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Sadie's Highlander

Page 14

by Maeve Greyson

  “Lots of whipped topping on mine too,” Sadie added softly without looking away from Alec. “And could we get them to go?”

  Chapter 13

  “I think there’s a pecan stuck behind your ear.” Sadie soused the sponge in the bathwater as she slid farther back in a tub large enough to bathe the entire population of the town of Brady. “Lie back in my lap and I’ll rinse your hair again.”

  Alec complied with a satisfied grin. He closed his eyes, partially submerging as he reclined with his head comfortably nestled between her breasts. “As ye wish,” he rumbled, hugging her thighs around his sides and propping his heels atop the end of the tub.

  Sadie sponged away the last of the dessert, smiling at the memory of how it had gotten there. As far as she was concerned, food and sex were natural partners, but the pecan pie experiment hadn’t been the best idea. The stickiness of the pie filling set up like cement if it dried the least bit before being licked away and at one point, she’d thought she was going to have to take scissors to the syrupy pecans knotted in her hair. “I think pecan pie goes into the ‘fail’ column due to cleanup. What do you think?”

  Tracing slow, mesmerizing circles along her calves beneath the water, Alec shook his head without opening his eyes. “Nay. I disagree. ’Twas well worth a good scrubbing.” Then he looked up at her and winked as he snuggled his cheek against her breast bobbing in the water beside his head. “And I’ve decided this is the only way to bathe.”

  A giggle escaped her, bubbling free of the sense of contentment, warm and glowing at her core. A twinge of wariness nipped at the tail of her mirth, cutting the giggle short. How long could this kind of happiness last? Sadie shook away the thought and shoved her dripping curls back off her face. Don’t think about it. Just enjoy it.

  “What troubles ye, love?” Alec reached up and barely touched her cheek. “Ye’ve grown still.”

  “Nothing,” Sadie said, quickly recovering. “Just pondering.” She held the sponge above Alec’s chest and squeezed. Sudsy rivulets, glistening with rainbows of reflected light, slid down his hard ridges of muscle and combed the dark hair starting at his navel into a happy trail leading to the grand prize. “It’s a shame they didn’t have pecan pie and tubs this size in thirteenth-century Scotland. This would make a smokin’ hot scene for the movie.”

  Alec rolled to his stomach, slid his way up her torso, and nibbled a lingering kiss along her jawline. “Usin’ me for research, are ye?” he asked as he left a scorching trail of love-bites along her collarbone.

  “Authenticity is a must,” Sadie replied, leaning back against the cushioned headrest built into the side of the tub and gently guiding Alec’s very talented mouth lower. Kudos, tub designer, for building the perfect tub for two. “You wouldn’t want me to falsely represent a Highlander’s abilities, now would you?”

  “Nay, lass,” Alec said between delightful sucking pulls of her tingling nipple. Beneath the water, he cupped her bottom in both hands, kneading and working his fingers in slow, tantalizing paths down the backs of her thighs. Once he’d reached the backs of her knees, he lifted her legs and slid them over his shoulders. The look in his eyes nearly made her come when he raised her up out of the water and gently blew across her steaming lady parts. “Ye’ve given me a verra fine idea. An idea for a bit of an adventure.”

  Sadie gripped the sides of the tub, doing her damnedest to listen to what he was saying. Concentration was next to impossible with that wonderful mouth and all the pleasures it promised so close to her aching center. “Adventure?” she breathlessly repeated. It was the best she could manage to keep up her end of the conversation.

  “Aye.” Alec shot her a devilish grin, then dipped his tongue inside her with a long, slow swipe. “Adventure,” he whispered with a sucking nip of her swollen clit.

  Sadie nearly cried out, arching her back and bucking in Alec’s hands as he greedily dove in for more. She laced her fingers in his hair and pulled him harder into her, grinding her hips up to meet him. “Adventures are awesome,” she gasped.

  Cradling her bottom in his left arm, Alec sucked and laved her until she was shuddering. The hot, foamy bathwater lapped and splashed across her as she thrashed ever closer to orgasmic ecstasy.

  “Come for me now,” Alec rumbled as he buried two fingers deep inside her, then returned to worshiping her clit with long, sucking pulls.

  Sadie blissfully complied, exploding with a shriek that echoed and pinged across the marble acoustics of the bathroom.

  Holding her body just above the surface of the water, Alec tenderly kissed his way up her torso, then ended his journey at her mouth.

  Sliding her hands up into his wet hair, Sadie matched his deep, possessive kisses as she wrapped her legs around him, arched against him, and squeezed. She wound her fingers in his long hair and pulled him back—just enough so she could look him in the eyes. “You’ve made me greedy for more. Take me. Now.”

  “Switch places with me,” Alec ordered with a husky whisper. He gave her a promising wink as he pointedly looked down at the water. “I shall happily comply with yer request, but I dinna wish to drown ye.”

  Sadie looped her arms around his shoulders and smiled up at him. “Roll over and I’ll ride.”

  Smoother than a creature born to water, Alec rolled beneath her and settled back against the reclining side of the tub. A satisfied groan escaped him as he lifted his hips and pushed deep inside her.

  Sadie arched her back, stretching tall and rocking from side to side to ensure optimum seating pleasure. A tingling shudder rippled through her as she settled into a faster rhythm. “I love adventures,” she said, then clamped both hands atop his shoulders and rode harder, bathwater sloshing and splashing like an angry sea.

  Alec grabbed her hips and flexed upward, lifting her above the water as he roared out his release.

  The cool air across her exposed flesh paired with the sensation of Alec bucking beneath her rushed Sadie to join Alec at orgasm central. A myriad of exquisite sensations exploded through her, pulsing out sheer ecstasy in an erotic Morse code both their bodies understood.

  Finally, she collapsed atop him, gasping against his chest. As the now lukewarm bathwater lapped against her skin, sharp reality popped her humming bubble of euphoria. Son of a bitch. No condom.

  “Well, shit.” Sadie blew out a frustrated breath, pressed her forehead against Alec’s throat, and closed her eyes. She’d blithely tossed aside one of her own cardinal rules without a second thought. And that, boys and girls, is where babies and STDs come from. “Dammit,” she muttered under her breath.

  Alec stirred beneath her, raising his chest so he could run a finger under her chin and lift her face to his. “ ‘Shit’ and ‘dammit’? That’s no’ exactly what a man wishes to hear from his woman when he’s just done his best t’please her.”

  “Sex without a condom is not a wise adventure.”

  “Dammit,” Alec echoed, realization flashing in his eyes like lightning in a bank of storm clouds.

  “Exactly.” Sadie dismounted with a splash and scooted to the end of the tub, hugging her knees up against her chest.

  “Forgive me.” Alec sat up, propping his elbows atop his bent knees sprouting above the water. “And that was no’ exactly the ‘adventure’ I was referring to either.” He scowled down at the water. “I’d thought for us to dress in the old style and visit Castle Danu so ye might see how an ancient Scot would woo his lady and make love to her so she’d ne’er wish to leave his keep.”

  He finally looked up at her and shook his head. “But I suppose ye’ll be wantin’ none of that now that I’ve shown m’self t’be an insensitive cur.” Making a noise that sounded like a cross between a growl and a disgruntled hiss, Alec rose and stepped out of the tub, yanked a towel from the rack, and jerked it around his hips. Without turning, he tucked the corner of the towel in at his waist, then bowed his head, scowling down at the floor. “I am truly sorry, Sadie.”

  Then he slowly faced h
er, leveling such a serious gaze at her that she shivered. “And if aught should come from my carelessness, rest assured, I’ll be there for ye—and for the child. A MacDara takes care of his own and the two of ye shall ne’er want for a thing, ye ken? I swear it upon all I hold dear.”

  Doing her best to ignore the dangerous oh my God thumping of her heart at Alec’s gallant words, Sadie held up a hand and floundered her way out of the tub. She wasn’t thrilled they hadn’t used a condom, but planning a child’s future—and hers too from the sound of it—was a tad extreme. Time to lighten the mood a little. “Whoa now. Wait a minute. Talking child support and college funds is a little premature here.” Winding a towel around her, she snugged it tight, then swiped her dripping hair out of her eyes. “I’m not thrilled that we bypassed the condom this time, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be okay. I depend on condoms for safe sex, but I also back them up just to be sure.”

  “Back them up?” Alec stared at her as though she were speaking a language he didn’t understand.

  “I have a prescription.” A twinge of guilt forced her to add, “That I remember to take—most of the time.” The doctor’s lecture on the need for consistency droned along in the back of her mind like the humming of a pollen-drunk bee. She had the damnedest time remembering to take that lovely little pill. Hence the condoms for protection and added insurance.

  Gripping the towel between her breasts, she suddenly felt very exposed. Alec had meant every knight-in-shining-armor word he’d said. She’d heard it in his tone and seen it in his eyes. She’d never met a man like him before—especially not one who seemed genuinely interested in her well-being.

  Sadie pushed her way past Alec, rushed into the bedroom, and busied herself with finding a fresh set of clothes. They both just needed to get dressed and move on, and she couldn’t very well join Alec’s family for dinner wearing the outfit that had exploded into scattered piles all over the bathroom floor. This embarrassing conversation was best forgotten.

  Yanking open the dresser drawer, she refused to turn when Alec stood so close behind her that she could feel the heat of him radiating against her back. Being alone with Alec had suddenly gotten very uncomfortable. Definitely time to change the subject. “So do you want to show me the castle tomorrow after we watch the first day of filming?”

  “Is that what ye wish?” His tone was careful. Guarded. Alec spoke as though he feared she’d burst into a raging lunatic at any moment.

  Shit. Shit. Shit. Why can’t I ever just keep my mouth shut? One time without a condom is no big deal. Sadie swallowed hard, trying to recall if she’d taken that damn pill before she’d gone down to breakfast that morning.

  Still pawing through her panties and socks even though she already clutched what she needed against her chest, Sadie bobbed her head in a quick nod. Thanks to her stupid unfiltered mouth, she’d turned their stellar afternoon of dessert sex and erotic water sports into teenage first-date awkwardness. She turned and faced him with her brightest smile, determined to ignore the tension between them. “I’d love a guided tour through Highland history. Would Miss Lydia or Esme help me find a costume?”

  “I’ll speak to them about it. I’m sure they both would.” Alec slowly made his way about the room, gathering up his clothes.

  Sadie couldn’t take her eyes away from the play of his muscles as Alec moved, but every time he glanced her way, the look in his eyes—that thoughtful look that said he was still unsettled about their earlier exchange—made her want to turn and run like hell. He wanted to talk. Nervously futzing with his clothes as he meandered around the room was a dead giveaway. The man was working up his courage for one of those so-called life-changing conversations. She could tell by the way he was circling the furniture like a dog looking for a place to piss.

  Sadie had learned long ago that the best way to deal with unpleasantness was to laugh it off and change the subject. If you didn’t acknowledge it, it didn’t exist. She’d survived quite well using that little tidbit of wisdom and wasn’t about to give it up now. She’d broken that rule once and talked out her troubles to Alec up on the mountain, but she wasn’t about to do it again. It might not turn out so well this time.

  She patted the clothes folded across her arm and nodded toward the door. “I’ll meet you downstairs as soon as I’m spruced up and dressed.” She grinned and gave him a wink. “I want to make sure Dwyn doesn’t smell pecan pie as soon as I enter the room.”

  Alec stared at her, unsmiling and brooding as though she’d just told him he was due for a prostate exam. “We’re no’ finished here.”

  Sadie pointed toward the door leading to the main sitting room as she backed her way toward the bathroom. “Yep. We are. We’ve talked it all out and everything’s fine. Now go see if Miss Lydia knows of any Highland lady’s outfits that come in size curvalicious.”

  Alec studied her a moment longer with such a dark, pensive look she feared he wasn’t about to do as she’d asked. She could tell by the arch of that one sexy eyebrow hiked nearly to his hairline that his chivalry factor was kicking into overdrive. He was overreacting. She didn’t need rescuing. She could take care of herself. Always had. Always would. “Off wi’ ye now,” she added in her best attempt at a Scottish brogue.

  “Hmpf.” Alec snorted like a bull preparing to charge, then stomped across the sitting room to the door. He paused with one hand on the latch, the other arm clutching his clothes to his hip. Alec MacDara was the only man Sadie had ever met who looked like he could rule the world wearing nothing but a towel.

  He glared at her for a moment longer, then jerked open the door and stepped out into the hallway. “I shall see ye at supper.” Then he yanked the door shut with a resounding bang that communicated a great deal more than words ever could.

  Alec wasn’t happy, and Sadie would bet her best as yet unpublished script that from now on her survival tool of changing the subject was going to get one hell of a workout.

  Chapter 14

  “Ye’ll be takin’ yer sister with ye today.” Sarinda didn’t look up from the tattered pages of an old herbal journal spread open beside her bone china cup and saucer. “I’ve had my fill of that child’s sulkin’.” She gracefully lifted the teacup, took a proper ladylike sip, then peered at Alec over the cup’s delicate gilded rim. “It’s time ye spent a day or so with the wee beastie ye created.”

  “I created?” Hell’s bells. He was havin’ enough difficulties managin’ Sadie. The last thing he needed was a surly bairn shackled to his side. “I didna create that snarlin’ wee vixen.”

  “Aye. Ye did.” Sarinda returned her cup to its saucer and snapped her book shut. She glared around the breakfast table with a look that made all the MacDara sons squirm in their seats. “The lot of ye did. Ye’ve catered to her every whim since the first moment she drew breath.” Sarinda stood and pushed her chair up to the table. “And now we’re all reapin’ what ye’ve sown, and it’s your responsibility to help Esme become the fine young woman I know she’s destined t’be.”

  “Alec spoils her the most,” Ramsay interjected between mouthfuls of the biscuit-and-bacon sandwiches he clutched in both hands.

  “Aye,” Grant agreed. “Alec’s the worst, Máthair. Well…” He paused and nudged the brother to his right. “Ross might be a tad worse. He’s no match for wee Esme’s crocodile tears.”

  “Leave me out of this,” Ross advised with a shake of his shaggy blond head.

  Before Alec could respond with an argument that he knew in his heart would do him no good, Esme and Sadie entered the kitchen, so engaged in animated conversation that neither of them noticed anyone else in the room.

  “He’s that afraid of spiders?” Esme snorted out a sound that fell somewhere between amusement and amazement at the idiocy of the subject of their conversation.

  Sadie plopped down in the chair Alec held out for her, not taking her attention from Esme. “Hates all bugs. Taggart ‘The Mountain’ Teason squeals like a six-year-old girl if a ladybug lands on
his arm.”

  “Who is this Taggart ‘The Mountain’ Teason?” Alec asked, jealousy setting fire to his blood as he stiffly returned to his seat.

  Both Esme and Sadie looked at him as though he’d just asked who his own mother was.

  “Taggart ‘The Mountain’ Teason?” Esme repeated, saying the name louder, enunciating each syllable slowly as though she thought him either deaf or diminished betwixt his ears. “The leader of the zombie hunters in Dead or Deader?”

  “Zombie hunters,” Alec repeated with a disgusted huff. Now he kent what they were talking about. That disgusting waste of time he had made the mistake of watching with Esme not so long ago. “Why do ye watch such things? I’ve half a mind to have that television removed from yer room.”

  “You’ve got half a mind all right if you think you’re getting my TV.” Esme flounced back in her chair, fixing Alec with such a dark look he should’ve been incinerated on the spot.

  “Tha’s no’ an appropriate way to speak to yer elders!” Alec thumped his fist so hard on the table that everyone’s silverware rattled.

  Sadie cleared her throat and pinged her butter knife against her water glass to get Alec’s attention. “It’s actually not that bad of a show. Kind of a good-overcoming-evil sort of trope. She could be watching worse.”

  “If I remove the television, she’ll no’ be watchin’ anythin’ a’tall and have a great deal more time to concentrate on her studies.” Alec leaned forward, pinning Esme with a stern gaze. “I saw yer report card. Ye got a B in algebra. That is unacceptable.”

  Sadie laid a calming hand on Esme before she could return fire, then clamped her other hand around Alec’s wrist and squeezed. “Enough. I know I’m not a member of this family, but I know a thing or two about the struggles of a teenage girl.” She released Alec’s arm and shook a finger at him. “You need to lighten up. A B is not a bad grade—especially not in freakin’ algebra. Which—I might add—I have never used and I survived two semesters of that senseless torture.” She jabbed the accusing finger at him again. “And you don’t scold a child and start listing the issues you have with her in front of other people. It’s humiliating. How would you like it if your mother did that to you?”


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