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Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)

Page 39

by Sarah Thorn

  Dan looked at her. He was right, she really was behaving oddly, and she looked as thought she needed to sleep. Enough now, though, both your parents think she's a great girl, the fun you had when you first started dating will come back, and sure, she's nervous. After all, she's marrying into a dynasty.

  ''Are you okay?'' she asked. not really caring if the answer was yes or not.

  ''Fine. Listen I've been a bit aloof lately. I just wanted to tell you I'll help you finalize the wedding. I' haven't been much help so far. I thought it was time I did my bit.''

  Did you drag me away from a good screw and a line of cocaine to tell me that you mean son a bitch? she thought. ''Yes great. I'll brief you when we get home.''

  ''And one more thing. You mentioned the insurance papers. James Ridley will be here in a few minutes. Remember him? The broker from Allinson and Allinson. We'd better get all those boring little details sorted before the wedding. You never know, I might walk under a bus, and you'd be destitute otherwise.''

  Britney beamed back at him. Finally, she thought.


  Janice yawned as she pulled up, a couple of hundred meters away from Britney's car. Get yourself a new job, she thought. This is boring as hell. She'd spent day after day, sitting in her car, either outside Dan and Britney's house or following her on another shopping trip. The only time she'd left central Dallas was to go to some God forsaken town and then Janice had lost her. Today would be like all the other days, she thought.

  When Britney got out of the car, she headed into a clothes shop. Janice followed her at a discrete distance, her hand on the camera in her bag. Keke had told her to keep back and take photos' if Britney met anyone suspicious. Particularly men.

  Janice watched as Britney walked around the store. Britney picked up the odd garment and looked at it before replacing it. When Britney looked at her watch and suddenly made for the door, Janice was alert. She followed her outside and across the road to the park. Britney sat down on a park bench, and Janice hid behind a tree. After a couple of minutes, Janice reached for the camera. Britney was talking to a very tall, thin man.


  Keke was just about to throw up again when Janice arrived looking hot and sweaty. ''I thought they called it morning sickness because it's supposed to happen in the morning,'' Keke complained. ''I've been ill all day.'' She looked at Janice and noticed her familiar guilty look. ''What's the matter?''

  ''I've messed up.''

  Keke wasn't surprised. ''What?''

  ''She met a guy.'' Janice slumped into the armchair and looked at Keke, who'd take the secretary's place for the day.


  ''And I tried to take a photo, but the camera.''

  ''The camera did what?''

  ''Well, that's the problem. It didn't do anything.''


  ''I forgot to charge the batteries last evening.''

  ''Janice, how many time are you going to......'' Keke got up and rushed to the bathroom. In the time she was away, she decided not to fire Janice. For now anyway. She'd give her one more chance. ''Do you, at least, have a description?'' she asked when she returned.

  ''Yes. Tall and quite thin with a full head of gray, black hair.''

  ''What was he wearing?''

  ''All black. Pants and shirt.''

  ''Shoes, boots, sandals?''

  ''Ah yes that's the interesting bit,'' Janice remembered. ''Cowboy boots. Very noticeable ones. Black with white flashes.''

  Keke opened the window. Janice's car didn't have air conditioning, and she was not going to let Janice drive her car. ''Drive slowly Janice please,'' Keke pleaded. ''I've got six stores on the list. Lets' begin at San Antonio Street and work our way around the downtown area.'' Janice nodded and put her foot down. Keke felt nauseous but managed to hang on.

  ''One more and we're done. It a very long shot but this is a game of coincidences. You never know what's around the next corner,'' Keke said as Janice pulled up outside Wild Bills. When they went inside Keke whistled to her self. There were more stetsons that she'd ever seen in one place and hundreds of pairs of cowboy boots. When Janice yelled, Keke jumped in shock.

  ''These. These here.'' Janice held up a pair of black cowboy boots with white flashes.

  ''Are you sure?''

  ''Yes. One hundred percent.''

  Keke took the boots off her and walked to the sales counter, where a young man was unpacking shirts. ''Are you okay?'' he asked her. ''You look very hot?'' His observation was confirmed when a trickle of sweat dropped from her forehead and landed on the counter. He disappeared and came back with a glass of ice water and a clean towel.

  ''My word, you are one considerate man. You'll make someone a great husband one day,'' Keke said, wiping her face in the soft towel.

  “'I'm already married,'' he said proudly. ''To Martha.''

  Doesn't look old enough, Keke thought. ''And what's it like being married?''

  ''Wonderful. I love her so much; everyday is a fantastic experience. When I get home and see her, it''s like having the best Christmas present you could ever wish for, everyday.''

  ''Do you remember if a tall, thin man, probably dressed in black, bought a pair of these boots from your store.''

  ''That sounds like Steve. He's a good customer here.''

  ''Do you know where he lives?'' Keke wasn't hopeful.

  ''No but I can tell him you want to speak to him if you like. He's got some boots here for repair. I'll give him your number when he comes to collect them.''

  ''No it's okay. Don't worry.''

  Keke sat in her office and thought about what the young man had said in Wild Bill's. He can't have been more than nineteen, yet he spoke with so much passion about the woman he loved. She looked at Madam Tinubu and felt racked with guilt and horror at what she had done. ''Okay, okay, I'm going to. Don't look at me like that,'' she said.

  ''Janice? Can you come here, please.'' When Janice appeared, she looked pleased with herself. Keke didn't know why. ''I want you to park yourself outside Wild Bill's everyday until you see that man appear. When you see him, I want you to follow him and find out where he lives. When you've done that I'll take over.''

  ''All day, everyday?'' Janice asked, horrified.

  ''Do you want to keep your job, Janice?'' Janice nodded. ''Well, in that case, do what I ask you. You know I've been very good to you, you should try to remember that.''


  I need to pee, Janice thought. She got out of the car and went into the alleyway next to Wild Bill's. She'd managed to pee there everyday for the last three days without being seen.

  Janice didn't see the man, but she felt the slap across her face. ''Why are you looking for me? Who are you? Tell me or by God I'll stick this piece of steel into you.''

  Janice stood with her jeans halfway down her thighs and whimpered. It was indeed the same man that she'd seen with Britney. ''Sorry, but I'm not following you,'' she said as she rubbed the place he had slapped her. ''I just came in here to pee. If it's......''

  ''Who are you? Last time I'm asking?''


  ''You've been sitting in your car for three days and asking about me in Wild Bills. Why?''

  Keke had told Janice that the last thing you do is reveal you clients name. In fact, Keke had told her that you die before you do so. ''It's to do with Britney.''

  ''I don't know anybody called Britney.''

  Janice assumed he was having an affair with Britney. “Yes, you do. I saw you together. I'm a friend of hers,'' she lied.

  ''You're one step away from being murdered so tell me the truth. Why are you following me?''

  ''I told you. I'm a friend of hers, and she told me about you. She wasn't sure she could trust you, so she asked me to keep an eye on you.''

  He didn't want another victim on his hands, especially one that he would have to kill on the spur of the moment. She also looked like the kind of woman who would go away and keep quiet if he threatened her
hard enough. ''Piss off and leave me alone. If I ever see you again, I will murder you in the most savage manner possible.'' He let go of her and walked away. Janice collapsed onto the ground and forgot she needed to pee.


  When Jessie saw Keke pull up outside the diner, she went to the table and took away the sugar. ''The usual Keke?''

  ''No, can you bring me a plate of ice cream and some chopped onions.''


  ''Ice cream and a plate of chopped onions.'' I hope the father is the nice looking guy in the Ferrari, Jessie thought.

  When Dan arrived, he was wearing an Armani suit and open white shirt. As he walked towards her, Keke cleared her throat nervously. Without saying anything, he handed her an envelope. She opened it and gasped. ''No Dan, not like this.'' She handed the paper back to him.

  ''Then how?'' he asked. She looked at him and noticed how weary he looked. She took his hand, but he pulled it away.

  ''When I called you and asked you to come and see me, I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things. First, Britney.'' What does it matter now, he thought.

  ''We have witnessed Britney meeting a man in a park downtown. Janice was following him. He caught her and shook her up quite badly. He's up to no good.'' Dan looked confused when Jessie arrived with the strange mixture of foods. ''We can't say whether it's an affair or not, but she met a man. I need a bit more time to get to the bottom of it, but I think you, at least, have a case for postponing the wedding until we find out more.''

  ''I have decided to go ahead with the marriage.'' It could have been so different, he thought. When he sighed, Keke took hold of his hand again. Again he tried to pull back, but she held onto him desperately. ''What do you want, Keke?'' he said, almost angrily.

  ''I don't want a check for three million dollars, that's for sure. I understand when you came here, you came prepared to support me, but that's not the way I want it.''

  ''Jesus, how do you want it?'' he said no less angrily. ''It seems to me, you want it all your own way. You dumped me, now I'm offering you financial security for the rest of you life to look after you and the baby, and you throw it back at me. I don't understand.''

  ''Because I have made a terrible mistake,'' she said, tears in her eyes. ''I love you so much, and I am so sorry for what I did to you. I was hasty and didn't think it through properly. I just reacted on the spur of the moment to a problem that I've known before in my life. I have every faith in you, and I want you and me to bring our child up together, under the same roof, and in the same bed. ''Keke pulled him over the table and kissed him. ''What do you say?'' She looked at him as his expression changed. The tiredness in his face went, and the sparkle in his eyes returned.

  ''Do you know how hard it has been, thinking I would have to live my life without you. Without seeing my child every day? Of course, the answer is yes.''

  Jessie watched as Dan stood up, walked to Keke's side of the table and got onto one knee. When she saw Keke nod, she broke out into applause.


  Britney got out of the car outside Jason's house. In her bag was ten kilos of the best cocaine money could buy.

  ''I warned you, if you talked, you would die instead of your fiancee. Those are my rules,'' Steve said as Britney appeared in the middle of the cross hairs of his long-range assassins rifle.



  BWWM ROCKSTAR Romance - The Rockstar’s Love Child

  “Lela, why aren’t you taking this more seriously?!” Liddy was already working on her makeup for the show, and I had barely decided if I was going to go.

  “It’s just a concert, with a bunch of loud girls screaming. I’m pretty sure that wearing a slutty skirt and layers of makeup won’t help me enjoy the concert more.”

  I still slipped into the skirt, though. I thought I looked good in it, and I think Liddy felt the same way.

  “That look is perfect for you. I wish I had your model figure.”

  I gave her a sheepish look. More people have told me that I’m lucky for my figure, but just as many people have told me to eat more. I think I eat too much, honestly.

  “Thanks,” I replied, “why are you tryin’ so hard to look good for this, I’ve never seen you work so hard before a concert.”

  She gave me a half smile and a wink.

  “I may have a little surprise for after the show.”

  I rolled my eyes, the last time she said she had a surprise I was stuck driving her while she had awkward sex in the backseat.

  “I hope this time your underwear stays on,” I said.

  “Trust me, this time, neither of us will be wearing anything afterward.”

  She bit her lip.

  I didn’t talk much after that, but the ideas I had about what she wanted to do after the show were mortifying. She was the kind of person that was interested in driving to Mexico at two in the morning.

  It really didn’t take long for me to get ready, and soon enough we were in a cab with three of our other friends headed toward the show.

  ‘The Sell-outs’ were the newest and most popular rock band, and their tickets sold out in minutes. I was actually surprised that Liddy managed to get tickets.

  Even more surprising is how good the seats were, not that anyone ever really sat in their seats at these concerts. I figured that would be best explained later.

  When they began the entire audience lit up, screaming and dancing, some even began to sing along off-key. I didn’t mind, though, I just enjoyed the music and danced along.

  The four members of the band played so hard that they started taking their shirts off part way through the show. And, when the lead singer Aiden threw his shirt to the crowd, I thought there would be a riot.

  For some reason it felt like he made eye contact with me a few times, perhaps it was how close we were seated towards the stage, or it might even be that Liddy felt the need to flash the singer a few times. But, to me, it felt like a moment, and before too long the concert was over and the moment had passed. I could already feel sick thinking about the hangover I would probably have tomorrow morning.

  However, as everyone filed out of the stadium, Liddy grabbed me by the arm. She gave me a wink, and with that, I could tell that this night might only be getting started. Pushing past the exiting crowd, we found ourselves standing in front of two of the beefiest men I’d ever seen in person.


  The larger one asked. Liddy reached into her small handbag and held out two ID badges, and after a quick look, the guard ushered us toward backstage.

  I’d never been backstage at a concert before, and the suspense was getting to me. My hands were starting to sweat, and I could feel myself getting a little dizzy when I looked around. But, Liddy kept pulling me along on this ride, and I just followed.

  Walking through busy corridors and hallways, even a staircase or two, Liddy kept flashing her badges and would be met with people pointing one direction or another. Before long we had found the holy-grail, the coveted green room where the band was enjoying some much-needed refreshment.


  It wasn’t a terribly large room, but it was large enough for the band and a few other girls to wander around. Along the far side sat a table, covered in drinks and food. A couple of couches and chairs occupied the center of the room where the band sat, as well as most of their female company. The longest wall had a large balcony stretching out towards the stadium field. A few roadies, drinks in hand, were chatting with a couple of the other girls on the balcony.

  Liddy shot from my grasp as soon as she made contact. This was her element; she always was a bit of an attention hog. I never minded at all. I wasn’t interested in being stared at by a bunch of gawkers, but she was a professional.

  “Lela, get over here!”

  She waved at me, attempting to bring me in closer but I just waved her off and made for the table in the back. All that dancing had me feeling relaxed but too drained. I could already tell that my muscles
would be regretting my workout from tonight.

  I put together a small plate of snacks, as well as some water, and sauntered off to the balcony. It was quite a nice night actually; the cool air off the water staunched the summer heat.

  As I stood, leaning against the railing, it became a bit lonely as the couples filtered back inside, leaving me to my thoughts.

  I couldn’t help but feel like I was wasting the gift from my friend. She probably worked hard to get these passes, and here I was just leaning against a railing eating meager snack foods. I peeked on Liddy; she was laughing and chatting with the lead singer.

  I had to admit, I did think Aiden was gorgeous. His long blond hair was tied back behind his head, and it showed off his sharp, and high, cheek bones. Being a rock singer, he definitely took care of himself, and while he was quite skinny, it looked like he still enjoyed his time at the gym.

  He was out of my league; he was only really paying attention to the fairer skinned girls at the party, so I could tell right away that his eye wouldn’t stray too far my direction.

  Still, as imaginative as I was, I tried my best to tamp down any thoughts of Aiden coming my way. Besides, Liddy was more interested anyway, it would probably be best that she is given the opportunity of a lifetime.

  “Excuse me, is this balcony taken?”

  The voice sounded familiar, I turned my neck and saw him standing there, long hair and all.

  “Err… um … no. It’s open to everyone,” I squeaked out.

  I turned back to my empty plate of snacks, but now I couldn’t remember what I had just been thinking about.

  “Lovely night,” he said.

  I nodded, trying to hide my excitement.

  “You’re missing out on the party, were you planning on staying out here all night?”

  I nodded again.

  “You certainly are a woman of few words,” he laughed.


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