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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

Page 54

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  “No, I think I’ll let Nicola do that.” He said, eyeing the Goddess of Love with a leer. Both Royce and Zane spewed more expletives, fighting desperately against the magic, while Savannah stared from behind her wall of magic at Aidan hopelessly.

  “Well, then, off you go Aidan,” Oliver waved his hand, freeing Aidan of the magic wall. Every Titan anticipated his next move, and as he walked toward Soren another wall of magic threw him backward, tossing him across the room. His head slammed into the base of a statue, and two lackey Titans moved to grab him, dragging him through the threshold and toward his fate.

  “Aren’t you going to do something?!” Savannah finally screamed, pounding her fists uselessly against the wall of magic, drawing attention to the one Titan whom we had all temporarily forgotten. To Atlas’ credit, he tried to look remorseful as he shook his head at Savannah, but even I didn’t buy it. This had almost seemed too easy for Soren and his gang to take the key; as if Atlas had known it was coming and let it happen. He was, after all, a Titan like them. Perhaps, we were not his true loyalty after all.

  “I cannot,” he said, with some guilt.

  “Because of your stupid damn prophecy?!” She spat back at him, offering a suggestive gesture with her hand, before turning her back on him. She was naturally upset, but I could sense her fear too.

  “The prophecy?” Oliver was the one to speak and laugh, “Why is it you and Zeus are always so worried about prophecies? Is it because losing your throne is, naturally, the worst thing you can imagine? Poor little Queen, no crown for you anymore... Boohoo,” he said mockingly, stepping down toward her magic cage, before blinking it out of existence. He grabbed her jaw and forced her to look him in the eye, “there are worst things in the world. I can assure you of that. When we are done with your precious Earth, a prophecy of a child born centuries ago, will be nothing but the mildest of dreams. Your every waking nightmare waits for you on Earth, we will make you watch as everything and everyone, you have ever loved turns to dust, frozen in their own horror and fear. The cities that you so revered and gave power to, will crumble and in their ashes, monsters will rise that only horror stories have ever been able to conjure. And when they are done with Earth, they will come for you. And nothing you do will be able to stop them, Queenie.” He released her face, flicking his wrist with enough power to throw her to the ground, when he conjured the cage again, making it squeeze what was left of the air out from around her.

  Atlas looked away from the scene, turning to Soren and excusing himself. Halfway across the room, Soren held up his hand, “wait a moment, brother.”

  Atlas turned back slowly to the new King Titan, eyes flicking between the faces of the Gods on display, and back to Coeus.


  “I would summon him now, tell him that it is done.”

  Atlas nodded his head and turned, leaving the room, and leaving the rest of us in confusion. Who were they talking about?

  The question only hung in the air for a few seconds, before our attention was returned to the crisis at hand. Gage pressed an arm through Oliver’s magic cage and grabbed Renae, pulling her to her feet and guiding her to the threshold. She turned back at the other Olympians in fear and worry before she was unceremoniously shoved through the portal. One by one they made their way through, each of the Gods, directing them through and down to earth.

  Savannah was the last one who made her thoughts known to us all, especially me.

  “This isn’t over! You think you’re going to win, but we’ll be back and you’re going to wish you just killed us. And you—” her eyes turned to me, icy cold and full of hate. “I shouldn’t have been so surprised to see you’re nothing but a pathetic, backstabbing, bastard. If you think you’re safe with them, well, I can only hope you get a dose of your own slow, poisonous medicine.”

  “Alright, enough.” Gage tipped her forward in the portal and Savannah’s body slithered out of sight. I turned away from it slowly, turning right into Soren’s waiting gaze.

  We stared at each other for a moment, and I vaguely wondered if this was the moment when I was next. The other Titans began to chat around us; the excitement of their success bubbling, while Soren maintained his thoughtful gaze. Finally, he nodded and turned away, addressing Montgomery and the two bowed their heads, discussing in a quiet whisper their plans.

  I stepped off the platform again, sidestepping the two bodies and the pools of bodily liquids oozing from them, and returned to the drinks table. Thank the Gods for alcohol. I picked up a whiskey bottle lovingly, and aerated the bottle thoughtfully, before swigging from it.

  Something wasn’t right about this whole scene. Soren had publically murdered two of his Godly children, then released everyone onto Earth. It had played out exactly as Lincoln had warned me, and something about that didn’t sit well. Why would he kill Leto and Asteria, only to spare everyone else? He had drained both of them, mostly, of their magic, before killing them and if that was his intention—to make himself the most powerful God of all —why didn’t he drain others? Why just his own children?

  “Griffin.” I turned to the seven pairs of eyes watching me, “Death is your thing. Dispose of the bodies for us.”

  I nodded my head, hanging the bottle at my side before casting my eyes down at the two dead girls. I felt my stomach coil and curdle again, so I swallowed hard and forced a smile, as I looked back up at the new leader.

  “Anyone have a fag?” I asked hopefully, trying to seem nonchalant and calmer than I felt. If they were up to something bigger than what Lincoln had imagined, I needed to stick around and learn as much as I could glean from their secrets. In the end, it would only help Aidan to know the full extent of their intentions. That is, if they trusted me enough to tell me. I felt as though my probation was failed now.

  “Here you go.” One of the lackeys held out a pack of smokes for me and I took it with a nod. I didn’t bother to wait or do my task first, before I fished out a cigarette and stuffed it between my quivering lips. I tilted my head down as I quickly lit the tip, inhaling sharply and letting my eyes close as the nicotine took hold. My nerves steeled instantly, while I breathed out the smoke and straightened out.

  “Better,” I said, in way of thanks, before stuffing the rest of the pack in the back of my dress pants, and eying the bodies once more. I might’ve been the God of the Dead, but that didn’t mean I knew how to dispose of bodies. There had to be an easier way to get them into the Underworld than dragging them there after me. I glanced thoughtfully at the portal but then; I didn’t exactly know how to use it.

  What did it matter though? This wouldn’t be the first time I had handled a dead body, and it probably wouldn’t be the last with my new career. Atlas had warned me about this, I would have to handle unnecessary deaths, because it came with the job. I just had to suck it up and do this, for my own sake, and for the sake of the reign of the future Olympians.

  The Titans began to filter out of the room after a while. They disappeared to celebrate maybe, or even to sleep. Whatever their excuse, the sudden emptiness of the room left me alone with my thoughts and my God; assessing the situation I had gotten myself into.

  I plucked the fag from between my lips and let out a slow, steady stream of smoke, while I surveyed the damage of the room. Magic had destroyed busts and friezes, there was blood splatter spoiling the marble floor, and every throne was so thoroughly shattered, there was nothing that could be salvaged. No doubt that was the work of Soren, making a point of who exactly was the ruler now.

  I slipped the end of the cigarette back between my lips as I moved closer to Leto and crouched at her side. The state of her corpse turned my stomach still, but the alcohol made it easier to push those weak feelings aside, if only for now. Grabbing her by the shoulders I felt myself go weak again as my fingers sunk into her flesh, like she was made of nothing more than room temperature butter. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes, beckoned myself to somewhere else and tugged.

  It didn’t take lo
ng to get her to the portal; it was more a case of figuring out how to make the portal go to the Underworld. I set Leto at my feet and stared at the threshold, looking for my answer and waiting for Hades to try and help. I considered my magic, and wondered if maybe, it would have ties to the Underworld strong enough to conjure a portal. I reached out, laying my hand on the framework of the door. The carved stone underhand was cool, but pulsed as though with a life of its own.

  This had been where the centaurs and other creatures had come through. Atlas must’ve created it initially; but somehow, Gage had known how to manipulate it to send the others through to different places. Like anything in Olympus, perhaps it was as simple as a thought. So I closed my eyes and I pictured the Underworld. I imagined the River again underfoot, teeming with souls and speeding through the cavernous valley, toward whatever judgment lay in wait.

  When I felt as though the connection I was feeling to my domain was pulsing strong enough from the threshold, I looked down at Leto and set the heel of my shoe on her shoulder. It was discourteous, but I didn’t want to touch her again. As it was, I already felt like I had to shower for eternity to wash away the sensation of my fingers sinking into her flesh. With one quick kick, I pushed her through the portal and she sunk away from this realm into the next. Hopefully, she’d gotten to the right destination.

  I grasped the fag again and took another deep toke before casting it away, grounding it down with my toe before returning to Asteria’s side. At least she was easier to look at than her sister. She still looked human, just sleeping with a sword in her chest. I grabbed the hilt, pressing one hand down into her chest to hold her body, while I tugged the sword out with a lot more effort than I wanted to admit.

  She gasped suddenly as the motion jerked her body, and immediately I pulled back in horror, staring down at her in shock. She was still alive!

  “Ha-Hades?” She coughed, blood spluttering from between her lips. How was she still alive? Some part of her soul must’ve remained in her body after he had thought she’d died. It was fighting to survive.

  “Don’t talk,” I said lamely, falling to my knees as I reached out and cradled her head in my hands. She winced in pain, coughing again, and this time, it splattered all over me.

  “I’m dying,” she said sorrowfully. She turned her head so she could see my face. I nodded, a frown creasing my features. Comfort wasn’t my forte; in fact, I couldn’t recall a single time I had given consolation to anyone who’d ever been hurt or dying. I was probably, the worse person for this kind of situation; I had nothing to offer in terms of solace.

  “Can you end it?” She looked up at me, her eyes wider than normal and glassy. There was a way I could relieve her suffering, of course.

  “Are you sure?” I asked with a frown. She coughed again as she tried to nod her head, and I understood. Unless I found someone who could heal her—which I wouldn’t— she would stay in this state of being. She would never pass on and she wouldn’t heal either. It was a terrible limbo to be caught in. I only wished Valentina was here, she would be able to fix her. That much I was sure of.

  “Alright,” I said softly. Retracting one hand from behind her head, I placed it over her eyes. I could feel a deep throbbing in my body, excitement at the prospect of what lay in my lap. I didn’t want to take so much pleasure from killing someone, but the sick thing was, in these moments, I felt more alive and content with myself than

  I ever did. This was the state of my true nature. I was he who reveled in suffering and delighted in bringing the end.

  Words came to me then, inspired by the dormant voice in the back of my mind, I whispered to them in a language that I hadn’t known in my mortal life. I blessed her, wishing she found release in the next stage and praying that she might be taken up to Elysium and not be left wandering the rivers in torment.

  When the prayer was finished, I set to work, seeking out the light that still lingered inside of her. It was brighter than the one that had once belonged to Leto and I felt a thrill of excitement buzz through me. I tried to focus on my task, to treat it like the job it was, and not as if she had given me an early Christmas present. I felt her gasp from beneath my palm, her mouth slackening in surprise and her lips remained pressed against my hand, giving me the second sense of when she was completely gone.

  Her light filled me, coursing through my body and making me vibrate with power, until I reached the end of the pool, the last drops trickling between us as she breathed out the last, cool, sigh of life.

  “Be well, my friend,” I whispered respectfully, before drawing my hand away, closing her eyes as I did. I glanced over my shoulder and looked to the Underworld’s portal. This might be my last chance to go down to Valentina, to free her and warn her of what had happened up here.

  But, we shouldn’t warn her. Hades spoke suddenly, awoken by the sudden surge of life from Asteria. We can’t wake her because she will come here too soon; she should come when she is ready, when she has the power to help.

  He was right. If she came before she had fully come into Persephone, then it might ruin everything. But, we could still set her free, and this still might be our only chance to do this. If Soren asked why I went down to the

  Underworld, I could use the bodies as my explanation.

  I looked down at Asteria again and frowned, finding no joy in traveling between realms with a corpse. I had no choice. Taking a deep breath, I stood up again, gathering her awkwardly in my arms, before dragging her over to the threshold. I cast one, slower, glance around the damaged room; and decided I was completely alone, before

  I slipped between this world and the next.

  Chapter 9

  I returned to the deepest pits of my realm, with my arm still wrapped tightly around the dead girl. I felt the world around me pulse with excitement at the prospect of the feast I’d brought with me. I winced gently, as I set her down, stepping away to watch as the ground around us shifted and coiled around her like a snake, consuming her corporeal body. There was nothing grotesque in its consumption, it merely swallowed her in a single bite and a ripple of delight was cast about the throne room.

  I arched an eyebrow at the walls around me, expecting for a moment that it would come for me next, or burp, or something. But nothing occurred following my unintended payment. At least, nothing happened that I would’ve expected. Instead, it felt almost as if the darkness that I constantly felt scratching at the back of my mind, threatening to take me in its grasp, for once and for all, dimmed a little. There was less longing inside of me for the dark, gruesome things I often fretted about, instead, I felt almost peaceful.

  I looked around the throne room in contemplation, wondering vaguely, if this place was the answer to controlling the abyss I felt chasing me. That would mean the drinking was all for naught, that Hades wasn’t, in truth, my enemy as I had painted him, but another victim to this dark terror.

  If we fed it, offered it the souls and the bodies it needed to thrive, it would leave us alone. Perhaps, this place was as much a curse and a burden on Hades, as he was on me.

  I frowned thoughtfully to myself as I considered all this, turning in place, and leaving the throne room. It was certainly something to deliberate, if this were the case. But, I didn’t have any time for my problems, which was a change. Instead, I needed to focus on getting to Valentina, letting her go, and returning to the Titans to watch what they were up to. Any intelligence I could gather that might help the other Gods, was important.

  But how was I supposed to free Val, without her thinking she could come with me? I frowned more, growing frustrated with my lack of planning skills.

  I didn’t have much time to consider it, as the hallways of the domain bowed to me, taking me through their hallways quicker than before, and transplanting me outside her door. I felt hesitant going inside, sensing a similar emotion, fringed with lust from Hades. He wouldn’t be helpful, not that he ever was.

  I pushed the door open slowly, peeking in first; to make sure she
was content and decent, before shouldering all the way through.

  “Val?” I asked, spotting her in the kitchenette with Cerberus, who didn’t appear all that happy to see me. I smiled tersely, holding a low hand out to the door, to show him I wasn’t a threat, before looking up at her again.

  Gods she was beautiful. She didn’t even try either, she didn’t have to wear makeup or dress up, like those other girls. She was just naturally beautiful, and so perfect. Just looking at her, made my stomach twist painfully and burn with desire. I wanted to sweep her into my arms, kiss her, and tell her I loved her that I was sorry, and try to make it all up to her; but I couldn’t. Not yet, not now.

  “Yes. And who am I speaking to?” She sounded weary, aged by the whole affair and another stabbing sense of guilt assaulted me.

  “Griffin,” my throat constricted with shame, making me feel like I choked on my own name. I cleared it and tried again, “it’s me, Griffin.” This was what she wanted to hear I hoped. I watched her eyes, looking for any recognition of the girl who had once sat by my bedside and nursed me back to health. But she was stoic and stone, staring at me like I had come to lead her to her death.

  I wanted to run.

  “He freed you then?”

  “Not so much freed as returned control to me.”

  “Right, I’m the only one he holds hostage.” I felt myself wince in embarrassment, glancing away for a moment before looking back up at her with a shy, sad smile.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “About what? That you couldn’t stop him? That he’s done this? That you can’t free me yourself?” Except, this is why I had come. I just hadn’t figured out how I was going to do it, without it seeming like a jailbreak and giving her the impression she could come with me. I also didn’t want her to hate me and think I hadn’t tried. How was I supposed to save her, the other Gods, and any possible future relationship we might have?


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