Book Read Free

Held Down

Page 38

by Pamela Prim

  “Welcome to Mexico.” The filmmaker yelled over the roar of the whirling blades as she stepped out of the aircraft. “We’re having a fine day here.”

  “Oh, we are…?” She looked around the barren landscape. “Where is the crew?”

  “They’re on the way by road; the equipment’s much too heavy for my chopper.” Kilminster shouted.

  “Okay, so you two get a feel of the place, do your creative thing…” Leslie Lane screamed above the roar and took a hold of the chopper hand rail. “I’ll take Mr. Pancetta here back to civilization and get the final paperwork rolling.”

  “Yeah, see you in twenty four hours.” Her business partner yelled back before ducking out from under the lashing blowback from the aircraft.

  The chopper roared away with Leslie and the local official, leaving Geri all alone with Donny Kilminster on a coast of a foreign country with a storm looming over the horizon.

  “Did we know about this weather?” She asked the filmmaker as he panned his open palms around, marking the shots he would like to take.

  “No, it was sudden… a freak overnight buildup.” He said with a shrug. “I would have cancelled if we had word before hand.”

  “Let’s hope it hits after we’re done shooting.”

  “Yeah, or else it’s a waste of a full day.”

  Geri nodded and looked away, shielding her eyes as the wind picked up around them. The strong odor of imminent rain and the brine of the sea filled her senses. It sent strange and yet pleasant sensations all through her body. She looked back at Kilminster. He was down by the entrance of the ancient ruins, near the mouth of a natural cave where the structure had been built all those centuries ago.

  Something struck at the back of her head, something soft and cold. She looked up and another large drop of rain spattered over her cheek, followed by a few more.

  “It’s begun to rain already.” She heard the millionaire moviemaker yell. “Come on, let’s get into the cave.”

  Carefully she made her way down to where the cave entrance was, almost at the craggy shoreline. The rain was quite steady now and she took each step with measured care on the slippery stones. The waves had begun to pick up as well, hitting the shoreline hard and spraying her with saltwater, even as freshwater peppered her from above.

  “I’m all wet.” She complained as Kilminster offered her his hand to help her into the cave. “And wardrobe hasn’t arrived yet.”

  “They should be about an hour away.” He said with a deep sigh. “Unless the rain…”

  “What?” She looked up at him in some alarm. “You mean the crew is going to be stuck out there somewhere?”

  “It’s possible…” Kilminster shrugged in his usual manner. “And my satellite phone’s not getting any signal in this weather.”

  “What are we going to do, Donny?”

  “Sit tight.” He gave her an assuring grin. “Until this passes or the crew get’s here.”

  “Does this sort of thing happen…?”

  “Sure, Nature’s rules, my pretty.” He said, fiddling with the expensive Omega watch on his thick wrist. “We are all but mere players in this game of life that Nature weaves.”

  “Great!” She exhaled deeply. “And I’m all wet.”

  “Oh!” He looked up at her. “We’ve nothing to light a fire with… get out of those wet clothes, and here, wear this.”

  Her eyes went wide as he casually removed his heavy khaki shirt and handed it to her. She noted the width of his shoulders, the deep density of his chest and those thick, muscular arms. He wore a vest that clung all too snugly over his manly body, the sight of which sending a series of thrills all through her.

  “Uh, are you sure, Don? You’ll catch a cold.”

  “Not as much as you will, in those wet clothes.” He said and held out the thick shirt to her. “Take it.”

  She reached out and took it, feeling a pleasant warmth on her neck and cheeks. He turned away and walked to the entrance of the cave, staring out into the lashing rain. She bit her lip, the respect she had for him multiplying manifold. Though deep in her truest desires, she wanted him to watch her undress.

  “What the fuck is wrong with me?” She whispered to herself and shivered as the wet clothes clung to her body. She peeled them off and quickly put on the large shirt. It hung down just above her knees and felt warm, like a snug blanket. It was his body heat that she felt, and wondered how much better it would be if it was his body she felt it from and not just his shirt.

  “Ah, lovely.” Kilminster said as he came back inside. “That’s one darn lucky shirt.”

  There it was again. Was he flirting? Was there a double meaning in there? Or was he just trying to ease the frustration that hung there all around them? She couldn’t really tell as a dull ache of hunger distracted her further.

  “We have no food…” She said in a small voice. “How long are going to be stuck here?”

  “We have drink, plenty of it.” The filmmaker grinned and pointed at a small attaché next to him. “The finest wines this side of the Atlantic.”

  “Wine?” She looked up at him in bewilderment.

  “Well, I thought we might celebrate after the shoot.” He shrugged. “But I guess there can be no shoot today… so let’s just celebrate.”

  “You are the funniest man ever, Donny.” A wide smile broke out across her face, easing the tension she had been feeling ever since the storm broke out.

  “Hm, no one’s said that to me before.” He grinned and popped open a bottle of Chardonnay White. “Here, you do the honors, right from the bottle.”

  “Mmmhh. It’s lovely.” She said after a sip. “Wish we had some cheese to go with it.”

  “We have some California Red instead.” He laughed, cracking open another bottle.

  “Ohmigod, these are thousand dollar wines.” Geri gasped. “You must be crazy… or just crazy rich.”

  “I am richer than crazy, and all the more with you here for company in this cold and lonely place.” His pale grey eyes lingered on her longer than usual, and this time she couldn’t be mistaken of the desire she saw in them.

  Could she have imagined it? That look she so longed to behold in his eyes. Or was it the damn wine she was guzzling. Before she could have realized it, half the bottle of California Red was empty in her trembling hands. Kilminster had another bottle of red in his hands, equally quaffed.

  “Drink up, my lovely.” He said and placed the bottle to his lips for another deep swig.

  Geri nodded dumbly and brought her own bottle of Chardonnay White to her lush lips. She swallowed much slower this time and watched him with nervous flutters in her belly. He drained the entire bottle and looked back at her with a pleased expression on his rugged face.

  “The fucking weather is worsening.” Kilminster frowned, glancing over his shoulder at the entrance of the cave. Outside a wall of white rain obscured the coastal storm raging away. “I’m sure all roads are being barred and no one’s going to make it here till this blows over.

  ‘Oh, I’m so going to be stuck here with him.’ Geri thought breathlessly. It was a ‘now or never’ situation.

  “So, it’s going to be just the two of us here for a while then.” The millionaire laughed as if he could read her thoughts.

  “Now that’s not all that bad, is it, Mister Kilminster?” Geri smiled back. She held out her empty bottle of Chardonnay with a slurring smile. He popped open another one and handed it to her.

  “Not at all, my dear… and what do we do to pass time?” Kilminster raised an eyebrow and took another swig from his own bottle.

  “We’ve been working so closely for over a week now and you’ve never really told me much about yourself?” Geri smiled at him, and though she realized it was the wine making her do the talking, she felt rather excited about it nevertheless.

  “Well, you’ve seen most of what I am in my films or in magazine articles.” Kilminster said with another of his signature shrugs. She noted the way his neck and sh
oulder muscles bunched as he did that.

  “How about the parts that are not featured in those films and magazines?” She purred, surprising herself with the seductive tone in her voice.

  “Such as?” His eyes seemed to gleam at her in the pale light of the cavern.

  “About your personal life, your loves and hates. All we see in the movies and magazines is the renowned multi-award winning filmmaker, the talented professional. Spending time with you these few days, I see clearly now that you are as normal as any of us, with normal needs and desires.”

  “And you can tell all that by just being around me?” Kilminster raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Yes, and I can tell when men desire me and do a good job of hiding it behind a mask of professionalism.” She played her bluff, hoping he wouldn’t call it.

  “Ah, now that is a useful talent to have, my dear.”

  “And do you desire me, Donny Kilminster?” Geri stared deeply into his pale grey eyes.

  “Doesn’t your talent let you know that?” He smiled at her tightly.

  “I feel that you do desire me, when you look at me and try hard to pretend that you don’t.” Geri looked away, fighting hard not to blush.

  “Well, you are quite a breathtaking woman.” Her employer nodded in agreement. “And I have been out of breath around you, ever since we met.”

  “So are you going to do something about it?” She breathed, searching his rugged face.

  “Yes, I want my shirt back.”

  “What?” She jerked back, the motion making her dizzy from all the wine. “But I am cold.”

  “That shirt’s not warm enough for you.” The millionaire reached out for her.

  “I’m wearing nothing underneath.” Geri smiled coyly.

  “We need to get you warmed up then…” Kilminster moved in close to her. “In the purest way Nature intended.”

  “You are the expert in everything about nature.” She let him take the shirt off her shivering body.

  “Yes, I am.” He was grinning like a schoolboy playing hooky, even as his eyes roamed all over her lush womanly nakedness.

  “Oh, Donny, come, keep me warm.” She closed her eyes and moaned. “Come and light my fire.”

  He didn’t say anything; his hands did all the talking. She felt the strength of his rough palms as they caressed her yearning flesh. Her breath came in short gasps with each touch of his hand, her skin felt like she had a fever that could pop a thermometer. Geri reached out and grabbed at his head, pulling his face down over her aching breasts. Oh, how badly she needed the want in those hardened nubs eased. How desperately she wanted his lips, his teeth and his teasing tongue to ravage her, to give her body the loving attention it truly deserved.

  Kilminster obliged her every need. His mouth was like magic, kissing and licking, slobbering and sucking, leaving little red welts of pleasure all over her soft white skin. She gasped when he relinquished her breasts and began to kiss her neck like a hungry animal. He sucked hard on the sensitive skin around her neck and shoulders, making her scream into the roar of the rain outside. She grabbed at him, running her hands over the dense hardness of his shoulders and chest.

  He lover kept on kissing her as she struggled to get the remainder of his clothes off him. His vest came of as they wrestled each other, Kilminster’s tongue buried deep inside her mouth. She sucked on it and pushed her own tongue against his, locking in to a dance of their own. His safari pants came off next and then his boxers. She reached down without looking and grabbed at the long and hard thing that bumped against her naked thighs, the throbbing sensation in her hands making her pussy bubble and drip.

  “I want you, Donny.” She pleaded into his mouth. “I want you so bad… fuck me, Donny, fuck me.”

  He grunted and thrust his hips forward. She held on to his straining rod, stroking it slowly, feeling the slippery warmth of his pre-cum all over her fingers. Oh, she wanted so much to take that thick piece of meat into her mouth, but her pussy wanted it more. And it seemed the filmmaker had the same need. She felt his prodding hardness against her thighs and pussy lips. Guiding it with her hand, she giggled at the popping sound his cockhead made upon being slotted into her hole.

  “Ah, yeah, baby.” His groan was thick and lusty. “Going in all the way.”

  She screamed when he grabbed her buttocks and speared his nine inch cock all the way into her, in a standing position. Her knees trembled and she leaned onto him as pain and pleasure rocked her nearly senseless. She felt his large rough hands slide off her butt and down her silky legs. He grabbed at the back of her knees and lifted her up to straddle him as he stood upright with his cock buried to the hilt inside her.

  Geri was impressed. Not even Arne, with all his huge muscles, had ever done what Donny was doing. He was freakishly strong for his age to be doing that. And even though she was quite fit and tight for her age, she had to be at least a hundred and thirty pounds for her five seven height. Kilminster had her straddling him and humped and ground away at her like a football jock half his age would. She ran her hands all over his hard sinewy body, feeling the muscles tense and ripple with the effort he took to fuck her standing. Every third or fourth thrust, he bent his knees and came up slamming harder. She felt him go in deeper at every one of those extended thrusts. It seemed to hit the right spot, making her see a few more stars each time than she already did. She hugged his neck hard and kissed his face savagely, biting and licking, slobbering and whimpering all over him.

  “Oh, baby!” He growled. “This is fucking great… but my back’s going to give out. Turn around, baby… face the wall.”

  She felt like she would faint as he spun her around mid-air like a rag doll. His cock still buried deep in her, she felt the intense rush as her pussy churned and twisted around its throbbing thickness. She faced the cavern wall, holding out her hands to keep herself up. She stood with her legs spread apart as he grabbed her slender hips and slammed in hard from the back. Each time he drew back and thrust forward, his heavy balls slapped her hard on her throbbing clit, making her belly heave and her knees tremble.

  “Oh, fuck… this is unreal.” She heard him pant. “I’m going to cum like never before… oh, Geri baby… you’re the best thing to happen… to mmmeee… uuhh uhhm…”

  “Oh, yeah… oh, fuck, yeah.” Geri screamed along with him. “Cum inside me, baby… cum deep inside… ooohhhh, yeah… I’m cumming too… ooohhhh uuuhhnnn…”

  Her entire body jerked and stiffened, then relaxed and jerked again. She was sure she was having a multi-layered orgasm, or at least a chain of orgasms as pleasure she could never describe rushed trough every sensitive pore of her heaving body. She could feel his cock swell and tense inside her and then the hot, sloshing rush of his orgasm flooding into her, but it felt kind of distant and muffled under the force of her own explosive release. She leaned hard against the cold cavern wall, her face and breasts numbed by the chill even as her body burned with highly charged lust.

  When she could think clearly again, she found herself lying in the floor on top of her lover’s shirt. He was sitting across her, still as naked as she was, drinking from another bottle of wine he had cracked open. She couldn’t believe what had happened. For a moment she considered all of it was a dream, and the wine had to play a big part of it. But then she was naked and feeling sore all over. She looked up at Kilminster as he held out the wine bottle to her.

  “The storms not abating, at least for another few hours. My phone’s still out.” He said and scratched his chin. “We have time for another round or two, don’t you think?”

  “I… I’d love to…” She sat up; still dazed by the best fuck, no offence to Arne, she had ever had in her life. “But what about us… I mean, I don’t want to be some slut who sleeps with her boss… I’d like this to be a little more meaningful…”

  “It will be, sweet Geraldine.” His eyes shone with pride and love. “I fell for you the moment you walked into my penthouse in the Hyatt. It was fate… i
t can’t be anything else. I already had Leslie write up the legal details, Geri… I was going to ask you to marry me after we completed shooting the series, but now I can’t wait. Thanks to this freak weather. I’m going to marry you tomorrow… er, that is if you want to marry me.”

  Geri stood motionless for a few moments, her own heartbeat pounding against her head in concert with the rain outside. She looked at him hard and reached for the bottle of wine he held out to her. In one long chugging swig she drained the entire contents of it, smacked her lips and looked back at his questioning expression.


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