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Carolina Breeze, #1

Page 8

by Tamika Brown

  “Calen, let’s talk in private.” The two men left the room and moved across the hall. Neither said anything until they were firmly behind closed doors.

  “I had no idea she was a part of a sleeper cell when I met her.” Calen rubbed the back of his neck.

  “There was no indication at all?” Russell asked.

  Calen was unperturbed about the inquiry. He wondered how he missed it himself. “None.”

  Russell seemed satisfied although Calen was not sure if he was.

  He didn’t want to linger on Bonnie any longer. He wanted to get back to what mattered. He wanted his thoughts to be about the one woman who would never betray him like this and whom he was sure was on her way back home and miles away from there.

  Russell’s voice pulled him out of his momentary bliss. “I need to call the President and catch him up on this. I just can’t believe she did this. It’s delusional in so many ways. How in the hell did she get through military scrutiny?” Russell ran his hand down his face, his frustration and tiredness evident. “She shouldn’t even be able to get into the Marines and especially not stay in as many years as she has. Nothing even showed up that suggested she was a terrorist.”

  “I agree. I can’t believe she got under my radar. I was with her for two years,” Calen said. “I had no clue. So, what does that say about her and, furthermore, me?”

  Russell patted Calen on the shoulder as he passed him. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, son. Matters of the heart are tricky. You did the right thing this time. You saved your unit’s lives. Don’t ever forget that.”

  But Calen wasn’t listening. His thoughts moved back to Shayla.

  He’d gotten a text from Shayla earlier. It was brief and simple, her address and numbers in Colorado. It ended with, When you’re ready.

  He glanced across the room where they held Bonnie. He was right. Shayla was nothing like her. He knew that even if he hadn’t known Shayla as long as he’d known Bonnie or believed he’d known her. His underlying fear really, that every woman would be like her; that every relationship would take a turn for the worse, like his and Bonnie’s.

  Not every relationship would end up the way theirs did, he hoped.

  Calen made a decision right then and there. Because of the insight he suddenly gained with this whole situation with Bonnie, he didn’t want to risk losing a good relationship. As soon as he got the chance for leave, he would go to her. But this thing had to be wrapped up first.



  “Home sweet home,” Shayla whispered to herself as the plane finally touched down at Denver International Airport.

  She was ecstatic it was the weekend. She didn’t have to worry about work until Tuesday. She decided she would take Monday too, just to get settled back into her boring, normal routine.

  The story of her life!

  She got into her car and headed to her parents’ house to eat dinner and tell them about her vacation. She would probably hook up with Tela later.

  Pulling into her parents’ driveway brought back a refreshing sensation of being home but also a tinge of sadness for what she’d left behind in North Carolina. She hadn’t phoned her parents to let them know she was coming; she wanted it to be a huge surprise for them.

  She cut her headlights and cruised up the driveway.

  When she got out of the car, she didn’t even hit the lock button on her key ring. She locked the door manually and shut the driver’s side door quietly, just so she wouldn’t call attention to anything happening outside.

  They were going to be so surprised. She giggled as she crept up the driveway to the door. She still had a key to her parents’ house, just for emergencies. The lights were on in the dining room, and she checked her watch. They would be eating dinner right now.

  She unlocked the door and let everything she carried slip to the floor inside the foyer. They were going to freak. She couldn’t help the excitement she felt, glad to be home.

  She slipped around the corner leading to the dining room and yelled, “Surprise!”

  Both of her parents shot up from their chairs at once.

  Her mother moved quickly toward her with arms opened wide. “Shayla, what are you doing here? Honey, look who it is,” she exclaimed as she kissed Shayla on the cheek.

  “I know who it is, Rose. I can see.” Her father took her mother’s place to hug Shayla.

  “I just got in,” she told them. “I’m glad to be home.”

  Her father released her. “Well, we’re glad you are as well.”

  Shayla smiled as her parents began talking to her all at once as if it had been years since she had been home instead of a few weeks.

  She relished these times with her parents and loved the hugs and kisses all around.

  Shayla couldn’t contain her laughter or her emotions. Tears swelled in her eyes. It was hard for her to blink back the tears, and they began to overrun the rims of her eyes.

  Her mother abruptly stopped her chatter. She cut her eyes to her husband, and he took his cue to carry his dinner to the couch and sit in front of the TV for a little while.

  Shayla’s mom gathered her around the shoulders and led her to the bar in the kitchen. She poured Shayla a glass of scotch along with one for herself before sitting down beside her, concern on her aging face. “Honey, what’s wrong? I thought you would be glad to be home. Why the tears?”

  “I am, but Mom, everything is falling apart. I don’t know what to do,” she sobbed.

  Before she could get into the story about meeting the man of her dreams, her tears became almost hysterical.

  Her mom let her cry it out, and when Shayla finally met her eyes, she nodded as if she knew exactly what was wrong with Shayla. “You met someone, didn’t you? God, he must’ve been wonderful if he’s got you tore up like this.” She gave Shayla a playful grin to cheer her up. “Well, tell me about him.”

  Shayla gave her a play-by-play. Well, maybe not a play-by-play, she left out the earth-shattering orgasms and the life-altering sex.

  “We met at the beach. And Mom, he’s gorgeous.” She stared off into the distance, remembering her first impression of Calen on the beach and how the sweat cascaded down the dips of well-sculpted chocolate abs. “He’s in the military, and he was there recuperating from a shoulder wound.”

  “Go on,” she encouraged, settling in.

  “Well, afterward, I ran into him again at a museum.” She smiled, remembering the encounter, and shook her head. “God, I was such a bitch to him.”

  Her mom laughed. “Why do you say that?”

  “Well, let’s just say it didn’t work out so well. He followed me around the place like a little puppy. I finally whirled on him and yelled.” She put her head in her hands and shook it. She couldn’t believe how she behaved.

  “But I’m assuming you eventually made up?” her mom pushed her on.

  “Yeah, we did. As a matter-of-fact, miraculously, we met by happenstance later in the evening at a restaurant. We hit it off great,” she said. “Turns out, we have a lot in common.”

  “That’s good then. Sounds like he’s a nice fella.”

  Shayla shook her head, “Yes, he is. Afterward, we spent all our time together.”

  Her mother studied her face for a while. “You love him.”

  “I told him.” She sighed. “Then, he got a phone call and said he and his unit had to ship out. He had to go back to North Carolina. That was about a week ago.”

  “Have you spoken to him? Tried to call him?” Her voice sounded careful, as if she didn’t want to start Shayla’s flow of tears again.

  “No, I texted him all my information here in Denver before I left. It’s like he rode off into the sunset, never to be heard from again. No text, no call, no nothing.” She tried not to sound bitter, but he gave her the best five weeks of her life.

  She wanted it back.

  Her mother moved off her stool to hug her. “Don’t worry. He’ll see the error of his ways.”

nbsp; “Maybe,” she said, “But he left, plain and simple.”

  Her mom narrowed her eyes at her, then recognition reigned true. “Oh, my baby is finally in love.” She once again kissed Shayla on the cheek.

  Shayla tried to play it down because her heart hurt so much, but her mom was right. She really didn’t know how to take these emotions. She’d only known this wonderful man for a few weeks. She should not feel this way about someone who was practically a stranger.

  “From what you’ve told me, he seems like a good guy, let him have some time. I’m sure he will contact you. Anyway, seems to me you’ve done all you could do, you left it in his court.”

  “But was that the right thing to do? Should I have just left well enough alone,” she asked her mother.

  “I believe you did right. You’re not crowding him. You’re letting him decide if he wants you. You’ve already told him how you feel. Give it time,” her mother reassured.

  Her mom was a comfort; she knew she did the right thing coming here first. It wasn’t her intention to lay all of this on her mother, but she was glad she did.

  Then, Shayla noticed her mother wringing her hands as if she was nervous; she avoided eye contact with Shayla. Shayla knew that look; her mother had something she wanted to say and didn’t know exactly how to say it.

  Shayla always thought that the direct approach worked best. “Mom, what is it? What do you have to say?”

  “Well, it’s really none of my business, but Honey, let me ask you, and I know this is going to sound forward, but did you use… protection? You know, when you guys had sex,” her mom asked without bashfulness.

  “Mom,” Shayla exclaimed. “I’m not talking about that with you.”

  Shayla was taken aback by her mother’s directness; even though they were close, it still seemed somewhat gross talking to her mom about something like sex. It was surprising because she never said directly or indirectly that they even had sex. It was just too weird.

  Shayla reminisced on the nights of passion she shared with Calen and immediately became aware of the slight throbbing between her legs. Pure pleasure and passion, that’s what they shared without protection, but Shayla wasn’t going to tell her mother that. She jumped from the barstool and went over to the sink with her glass.

  “Why would you ask something like that, Mom? It’s embarrassing,” she said trying to avoid her question, unsuccessfully.

  “Well, honey, you’re pretty emotional about the whole situation, some of it’s understandable, you’re afraid you won’t see him again. But it is kind of overkill,” she said matter-of-factly.

  Her mother’s words hit her like a wrecking ball in the pit of her stomach. Every time she and Calen were intimate, they were so entranced with each other, not once did they use protection. She hadn’t even believed she would do anything like that. She had other lovers, nothing serious, and she always used protection. There was never a question about it.

  Because of her career, there was little time for commitment. and when she did find the time, the sex was nothing meaningful and was always with protection.

  So, why in the world would she mess up now, have a slip of judgment? She knew why. Because she was so caught up in the whirlwind that was Robert Calen, she hadn’t considered the consequences of their constant lovemaking.

  Trying to come to terms with the possibility of a baby made Shayla’s legs melted like butter. She grabbed ahold of the sink so she wouldn’t faint.

  Her mother immediately rushed to her side and led her back to the stool.

  By the look in her mother’s eyes, she no longer had to answer her previous question. She could tell from her reaction. Shayla laid her head on her mother’s shoulders and cried in utter dismay. She couldn’t possibly drive home tonight upset.

  Her mother settled it for her. “Shayla, you’ll stay here tonight. You’re in no shape to drive.”

  There was such finality in her voice Shayla could only agree.

  “Come on, let’s get you to your old room.” She walked Shayla back to her old bedroom at the end of the hall.

  Shayla sat on the bed while her mother brought her fresh towels for the bathroom and linen for the bed.

  “Your father will bring in your luggage for you, don’t worry about it,” her mother declared.

  Shayla and her mother moved around the bed, putting the new linens on. She was grateful for the companionable silence as they performed the simple task. She knew she wouldn’t be able to concentrate on being a conversationalist right now.

  When they finished, her mother kissed her on the forehead. “You get some rest, honey. It’ll work out.”

  And with that, her mom turned, walked through the door, then closed it behind her.

  As she laid on the bed, Shayla began to cry once more. She couldn’t believe she let this happen; the irresponsibleness was so unlike her. She let her mind wander to him.


  What if he doesn’t get in contact with her? What if she was pregnant, would she even try to contact him?

  “Of course, I would,” she said aloud.

  No need to begin wondering about any of that, she didn’t even know if she was pregnant. At least, she didn’t want to find out right away.

  She would go to the drugstore for a test in the morning. Right now, a hot shower was calling her name. Her mother was right; she needed some rest.



  It took two more weeks before Bonnie’s trial. This was a special case, so the advocates fought to send Bonnie away quickly and for as long as they could, which worked just fine with Calen.

  All the feelings he harbored for her or those he may have still held on to unconsciously completely vanished as soon as this investigation led to her. He couldn’t even stomach her as he sat inside the courtroom, but he was the only one of his team allowed to attend the trial.

  He would represent their interest in the case if warranted, but as it looked, he wouldn’t have to take the stand. He was very careful to remain inconspicuous, so he sat in the very back, listening intently.

  If he had to testify, her lawyers could claim conflict of interest, and he didn’t want to make her appear to be the victim.

  But she’d pleaded guilty. Best for the situation and all involved.

  That only left one training mission to get out of the way before he could go to Shayla. He hadn’t tried to contact her yet, but he had a gut feeling something was wrong with her. Not as if there was danger or anything, but something was uneasy with her.

  He couldn’t explain it; maybe it had something to do with his training. He only felt this way when he was on important missions, just an uneasiness in the pit of his stomach.

  Calen laughed to himself. He supposed he was on an important mission, to reunite with the woman he would hope to spend the rest of his life with. He hadn’t even thought about a relationship after what happened with him and Bonnie, and now, here he was, fantasizing about putting a ring on someone’s finger.

  And not just anyone, but a woman whom he had a vacation fling with for a few weeks. Obviously, to him, it was more than a fling, and he was fine with that.

  Calen contemplated everything that happened between him and Shayla as he left Bonnie’s trial. He compared the differences between his relationship with Bonnie and his budding, he’d hoped, relationship with Shayla.

  Bonnie and his relationship had been all about the sex. He could see that now. It was almost primal and savage. The only time they could get along with each other was when they were wrapped in each other’s arms. It was definitely different with Shayla.

  They had so much in common; they learned everything about each other those few, shared weeks in North Carolina. Theirs was more than just sex. They found companionship and friendship. He did love her, a new concept for him, and he didn’t quite know how to handle it. Would tell her? There was no doubt in his mind.

  He already knew how she felt about him. She had told him on their last night together, and
he said nothing. He didn’t even acknowledge he’d heard her; he was going to have some major groveling to do to make it right.

  For now, he would meet with Page, Bryce, and Hodge at his favorite bar for a few rounds and some pool while he told them about what happened at the trial.

  He liked going to Bedlam’s; he’d been a member since he was first stationed at Fort Bragg. He liked the atmosphere, not to mention the occasional dart and pool tournaments. They even held a Spades tournament there once, different from the norm there.

  Bedlam’s was one of those bars that made anyone feel as though they were hanging with guys in a typical man cave. Several TVs were strategically placed around the area so no matter where you sat, you could always watch. A variety of sports including boxing, track and field, and a classic Super Bowl game from 2013 between the Ravens and the 49ers played around the place. The lighting was dim; however, the no-smoking section his table was located in was clear of the haze since he could see around the pool tables. Wooden floors full of peanut hulls, that were cleaned up once a week, every Sunday, when the bar was closed, gave a real sports venue feel to the place. Baskets filled to the brim with the nuts sat on each table.

  He immediately went to the bar, ordered his favorite beer, and turned to his favorite table in the back of the room, facing the door. It was remarkable. Out of all the years he came here, not once had his table been occupied when he arrived at the bar.

  As soon as he was settled, Calen’s mind went to Shayla and the endless days and nights they spent together. He remembered how she had run her slender fingers over his scar and how those same fingers had caressed his manhood and summoned him to readiness instantly.

  He was so consumed with her; he didn’t notice his boys come in. All three plopped in seats at the table.

  The waitress automatically brought the newcomers beers.

  “Ahhh, I love this place, instant service,” said Bryce with a satisfying smile.


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