The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane_Part Two_Summer secrets
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'I'll ask at the rugby this afternoon if you like?' Garrick offered, somewhat unhelpfully.
'Rugby? You may not have noticed but it's bucketing down with rain out there and blowing a gale. The fields at Little Pond Farm were like quagmires.'
Garrick shrugged. 'And your point is?'
Mia shook her head. 'My point is, rugby players are clearly insane. And obviously not as intelligent as chickens.'
'Does that mean you're not coming to watch?' Garrick asked with a grin.
'I'm staying in and reading a book.'
'And getting ready for your date tonight,' Ella reminded her.
'I'll be spending most of the day trying to think up a way to get out of it.'
But that was something she hadn't managed to do and Saturday night came far too soon for Mia. She resigned herself to the fact that she was going to have a miserable time apart from the hour or so of the evening where she and Ella would get to see three men, covered in little else but baby oil, gyrate around a stage.
Mia looked up the number for a minicab but they were rarer than the goose that laid the golden egg and she was told there was no chance in this weather. It hadn't stopped raining all day which Mia was sure was an omen. Justin couldn't take them because, as soon as he'd finished on the rugby field, he had to rehearse the show, so Mia was going to have to drive. Garrick offered but that seemed rather unfair. It was fifteen miles each way and in torrential rain. Besides, the one good thing about doing the driving was that if the evening turned out to be the disaster Mia thought it would, she could feign a headache and leave Ella to it. Justin would bring her home. The bad thing was, she couldn't have a drink. Garrick annoyed her on that score too, saying that it would be a good idea to give her liver a rest.
She was beginning to think she was so over her renewed crush on Garrick Swann. Until he said he would nip to the pub and see what was wrong with Alexia. The sudden pain in her tummy made her think perhaps she wasn't. Or perhaps the pain had something to do with the two iced buns and half a packet of chocolate digestives she had consumed that afternoon.
'Justin's meeting us in the pub next door,' Ella said, when they pulled up in the car park behind the village hall in Little Whitingdale. 'It's called The Green Man.'
'That's probably how my blind date feels. I'm feeling a little sick myself.'
'Will you stop it! We're going to have a wonderful night and your date is going to be gorgeous. I know he is.'
'That's put the kiss of death on it. Sorry. I just feel 'out of sorts' as Mum would say. Last night in the pub was a bit of a shock and all that stuff with Hettie telling everyone what we said about Jet is still upsetting me. I'm going to have a word with her about it. If she wants to continue working for me, she'll have to stop gossiping about us and repeating what she hears. How did Mattie, who clearly liked to keep things to herself, put up with Hettie for so long? I just don't get it.'
'Let's forget about all that tonight and have a good time.'
That was easy for Ella to say. She wasn't the one who had to apologise to Jet. But Ella was right. There wasn't much point in dwelling on it tonight and now Mia was determined to have a good time, no matter who her date turned out to be.
The first surprise was that the village hall was packed to the rafters with women of all ages, and not just women. There were a handful of men amongst the heaving throng. Justin had arranged for Ella and Mia to have seats at the very front, a mere few feet from the stage. They would certainly get an eyeful.
The second surprise was that Mattie had been right. Justin was an extremely talented dancer. Despite having watched the DVD, seeing Justin in the flesh was a completely different experience. Mia was expecting skimpy thongs, gyrating pelvises and thrusting hips. The show had all of those but it contained so much more. The dance routines could grace a West End stage. The timing was perfect, the men were unbelievably sexy and yet incredibly graceful too. The atmosphere in the hall was electric and yet no one stormed the stage, or tried to remove what little clothing the dancers wore. No one screamed suggestive comments or threw their knickers on the stage and when the show was finally over, everyone who wanted autographs formed an orderly queue. It was all somewhat surreal.
'Are the audiences always that well-behaved,' Mia asked when Justin joined her and Ella in the pub.
He'd changed into jeans and a T-shirt and looked like any other average guy meeting his date for a drink, except he was deeply tanned and had a better body than your average guy.
Justin laughed. 'Not always. A couple of times over the years we've had to call the police, but most women want to have fun. One or two think we'll do more for them than dance, if you get what I mean, and you'd be surprised how angry a drunk woman can get when she's told we won't have sex with her. Men can also be the victims of sexual harassment and assault. We have to be very careful how we handle situations like that. But thankfully, it's rare. What did you think of the show?'
'I thought it was brilliant,' Ella said, a little starry-eyed.
Mia smiled and nodded. 'It was, Justin. And Mattie was right about you. You are a talented dancer. But you're also a talented baker. Your iced buns are to die for.'
'Thanks. I assume that's not a euphemism.' He grinned and winked. 'I think I ended up with the best of both worlds. Ah. At last.' He tipped his head to one side as he peered over Mia's shoulder. 'Your date has finally arrived.'
And Mia got the third surprise of the night.
Chapter Six
Mia overslept. She had tossed and turned all night and didn't drop off to sleep until after four, which meant when Garrick woke her with a mug of coffee at half past eight, she had less than half an hour to get ready for her walk with Jet. She didn't have time to talk about her date last night but Garrick seemed determined to ask questions.
'Who was he then? Ella's not in her bedroom so either she got up very early and went out, or she didn't come back last night.'
Mia took the coffee, making sure the duvet was pulled over her chest. The last thing she wanted was a repeat performance of her 'exposure' the other day.
'Thanks for this but I wish you'd called me earlier. Jet's coming here at nine. Can we chat about this later? But Ella did come home last night, so perhaps she's gone to get more fresh bread.' She grinned. 'I heard Justin say that if she popped in early this morning, he'd put a bun in the oven for her. Corny, but amusing, and the way he said it, even made me want to rush round there first thing. I expect she set her alarm for five on the dot. Oh, my date was Bear. Bear as in the man, not as in naked.'
'Bear?' Garrick seemed almost as surprised as Mia had been. 'I didn't know he fancied you. He hasn't mentioned it and we've talked about lots of things concerning people in the village. He was the one who told me all that stuff about Jet when I was asking him about Mattie.'
'Bear told you that? That's a bit of a surprise. Either he trusted you not to share it, or he's not a man who's good at keeping private stuff, private. I must remember that, just in case. But I'm not sure he does fancy me. I think he got roped in, much like I did.'
'How did it go? Are you seeing him again?'
Mia shrugged and gulped her coffee. 'I don't know. He said he'd like to but …'
'But what?'
'Um. Can we please talk about this later? I need to get ready.'
'It's a simple question, Mia. It won't take a minute to answer.'
Mia sighed. It was anything but simple.
'He seems to be under the mistaken impression that you've got a thing for me. He said he doesn't want to tread on anyone's toes and he doesn't want to play games either.'
'He said what?'
'I know it's crazy. I told him we're just friends and that we've known each other most of our lives but … well … apparently when you were on your date with Alexia, all you talked about was me. Well, me and your ex, Fiona. And that was a real surprise because whenever Ella and I ask you about that, you tell us to mind our own business.'
Garrick dropped onto the
edge of the bed and shook his head. 'I … I don't remember doing that. Alexia asked about my previous relationships and I told her I'd moved back down south after living with someone for several years, but I'm sure I didn't say much more than that. As for talking about you.' He looked Mia in the eye and frowned. 'Perhaps I did, a bit. But only to explain why I was here and what good friends we are.'
Mia sighed again as Garrick looked away, shook his head and studied his hands instead.
Since Bear had told her that last night, she had been hoping it was true. Wondering if, deep down, Garrick could possibly feel the same about her as she did about him. Picturing them going on a date. Imagining that starry far-away look in his eyes could be for her and not Alexia.
'At least we now know what Alexia meant when she said, “You should know,” to me on Thursday night. And why she's being cool towards us both. I think you have some explaining to do. Perhaps you should tell her I'm going to be dating Bear. That might set her mind at ease.'
He jerked his head around to look at her and the crease between his brows was deep.
'Are you?' He stared into her eyes. 'Going to be dating Bear, I mean?'
Mia nodded. 'If he asks me. Yes. He's good-looking. He's fun. He's a vet.'
'What's that got to do with it?'
Mia shrugged and sighed once more. Until the ringing of the bell made her jump and spill her coffee all over the duvet.
'That's Jet!' she shrieked, as Garrick leapt off the bed. 'He's early. Oh God, Garrick. Will you go and talk to him and tell him I'll be fifteen minutes at the most. What's the weather like?'
'The weather?'
She grabbed her dressing gown and dashed across the room. 'Yes. Is it raining or sunny?'
'Why don't you open the curtains and look out the window?' Garrick swept the duvet off the bed and walked towards the bedroom door with the duvet tucked under his arm.
'I haven't got time. Just tell me for heaven's sake.' She hovered just inside the doorway of the en-suite.
'Sunny. In fact, it's a beautiful day. At least it was.'
She did a double-take at that. There was something in his tone that made her wonder what he meant. But she didn't have time to ask. Jet was waiting and she had less than fifteen minutes to make herself look beautiful. Well, perhaps not beautiful but at least half-human.
She did it in fourteen, although her hair was wringing wet and swept up into a pony tail and the dress she'd struggled into was a bit too tight and revealing for a Sunday morning stroll along the beach. It was more appropriate for a night of dancing and romance beneath the stars. But she didn't have time to change. She rushed downstairs, through the kitchen and out onto the deck where Jet and Garrick were sitting drinking coffee. When she saw the look on Jet's and Garrick's faces as they turned towards her, she was rather pleased she hadn't changed.
'Wow!' Garrick said, turning a deeper crimson than Mia's dress.
Jet merely looked her up and down but in such a way that left her in little doubt that he liked what he saw. The twitch she'd come to expect from him turned into the broadest, sexiest grin she'd ever seen. If she hadn't been able to hold on to the backdoor frame, she might very easily have fallen into his arms right then and there.
Jet got to his feet, thanked Garrick for the coffee and looked Mia in the eye. 'Ready?'
She nodded and Garrick said he'd see them later, stood up and went inside, briefly touching Mia's arm as he passed her in the doorway.
She smiled up at Jet. 'Sorry if I kept you waiting. I overslept. I was out on a blind date last night, which turned out to be with Bear, and I didn't get much sleep.' Her statement didn't seem to bother him one bit.
'No rain today.' He grinned again, glancing at her sandaled feet. 'You know what that means.'
She shook her head. 'No way, Jet. I thought I made it clear, I'm afraid of water.'
'You did. Let's go.'
He took her hand in his and she glanced down at their clasped hands. It was as if she'd slid hers into a perfectly fitting glove. But it was more than that. It made her feel safe, somehow. It made her feel she could face anything. Even, eventually, a walk along the beach with him. Until, instead of walking back inside, he led her down the wooden steps and onto the garden path which in turn led to the sand dunes. And the beach. This was a bit too soon. She tried to pull back but his grip was firm and he strode ahead. Unless she wanted to be dragged, she had no choice but to fight him, or go with him. To her surprise, she chose the latter.
'Are you seeing him again?'
'What? Who? Garrick?' Jet's question was so sudden and coming on top of the very real fear bubbling up inside her, she had forgotten she'd tried to tease him with news of her date.
'Bear.' He glanced down at her and when she met his eyes, she saw genuine concern. He stopped and turned to face her, still clutching her hand in his. 'You really are afraid, aren't you?'
'Of dating?'
Jet grinned. 'Of water. Why would you be afraid of dating? There's nothing to it. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. There's nothing frightening about that.'
'That's easy for you to say. My love life up till now has been a complete horror story.'
He laughed and his grip on her hand tightened a fraction as they walked on. Or perhaps she imagined it.
'I suppose, if I'm honest, mine hasn't exactly been a bed of roses. Despite what you may have heard. Bear's a great guy though. Nothing frightening about him. Unless you're facing him on the rugby field. That's a different matter entirely.'
'I'll bear that in mind. No pun intended.'
'The answer's yes then?'
'Um. Are we still talking about dating? Or have we gone back to my genuine and all-consuming terror when it comes to water?'
'You're seeing Bear again?'
She nodded. 'If he asks.'
'You mean he hasn't?'
She shook her head. 'There … um … seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding.'
'About you and Garrick, you mean?'
'Yes. How did you know that?'
He met her eyes again but this time he didn't stop.
'I've seen the way you look at him. And the way he looks at you.'
'The way he looks at me?'
'You're not trying to deny the way you look at him then?'
'Um. Yes. I mean. No. We're friends. Good friends.'
'But you'd like him to be more than a friend, wouldn't you, Mia?'
This time she stopped. Her mouth fell open and she stared at him, wide-eyed. How on earth did he know that? He grinned at her and coaxed her to continue walking by a gentle pull on her hand.
'Yes,' she admitted, bowing her head so he wouldn't see her eyes. She was equally surprised and relieved that she'd finally told someone else how she felt, but astonished that the person was Jet. 'But he's not interested in me in that way.'
'Isn't he? Have you asked him?'
'No! I haven't asked him.'
'Why not? Women are supposed to be equal to men. Isn't it time they did the asking? All you have to say is, 'Would you go out on a date with me?' What's the worst that could happen?'
'He could say no and our friendship would be ruined.'
'Why would it? You're not going to stalk him, are you? All you say is that if he doesn't have feelings for you as anything other than a friend, you don't want the friendship to change.'
'Sounds simple but I don't think it's quite that easy in reality.'
'It's only difficult if you make it so. Ask the question, Mia. You might be surprised by the answer.'
She suddenly burst out laughing. 'This is so surreal. Garrick is dating Alexia. I've just been on a date with Bear. You're giving me advice on how to get Garrick to go out with me and yet you're the one walking hand in hand with me. Neither Garrick nor Bear have done that.'
Jet smiled down at her. 'Not just walking hand in hand, Mia. Walking hand in hand at the water's edge.'
Mia's head turned from side to side like someone possessed by a demon. She had been so preo
ccupied by the conversation that she hadn't even noticed that they'd left the garden, walked over the sand dunes and were now within spitting distance of the sea. She froze on the spot, her free hand shooting to his arm which she clung to as if her life depended on it. She swallowed, blinked and tried to stop her heart from exploding from her chest. She gulped in rapid breaths of salty, sea air as the gently lapping waves pounded in her ears. It was a miracle she didn't faint.
'You're perfectly safe, Mia.'
Jet's voice was soft and soothing but she could hardly hear it above the roaring of the sea and the screeching of the gulls circling overhead, even though she knew neither one was making the dreadful noises she could hear. It was just her fear kicking in and exaggerating every sound, every movement, every horror. She let out a scream, screwed her eyes tightly shut and buried her head against his chest, throwing her arms about his waist and holding on for dear life.
He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. 'I'm so sorry, Mia. I truly am. I hadn't realised you would be this terrified. I wouldn't have brought you so close if I'd known. Both Garrick and Ella said you can walk along the shore if you feel safe. And you are safe, Mia. I promise you. Nothing bad's going to happen, Mia. You're safe and sound. Trust me. I'll take care of you. Now we can walk away, or you can take a few deep breaths and open your eyes and look at me.'
She shook her head maniacally.
'Okay. Just take your time. I'm here. The water isn't going to touch you. I won't let it. I'll succeed where King Canute failed. I'll hold back the tide from you.'
He joked but Mia didn't find it funny.
'It may mean I'll have to sweep you up in my arms but you don't mind that, do you? How much do you weigh? Not much from the look and feel of you.'
He gently poked her with one finger whilst keeping his arms tight around her.
'If you were one of my chickens, I'd have to fatten you up. Nothing worse than a scrawny bird. Not that I'm saying you're scrawny, or a bird, because you're not. In fact, I think you're pretty near perfect.'
She gave a little gasp at that.
'You know what people are going to say if anyone sees us standing here like this, don't you? Still, I guess it's as good a way as any to see how Garrick really feels. And Bear for that matter. Jealousy can do incredible things to spur a man on, you know. Feel free to jump into this conversation at any time, Mia. Any time at all. But there's no need to rush. It's Sunday and I've got all morning free. The tide won't turn for a while. I checked the tide tables. And it takes several hours to come in. It's still going out for the next fifteen minutes and it's at least ten feet further away than it was last time you looked.'