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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

Page 32

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “Hera was always meant to be Queen and no one else; Zeus recognized that and played into fate. Even Zeus can’t run away from fate. Like the rest of us he isn’t impervious to its influence.”

  “Then, who are you? You seem to know an awful lot about me.”

  I blushed and shrugged, “I don’t know. My Goddess is still sleeping… Atlas promises me she’ll wake up when she’s ready but I don’t know, I think he made a mistake.”

  “I know what that’s like. But he’s right. You’re here for a reason and that reason will show itself soon enough.”

  “Yeah… You’re probably right. Until then, I’ll keep reading the myths and see if I can find someone who is like me. Atlas said we share similar histories to our Gods, I figure the more I read, the greater chance I have of getting a hint.”

  The more we talked, the more I began to like her. She was insecure like me, but for different reasons. She was kind and honest, the latter trait being one that seemed to lack amongst most of these people. Being Gods appeared to make everyone believe that they had to plot and scheme as they did in the olden days. They acted as if there wasn’t inherent right to the new life Atlas had given us. But if it weren’t inherent, we wouldn’t be here at all because we wouldn’t have been chosen.

  Despite first impressions, I was still hesitant when she invited me back to her apartment. I’d never had a girlfriend to get ready with then again before coming here I hadn’t had any reason to get ready in the first place. However, she seemed a lot more fashionable than I was. I guessed that by going with her it might do me some good, I freely admitted I didn’t have the slightest idea of what to wear for an event like tonight.

  I also, kind of, wanted to look good for Griffin when I saw him. I had been mean to him, as he had been mean to me. I wanted to make up for it, still embarrassed I had acted rudely. But most importantly I wanted to give us a clean slate, leave the negativity behind us and focus on how I’d felt about that sick boy in bed.

  Savannah and I spent the rest of the afternoon trying on dresses and getting to know each other better. I found it funny that in all my time here almost a month now I hadn’t hung out with any of the people here like I was doing with Savannah. None of them had ever asked. The friendships they forged were far more superficial than genuine, even Jed’s.

  This only made me hope more ferociously that I hoped Savannah would be the one to be Queen of the Gods; she seemed to be the most deserving fit.

  Chapter 8

  When we finally settled on my dress, I was shocked by the choice, shocked by myself for wearing it and shocked by how scandalous it should have been but in truth was flattering once on. I looked more like the adult I was becoming and less of the girl I had been hanging onto. It gave me a confidence I hadn’t known I needed.

  I ran my hands down the soft velvet material that wrapped around my hips and smoothed it out. I didn’t notice it before we reached the doors of the throne room, but my hands were shaking, either out of nerves or excitement I wasn’t sure which. But it was too late to turn back, though from what, I wasn’t entirely sure yet.

  We walked into the room and everyone looked over at us though they were probably looking at Savannah. As much as I liked her, I didn’t want to be dragged into the drama I headed straight for Jed seeing him across the room with Posie and Laurel.

  “Val?” I could see it on Jed’s face he was seeing me in an entirely different light right now as his eyes skated the length of my figure making me feel hot underneath the soft fabric. “Wow...”

  I couldn’t help but feel slightly proud that I had managed to render Jed speechless when he seemingly always had a quick comment at the ready. He nodded his head finally, the only acceptable action he could bring himself to do before he grinned at me.

  Posie and Laurel were appraising too, but they seemed to interpret Jed’s response a little differently from my own. I watched as Posie reached out, her fingers curling around his arm and tightening slightly in some sad show of possession. He didn’t seem to care because he was still grinning at me and floundering for a smart remark.

  “I see you met Savannah.” He finally spoke, obviously not the response he had been looking for. I glanced over my shoulder, frowning when I saw her standing alone before turning to Jed again and nodding.

  “I did. She’s nice.”

  “Well, she pinned Charlotte to a wall and then turned her into a hag.” He said with a shrug. My expression must’ve shifted to one of shock because he suddenly laughed and nodded in confirmation before I glanced around the room looking for Charlotte and the proof of this accusation. My eyes fell on her, standing with Zane, Nicola and I assumed Aidan but she seemed normal. She looked perfectly fine in fact if not regal.

  Savannah would be in for a fight tonight no doubt. “Charlotte seems to have recovered, I’m sure she’s okay.” I looked back to Jed and smiled, “have you seen Griffin?” Jed looked confused for a moment, no doubt wondering how I knew him but didn’t ask as he nodded over at the drinks table. I couldn’t help my worried frown at the sight of him nursing another large glass. Did he ever stop?

  “If you’ll excuse me...” I started away from Jed, much to Posie’s relief and smiled to myself as I approached Griffin slowly.

  He looked up from his drink, nearly choking on it as he took in the sight of me. I couldn’t help but flush with pride. Savannah’s handiwork seemed to be doing the trick. If Jed’s appraisal had made me feel hot before, the way Griffin drunk me in, made me feel like I had stepped into an inferno.

  My stomach knotted as I stopped in front of him, smiling gently. I wanted us to start again, I wanted us to forget all the strangeness that had occurred between us since he woke up for good and try our hand at friendship once more. A part of me hoped for something more, but I wasn’t sure how ready the rest of me was for that.

  “Valentina.” He said my name breathlessly, like a whisper he didn’t intend to say out loud. His eyes met mine and I was sure I was blushing, but I smiled anyway and reached out taking a glass from the table.

  “Well, I came. As you asked.” I brought the drink to my lips, our eyes still peeled on one another and another flush of heat waved through me.

  “I didn’t mean for you to come for me...” He said pathetically, looking like he felt sorry I’d taken his suggestion as a command.

  “I didn’t,” I said quickly, not wanting him to think me desperate. “I wouldn’t want to miss any of my friends taking up their Olympian throne.” Griffin looked over his shoulder at his throne and grimaced before looking back at me.

  “Yeah, that.”

  “What’s the matter Griff? Is this about Hades?” I asked softly, reaching out and pressing my fingers against his before drawing them back.

  “Everyone hates me because of him.” He said quietly, looking down at his drink. “But I can’t stop him; he’s hard to control... to ignore altogether. He’s powerful.” He sounded scared, small and fragile. I felt my heart twist at the idea that our Gods could bring us these sorts of emotions. Wasn’t all of this supposed to be a good thing?

  “I don’t hate you. And I could never hate you because of him...” He opened his mouth to say something when his eyes shifted away from me and a presence loomed up beside me.

  “Griffin.” I turned quickly to see Savannah arrive, slipping one of her arms through mine. “Nice of you to show up.” She addressed Griffin with a strange terse tone before looking down at me, “enjoying yourself? I think every man in this room has been watching you, vying for a chance to ask you to dance.” I felt my cheeks burn as I shook my head and did a quick glance around to assess the truthfulness of that statement.

  “Well, if that’s true they haven’t asked.”

  “I, uh, I’m not much of a dancer but…” I looked at Griffin and smiled, I liked the idea of dancing with him. But before he had the chance to ask me Savannah interrupted him.

  “I think that’s because you intimidate them. Royce asked if I could ask for him, that�
��s why I came over to get you. nice to see you Griffin… enjoy your night.” She didn’t give me the chance to speak as I was suddenly steered away from him, glancing over my shoulder helplessly and mouthing an apology before I turned back to Savannah.

  “We didn’t have to go, I was having a nice time talking to Griffin…” A waiter approached and I offered him my empty punch glass before looking up at the other blonde girl.

  “Promise me you’ll avoid Griffin. He’s dangerous… His God…”

  “Is Hades. He told me. He doesn’t like him, but he says it is difficult to ignore a God powerful. I feel sorry for him, I wish there was a way I could help. No one seems to like him because of Hades.”

  “It’s not because of Hades. It’s because he lets Hades have control… He needs to get a spine and take control of his God, not let his God take control of him.” Savannah didn’t know, she didn’t know that Griffin was a recovering addict. She didn’t understand that any strength he might’ve once possessed had been crushed out of him by the drugs, the booze and now Hades. I wanted to explain to her, make her see that she shouldn’t be judgmental but as I went to speak Atlas’ loud booming voice filled the room.

  “Welcome, Gods and Goddesses of Olympus. How exciting it is to see my family back together once again with the prospects of a glorious future ahead of us. It wasn’t long ago that we stood and decided to place ourselves in eternal slumber in this room until the moment in which we could arise and begin again. The time is now brothers and sisters! Together we shall work as one and lead the world into a new era. Join me in welcoming back the Olympians.”

  Just like that, I forgot about the conflict between Savannah and Griffin, my hands clapping together hard in excitement they hurt after a moment.

  In the month, I had begun to see this is the life I had always been meant for. My old life my human life was a passing phase I had needed to go through like Atlas had said. This is where I belonged. With these people and all the drama that came with it. Even if my Goddess didn’t want to return, this was my home.

  “I’ll be right back Val if he gets to me… please stall.” I started slightly when Savannah whispered in my ear, turning to look up at her. Why was she leaving now when her chance to shine was coming? Wasn’t this what she had dressed for? To show everyone here she was the rightful Queen?

  “Okay… Savannah, are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. please stall.” I wasn’t entirely sure how I was going to do that, but I turned back, watching as Atlas, one by one, introduced each Olympian and they made their way up to the throne.

  As the chairs began to fill up, I felt my stomach knot slowly. If Savannah didn’t come back soon, I was going to have to stall and I wasn’t going to be good at it. I pried my eyes from the chairs and started to look around me, hoping that Savannah was speaking to someone not far off but of course I couldn’t see her anywhere. My brow knit in confusion and then Atlas spoke again.

  “Griffin, known as Hades, God of the Underworld.” No one clapped; I would’ve if I weren’t already worried about Savannah. Not that I thought clapping would help him as I watched him slowly walk up the short steps to his chair. Nicola made a rude show of leaning away from him as he sat down next to her, settling in. The grandness of the throne seemed to swallow him, acting like a display for his unhappiness. I felt an overwhelming urge to rush the stage and hug him, tell him it was going to be okay and I was there for him.

  But then Atlas continued: “Savannah, known as Hera, Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth.” I waited for a second, counting under my breath hoping beyond hope that she would return and excuse herself. But nothing came and people started to shift on their feet, looking for her, whispering under their breath. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before steeling myself for the inevitable attention.

  I reminded myself of Jed’s rules and spoke: “she went to the bathroom, she’ll be right back.” It was the lamest thing I could’ve ever come up with, but it was legitimate I hoped.

  “Why would she go right now?” Someone asked loudly, a female, I assumed Charlotte.

  “She’ll be back in a moment! She had to do something…” I winced as soon as I changed my excuse, feeling stupid instantly. They were going to see through my lies. My eyes met Griffin’s and he was frowning, not necessarily at me but wondering what I was doing.

  “Why am I not surprised she wouldn’t show up tonight? Do you know she didn’t even come to apologize to me for what she did? I’m sure her not coming is because she knows everyone here hates her.” Charlotte stood up from her throne and walked quickly over to where Savannah was supposed to sit and settled into the throne with ease.

  “See, anyone can sit here. It doesn’t need to be her, you don’t want a cowardly Queen, do you?” She paused for an unnecessary, dramatic effect. “Well, do you?” No one answered her she smirked, pleased with herself as she settled into her chair and leaned back, nodding at Atlas like she was commanding him to continue.

  I expected him, of anyone, to say something but when he didn’t I steeled myself once more. Everyone was already staring; it didn’t matter.

  “That’s not your throne Charlotte, crawl back to where you belong on the bottom of the ladder.” I turned in surprise to see Griffin speaking. I frowned, unable to understand why he was defending her after her earlier treatment of him.

  Someone else spoke out, “Don’t sit there, that’s Savannah’s spot.”

  “If Savannah was here she would come and accept her spot. But she’s not, it’s mine to take.” I scowled at Charlotte, trying to think of something clever I could say that might get her out of the throne.

  Atlas carried on, however, clearing his throat, “And finally, the King of the Heavens, God of the Gods – Zeus.” Everyone erupted into clapping and cheering, making Aidan smirk as he bowed in a flourish and waved at the people like they were his adoring masses.

  I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes, meeting Griffin’s once again, who had seen my reaction and was laughing to himself. I smiled slightly, proud of him for doing something uncharacteristic of Hades, but it didn’t last long.

  I was still tense and worried about Savannah... I had let her down. Atlas carried on with his overture, but I tuned out, slowly moving through the crowd looking for Savannah. She had seemed distressed when she had told me she would be back like something was wrong. I was weaving slowly through the crowd and around the room when suddenly someone grabbed my elbow and turned me around to face them.

  “Where is Savannah? Did she go to Lincoln, Jailbait?” I frowned up at Aidan, “my name is Valentina and I don’t know. She said she would be right back and to stall for her. Something was wrong, but I don’t know what. What does Lincoln have to do with this?” Aidan looked around, obviously much taller than me and able to see over the heads of people.

  He looked back down at me, “C’mon. Something is wrong... And I have a feeling Cronos is behind this.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can feel it.” My eyebrows raised in surprise as I watched him walk away. After a moment though he turned to look at me again.

  “Are you coming Jailbait?”

  “Don’t call me that.” I huffed as I followed him. He led me back to the other side of the room and we found a door that led us into a darkened hallway. I reached out blindly for Aidan, finding his elbow.

  “This way...”

  “How do you know? Never mind. You can “feel” it.” “I can.”

  “I thought you didn’t love Savannah,” I said softly. “Did she tell you I didn’t?” I shrugged and then remembered he couldn’t see me right now.

  “I found her crying today and she said it was because of you. But she didn’t say you didn’t love her. I think if you loved her you wouldn’t make her heart hurt that much.” Aidan was silent, not offering me any kind of response to my insight. Not that I expected much, my statement had been judgmental. “I’m sorry. It’s not my place to say something like that...�

  “No, it’s alright Valentina, you’re right. I’m a selfish idiot. I’d rather let my own fears and worries guide me than my heart.” I smiled in the darkness and squeezed his arm where I held it.

  “I think you’ll find your heart is guiding you right now.”

  True as I wanted that statement to be I wasn’t entire sure how he could know where he was going at all right now since we couldn’t see a foot in front of us.

  “How long have you known Savannah?”

  “About four hours,” I said softly, feeling him stop and no doubt if he could see he would be staring incredulously at me.

  “Four hours. And you’re already her BFF or whatever you girls call it?”

  “She’s easy to like.”

  “And hate.”

  “You don’t hate her,” I reminded him softly. “No, hate is strong. She can push my buttons unlike anyone I’ve ever met.” “The right girl usually can.”

  “You know an awful lot about love for someone who is out of diapers.” I found his foot in the darkness and stomped down on it.


  “I am not out of diapers. I like to read.”

  “You’ve never had a boyfriend?” I felt myself flush and shrugged.

  “Never met a boy my age before.”

  “Huh?” He said questioningly, stopping again, but this time I felt it was because he was trying to decide to go left or right. “How is that possible? Did you live under a rock?”

  “No, on a farm,” I felt him turn right and followed. “200 acres, me and my 12 siblings. I was homeschooled I could help out.”

  “You never went to the movies or grocery shopping or something?”

  “We made our own food, clothes and whatever else at home. If we needed something from a store someone older than me usually went.”

  “This is your first time... out in the world.” “Yeah. I guess.”

  “You’re adapting well.” He remarked.

  “Like I said, I read a lot.” As much as it might be away from my home I found the mountain as much like the compound of the farm had been. Everything was enclosed and my needs provided for. There was a bit more people than the 14 I was used to having around but only the big parties like tonight’s overwhelmed me and even then, I stuck to people I knew. It made remaining calm easier, although I was a pretty easy going person to begin with.


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