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Binding Becky

Page 4

by Khloe Wren

  Becky nodded a little as Drake lowered the cloth again and cleaned her face free of tears. She closed her eyes on a shuddered breath.

  Kiss her, Drake, softly, gently.

  Drake cocked an eyebrow at him, and Savren nodded toward Becky. He watched as Drake lowered himself over Becky. Cradling her face with both hands, he laid a gentle, whisper-light kiss over her lips. Drake hovered just above her mouth, waiting for Becky to react. After a tense moment, she sank her hands into his hair and pulled him back down to her mouth for a scorching hot kiss that radiated enough heat that Savren felt it.

  With a massive grin, Savren began stroking her leg, creeping his fingers up higher and higher. Slowly inching the towel up over her hip, he revealed her perfect creamy coffee colored skin to his hot gaze. He ran his fingers in little random patterns over the smooth flesh of her outer thigh, then up around her hip bone. As he ran it down the crease between her thigh and torso, she flinched and pulled back from kissing Drake to glare at him.

  "Ticklish, sweetheart?"

  He ran his finger in little swirls over the length of the crease, enjoying the hell out of her giggles.

  "Savren, stop it. Please—" She broke into a fit of laughter as Drake softly ran his fingers up her ribs on the opposite side after her towel fell away from her body. She tried to bring her knees up to protect herself from their roaming fingers, but neither of them were having a part of that. Drake grabbed both her hands in one of his and pinned them above her head while Savren threw a leg over hers, holding them down. Her eyes went wide when she realized she was completely pinned down. Drake ran his fingers back down her ribs, and Savren did the same thing on the other side. She bucked and laughed as they tickled her senseless. Savren grinned down at her. He was so glad to have her laughing. She'd scared the fuck out of him earlier.


  Becky fussed with her dress. She didn't do dresses, and she couldn't even remember the last time she'd worn one. Eilagh grabbed her arm.

  "Stop fussing, Becky. You look almost as stunning as me." Her friend winked at her.

  She looked down at her dress. Her men had impeccable taste. It was made from beautiful flowing satin, a deep purple—of course—with golden brown trim. It flowed around her feet, the cool fabric tickling her ankles. The low empire neckline left plenty of cleavage showing. She did feel gorgeous and sexy in the dress.

  "It is a beautiful dress. I'm just not used to wearing one. Or letting men dress me. What's with that? Are your men control-freak-macho-men, too?"

  "Yep, Dimitri is more dominant than Max, but they’re both certifiable alpha males. You know, they didn't actually ask me to marry them? They told me it's time, like they expected me to simply agree with them without question. These men learn real quick, though. Once I ripped them a new one for their careless words, they both got all sappy and asked very nicely, after telling me how much they both loved me." Eilagh sighed, and a dreamy expression came over her face for a moment before she continued. "They are completely and totally alpha males, but they are wonderful. They're considerate, respectful, caring, possessive as all hell… How many men did you know on Earth who would have come to our rescue like they did earlier? I know your history with tough men, but the difference between Earth men and Feury men? Feury men aren't just out looking tough as a fashion statement or to make themselves feel big. They are strong and dominant and order their women around because they love them, respect them, and would do anything required to keep them safe. It's a totally different kettle of fish, Becky." Eilagh gripped her arm tighter and stared straight into her eyes. "Just promise me one thing. Before you go pushing them away for good, think it through. I know everything has changed, and I miss my folks something fierce. But, when I'm with Dimitri and Max, I feel complete. Like the rest of the world doesn't matter as long as they are near me."

  Becky closed her eyes briefly as she sighed. "I know. I really miss Mum and Dad, hell, I even miss my brothers. But I promise you, I will think this through before I go pushing the men out of my life." Becky took a deep breath and plastered on a big smile. "C'mon, let's get you out to your men before they come looking for you. You don't want to get hauled to your own wedding over one of their shoulders now, do you?" She finished with a forced chuckle trying to not think about how she felt about her men.

  Laughing, Eilagh nodded. "Dimitri would so do just that."

  With Eilagh's arm wrapped around hers, they headed out of the castle and toward the orchard, where the Bonding Ceremony that would bind Eilagh to Dimitri and Max was going to be held.

  Walking past the apple trees, Becky watched as everyone came into view. In the center of the circle of red outback dust, Dimitri and Max stood, proudly waiting for their Desired to come to them. Their gazes ran over Eilagh, and their whole faces softened with love and adoration. Eilagh was right. These men weren't like human men. They weren't tough for tough's sake. They were strong so they could protect the ones they loved. She looked over to her men. Savren was watching her with a possessive heated stare that said loud and clear what he intended to do later. Drake stood slightly behind Savren, which was unusual. He watched her, but she couldn't read his expression. She frowned. He was hiding from her—but why?

  Eilagh squeezed her arm before she let go, bringing her attention back to the ceremony. She watched as Eilagh stepped into the circle. Savren's hand slid into hers, and he led her back to where he and Drake stood. She cocked an eyebrow at Drake, who was still looking guarded. When he didn't say a word, Becky felt his rejection like a knife through her heart. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes, and she closed her lids against the sensation. She feared she'd already pushed them away too hard. Drake had given up on her already. Suddenly, Savren's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her out of her destructive thoughts and back to him. "You look incredibly beautiful."

  "You're only saying that because you picked the dress," she said in a teasing tone, trying to lighten her mood. She smiled as her mind flicked back to earlier. After Savren and Drake had tickled her into oblivion, they had taken her into the bathroom and showered her. Both men had lavished her with attention, washing her from head to toe, including her hair. When they’d gotten out, they'd dried her with a little too much enthusiasm and had her panting by the time they'd finished. She was then whisked into a large walk-in closet, filled with women's clothes. Savren had explained how they had been certain the problem of no females would be resolved soon and they'd wanted to be ready, so had prepared accordingly.

  Focusing back on the present, Becky watched one of her best friends bind herself to her two men in the most beautiful, magical ceremony she had ever witnessed. Becky had melted into Savren's embrace some time ago and was now running her hands up and down his forearms that were still wrapped around her waist. He lowered his head to nibble at her neck and nip at her ear. She shuddered as desire coursed through her body.

  "Soon, sweetheart, very soon."

  A flash of light brought her attention back to the trio getting married. Mesmerized, she stared as ribbons of light wrapped around and between their left hands, which were pressed together above a large bowl of honey.

  She turned slightly so Savren could hear her low whisper. "What's happening?"

  He bent down putting his mouth close enough to her ear that his breath warmed her skin.

  "It's the Goddess binding them together. It doesn't always happen, as only if the Goddess approves of the match does she give her seal. Wait until the ribbons finish, and then focus on each of their palms. You'll see what I mean."

  Becky watched in awe as the ribbons continued their dance. When they finished and dissipated into the air, she heard Dimitri proudly say, "The Goddess approves of our bond, sweetness. Look at your palm."

  Eilagh turned her hand toward her face, and her jaw dropped open on a gasp. "It's beautiful."

  Becky was about to ask what it was when Max began talking, answering her question.

  "It's the mating mark. Only if the Goddess approves of a bond
does she honor the trio with it."

  Becky was still processing the whole mating mark thing when she heard Eilagh say, in a very cheeky voice, "So, what happens next?"

  Everyone at the ceremony roared with laughter as Dimitri quickly slung her over his shoulder and ran back to the castle—with Max right on his heels.

  Binda's voice rang out from beside her. "Don't think there's any question about what those three are going to spend the night doing!"

  Becky turned to her friend with a smile. As soon as their gazes locked, she burst forward out of Savren's arms and straight into Binda's. They hugged tightly for a minute, before they broke apart and turned to the other two women. Skye was standing next to Carina, and their men stood behind them, guarding them. All four walked toward each other and embraced. They hadn't had a chance to see each other for what felt like forever. When they pulled away from each other, Becky noticed, they all had tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces. Not being able to handle the silence, Becky spoke up. "Been a crazy week, huh?"

  They all started laughing, and after a few minutes, the men herded them all toward the castle, telling them they all needed to eat some dinner.


  Drake sat silently next to Becky and out of the corner of his eye watched her eat. She was so beautiful, her long thick dark hair that felt so good running through his hands, her soft sweet creamy coffee colored skin that just begged for his touch and kiss. Her dark brown eyes sparkled with laughter as she and Skye shared a story. He filled his mouth with more food, trying to occupy his hands so he wouldn't reach for her. He'd scared her with his dominance earlier, really scared her, not at all the arousal-edged-with-a-little-fear that he was aiming for. He loved Becky. She was his Desired, the missing piece to his heart and soul. If he had to give up his playroom and dial down his dominance to keep her happy and with him and Savren, then that's what he'd do.


  What he really wanted to do was tie her up and bury his cock deep inside her. He sighed as he shoveled another mouthful of food in. A soft hand on his arm stopped his fork from delivering its next load. He looked over to Becky and got struck dumb by the worry and sorrow he saw in her eyes.

  "What's wrong, Drake?"

  "Nothing's wrong, Becky. I'm solid." He tried to give her a reassuring smile, but obviously he fell short, as Becky cocked an eyebrow at him with a look that said loud and clear yeah, right.

  Stop lying, Drake. You're only going to make it worse.

  What do you want me to say, Savren? 'I'm trying to not be all alpha male so you won't leave us, but it's hard because all I really want to do is tie you up and sink my cock deep into your depths?’ How'd you think that'll go over?

  Of course you don't say that! But you need to fix this—

  Becky's voice broke into their silent conversation.

  "You two are doing that silent communication thing again, aren't you? Really wish you wouldn't, especially when I know it's about me." She paused for a sigh before continuing. "You might not have one of these stupid Truth Bands on, Drake, but I'm female and I know a lie when I hear one. And where was my little one? You never just say my name like that. For some reason you're holding back from me. Is it because I pushed you away? Don't you want me anymore? I just needed time to think, to process everything that has happened. I didn't mean to completely turn you off me in the process." Her final words were quiet and laced with pain and regret.

  Drake's eyes popped open in shock—she thought she'd pushed him away too hard? That he didn't want her anymore?

  Drake put his fork down with a loud clank and took her face between his hands, then lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her with all the love and desire he felt for her. When he lifted away from her deliciously sweet mouth, she was panting slightly, and her eyes had softened and dilated.

  "Becky, you are my Desired. The missing piece of my heart and soul. I will always want you, in every way, each and every day. I hurt you earlier with my words, my demands. I made you cry like your soul was being torn from you. I don't want to hurt you like that ever again, so I'm curbing my attitude. I don't mind, I'll do whatever I need to do, to make you happy and keep you by my and Savren's sides."

  He watched as she slowly licked her lips and blinked a couple of times while her lust-fogged brain processed his last words.

  "But you didn't hurt me, Drake. I was shocked to wake up naked in a bath, and when it occurred to me that everything in my life has changed—my family gone—I was upset. I was simply overwhelmed by everything."

  "But you hate me calling you little one. You said so."

  She gave him a small smile. "Normally I'd mop the floor with anyone dumb enough to call me something like little one, but from you, it makes me tingle inside. Back on Earth, I drove dump trucks around a mine. I worked with mostly men, and most of those men were really macho-alpha-male types. They annoyed the hell out of me. I hated their attitudes and the way they treated women. But with you and Savren, it's different. You've definitely got the whole alpha male thing going on, but you respect me. Look after me. When you start giving orders or call me little one, I just melt."

  "Well then, little one, what you're saying is, you don't want me holding back? Be very sure you mean it."

  Drake smirked as he watched her eyes dilate again, and he took a deep breath to confirm she was getting wet. Her sweet spicy scent teased his nose and made his cock ache.

  "Oh, I'm sure, babe."

  Her words set a fire beneath him. No sooner had the last syllable left her lips, than Drake had her over his shoulder and was striding from the room to a chorus of wolf-whistles and laughter.

  Drake stopped briefly at their chambers’ door and waited as Savren opened the way. As soon as he could, he plowed through the entry, down the hall and straight to the end door. He stopped and pulled out a key, which was hidden above the doorframe. He quickly unlocked the door and strode into the dark space. With Becky on his shoulder, he could feel her pussy's heat radiating through her dress and into his shoulder. He grinned—she really was his missing piece. He slid her down his body. As he listened to Savren enter the room and begin to light the candles, with his first puff of flame Becky flinched in shock.

  "He shifted out in the hall so the flash wouldn't startle you, little one."

  She nodded, then went to turn around as Savren lit candles around the room and the dark space was bathed in a soft light. Placing his hands on her hips, Drake swiveled her back to face him.

  "This room has been our secret project for a long time. Both Savren and I worked hard to get everything in here just right. It's never been used. It's been waiting, like us, for you."

  He slowly pivoted her around so she could see the whole room, which was now completely bathed in soft candlelight. He heard her breath catch and felt her body tense.


  Becky stood frozen in place as her eyes adjusted to the soft candlelight and saw the room she was in. She'd read one or two romance novels that mentioned some of this stuff. The books had caught her interest, but she'd never been brave enough to do anything about her curiosity.

  She slowly moved away from Drake. She ran her hand over the soft leather on top of what looked like a vaulting horse from her high school. Drake's deep voice echoed through the room.

  "That's a spanking bench."

  She looked closer at the sides and noticed wrist and ankle cuffs, and a rush of heat left her core at the thought of being restrained over this bench for her men. Not wanting to focus on why the thought of being restrained and spanked got her hot, she moved farther into the room, to a large four poster bed. Wrapping an arm around a post, she looked over the bed covered with luxurious black sheets. Several ropes and pulleys hung from the wrought iron scroll work that formed a canopy over the bed. Supple looking leather cuffs rested at each corner of the mattress. The thought of lying spread-eagled, at the mercy of her men, got her even hotter. She clenched her thighs in an attempt to gain some relief.

  She p
aced around the bed and found Savren, still in dragon form, silently trailing her actions with his gaze. She walked over to him, ran her hand over the cool smooth deep purple scales of his cheek and gave him a light kiss between his eyes before she went on her way. She walked straight past a large chest of shallow drawers. She didn't think she was ready for whatever lay in those just yet.

  She stopped in front of a bunch of leather and metal chains that hung from the ceiling, so she pulled out one of the chains, trying to work out what it could possibly be. Drake was quick to educate her.

  "It's a sling. You will look exquisite in it. Spread wide open for us."

  Her breath shuddered out of her, and she clenched her thighs together as the ache in her core intensified. If she kept this up, she was going to combust before either of her men even touched her.

  Once she got her arousal under some small level of control, she continued walking. Her journey ended with a large cross that stood perpendicular to the wall, where it joined the wall. She noticed it was on hinges, so it could—possibly—lie flat against the wall. She reached out a hand and stroked the smooth timber. She jumped when Drake's hands slid down her arms and he whispered in her ear.

  "Do you like our cross, little one? Ours is extra special. We made some modifications."

  Becky could just imagine what those modifications would be. Drake trailed his hands up her arms and down her back. She felt him loosen the laces of her dress, and she did nothing to prevent the material from falling to the floor in a pile, leaving her naked. Drake's hands landed on her shoulders, and he pressed her forward. Her nipples tightened as they came into contact with the cool timber of the cross. He reached up with one hand and took hold of her forearm. He gently led it to where a leather cuff hung near the top of the cross.

  "I don't want to cause further injury to your wrists, little one. I'll adjust the cuff to be as large as possible, and you can slide your hand through and hold on. If you ever feel like things are too much, you just slide your hands free and we'll stop. Okay?"


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