month, or until the slave begged for release and consented to whatever her master had in mind.'

  'I have consented,' Olivia protested. 'I will do anything that you require of me.'

  'My requirements are that you should wear this while you are being flogged, and that you demonstrate your obedience by having it willingly inside you.'

  'I am having it.'

  'But willingly?'

  'Yes, willingly. I want you to put it in me.'

  He gave the key another turn and Olivia emitted a painful groan.

  'Even if it hurts?'

  'Especially if it hurts.'

  The key had reached its extremity and would turn no more. Inside, Olivia felt the spikes pushing against her walls, holding her wide open. At its base was a ring that had gradually expanded at the same time as the spikes had advanced from the cylinder. It was there to open her labia much wider than the spikes had her tunnel, and to prevent her from closing her legs.

  'It will hurt a lot more when you are flogged,' he said, 'unless you are capable of keeping your bottom totally relaxed, which you know from experience is impossible.'

  He took up the cat o' nine tails and flicked it playfully across her haunches, noticing with evident satisfaction how her buttocks immediately responded. The globes tightened against the crease forming deep hollows on their sides, whereupon Olivia uttered a faint cry of pain. He flicked her again, a little harder on the backs of her upper thighs, sending the tails of the lashes licking against her stretched lips. The cry of pain grew louder and louder still when he flipped the lashes directly across her taut buttocks, hitting her at half strength. She knew that soon the lashes would fall thick and fast, and her hips and buttocks would writhe. It would require great strength of will to resist the mounting pain burning through her bottom.

  He went on lashing her buttocks and flanks, gradually increasing the pressure with every fresh stroke. And every time it landed her hips jerked back and forth, moving her vaginal walls against the spikes. The belt she had worn in the House of Correction had been designed as a punishment, one that would cause her humiliation. But this was not a punishment, neither did she feel humiliated, for there was no one to witness it, no one to mock and jeer at her discomfort; only the man lashing her bottom and the sensation of mounting fire welling within her slit.

  It grew at every lash now falling at full strength. The wriggling of her hips and flexing of her buttocks, although themselves on fire, were producing the same inexplicable and delicious feeling she had felt when she had fingered herself. She could hear her own screams of pain slowly subside into low, harsh moans of pleasure. The urgent writhing of her hips surrendered to a graceful gyration as again her juices started to flow.

  'Now you understand why you have the implement inside you,' he said, lashing the apex of her fork.

  Olivia could not reply; she was panting faster, oblivious to anything but the tingling of her belly and the dull ache of the ring pressing against her lips. At the moment of her climax she let out a great cry of despair. This whipping was unlike any other she had experienced. True, the pain was as excruciating as ever, but inside she felt nothing but the heat of her orgasm, the now welcoming caresses of the spikes, and the ring stretching her open.

  The final stroke fell and Olivia hung lifeless, her legs buckled against the panels. The gentleman reached between her fork and began turning the key. The spikes and ring slackened. The cylinder slid from her tunnel and was taken away.

  'Quite an achievement,' he complimented, lifting her wrist chain from the hook.

  Olivia collapsed in his arms and was surprised to find herself lowered gently to the hearthrug.

  'Has my obedience satisfied you?' she whimpered.

  'It has more than satisfied me. I have found out everything I needed to know. Now it only remains for me to take you, and for you to swear your loyalty to me.'

  'How can I swear loyalty to a man I do not even know, or have never seen?'

  'You have seen me, but in circumstances less propitious than these. There is no need for further questions; all that is required is your total and unswerving obedience. Allow me therefore to take possession of your bottom, your other place I shall spare for the time being. No doubt you are somewhat sore.'

  Olivia allowed herself to be prostrated over the arm of a chair while he spread open her legs. Involuntarily she reached behind and parted her cheeks while he smoothed a warm ointment into her rear entrance.

  'Your assistance is most touching,' he said, thrusting into her with a shudder of his loins. 'No doubt you are well used to having men up your backside.'

  While he took her his hands carefully explored her body, running over her flanks and bottom, the curve of her hips, and reaching under to gently squeeze her breasts. His touch was unlike any other she had experienced, as if he were a connoisseur of the female form and appreciated beauty when he saw it.

  Inside, he seemed to fill her to the core, thrusting at her as if he wished to touch her heart. Olivia orgasmed with a quick succession of climaxes, grunting and drooling, giving vent to harsh groans of wanting, hoping he would never stop. As her bottom squirmed and wriggled hard against his organ he reached his own climax, emptying into her with shuddering jolts, filling her with hot, liquid fire.

  'Why won't you let me see your face?' she asked, when he withdrew and seated her on the sofa, still panting.

  'After you have sworn loyalty to me and no other, you shall see me. Perhaps in a week or so. Now, please open your legs and prepare yourself for some considerable pain.'

  Olivia obeyed, stretching her ankles as wide as she could. She heard him moving away from her and in a short while returning, positioning himself somewhere near the fire.

  'What are you going to do with me?' she asked, breaking into a fearful sweat.

  'As a token of your betrothal you shall wear my ring,' he replied, shuffling between her open legs.

  'We are to be engaged?' she gasped.

  'Yes, but not in the usual way. The ring I shall give you, and you will wear, no man will see except myself when I undress you, and when you in turn offer yourself to me.'

  'Are you going to put it where I think you are?'

  His hands were between her legs and thumbing apart her labia. 'That would very much depend on where you think I am going to fit it.'

  'Between my legs,' she replied on a rush of air.


  'But why not on my finger, as is usual in such circumstances?'

  'Dear girl, a woman may sport a dozen rings on her fingers, but that does not prevent her from bestowing her favours on anyone she pleases. Neither does a wedding ring for that matter.'

  'I am not an adulteress,' Olivia protested. 'My word shall be my bond.'

  'I don't doubt it, but with a body as beautiful as yours you are fresh meat to any ravenous male that seeks to appease his appetite. This particular ring will make them seek their meat elsewhere. Now kindly brace yourself.'

  Olivia clenched her teeth and gripped the arms of the sofa. The ring was a circle of metal, one end fashioned to a sharp needlepoint that fitted into the hollow of the other half, and once in situ could not be removed.

  'Before the ring is fitted through your lips,' he explained, 'it will be necessary to pierce them, rather as if it were your ears. A sharp, short pain which will soon be over.'

  The excruciating pain was indeed sharp but certainly not short. The needle that he used to pierce her lips was about half the diameter of her little finger, and heated until white in the coals of the fire. Olivia shrieked when it was forced through the first of her lips and slowly drawn through, allowing the heated metal to scorch and sear her tender flesh. The length of needle was pulled free, and then reinserted and allowed to rest there while he prepared the first half of the ring.

  Olivia's thighs quivered their whole length, as did her labia an
d belly.

  'Hush now, t'will not be long,' he soothed, planting a kiss on her navel.

  'You're treating me as if I were an animal,' she whimpered. 'I wonder that you don't fit a chain to me.'

  'That will not be necessary, after all, now that you are residing at your uncle's I doubt that you shall stray far.'

  'Then why are you ringing me like this?'

  'Insurance,' he muttered, leaving her somewhat baffled.

  The needle was withdrawn and the first half of the ring slipped through the hole in her labia. To Olivia's great relief the metal was cold and did to some extent relieve the agonizing pain shooting through her groin. Her mouth opened and breathed in deeply. She choked back a sob and wiped her nose with the back of her hand.

  'Now the other,' she heard him say, and felt the heat of the needle approaching her upper thigh.

  She screamed aloud and went rigid, her legs as stiff as ramrods drummed into the carpet. She was sure the heat was much greater and the needle much longer. Again he pushed it through the pouting lip, now discoloured from pink to scarlet and swelling all the while.

  'You should be proud of such gorgeous attributes,' he complimented her. 'There are many women who would give a fortune to possess such magnificence.'

  'They won't look magnificent when you've finished,' she sobbed.

  'I can assure you that you will look just as splendid, perhaps even more so.'

  The other half of the ring slipped through and was locked into place. Then he turned it through the holes in her labia, positioning it so that the join of the ring had disappeared under her skin.

  'Now that you are thus locked t'will be unlikely that anyone will try to roger you, and even if they do the effort of getting past that ring will hopefully outweigh the delight of coming in you.'

  'No one has ever "come in me" as you so crudely put it,' Olivia said bitterly, running her fingers blindly over the ring.

  'And nor will they until your wedding night, when it shall be removed.'

  'And how shall that be?' she inquired, giving the ring a gentle tug and wincing from the pain of her newly burned flesh.

  'Only I know the answer to that, and so shall you when the time comes.'

  With that he left her naked and sprawling on the sofa, still rubbing her burning groin.

  'Your carriage will be here shortly, miss.'

  The voice was female. The maid, Olivia assumed. 'May I take off this awful mask?' she asked irritably.

  The maid removed it for her and Olivia blinked in the light. Looking between her parted legs she gasped at the sight of the ring. It was larger than it had felt, and she winced when she tried to close her legs. The ring had been strategically placed about a third of the way up her labia, rendering it almost impossible for any man to penetrate her.

  She blushed red and hurried on her drawers. God knows what her uncle would think or say if he ever found out what had gone on here. She would have to dream up a good excuse not to sit on his knee and let him fondle her as he always insisted on doing.

  Perhaps, she thought, he might already know of the ring, and from henceforth, with luck, everyone would leave her alone; would stop putting their organs up her bottom, and making her suck them and then whip her from head to toe. Only her husband would be allowed to do that, and as the carriage rattled off into the night she put her hand between her legs and felt the ring, longing for the day when the same hand would unlock it. Hopefully it would not be long in coming.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Olivia did not return, Effie was beside herself with rage. The carriage that had been sent to collect her had been turned away empty, and the driver given to understand that Olivia had now taken up permanent residence with the gentleman.

  'I want her brought back!' Effie rasped, glaring at Rita and Dora as if they were directly responsible for her disappearance. 'She can't stay in that house forever! She has to go abroad sometime, and when she does, you'll fetch her here! Fail me and I'll have you flogged day in and day out!'

  So Rita and Dora took up their stations either end of the street where Olivia was now living, and waited and waited and waited. For three days they guarded the street, relieved only at nightfall when they were permitted a few hours sleep in a nearby lodging house. When at last Olivia emerged they sighed with relief and, keeping out of sight, followed her into Berkeley Street, seemingly heading towards the crowded throng of Piccadilly.

  Her errand was not a long one, merely a visit to a haberdashers to purchase a pair of white stockings, which her uncle enjoyed removing as she sat on his knee.

  'Olivia, our dear sister!'

  Olivia spun round and came face to face with Dora, who immediately linked arms with her. She might have struggled free if it were not for Rita who took her other arm and proclaimed to all and sundry how Olivia had run away from a good home and how, after being driven out of their minds with worry, her sisters had at length found the ungrateful wretch.

  There was little sympathy from the onlookers, who shook their heads as Olivia was propelled into the nearest hackney carriage. A dose of chloroform subdued her cries as the horse gathered speed, galloping towards Paddington.

  'Strip,' Effie said flatly, as soon as a bottle of smelling salts had revived Olivia.

  'At least she's brought us some good togs,' Rita remarked, already half stupefied from the gin Effie had given her.

  Olivia stood in front of the assembly and took off all her clothes. In her confusion and anger she had completely forgotten about the engagement ring that encircled her labia.

  'What on earth is this?' Effie proclaimed, eyeing the shining metal.

  'I am engaged,' Olivia replied proudly.

  When the shrieking and guffawing had abated, Effie slipped her forefinger through the ring and half dragged Olivia into her private quarters.

  'Engaged to whom?' she asked, intrigued.

  'The man who wishes my hand,' she replied stupidly, whereupon Effie slapped her face.

  'His name, you halfwit!'

  'Don't know.'

  Effie groaned. 'Well what does he look like?'

  'I was blindfolded and never saw his face.' Seeing the incredulous look Effie shot her she added defensively, 'It's the truth, I was blindfolded the whole time.'

  'Even when he fitted that?!' she exclaimed, bending low to inspect the ring.

  Olivia said nothing but stood stock still while Effie turned it in her fingers wondering how it had been secured.

  'Your suitor has done me a good service,' she mused, standing upright again.

  Then without any more ado she stripped off her own clothes and fetched a cane from her cupboard.

  'Touch your toes,' she said, flexing the cane in her hands.

  'You have no right to treat me thus,' Olivia protested. 'I was brought here against my will, and my suitor will see that you are justly punished.'

  The cane whistled into Olivia's bare rump. 'If your suitor has found you so desirable to ring your cunt, I daresay he will pay handsomely to have you safely back. Punishing me will not be uppermost in his mind I can assure you. Now bend over!'

  Olivia had no will to resist. She knew that sooner or later her bottom would taste the fury of Effie's cane, a just punishment for having betrayed her generosity. She gave Olivia two-dozen strokes in quick succession on and all around her bottom, hitting her with the full strength of her arm, slicing into her succulent cheeks, landing the strokes side by side, not stopping until Olivia was reduced to a blubbering wreck.

  'Now, about this ring,' she said, laying aside the cane. 'What use can we find for that, I wonder.'

  Olivia wished now that the wretched thing had never been fitted, for there was no doubt in her mind that Effie would make good use of it, and in a way calculated to cause the maximum of pain and humiliation.

  She tugged on a bell-pull and Rita entered, her face flushed and thighs still damp with sweat. 'Bring me every length of chain in the building, and whatever else that is employed along with them,
' Effie said darkly.

  Rita was gone in a hurry, and soon returned bowed under the weight of yards of chain of various lengths and sizes. She dumped them on the floor, and after some considerable time returned with a host of weights and other fearsome looking objects.

  'These we keep for our more imaginative patrons,' Effie said gaily. 'And sometimes when the girls are less than imaginative themselves.' She kicked over the pile of chains and metal objects, stroking her chin as she did so.

  'What would be most appropriate to use on you, d'you think?'

  Olivia eyed the objects with a shudder as Effie scooped up a length of chain and threaded one end through the ring.

  'Open your legs,' she commanded, letting the chain hang between them while she sorted out a small brass padlock.

  This she secured to the ring and the chain and locked it into place. When that was done the length was wrapped around each ankle and given to Olivia to hold while she rummaged through the pile of objects.

  'This will do nicely,' she remarked, selecting an iron collar.

  'Please don't put that on me,' Olivia begged, as Effie stepped up behind her.

  Ignoring her pleas, Effie slipped the collar around Olivia's neck and fastened it at the back with a hasp. All the way around its circumference were a collection of other rings about the same size as the one which pierced Olivia's labia. Going back to the pile of chains, Effie retrieved a half-dozen lengths, and one by one threaded them through the collar rings. On the end of each length were either manacles or hasps.

  'These will fit around your wrists,' she said, taking up two of the manacles.

  The manacles did not reach to where Olivia was holding the length of chain that had already passed around her ankles, so Effie told her to lift her hands and place them between her breasts. Two of the lengths projecting from the sides of her neck were drawn to her clasped hands and tightly fixed.


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