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Grace of Gods Boxset: Reincarnated Greek Gods YA/NA Series

Page 61

by Kyleigh Castronaro

  Valentina remained at my side as I spoke, squeezing my hand as I talked, to tell me she was there for me. Although I could feel her stiffen as I brought up my part in killing the two Gods.

  If she held it against me, she had already relaxed and moved on from that knowledge. I added it to the growing list of things we had to talk about later.

  “I’ll return to Olympus with Aidan to look for the key to the heavens that will bring you all back to your homes and your full power. I promise we will take back what is rightfully ours.” I nodded my head affirmatively, before glancing at Aidan hoping he would take over again. That was the most public speaking I had ever done, and it would probably be the last time too.

  “So that’s where you come in. We’re going to need to come up with a plan—”

  “Let’s kill them all!” Zane shouted, thrusting his fist into the air in a gesture of unity. Everyone looked around at him and nodded their head in agreement, but no one said anything.

  “If it comes to that, we will. But we need to also remember, that while these are cruel, thoughtless Titans who have done these things... inside of them all is a mortal who has been suppressed and endangered by their hunger for power. They are victims as much as the Titans are the villains. Death shouldn’t be the first option.”

  Zane dropped his hand and frowned, but nodded. I could tell that Ares wasn’t happy with his father’s logic, but it was a diplomatic answer from Zeus.

  “Griffin suggested earlier that we bring them here—lure them—and trap them. I think this is a good plan. Of course, Tartarus isn’t an option because they would think to expect that. But if we can come up with another way of getting them into the Underworld, they would be trapped and unable to leave without Hades’ permission.” Aidan glanced at me for confirmation as I nodded my head.

  “What if you create a portal through Olympus to the Underworld but trick the Titans into believing it leads to Earth where—as Ares suggested—we are supposedly waiting for battle.”

  Someone spoke and I followed the eyes of the crowd as they sourced out the speaker. I didn’t recognize the flaxen-haired boy that spoke, standing there casually with his hands tucked into the pockets of his worn out blue jeans.

  “Sorry, who are you?” Savannah stepped forward next to Valentina, squinting at the boy as she tried to place his face.

  “Asher.” He moved toward us, pulling his hands free and holding them out as a peace offering as he approached Savannah.

  “Who is your God?”

  “Asclepius.” He was probably just a God of waves or rocks, or something dull like that. None of us really cared to know who he was, we wanted to hear more about what he meant.

  “When you say portal…”

  “They pushed us through a portal onto Earth by using the key. If you can steal the key back and create a portal that leads to the Underworld... I can use my powers to make the portal look like it’s going to go to Earth. It will shimmer in the same colors as it does to go to Earth; but in truth, it will come down here and they will be trapped.”

  “You can do that?” Savannah inclined her head, slightly impressed by the thoughtfulness of this apparent stranger’s suggestion. He nodded his head, stuffing his hands back into the pockets of his jeans.

  “Piece of cake, really.”

  “And then we kill them,” Zane piped up again, making Valentina giggle softly at my side.

  “No killing, Zane,” Savannah said gently, before looking down at Valentina. “You’d have to bring us through after we’ve gotten the key back. It would be the only way back through to Olympus.”

  “Of course. Once the portal is created in Olympus, Valentina can lead me through the portal’s side here. We should be able to emerge relatively safely.”

  “What do you mean by relatively?” I asked, my hand flexing slightly around Val’s.

  “Well, mostly with Val being my guide through, since she’s still allowed in Olympus, I could potentially be thrown out. Or with any portal really, there’s always a chance it can close in the middle of transportation or a limb gets left behind. The usual stuff.” He shrugged so casually, like this was common knowledge that I found myself frowning. How much did this guy know about the magic of our world? Or more specifically, how did he know so much about the magic of our world?

  One glance at Aidan and Savannah, and I could tell they were wondering the same thing. Asher’s plan was good though, and I couldn’t fault it. It was exactly what we had been trying to think of. We could question him later about his knowledge, so long as the plan worked.

  “How are we going to trick them?” It was Nicola who spoke next.

  “I can do that,” I said, turning

  to look at her, my voice more confident than I felt about it. “Soren was onto me not being loyal. He’ll know now that I wasn’t, since I collected the smoke and stopped his plan. If I go to him and tell him that the Olympians want to meet for a fight, he’s egotistical enough to accept.”

  “Won’t they question why you collected it back if you… gave it to them?” Valentina looked up at me in horror.

  “Yes. I’ll have to reveal myself as a traitor.” She paled at the idea, so I hurried on. “Sure, it’s risky. But it’s a worthwhile risk if it helps restore the heavens.” My voice locked up slightly as I spoke, looking down at Valentina. She didn’t like this part of the plan, and neither did I, but we didn’t have anything better; and a half-assed plan was better than none. Soren was already onto me way before I took back my smoke. He would’ve been gunning for me anyways. If it came down to a fight, I, at least, should go to him myself and maintain some of my dignity.

  “It’s settled then. First thing in the morning, once we’re all rested and restored a little bit, Griffin and I will head up to Olympus and look for the key. Savannah and Valentina will organize from down here and we’ll create the portal, when we’re ready, leading to wherever Griffin creates to trap them.” Aidan looked at me for confirmation, so I bowed my head slightly. I had homework between now and bedtime, on top of talking Valentina, which I was still itching to do.

  “Okay, everyone is free to go. Get some rest, you will need your strength in the morning.”

  Slowly, the group dispersed and everyone made their way back through the hallway to the bedroom. Aidan and Savannah were standing close, engaged in a secretive conversation. I felt a seed of paranoia blossom as I imagined they were talking about me, before I felt Val tug on my arm.

  “C’mon, my prince. Let’s go see our bedroom.”

  “Our bedroom?” I felt my eyebrows raise slightly and she nodded.

  “Yeah, I figure even if we weren’t… ready for anything,” she said carefully, “as husband and wife— eventually—we’d have a shared bedroom. And I don’t really mind sharing a bed, I guess. So long as it’s big and you’re not a quilt hog.” She teased, leading me slowly to the same doorway the others had gone through.

  I nodded dumbly as I followed her in silence. I was trying not to read anything into anything she did, at least not until we got the chance to talk. It seemed too that our chance was drawing near as she brought me to our royal chambers. It was now or never, I couldn’t put this off for another night. I didn’t even know if I would have another night after tomorrow.

  Chapter 16

  Valentina went into the bedroom before me, giving me a chance to look around the room we entered. It was dark, light only lent by the sconces on the wall, illuminated by candles. The walls, like the rest of the Underworld, were carved of rock the color of jet. The floor was marble, dark like the walls, and cool to the touch.

  The room was accented with deep red curtains, a four-poster bed intricately carved and sheltering a cushiony king-sized bed. Valentina paused in the middle of the room and looked around as I did, staring at the massive wardrobe, equally as artistically carved as the bed was. Deep, pillowy cushions, like I had enjoyed in my sanctuary back on Olympus, were strewn in the corner by a bookshelf laden, no doubt, for Valentina’s taste

  “Cozy,” I tried sounding jovial, but there was no humor in my voice. I was nervous and there was no doubting that fact from my tone. Valentina turned sharply to face me, forcing a smile the way I was forcing my words, but I didn’t know why she was nervous. “I’m sure we can… Conjure two beds.” I said with a quick nod toward the king-size.

  Her eyes darted to the bed and I watched her teeth drag slowly over her bottom lip as she considered it before looking back up at me.

  “We can talk about that later.” Of course, there were other things we needed to talk about. I nodded and moved across the room, lowering myself onto one of the cushions before patting the one across from me for her. I didn’t know where we were supposed to start. I should talk to her about how I felt, how Hades and I both felt, just so we could clear the air and make sure we were both on the right page. No doubt, as well, she wanted me to fill her in on everything that had happened on Olympus.

  And there would be the question of our Gods, where we stood with them, and where we were going.

  She took her time coming over to the cushions, not taking her eyes off me as she sat down. It took her a moment, but she shifted the cushion closer to me, reaching out and touching her hand to my knee. It was such a small gesture, but it was all it took, to set me at ease. I looked over at her and she smiled softly, fingernails scratching against my jeans.

  “You’ve forgiven me too easily,” I finally said, breaking the ice.

  Valentina shook her head, “no I haven’t. Love doesn’t have a consistent timeline that applies to everyone. While one might take years to forgive someone, another can take hours. The way you hurt me, you couldn’t have known it would hurt me in that way. What you did, wasn’t a malicious gesture, it was simply an act of desperation by a husband who misses his wife.” She held up her hand as I opened my mouth to protest, “However united you are with Hades, I am sure that when he has the whim to do something, there is no stopping him of it.”

  I looked away from her in shame, because it was true. I felt Hades’ presence every single day, he was the voice in the back of my head, but if he felt like it, he could be the devil on my shoulder too. And when he couldn’t be bothered to wait for me to catch up, he would take over, as he had on the plains of Stonehenge to capture the magic. Looking over at Valentina, I shook my head in disbelief, she was far too understanding and trusting. Those could be dangerous traits in the world we now lived in.

  Considering the words she said, something struck me, and I looked up with a frown, “you said I hurt you. What do you mean?” Val looked away from me for a moment, her eyes slowly surveying the room as a mixture of emotions, not typically known to her face, washed over it.

  “When Atlas found me… I had been locked in a closet for almost a week.” I shifted forward, a knot forming in my stomach. “My Uncle took me into his care a few months before, telling my father he needed someone to help him clean up his house and get him back on his feet. It was supposed to be for just 2 weeks, but 2 turned to 4, and a month to 3 and… Well, I lost track of time.” Her eyes flicked momentarily to meet mine, a frown perpetually chiseled in my brow. “He didn’t want me there to clean his house and play housekeeper for him… More like—housewife. With all wifely duties.” I leaned back instinctively, the weight of her words settling on me.

  “Like Hades to Persephone,” I said with a deeper frown.

  She nodded her head, fussing with the hem of her dress. “Atlas said we had to relive histories that bound us to our Gods. I had to experience that to understand Persephone I guess.”

  “And when he—I—locked you in the apartment.”

  “It brought up memories I didn’t want to relive.” She looked up at me and let go of the skirt to reach for my hand once more. “You didn’t know, Griffin. You had no way of knowing that this was more than just reliving the past between Gods for me.”

  “He shouldn’t have even done it to Persephone. You’re right—it’s no way of making someone love you.”

  “No, but he… doesn’t understand love. She never helped him understand it, they co-existed in their last life together and nothing more. But we,” she paused, threading her small fingers through mine and squeezed them, “we can show them the difference. It’s a reincarnation, not a repetition. Their past, doesn’t have to be our future. I don’t want it to be. From the very first time I saw you, I felt our connection. I didn’t understand it was because you were my Godly husband, but I do now, and that feeling has only gotten stronger with time.”

  We stared at each other for a moment, the darkness surrounding us, letting time and all our problems freeze for a moment while it was just us. Her full, rosy, lips curled up into a bashful smile. I was lost in it, missing her body shifting closer toward me, until her lips were so close, nary a breath could pass between us; and just like that, they were on mine.

  Her kisses were soft and concentrated, her fingers curled tighter around mine, as she pulled herself closer into our chaste embrace. The one free hand I had, slid around her waist and over her back, pulling her closer still. My instincts took over, a base need calling the shots as I settled her in my lap and let my hands roam where they hadn’t before. In between soft gasps and pecks, I heard her whisper words I could’ve never imagined someone would ever say to me—“I love you, Griffin.”

  My mouth on her neck paused as my eyes opened, and the heaviness of the moment’s severity held me bound. Pulling away slightly, so I could see her face, I let go of the places I was holding her by to cup her face gently. I sought for the right words to tell her exactly how I felt, a simple ‘I love you too’ not feeling strong enough, nor as compelling as I desired it to be. I loved her, but I loved her in a way that could move mountains, stop tides, or bring down the moon. She set me on fire in a way that made me feel invincible and vulnerable, all at once.

  I loved her too, but that didn’t tell her that I would tear myself apart at her command. I would give her heaven and hell, and anything else she asked for. But how did I put that into words?

  “You are my other half, Valentina, my Princess, partner, and soulmate. But even without magic and myths, you are my heart. The very life-force that keeps me alive. ’I love you’ is inadequate for what you mean to me. Without you, I would be dead.”

  She reached up her hand and pressed a couple fingers to my lips, shaking her head. “I love you is enough. It’s all I want.”

  “Then I love you, Valentina. I love you, I love you, I love you.” I pressed a soft kiss to her fingertips each time I said it, making the smile on her face grow brighter. That’s all I wanted to do from now on, make her, and keep her, happy. No more sadness and no more hurt. We both had dark pasts; but together, we could erase them in the light of our bright future.

  She replaced her fingertips with her lips, and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, her body flush against mine. We lost ourselves in each other’s touch, misplacing all sense of time as our lips carried on the words left unspoken between us, and we acquainted ourselves with one another physically. As layers were shed, I could feel her growing apprehension. Her motions were less smooth, faltering every so often as we kissed.

  “We don’t have to go any further,” I said softly, opening heavily-lidded eyes to see her properly. There was conflict waring on her features, her eyelids batting slightly, where they sat closed. Her teeth raked over her lip, catching the swollen flesh, and swelling it more.

  “I shouldn’t,” she finally said, opening her eyes to see me. “I’m supposed to wait until marriage.” I nodded my head, trying to appear understanding; but weren’t we—technically—already married by our souls?

  “But at the same time,” she continued, “does it really matter so much anymore? It’s not like I’m—a virgin.” She said with difficulty, looking down at the ground in shame. I shook my head quickly and adjusted her gaze, so she could see me again.

  “It does matter if it matters to you. We’re not going to do anything else you don’t want to do.
This doesn’t matter to me, I just want to be with you, even if it’s lying side by side in bed, holding hands and talking.”

  She looked at me sharply, “you mean that?”

  “Of course, I’ve had my fair share of sex… It’s lost its meaning to me. I’d rather wait and when it’s right make love with you, because that’s what it should be.”

  “I don’t want to wait, Griffin.”

  I looked back at her in surprise, suddenly confused by her conflict. “Are you sure? I really meant what I said.”

  She nodded her head sharply, “and what you said made me not want to wait. It’s going to be different with you, isn’t it?”

  “I would hope so.” I cracked a small smile before kissing her nose and standing up. I held a hand out to her, bringing her to her feet; letting the bits and pieces of clothing we’d removed fall, to the ground. Taking her hand, I led her over to the bed, watching her crawl into its vast spread, making her seem even smaller than she was.

  Seeing how little she looked, shocked me into realizing, this is how she would appear for eternity. She was going to be the perpetual child amongst the other Gods. The rest of us all belonged in our mid-twenties, but she looked even younger than her fragile 18 years. Time would be a burden on her, she would mentally grow older, but her face would never match that wisdom. Already, she was wise beyond her years, the result of a childhood having been ripped gracelessly away from her.

  “You are coming?” She was grinning with excitement at me, holding her hand out as I took it and crawled onto the mattress next to her.

  “Is Persephone okay with this?”

  “She doesn’t freely admit it, but she does love you. Him. There’s no distinction anymore is there?”

  I chuckled to hide my grimace as I shook my head, “there isn’t.”


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