Heir to the Throne

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Heir to the Throne Page 22

by Andrew G. Wood

  After a good night sleep, at least for Luca, they had been given a good hearty breakfast and were soon on their way. Luca personally thanked all the Nighly family for their hospitality, and as a mark of appreciation offered all of them an invitation to his coronation. Although he wasn’t actually certain as to when that might be, Luca asked them to stay at the palace with him when they visited. While it was normal practice for the main nobles to be given the rooms at the palace during such occasions, Luca felt it only fair to show this family some gratitude. Whether they had just treated him so well to get something in return, he didn’t really mind, after all, whatever their reasoning, the Nighly family had been good and friendly hosts.

  With everyone mounted up and ready to go, their guard escorted them through the narrow streets of Deverton and out of the gates. Once outside the town walls, they rejoined up with the rest of their large escort who had been forced to make camp outside them. Today, they would reach Miranor, and it only now dawned on Luca that his life was about to take another turn. As to whether it was a good or bad one, he supposed only time would tell, but he knew the moment he was back in the palace, things would move along at a rapid rate. Once more he would be told, or advised as the other nobles liked to call it, on what he should and should not do. Firstly though, he would be paraded in front of the entire nobility and have a crown stuck on his head, officially making him the king he was born to be. From then on, his life would forever be one of making decisions, with just about everybody trying to manipulate, coerce or influence him in some way.

  With the weather starting to feel much cooler, and the days slowly but surely getting shorter, Luca was in some small way glad that his travelling was, at last, coming to an end. As the long line of soldiers and friends, escorted him back to the palace, Luca thought back to the day that he had left all those months ago. He afforded a smile as he recalled having to dress as a girl, pretending to be the daughter of Lord and Lady Oakley in a bid to make good their escape. That had been the day Elysia, and Frederick Elthan had married, and not one Luca would forget in a hurry.

  “What are you grinning at?”

  Luca turned, somewhat surprised to see Nerina riding up along on his left. Aside from the dinner last evening, she had barely said two words to him since he had removed the necklace.

  “Just recalling you lot making me dress up as a girl,” Luca replied.

  Nerina chuckled, “Yes, that was funny…You did make quite a pretty girl though,” she added.

  Luca, although somewhat surprised by yet another turn in her mood, just laughed a little, “I’m not so sure…That was the day we first met.” Luca remembered the first time he had spotted Nerina and Samuel at the wedding when he had tried his hardest to avoid them at all costs. Perhaps he had been rude and snobbish back then, but he hoped that since then he had changed, something he thought to ask.

  “Nerina…Do you think I’ve changed since then? I mean…I know you didn’t like me then…Even Edward didn’t like me then either…but do you think I’m a better person now?”

  Nerina looked at him for quite some time before giving him any form of reply.

  “You’ve certainly changed. Although your moods are still a problem. I mean one minute we’re all friends…the next, you don’t even talk to us.”

  Luca opened his mouth to reply but actually found no words to think of saying. Had he heard correctly, and Nerina was actually accusing him of being the reason for them not talking?

  In the end, all he said was “Oh!” and left it at that.

  With a brief stop for refreshments, and a second to meet up with another group of nobles, the trip to Miranor was very quickly coming to an end. While never one for travelling, even Luca now knew where he was in relation to the capital, and was quite aware that over the next brow the vast city would come into view. This was the place he had called home for much of his life, and yet the very thought of returning there frightened him. The thought of being alone and used as some kind of puppet was probably his greatest fear, not knowing what the future held was another. Luca felt that the closer he got to Miranor the more nervous he was becoming, and as if sensing his unease, Edward moved his horse a little closer and leaned over.

  “Everything is going to be fine, Luca,” he said. “I’ll still be here, don’t forget that.”

  Luca glanced over, “Thanks,” he replied, although knew that Edward would likely want to move on eventually.

  There was a certain buzz among the rest of the group as the vast city of Miranor eventually came into view. Although Luca felt quite the opposite to everyone else’s apparent excitement, he tried to at least look pleased. Luca immediately spotted the flags and banners flying in small groups around the outside walls of the city, a sign that other nobles were already present and awaiting his arrival. With Imogen and her husband following about a days ride behind them, he assumed his coronation would be the first thing on the agenda. If only to make a statement to Lord Elthan, he supposed it was the noble’s way of saying that he had lost, and they were the ones who had succeeded. As to what had happened to Elysia, Luca had no idea, although in truth it wasn’t something that was high on his list of concerns. Yes, she was his half-sister, but they were not exactly close, at least not in the same way that Theo and Clarissa, and Samuel and Nerina clearly were.

  As Luca and his escort approached the northern entrance, just the number of soldiers around the place really became apparent. Perhaps it had been a good thing that Lord Elthan had seen fit to make good his escape and not make a fight of it. As the cool breeze blew in his face, Luca was somewhat surprised by how many people were on the streets awaiting his arrival. There were cheers and waving arms, clapping and people shouting his praises, although in truth he was unsure as to why. Luca tried to remain regal looking and upright as he trotted his horse along the main thoroughfare to the vast palace at the centre of the city, just raising a hand every now and then to acknowledge those who were pleased to see him back.

  As they reached the palace gates, Luca was almost relieved to have gotten this far, feeling the city was already suffocating him. In the yard outside the main entrance were several faces he knew, some of whom he had to be thankful for even being there. Lord Oakley and Lord Dalby were standing side by side with Lord Romley, along with the other major nobles. The first thing Luca noticed was the lack of minor nobility among that number and could deduce that they were the ones forced to camp outside the city. While he thought that wasn’t really fair, he supposed it was the way things were and as big as the palace was, there was no way he could accommodate everyone.

  No sooner had Luca slipped down from his horse, than a stablehand hurried over to take it from him. Edward did likewise, and it was only then that Luca noticed him staring up at the building.

  “Wow…You have a very big house!” Edward said with a grin as he glanced over towards him.

  “Sorry…I mean you have a very big house, Sire,” he added, quickly remembering that he should now use a more-formal approach when talking.

  Straightening the sword at his waist, Edward positioned himself just behind Luca’s right shoulder as the pair slowly walked towards the waiting nobles.

  Luca had half-expected Nerina to come rushing past him and give her father a hug, but after glancing back to see where she was, noticed her standing and waiting with her mother. He caught her gaze for a brief moment before both of them quickly diverted their eyes elsewhere.

  “Your Majesty,” Lord Dalby approached first, bowing his head in respect and subservience.

  “Lord Dalby, it is good to see you again. Thank you for everything you have done,” Luca said, unsure what it was that people were expecting him to say. Whether he had said the right thing or not, Lord Dalby seemed okay with it, and so Luca thought it best to move along the line of waiting nobles, but not before suggesting Lord Dalby go and greet his family. Lord Oakley was next in line, and Luca thought it strange how the other major nobles had seen to allow him to be second. Ordinarily
, Lord Oakley of Scarwood would have been at the end of the queue, just one step up from the minor nobles. Yet Luca thought it only fair as Lord Oakley had probably done more than any man in getting him this far.

  “It is good to see you are well, Sire. I’m sure you’re glad to be back home.”

  While Luca thought that should have been the case, he wasn’t actually certain that was entirely true. However, knowing that it had been the goal of Lord Oakley and the other nobles to make it happen, Luca agreed that he was.

  “I think your daughter is waiting to see you,” Luca added with a smile, glancing over his shoulder just briefly to catch Nerina looking their way.

  “Thank you, Sire,” Lord Oakley replied.

  Edward remained at Luca’s side the entire time as the young royal moved slowly along the line, before eventually heading inside. It seemed everything Luca had told him about the palace was true, and if he had, to be honest, it was probably bigger and more ornate than he had ever imagined. Everything he gazed at just seemed to look expensive, even the floor under his feet appeared to be costly-looking, as if making his feet unworthy of standing upon it. Edward thought he understood now as to why Luca had perhaps been a little particular when they had first met. If this was all he knew and was used to, then being forced to dress in tatty clothes and stay in his father’s inn must have been a shock to the system.

  Unsure what the nobles had lined up for him, Luca waited in the large foyer for Lord Dalby to finish getting reacquainted with his family. While they had not been parted for that long, he guessed it was only right to allow them a little time together before he asked to speak to him. The wait was only a short one, and it wasn't long before Lord Dalby, and Lord Oakley wandered in together.

  “You must be exhausted from your travels. Perhaps it is best that you retire to your rooms. I have had my people check them thoroughly and clean them up for you,” Lord Dalby suggested not even giving Luca a chance to ask anything.

  “And I have managed to muster up a few reliable staff, a few of the older ones that had been in service with your father before being ousted by Lord Elthan,” Lord Oakley added.

  “Thank you. It sounds as if you have both been busy. Do you not need me to discuss our plans?” Luca replied, eventually getting round to asking something.

  “We are still waiting for one or two more. Besides, we can’t really do much more until we have you crowned King, and it seems that thief Lord Elthan has run off with the crown,” Lord Dalby said.

  “And most of the gold in the treasury too,” Lord Oakley added. “But we managed to get that back for you.”

  “Thank you again,” Luca said, not even knowing how much gold was in the royal treasury.

  Doing as was asked, Luca headed up the main staircase with Edward following closely behind him. There were a couple of Lord Dalby’s guards on the top of the stairs and a few more along the corridors containing the royal suites.

  “This is us,” Luca said, stopping outside what was not so long ago his parent's suite. This was even grander and larger than those that he had lived in. Pausing for a moment before opening the doors, Luca pondered on the idea of his parents being dead. Was living in their suite the right thing to be doing? He wasn’t certain, but noticing that Edward was looking at him wondering why he was delaying things, Luca eventually opened the doors.

  “Wow!” Edward gasped as he stepped inside. “You could fit half of our village in here,” he added looking up at the tall ceilings.

  “And this is just for you?”

  Luca gave a nervous chuckle as he explained that the room they were in was only a small part of what made up the royal suite. Aside from the main living area they were in, there was a study and library, a dining area, as well as a large bedroom with a dressing room attached.

  “Wow, that is a lot of space for one person to get lost in,” Edward replied wandering over to a cabinet to inspect some of the ornaments a little more closely.

  “Two of us. You’re stopping here too,” Luca said.

  Edward exhaled loudly and turned to look at Luca, “Perhaps we need to have a little talk.”

  Although Luca agreed, he wasn't certain he was going to like what Edward was going to say. Just as he had feared, it seemed Edward wanted away from him as well.

  “Look, Luca,” Edward said as the pair sat down on a cushioned sofa. “Now we are back in the palace I think it is best for you that I don’t share your rooms.”

  “Why not? You’re my friend aren’t you?”

  Edward sighed again, “Of course I am. It’s just that people will think it a little odd that’s all.”

  “You don’t want to stay?” Luca asked, feeling all confused.

  “Luca. I’ve already told you I want to stay. I’m happy to be here, help you in any way I can, but at least as far as living and sleeping arrangements go, I need to be elsewhere.”

  “Oh, okay,” Luca agreed although he still didn’t fully understand as to why Edward couldn’t stop with him.

  Luca watched as Edward seemed enthralled by everything in the room, even affording himself a glimmer of a smile. However, it was no more than a mask to how he really felt inside. He was back in the one place he belonged, but now he was here, Luca wasn’t so sure about anything any more.

  “Edward…” Luca said looking over to his friend

  Edward turned his head to look Luca’s direction.

  “Will you continue to sit in with me when I have to meet with the nobles? I know they all mean well, but I’m also quite certain they will just want to use me as a figurehead for their own agendas.”

  Edward smiled and wandered over to where Luca was sitting, and plonking himself down right next to him.

  “Of course I will. Although my knowledge of how things should or shouldn’t be run is somewhat non-existent.”

  “Well, we are on a par as far as that is concerned then,” Luca replied.

  “Well, we’ll have to figure it out together then won’t we. I’m sure Lord Oakley or Lord Dalby will be only too happy to advise you if you need help.”

  “That’s just it. I’d rather not take advice from any of the nobles in case the others think I’m siding with them.”

  Edward lifted his hand up to his chin and rubbed it, “Hmm. I see where you’re coming from…Oh well, looks like we’ll have to work it out ourselves then. You do realise that the nobles won’t take a blind bit of notice of anything I say though.”

  Luca remained silent for a few moments, giving it some thought. While it was true that none of the nobility would listen to the words of a mere commoner like Edward, they would have no choice but to take note of anything he, as king, said.

  “So if I made you some kind of Royal Advisor, to go with your guard duty, would that be okay?”

  “Really…A proper title?” Edward replied, looking somewhat shocked.

  “Sure…and it comes with your own room in the palace and a good rate of pay,” Luca added.

  “Wow…Thanks, Luca. I don’t know what to say. Do you think the nobles will let you listen to me?”

  “I’m not giving them the option. If you want the job, it’s yours, and I’ll make it my first official royal decree.

  “Can you do that?”

  Luca shrugged, “I just did. So yes I suppose I can.”

  Chapter 25.Preparations.

  Luca had not slept particularly well, despite being home and in a bed that was comfortable. Once he had eventually managed to arrange a room for Edward to stay in, Luca had been left alone. The nobles had taken it upon themselves to occupy the remaining suites in the palace, and although Luca was annoyed by the fact they had just done it without asking, didn’t have the strength of mind to say anything. While he didn’t object to Lord Oakley and Lord Dalby, and perhaps Lord Romley helping themselves, the fact the other major nobles had also just taken it for granted didn’t sit well. Luca knew this was just a sign of things to come. Did they just see him as a boy, and nothing more than a figurehead, while they di
d as they pleased? With that worrying thought in mind, Luca had spent most of the night trying to figure things out.

  Surprisingly, many of his old clothes were still there and had been transferred to his new quarters. However, some of them no longer fit, which surprised him a little as he didn’t think he’d grown at all since his departure. Evidently, he had, and sorting through what fitted and what didn’t would be just another job for another day. The good thing about being back, was that his breakfast was delivered into his room and laid out on the table for him when he got up. As Luca took a seat at the small dining table to make a start, one of the guards from outside his suite tapped on the door.

  “Excuse me, Sire. You have a guest.”

  “Who is it?” Luca asked, unsure he was ready to start seeing anybody just yet.

  “He says his name is Edward.”

  “Let him in!” Luca said immediately. “In future, he is to be allowed entry anytime. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sire,” The guard replied, opening the door a little further to allow Edward through.

  “Good Morning!” Edward said, seemingly quite cheerful.

  “Hope you don’t mind, but I thought you might like a bit of company for breakfast. Mind if I join you?”

  “Of course not,” Luca replied, “You don’t have to ask.”

  Edward chuckled, “I wasn’t sure they were even going to let me in. It’s taken me nearly ten minutes to get as far as your door.”


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