Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 21

by Andrew G. Wood

  Noticing another band of stragglers on the road ahead of them, Elliot called a halt to the lines once more.

  “We should see if they have any new information,” he said, turning his head to the man riding beside him.

  “Come on then!” Regan said, nudging his horse forward a few steps to lead the way.

  While looking innocent, the small group of travellers, a trader, a few women and a family, Regan always had his sword ready just in case. Wanting to imitate the man he respected, Elliot, emulated him, and sitting upright on his horse moved in a little closer.

  “Have you travelled from Miranor?” Regan shouted down.

  “Aye, I believe a few of these lot have,” came the reply from a man riding atop of a wagon, indicating to a few people walking behind.

  “What news?” Elliot shouted slowly turning his horse and walking it a little nearer.

  “Elliot?” Came a soft, quiet voice from beneath the hood of a cloak.

  At first, Elliot was somewhat confused as to why some commoner would be calling his name, or how they came to know it.

  “Elliot…It is you!” the same figure added, slowly lowering the hood down and revealing her face.

  “Elysia?” Elliot gasped. Stunned and shocked, it took several moments to sink in.

  “Oh, Elliot…” Elysia cried out falling to her knees in floods of tears.

  Without another thought, the young lord slipped down from his horse and hurried over to where Elysia was sat in a heap. With her sobbing profusely he wrapped his arm around her shoulder to offer some comfort.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked.

  “I escaped!” Elysia sniffled leaning her head onto him.

  “You look perished,” Elliot said, slowly helping Elysia back to her feet.

  “I am fine….These fine people helped me,” Elysia replied.

  Elliot looked over towards the other travellers and could see they were unsure as to what was going on.

  “I am Elliot, son of Lord Fallon of Alborough. This is Princess Elysia…Thank you, good people, for aiding her!”

  The announcement clearly came as a shock as it slowly dawned on them that they had been in the company of royalty.

  “I must repay them…” Elysia said, reaching into her cloak and pulling out the coin purse she had taken from Frederick’s desk. “Elliot will you share this among them for me, please?”

  Elliot nodded, and after guiding Elysia over to his horse and gesturing for someone to get her some blankets and food, he turned his attention to the travellers.

  After emptying the contents of the coin purse into his palm, Elliot looked at those Elysia had travelled with. The man upon the wagon looked on expectantly as Elliot approached him first.

  “Perhaps in future, you might offer the use of your wagon to those who have to walk! However, it is the princess’s wish that you be rewarded,” he said handing over three gold coins. Although not a fortune, it would certainly be more than the trader made in several weeks of trading.

  “I understand my Lord,” the man said somewhat embarrassed by his lack of assistance.

  Elliot then turned to each person in turn and handed them the same, even to the child travelling with her family. He knew gold coins for them would be a small fortune, and just from the look on their faces as he handed it over, knew this would be a life-changing amount for them.

  Elliot ordered his men aside and off the track so that those Elysia had been travelling with could continue with their journey. Only when they had passed him by did Elliot divert his complete attention to the young lady who he had once loved so dearly. Looking into her eyes, he quickly felt all his old feelings return, and although he did not know the reasons why Elysia had suddenly cast him aside, he felt no hatred towards her.

  Once Elysia had been given a little food and warmed up by the blankets, she began to explain what little she knew. Apologising continually for not knowing as much as Elliot had hoped, she painted a rather gloomy picture of what she had been forced to endure.

  “I don’t even remember getting married…” Elysia added breaking down into a flood of tears once more.

  “It’s okay…Everything will be fine…Come, we need to keep moving.”

  Elliot called for one of the spare horses to be saddled and brought up to the front for Elysia to ride. At first, the young princess appeared unconvinced it was wise to head back to the one place she had just fled from, but after a little persuasion from Elliot, she agreed.

  As they rode, Elliot tried his best to get all the information he could from Elysia, all the time trying to be tactful and considerate. Very slowly, Elliot built up a picture of what had gone on, and although Elysia gave him little that was new, it did confirm many rumours and suspicions. He felt sickened as Elysia admitted that Frederick had willingly used her body and that the man was somewhat deluded into thinking she actually had feelings for him. However, seeing that this line of questioning was upsetting her again, Elliot quickly changed the subject. Instead, he confirmed that her sister and brother were well and that both would likely be in the capital within the next day or so if all were well and safe for them to be there.

  “I’m afraid my own information is a little dated, for all we know they might already be in Miranor,” he chuckled realising he was just contradicting everything he had just told her.

  As Luca crossed over into Brenthellin lands, their group was joined by yet more soldiers. These belonged to a few of the lesser nobles, who now all seemed to want to help. Whether that was because they thought it right to do their duty or the fact that they now knew Lord Elthan had fled and there wouldn’t be any fighting, at least not yet. While Luca was aware that some of them were only hoping to gain his favour and seemed keen to make themselves seen to be helping him, he had already made mental notes of which of the lesser and main nobles had been helpful.

  Since leaving Whitmore, Luca had become somewhat puzzled, sensing something was still wrong within their group. Not only was Nerina still not talking to him, but Luca got the impression that something was going on with her and Edward as well. While not wanting to pry into his business, Luca was beginning to think it was probably for the best that the group split up once all this was over. As far as Luca was concerned, Nerina had made it quite clear that she hated him and wanted nothing more to do him. If that was the case, then Luca had decided it was not worth dwelling on any further, and although he had to admit it hurt that somebody he liked so much could feel that way about him, he knew he needed to move on.

  Moreover, whatever awkwardness there had been between Nerina and himself, now seemed to have spread to include Samuel as well. While the young lord still spoke, Luca sensed there was something between them, as if even the simplest of conversations was now a chore for him. Unsure as to whether he must have done something to offend or upset Samuel as well, Luca aimed to clear the air as soon as possible. However, the longer it went on, the more difficult Luca was finding it and although had twice gone to ask, had not done so.

  After stopping just a few times during the day to rest the horses, and stretch their own legs, Luca was pleased to hear that they would not be spending the night camping out in the open. With Miranor still several hours ride away, and the sun sitting low in the darkening sky above, they approached a small town called Deverton. Home to one of the lesser noble families, it was yet another place that Luca had never been to before. The thought had occurred to him many times, that all these people and places they visited were supposedly under his jurisdiction, yet he knew so very little about them.

  Deverton was much like the other towns of its size in Brenthellin. Having a stone wall that ran entirely around its perimeter, enclosing those that dwelled within, it was perhaps a little cramped. Only Luca and his smaller retinue would be staying in the town, meaning the large number of soldiers travelling with him would remain camped outside of it. As the young prince ventured through the large, iron-studded, oak gates, his party was greeted by a smaller group stand
ing just inside the town waiting for them.

  A man, probably in his middling years, sat atop of a fine black horse, with two guards positioned either side of him. On seeing Luca, the man trotted his horse forward and stopped and dropped down to his feet all in one swift manoeuvre.

  “Your Majesty.” The man said aloud before bowing his head in Luca’s direction.

  “Welcome to Deverton. I am Lord Nighly, it is a pleasure and honour to have you stay with us. Please, my home is yours,” the man added.

  Again, Luca wasn’t certain whether the man was just being so helpful because he hoped to gain some prestige or favour further down the line, or whether it was a genuine welcome. Either way, Luca was still glad and looking forward to spending the night in a comfortable bed after a long day in the saddle.

  After thanking Lord Nighly, Luca and his group followed on behind as they meandered along a narrow winding road that led to the centre of the town. With its own wall, albeit a much shorter one than the external perimeter, they were led to a rather grand looking residence. Quite clearly the largest and best property in the town by some distance, it was evident that Lord Nighy and his family were not short of money. While it had to be said that the other dwellings, albeit built too close together, were not on this scale, they also looked well maintained. After trotting his horse through a set of black wrought iron gates, Luca was approached by a young man who offered to take his horse. Thinking him just a stablehand, Luca paid him little attention, until Lord Nighly duly introduced the man as his eldest son, Richard. Feeling somewhat embarrassed, Luca quickly apologised, and thankfully, Richard didn’t seem to take any offence.

  “Father has asked my brother Thomas and myself to ensure you are looked after, Sire,” Richard said before pointing to a slightly younger man standing just a few yards behind him.

  “Thank you,” Luca replied, making a mental note of who was who, and thinking that both Richard and Thomas looked very much alike, just one a slightly older version of the other.

  Although the two lordlings were keen to escort Luca into the house, he asked them to wait while Lady Oakley, Lady Dalby and their respective families were also ready to enter. Only when they were all grouped up at the main entrance door, did Luca decide to make the introductions to Lord Nighly, although it appeared he was aware of who they were anyway. In return, Lord Nighly then introduced his wife, a slim woman, who despite her middling years still had a fine figure and looks to go with it. The two sons, Richard and Thomas whom Luca had already been introduced to, and a daughter by the name of Sara, who suddenly stepped out from behind her mother. Looking somewhat bashful, the young lady offered Luca a courtesy, blushing a little before scurrying back to her mother’s side. Similar in height to Nerina, Sara, was maybe perhaps a year, maybe two older than Luca, pretty looking with fair curly hair. Luca smiled her direction before Lord Nighly suggested they all head indoors and get settled.

  “I’ll have you all shown to your rooms, and may I suggest we all sit for supper about eight?” Lord Nighly suggested as if awaiting Luca’s approval.

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you for your hospitality,” Luca replied glancing over at Nerina before Richard and Thomas suggested he follow them upstairs.

  A wide wooden staircase with colourful tapestries and paintings adorning the walls, it was certainly a fine-looking place. The landing split into several directions with Luca being ushered one way and the others in his group the other. Edward, as Luca’s guard naturally followed the young man he served although Richard and Thomas seemed uncertain as to why he was needed at all. Sensing a little uncertainty, Luca took it upon himself to explain.

  “Trust me, when everybody seems intent on killing you, you’d be glad of someone like Edward at your side,” he told them trying to make light of the situation.

  “He stays with me in my room.”

  “Ah!” Richard replied somewhat unsure. “There is only one bed in your room, Sire.

  “As fine a house as this is, we are struggling to fit all of you in. Thomas and I are having to share rooms so you can have mine.”

  “That’s okay. Edward can sleep on the floor…or a chair perhaps,” Luca replied understanding that the two lordlings had clearly gone out of their way to see he was given a good room to stay in. “Oh and if it is not too much of an inconvenience could you see there is a space for Edward at the dinner table. People just seem to assume he is just my guard.”

  Richard glanced over towards Edward, “You do seem awfully young to be a bodyguard.”

  Edward just grinned, “I age well, My Lord,” Edward replied somewhat tongue-in-cheek, having had other people just assume because of his age he couldn’t possibly be a decent guard to Luca. Richard apparently didn’t feel the need to question it further, and happy that Luca was content with the room, the young lordlings left them alone to fetch him some refreshments.

  “They seem to be nice people,” Luca commented as he tried the bed out for size.

  “They all seem nice. Ask yourself where all these nice people have been hiding when you needed them,” Edward replied looking around the room for a suitable place to crash down for the night. Luca knew what Edward was getting at and decided to leave that topic of conversation, but thought to ask his opinion on a more pressing one.

  “What’s up with you and Nerina?”

  Edward looked over towards him and shrugged, uncertain as to how to explain what had happened.

  “Do you trust me?” Edward asked

  “Of course I do,” Luca replied.

  “No. I mean really trust me…Even if what I say might not be what you want to hear?”

  Luca answered immediately, “Edward. I trust you more than any other person alive.”

  Edward took a deep breath as he tried to think how best to explain what he had been plaguing his mind.

  “I think Nerina was using magic again…I don’t know everything just felt strange,” Edward said as he tried to tell Luca what had happened outside the room Nerina was stopping in. Although he wasn't sure if he was telling it well, and the fact Luca probably thought him rude for listening in any way, Edward persevered.

  “And you think she meant for you to hear the tears and sobbing?”

  “I can’t be sure Luca, and I may well be completely wrong, but when I passed by just a moment later she was laughing…Hardly the same person I’d heard pouring her heart out to her mother.”

  Luca let out a loud sigh, “So that could well explain the awkwardness between you two. You think she sensed you were there the second time?”

  “I think so yes…but not at first. Only when I felt the cold chill again?”

  “You think she might be using some kind of darker magic?” Luca asked.

  Edward shrugged, “I don’t know. My knowledge of such things only extends to what I’ve seen these past few days.”

  “But why is she hoping for you to try and influence me about my feelings for her? I genuinely do like her…”

  Edward shrugged his shoulders and walked over to sit down on the bed beside Luca, “I guess she doesn’t know that.”

  With even more confusing thoughts on his mind, Richard and Thomas were good to their word and brought a tray of refreshments for Luca. Although the offer did not extend to Edward, Luca shared them with him nonetheless. Just a pot of tea and a few biscuits and a few small triangular cut sandwiches to tide them over until supper. After eating, Luca decided to freshen up and washed his hands and face at the washstand, while Edward decided to be nosey and take a peek inside Richard’s wardrobe.

  “Wow, that guy has nearly as many clothes as you!”

  Luca chuckled, “I doubt that. I used to have several of those full of clothes,” Luca replied.

  “Really? Why would you need so many?” Edward asked.

  In truth, it wasn't a question Luca felt he could answer, or at least not one that he had an answer too.

  “I mean, why would you need eleven tunics?” Edward asked counting how many were hanging
up inside the wardrobe.

  “Different occasions, of course,” Luca replied as he dabbed his face dry with a clean, fresh towel.

  As they waited, Luca made his mind up that he was going to confront Nerina and Lady Oakley.

  “You can’t,” Edward said trying to get him to rethink. “What if I’m wrong?”

  “I won’t say you said anything…Anyway, something is wrong, and I want to clear the air. I can’t be doing with this awkwardness between us all. We all used to be friends, now it’s like we hardly know or trust each other.”

  “We don’t. That’s the problem,” Edward told him.

  A knock came at the door, and Richard popped his head around the corner to say that dinner would be served soon and that he would like to escort Luca down to the dining hall.

  “I’m still asking,” Luca said as he passed Edward before following Richard out across the landing towards the main staircase.

  Chapter 24.Home.

  The evening meal had gone remarkably well, and Luca thought that Lord Nighly was an excellent host. As requested a place had been set for Edward, although at the end of the table, with Luca being positioned between the two young Lordlings, Richard and Thomas. Both seemed really nice and friendly, and much like their father appeared keen to see that everything was as Luca wished it to be. Somewhat more surprising was the way Nerina and Samuel acted. Not that either of them did anything bad, but they suddenly appeared to act like nothing was wrong, and seemed happy to chat to anyone, even Luca and Edward. While this was a good thing, Luca was now even more confused, although as a result had once more decided not to confront them about their recent behaviour.


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