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Heir to the Throne

Page 16

by Andrew G. Wood

  Samuel guessed that Bertram wasn’t going to leave until he got his way, and although he was sure the man posed no risk to Nerina, he maintained a watchful eye on him as he eventually, albeit reluctantly let him in.

  Once the door was closed and they were away from the guards in the foyer, Bertram spoke again.

  “I’m assuming you know of your sister’s gift, so I can speak freely with you around?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” Samuel replied somewhat nervously.

  Bertram suddenly stopped and looked at Samuel, before smiling, “Oh, I think you do,” he said before proceeding towards the dining room.

  Just as Bertram had said, Nerina was indeed standing in the doorway waiting for him, although it seemed she to was surprised at the visitor.

  “How are you, My Dear?”

  “Uhm…Fine,” Nerina replied glancing between Bertram and her brother as if trying to judge what was going on.

  Bertram chuckled at her uncertainty, “Don’t worry. I know what you are…We have more in common than you think…but you can’t detect me can you?”

  Somehow Nerina knew exactly to what Bertram was referring and somehow felt quite safe discussing her magic with him, much to Samuel’s dismay.

  “Nerina!” Samuel hissed trying to stop her from saying anything that might land her in trouble.

  Once more Bertram laughed, “Don’t worry, Samuel. I’m the same as her.”

  Samuel stood there with his mouth gaping open for several seconds trying to digest and comprehend what had just been said.

  “You have magic?” he asked, just checking he wasn’t getting the entire thing wrong.

  Bertram didn’t appear to be overly bothered about revealing his secret to them and just nodded his head to confirm that was indeed the case.

  “Wow…Didn’t see that coming,” Samuel replied scratching his head.

  “Why did I sense Lord Elthan’s sister but not you?” Nerina asked, her mind already filling with questions.

  “Because I didn’t allow you to. I have learned how to shield myself from other magical users, but it seems many have not done likewise.”

  “You knew I had magic?” Nerina asked.

  “Of course. I sensed it the moment you entered the town the other night. Yet I knew you were no threat as I felt only good in you.”

  “Then you must have detected Lord Elthan’s sister?” Samuel added, not wanting to be left out of any discussion.

  “I did…the initial feeling I had was much like yours. It took me a few moments to compose myself.”

  Samuel nodded his head, “Yet you did nothing to warn anybody she was here.”

  “How could I? It’s not as if I can just go running to the town guard and tell them I’ve sensed a witch present. I’d be strung up next to her on the gallows.,” Bertram replied.

  Samuel pulled a strange kind of face, “I suppose so…In truth, we had the same problem…Only Luca took it upon himself to inform Lord Romley.”

  “Luca?” Bertram asked.

  Nerina chuckled, “The king to you…or at least he will be one day. I’m sorry, my brother forgets himself sometimes, and should refer to him by his title,” she said glaring over towards her brother

  “Ah, sorry the young prince…I couldn’t recall his name. He knows of your gift also?”

  Nerina nodded slowly, “He does now.”

  “And he is not repulsed or disgusted at what you are?”

  “No…far from it…He is not like the others. I genuinely believe he can be trusted with my secret.”

  Bertram stood up straight, rubbing his hand on his chin, “Perhaps there is hope for us all yet,” he mumbled as much to himself as to Samuel and Nerina.

  After suggesting they all go into the dining room and sit down, Bertram explained a little more about himself. Having discovered his gift as a young boy, he had only tried to do good with it.

  “I managed to find another with a similar gift, and he showed me how to use it to heal. Becoming a physician seemed the logical choice and allowed me to use my magic accordingly, without drawing any undue attention to myself.”

  Having roamed from town to town for several years, he had eventually settled in Greensill, and after helping the mayor’s wife with an illness, had taken up the offer becoming the town’s physician. Since then, he had blended into the local community helping when and where he could.

  “So the potion you gave Nerina was…”

  “Something I use from time to time when I’ve overexerted myself. Which young lady, you almost did again just a short while ago.”

  Nerina had a worried look on her face as if feeling she was about to get into trouble. While Bertram was not her father, she somehow felt he was senior to her and knew she was about to be lectured.

  “Draining your own life force is a dangerous game to play, and leads to a darker side of magic. You should not take that route, for once you go down it, you can not return,” Bertram said, keeping his voice calm and level toned, but making it sound as if the words had real meaning.

  “Sensing magic only uses but a small amount and is quite safe. Forcing your will upon others takes a lot of power, and hence those that do resort to using sacrifices to help them regenerate and empower themselves.”

  There was a short silence as if Bertram was waiting for those words to sink in before he continued.

  “Now promise me you will not do anything like that again…and I will show you how to mask your magic so others can not detect it.”

  Nerina let her head drop slightly as she did when admonished by her parents.

  “I promise,” she eventually said.

  Bertram clapped his hands together, and with that, his entire demeanour seemed to change. Going from serious to jovial in the blink of an eye, he explained to Nerina how she should conceal herself.

  “Are there many people out there with Magical gifts?” Samuel enquired, although wasn't sure he should be interrupting.

  “A few…Not as many as there once was, but they tend to keep themselves hidden away or live secluded lives because they worry they will be caught.”

  Bertram seemed to do two things at once. Not only was he guiding Nerina through the process of concealing her magic, but he also explained a little more about witches and wizards in general.

  Samuel found himself fascinated by the subject and hanging on his every word, he listened very carefully. Apparently, there had been a massive purge a few centuries back, when the king, probably one of Luca’s distant relatives, sought to eliminate magic entirely. Hence the reason there were still laws in place to deal swiftly and unforgivingly with anybody found to process it. Back then they even had men trained as hunters, men who apparently could track and pick up small signs that someone was using magic.

  “Of course, a lot of innocent people were executed, as they pointed the finger at anybody that did anything out of the ordinary,” Bertram told them. Those that did have magic understandably fled to the far corners of the kingdom and lay low, with the skill all but dying out.

  “Of course, while many that use magic do so for good, there are always a few that deem to want more power…” Bertram added looking sternly once more at Nerina.

  “I only did it to stop Lord Elthan’s sister from escaping,” she said still with her head hung low.

  “I know, but had you not had that potion at hand, you could have ended up killing yourself. Only those that use the darker side do such things, and even they need to take the lives of others to replenish.”

  “I understand,” Nerina added.

  “I know you do… Now try what I’ve just shown you and keep your power from me…Okay.”

  Nerina gave a slight smile as she closed her eyes and went through the process Bertram had just explained to her.

  “Very good…Now for a more permanent way of achieving it, just enchant a necklace or piece of jewellery with that spell.”

  “I can do that!” Nerina said excitedly.

  “Mother and I h
ave already given the king one!” Nerina said without thinking.

  “Nerina!” Samuel hissed, his eyes widening as his sister inadvertently revealed more than he was willing to do so.

  Bertram picked up on it immediately, “Ah, of course, your mother also has the gift. That would explain why you are already so proficient in its use.”

  As if sensing there was suddenly some anger in the room, between brother and sister, Bertram quickly alleviated any fears they may have had.

  “Don’t worry…what is revealed here does not go out of this room… You have my word. After all, I’m not likely to reveal your secret for risk of you revealing mine.”

  “I suppose not,” Samuel replied although still looking somewhat annoyed with Nerina for saying such a thing.

  Before any further words could be said, they heard the main door closing shut and the sound of familiar voices in the foyer.

  “Okay…Remember I’m just here to check on you!” Bertram said as he suggested they all act natural.

  Both Samuel and Nerina nodded, as the former of whom quickly carried on with the half-finished job of preparing the table.

  “Ah…My Lord,” Bertram said with a big smile and in a jovial sounding voice as he spotted Lord Romley entering the room.

  “Bertram…All is well I hope?”

  “Yes, my Lord. I have checked the girl over, and she seems to have made a full recovery…Perhaps it was just a funny turn that she had suffered…nothing more.”

  “Excellent!” Lord Romley replied as Luca and Edward walked into the room behind him, followed by another young man that neither Samuel nor Nerina knew.

  “If you will excuse me, I will take my leave. Remember my Dear, any problems, come and see me,” Bertram added turning his attention towards Nerina for a brief moment.

  “Thank you,” Nerina replied with a smile, somehow feeling glad she had met somebody else like her. However, in doing so, she had now opened her mind to the fact that just about anybody could be a witch or wizard. Maybe there were others in Greensill who were just keeping a low profile, using the technique Bertram had shown her to conceal themselves from other magic users.

  After Bertram had left the room, Luca thought he should make the introductions.

  “Ah, this is Nerina and Samuel. The children of Lord and Lady Oakley of Scarwood,” he said, “and this is Lord Felton of Sheperton.”

  Lord Felton, immediately bowed his head in acknowledgement of the more-senior ranking nobles, although it was evident he was somewhat confused.

  “Sorry, Sire. Why are they wearing staff uniforms?”

  Luca chuckled, “Long story…I’ll explain over supper.”

  It was immediately apparent that both Nerina and Samuel were somewhat dubious about their unexpected guest, although neither said anything that might suggest that was the case.

  “Is Lord Felton stopping for dinner?” Nerina asked unsure whether she had to carry on her pretence now Luca had divulged otherwise.

  “Yes, he is.”

  There was an awkward silence, before Lord Romley spoke, saying that he would be going and that he would be back in the morning with a full update and report as to what they were doing next.

  “I just need to get a few messages off to the other nobles, and we should be good to go!” he added before turning about and heading back out towards the foyer for the main door.

  Luca waited until he heard the sound of the main door closing shut before speaking again.

  “I thought we could all sit down and eat together?” he said, making the suggestion.

  “And who is going to serve and clear away the dishes?” Nerina asked placing her hands on her hips as if annoyed Luca had invited somebody else without her say-so.

  “We can do it ourselves,” Luca said, unsure as to what her problem was.

  “Looks like someone’s in the doghouse again!” Edward said quietly leaning over and whispering in Luca’s ear.

  “I heard that!” Nerina said.

  Edward merely gave her a look of innocence, before chuckling to himself and heading towards the kitchen, where Lord Romley’s own cooks should have already made and prepared all their food. Standing at the half-open door, Edward turned to the rest of them in the room, “Well, are you going to help me bring all the stuff in, or do I have to do everything myself!”

  Chapter 18.I don’t trust you.

  Once the group had carried the serving platters out to the main dining room and laid the necessary extra places at the table, they all took their seats. While Edward offered to eat later and remain on guard, Luca told him it wasn’t necessary, and if there were any trouble the guards in the foyer and around the outside of the house should be ample enough to deal with it. Luca sat at the head of the table, and the young Lord Felton sat to his right, much to the annoyance of Nerina who had wanted to sit there. Instead, she took the seat to Luca’s left meaning Edward was forced to shuffle around one more place.

  “Please call me Luca.”

  “Are you sure, Sire…surely it would not be right?” Lord Felton replied.

  “Nonsense, these are my friends, and they all call me by my name. I’d prefer it if you did likewise,” Luca added, seemingly giving all his attention to their newest member of the group.

  “Okay, if you are sure, Luca…Then I must insist you call me Jack.”

  “Of course, Jack,” Luca replied with a smile.

  “Uhm…do I refer to them as Lord and Lady? Or your guard by his rank?” Jack asked, somewhat unsure as to whether the lack of formality stretched as far as the others at the table.

  “No need. Nerina and Samuel are friends, and I’m sure are only too happy to be called by their names. Edward doesn’t have a rank or title…he’s just Edward.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Edward replied somewhat dryly as he leaned forward to remove the covers from the serving platters.

  As appeared to be the norm, the starter was soup, although quite thick almost like a broth. Taking it in turns to serve themselves from the tureen, Luca immediately noticed some small amount of unease in the room. As to whether it was just having somebody new at the table the others did not know, or some deeper-lying reason he couldn’t be sure.

  “So, Jack, why don’t you tell us a little more about yourself?” Nerina asked, but in a way that suggested to Luca, she was not doing so to be friendly.

  Jack looked over to Luca as if feeling he needed to seek his permission to answer, although he did so eventually.

  “Not much to say really. The family house is in Sheperton as you know. My mother died when I was born, and my father just a month ago.”

  Luca glared over towards Nerina hoping she would look his way, but it seemed she was focusing her attention firmly on their guest.

  “Perhaps you could tell Jack a little more about you?” Luca added to the conversation to try and make his new friend a little more welcome.

  Nerina just shrugged, and seeing as his sister wasn't going to answer, Samuel took it upon himself to do so.

  “Well, as Luca said earlier, we are the children of Lord and Lady Oakley from Scarwood. I think everybody knows where that is.”

  Jack took another sip from his spoon, before asking, “I have never been there. Is it a nice place to live?”

  “We think so,” Nerina added interrupting her brother before he could give any sort of answer.

  As if sensing the awkwardness at the table Edward took it upon himself to explain who he was, and how he had met Luca.

  “You know, I actually thought he was not just a royal, but a royal pain in the ass!” he added trying to add a little light humour to proceedings.

  “You still do!” Luca replied.

  “Yes, but not as often,” Edward replied with a wink to show he was only joking.

  Unfortunately, it seemed Jack was unsure about the humour and wasn’t certain saying something like that to the future king was appropriate.

  “We also think he is a pain,” Nerina added looking over to Luca with a st
ern glare.

  Unsure what it was he had done that had suddenly made her change the way she was with him, Luca let out a sigh. Edward was right, women were so unpredictable.

  Taking it upon himself, Samuel took away the empty soup bowls and the tureen, before reseating himself back down at the table. The main course was a rather succulent looking joint of beef that the kitchen staff had already carved and on another platter a selection of roast vegetables, as well as two silver gravy boats filled to the brim, more than enough to go around. Naturally, everybody waited for Luca to go first, and knowing it would only likely cause more trouble than it was worth he did just that, despite thinking of offering his guest to do so. With Nerina already seemingly annoyed with him, Luca didn’t want to give her further reason.

  With the meal finished, Luca thought to take the initiative and start clearing away the dishes, even going as far as starting to wash them up, before realising he didn’t actually know what he was doing. Despite getting more water on himself than on the dirty plates, Luca actually felt it lightened the mood a little if only for a brief period. Having probably left more mess for the kitchen staff than normal, the group decided to retire into the lounge to chat, although once more the conversation was somewhat stilted. Eventually, Jack made his excuses and said he needed to leave, as he and his small retinue were due to travel back in the morning.

  “I need to ready my soldiers, although I’m sure my uncle will not be best pleased.”

  Luca looked at the young lad a little strangely. “Why would that be?”

  Jack sighed. “I think he thought I wouldn’t be ready to take my father’s position, and I guess he hoped to get it. He’s been making life difficult for me since my father died.”

  Luca was a little shocked by the revelation, but somehow not surprised. It seemed to get more power was something that people strived for, even if it meant trampling over family members in the process to get it.


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