The Cottage on Lily Pond Lane_Part Two_Summer secrets
Page 7
'Mia. Please. Don't be like that.' Bear sounded contrite as he reached out and touched her arm, but she shook him off.
'And you can take your surgery and shove it up your arse, Rupert bloody Day!'
She shoved the back door open and stormed into the garden, tears of anger and frustration pricking at her eyes.
But as she picked up her pace and ran towards the dunes, a question popped into her head.
Had Jet Cross placed a bet, and if so, how long had he given her to stay?
And more importantly, who had he named as the 'next in line', because for some bizarre reason, she was beginning to think the person named in the sealed codicil, could very well be him.
Chapter Ten
Mia got within twenty feet of the sea before she realised where she was, and when she stopped, her heart thumped in her chest and her breath came in gasps. It was partly due to the fact that she was so unfit, but it was also obvious she wasn't over her phobia yet.
Garrick was calling her name and he quickly closed the distance between them, pulling her into his arms and holding her so close she could hear the drum of his heart as the warmth of his body melded with hers.
'For a minute there I was terrified you were going to run right into the sea. It may be summer but that's water's still freezing. I would've killed you if I'd had to come in and drag you out.'
His voice was tender with an equal measure of concern and reassuring humour.
Mia giggled into his chest. 'There's not much chance of me ever running into the sea. My fear will always kick-in. But if I had, you could've simply left me.' She looked up at him, safe in his embrace.
'No, I couldn't, Mia.' He smiled and gently brushed a wayward lock of hair from her face. 'In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever be able to do that.'
'What?' She didn't dare to hope. 'Let me drown?' She grinned at him as they stared into each other's eyes.
'I think you know what I mean.'
She slowly shook her head, her gaze still locked with his. 'Do I, Garrick?'
'Don't you? I think it's pretty obvious, even though I've done everything I could to try to deny it. I'm terrified I'll lose your friendship.'
'You'll never lose my friendship, Garrick. I'll always be your friend, no matter what.'
'But I want to be more than friends, Mia.' He let out a heavy sigh. 'There, I've said it. I know you probably don't feel the same and I know you're about to inherit a fortune. I probably couldn't have picked a worse time but when I came in and saw Bear leering all over you, that was the final straw. I couldn't take it anymore.'
'But you're dating Alexia. You're besotted with her.'
He shook his head. 'I'm not besotted. She's gorgeous, yes, and I thought … Well, if I'm going to be completely honest, I was still in love with Fiona when I came here. I had hardly seen you over the last few years, but the minute I saw you again, I felt something. I thought it was just a rebound thing, you know? Then I saw Alexia and she reminded me so much of Fiona and, I'm ashamed to say this, but I thought I could have a fling with her and that would get Fiona out of my system, once and for all. But Fiona's been replaced by you. No. That didn't come out right. I don't mean replaced. I mean. God, I don't know what I mean. I wish I'd never opened my big mouth but it feels as if I've been keeping this secret for too long. The more I tried to fall in love with Alexia, the more I wanted you.' He let her go and ran a hand through his hair. 'I'm sorry, Mia. You probably think I'm a complete jerk.'
'No I don't, Garrick. But you are still dating Alexia, aren't you?'
He shook his head again and kicked the sand with his shoe. 'I won't be after I tell her it's over.'
'You're going to do that?'
'Because I can't pretend any longer.'
'But I thought you couldn't wait to have sex with her and … and you took her all those flowers.'
'I was overcompensating. I was trying to make myself believe I felt something for her but I didn't. I don't. And when it came to sex.' He laughed mockingly. 'I can't believe I'm saying this, but I couldn't bring myself to go through with it. And I don't mean I couldn't do it physically. I'm saying I simply didn't want to. I'm not one of those guys who can have meaningless sex just for the fun of it. I wish I were, but I'm not.'
'I'm very glad you're not. But Alexia's gorgeous and has the body of a goddess. I'd do anything to have a body like hers.'
'Would you? That's odd. I'd rather have you in my arms any day.'
'You would? You mean it? You prefer me to Alexia?'
He nodded. 'No competition as far as I'm concerned. And it's not just about your body. I like so much more about you.'
'What exactly are you saying? That you like me? That you fancy me? That you … that you don't want to have sex with Alexia but you wouldn't mind having sex with me? Is that what you're saying?'
He laughed and nodded. 'Yes to all of that. Only I was hoping I could find a more romantic way to say it. I think I've rather cocked it up though, haven't I?'
Mia slipped her arms back around his waist and leant into him, looking up into his eyes and seeing surprise mingled with hope. 'Nope. But I do have one question.'
He wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her close. 'Just one?'
Mia nodded. 'Garrick Swann? Will you please go out on a date with me?'
He laughed. 'Bloody Nora, Mia! Absolutely.'
'Oh. But you've got to finish with Alexia first. And I know I don't have to say this to a lovely man like you, but do it gently, won't you?'
He beamed at her, grabbed her hand and they hurried back towards the cottage.
'I'm going to tell Alexia right now, and then Mia Ward, you and I are going on a date. And before you ask, it's not going to be to The Frog and Lily.'
Chapter Eleven
Mia could understand the way the villagers had reacted when they thought she and her friends were spreading gossip concerning Jet and Mattie, but now that she knew they were making bets regarding her inheritance, since before she arrived in Little Pondale, she didn't feel quite as amicable towards them. There was also the added problem of her short-lived relationship with Bear. Despite the fact they had only shared one kiss, it might be awkward for both of them now that she and Garrick were an item. And Alexia had not been exactly thrilled by Garrick's news.
'You may want to consider avoiding her for a couple of days,' Garrick suggested to Mia and Ella later that afternoon. 'And perhaps you should consider giving choir practice a miss. I tried to break it off as pleasantly as I could but it seems Alexia has an issue with what she sees as rejection.'
'What did you say to her?' Ella asked, having been over the moon to hear that Mia and her brother were going on a date. 'It's about time,' had been her reaction when they had told her.
'I said that I thought she was beautiful and fun to be with. That any man would be lucky to have her by his side. But that I had rushed into asking her out when my heart still yearned for my ex-girlfriend and that since then, I had come to realise that I might have feelings for someone else. I added that it would be great if we could still be friends and that I hoped I hadn't caused her any distress as that was the last thing I had intended. I didn't get a chance to say more. She went ballistic. Called me every name under the sun and threw a pint of beer at me. Along with the glass.'
'Bloody Nora,' Ella said. 'Well, at least we know she isn't perfect. The woman has a temper.'
Mia frowned. 'She must've cared for you far more than any of us thought if that was her reaction.'
'I think I could've worded it better,' Garrick said, taking Mia's hand in his. 'I'm clearly not good when it comes to breaking up with people. Or with trying to ask people out.' He grinned. 'But we'd only had a couple of dates and we hadn't had sex. I thought she'd call me a jerk or something more colourful perhaps and then laugh about it.'
Ella punched him on the arm. 'If you even think about breaking up with Mia, you'll have me to answer to. And I won't
just throw a glass of beer at you. I'll throw the entire barrel. Not that you will consider breaking up with Mia, will you?'
'That's unfair,' Mia said, laughing. 'We haven't been on a date yet. We've been friends for years and we like one another a lot. I was so jealous of Alexia, but for all of that, there are no guarantees when it comes to love. Things may not work out between us no matter how much both of us want them to. I hope, if it does ever come to either one of us wanting to break up, we'll still be friends, regardless. And I promise I won't throw anything at you if you dump me. But I think your break-up speech could do with a bit of work.'
'It was crap, wasn't it? But hopefully, that's the last time I'll need a break-up speech. And I promise, if this doesn't work out between us and you ever want to finish with me, I'll take it like a man and only sob in a corner once you've left me.'
'Oh God,' Ella said. 'I'd better go and tell Justin what's happened. I think it's better if he hears the news from me. And if you two can take your eyes off one another for five minutes, could one of you go and check on Hettie? She was fast asleep when I left her twenty minutes ago. She's absolutely fine now I'm sure, but what are we going to do about her? Are we going to send her home alone or should we ask someone to stay with her?'
'I still feel responsible,' Garrick said. 'And I don't think she should be alone tonight, do you?'
Mia sighed and shook her head. 'No. I think you're right. I think she needs to stay with us. And that means we'll have to postpone our date.'
'Bloody Nora.' Ella got to her feet. 'This relationship has ended before it's even started! I can look after Hettie. You go on your date.'
Mia frowned and so did Garrick. 'It wouldn't feel right,' they said in unison, and smiled.
'We've got all the time in the world,' Mia added.
'Absolutely. We can go on a date when Hettie's back to her old self. Let's stay in tonight and I'll cook something nice for supper. Why don't you ask Justin if he wants to join us, Ella?'
'I'll ask,' she said, dashing towards the door, 'But it's Tuesday and it's choir practice so he'll probably go there. I'll tell him to tell the vicar we won't be going and – Jesus!'
Mia jumped to her feet a nanosecond after Garrick and they raced to Ella's side. On the doorstep lay a bunch of dead flowers.
'Do you get the impression someone is sending us a message?' Ella said. 'First the frog, now this.'
'It's me they're meant for,' Mia said, as Garrick clasped her hand in his.
'Not necessarily.' Garrick bent and picked them up. 'I gave Alexia flowers, remember? This may be her way of telling me what she thinks.'
'Yeah,' Ella said, sarcastically. 'Because throwing a pint glass at your head may not have got the message across, you mean? And dead flowers say so much more.'
'Coo-ey,' Hettie called out from the living room. 'Is everything all right?'
'I'll go,' Mia said. 'I don't want to sound like a drama queen but I think it may be a good idea if you go with Ella, Garrick. Just in case.'
'Safety in numbers?' he smiled, reassuringly. 'This is just a childish prank. I'm sure no one in the village is planning to harm us.'
'Perhaps not. But I'd feel more at ease if you went. I'll be fine with Hettie.'
He kissed her on her forehead and followed his sister out, tossing the flowers in the rubbish bin on the way. When they had crossed the lane and were walking beside the pond, Mia closed the front door. And then went back and locked it, shaking her head at her need to do so, and forcing a grin, but not in an entirely confident way.
'What's happened, deary?' Hettie asked.
Mia explained the events since Hettie's episode, as briefly as she could.
'Good heavens, deary. So Garrick has finished with Alexia and you have finished with Rupert and now Garrick and you are going out. And someone has left a bunch of dead flowers at your door. And you're upset with the entire population of Little Pondale because of two silly bets. Have I got that right, deary?'
'Yes. Except they're not silly bets. They're serious because there's a great deal of money involved in Mattie's estate and it seems someone doesn't want me to inherit. The whole thing was supposed to be confidential so how did anyone find out about it in the first place? And why now? Why didn't this start when I arrived? I'm pretty certain Mattie wouldn't have mentioned the terms of her will to anyone. Her new solicitor who took over from his dad, definitely wouldn't have told anyone either and he doesn't even know who the 'next in line' is, so how can anyone else?'
'I see, deary. Well, when you put it like that, I understand why you're upset. But if the frog and flowers are meant to make you leave, dear, perhaps they only started now because it began to look as if you're here to stay. When you arrived, most of us thought you'd soon be bored living here – yes, even me, deary. But then it looked as if all three of you had found love with local people. Garrick and Alexia, Ella and Justin, and you and Rupert. You all appeared to be settling in, deary. But I don't think anyone does know who the 'next in line' is. Everyone was simply guessing. It really was just a bit of fun, deary. But yes. I know. We shouldn't be having fun about such a serious matter. I may be an old fool but I do understand that. Now that you've explained how upset you are, that is, my dear.'
Mia nodded. 'I see your point. So you think that now that I'm dating Garrick, perhaps it'll stop with the frog and the flowers, because we don't have any ties to here. But there's still Ella and Justin.'
'Yes, deary. I couldn't say if it'll stop or not, but I do know none of us in Little Pondale would wish you any harm. I think young Garrick's right. It's just a childish prank. Isn't that what he said? Perhaps I might offer a piece of advice. Why don't you have a quiet word with Freda and tell her how you feel, dear? I'm sure once she knows you're upset, she'll cancel the bets and give everyone back their stakes and that'll be the end of it.'
'Will it? I'm now dating the man who has just dumped the daughter she idolises. Plus, whoever left the frog and flowers may not have placed a bet. That person or persons may know something we don't. It's a toy frog and dead flowers so far, and I'm glad you think no one would wish us any harm, but what might they do next, I wonder?'
Hettie reached out and squeezed Mia's hand. 'Now, now deary. I think you've been reading too many of those thrillers. This is Little Pondale, my dear. Nothing sinister happens in Little Pondale. Except for the curse, and as you haven't been to Frog's Hollow on a Monday, or any day, I'm sure the curse won't harm you.'
'You said earlier that it might. That perhaps we we're meant to be here.'
'Nonsense. That was me just being a silly old woman who likes a bit of attention, deary.' She let out a long, raspy sigh and shook her head. 'The truth is, I'm lonely, dear. Prince Gustav doesn't talk much and Hector's always busy these days. He's preparing for his next life, you know. I'm sorry if I've said or done anything since you've been here to make you feel unwelcome. And I'm sorry I repeated what I heard the other day. I want you to stay, deary. Matilda would definitely want you to stay. Don't let these silly things upset you, my dear.'
Mia smiled at her, and after a moment or two she asked: 'Why do you always call my great-aunt Matilda and not Mattie?'
Hettie shrugged. 'I suppose it's my way of showing her respect. And of keeping a little bit of her special to just me. I know that's silly deary, but she meant the world to me. I expect I probably got on her nerves, but she was kind and caring, and always willing to listen. She was the one who gave me Prince Gustav, deary. She knew I liked rats. She said it would be good for me to have another living creature in my home. I'm allergic to cats, and dogs are too much trouble to look after. She was right, bless her. Matilda was always right. I thought of her as one of my very best friends.'
'Really? Um. When we first arrived, I got the impression that you thought she wasn't very friendly. I can't recall your exact words but it was about becoming friends immediately then you changed it to friendly neighbours and said something about everyone being friends in L
ittle Pondale, unless some people choose to keep themselves to themselves and have little secrets, or some such thing.'
Hettie raised her brows. 'Did I?' She rubbed her chin with her finger and thumb and thought for a moment. 'Oh yes, deary! I remember. It was when I said how much you resembled dear Matilda, and that I'd seen a photo of her as a girl. Oh deary me. That's because I talk ten chickens at a time, my dear. What I meant was that we didn't become friends immediately, we became friendly neighbours immediately. But after a while, we did become friends. Good friends, I think. Although I'm sure I thought more of dear Matilda than she did of me. But that's just fine, deary. No, no. The person I meant when I said about keeping themselves to themselves and having little secrets, wasn't Matilda.'
'Oh? Who was it then?'
Hettie looked around as if she thought someone might be listening before leaning closer to Mia. 'It was Grace, my dear. Grace Tyburn. The vicar's grandma.' She leant back against the cushions. 'Matilda didn't keep herself to herself. She joined in with everything in the village, and neither did she have little secrets, deary.' Hettie chuckled. 'Matilda's entire life was a secret. But we all loved her anyway.'
'Grace Tyburn?' Mia shook her head. 'I haven't met her yet. She's been unwell since we've been here. But wait! The photograph! You just said you saw a photo of Mattie as a girl.'
Hettie nodded. 'I did, deary.'
'Then where is it? There aren't any photos in this cottage and none of the photos we've seen were of Mattie as a girl. Do you know what happened to it?'
Hettie shook her head. 'No, deary. I don't. You're right though. I wonder where it's gone. There definitely was a photo. I believe it fell out of a book Matilda was holding, but it was a long time ago and I may be wrong about that, my dear. I bent down, picked it up and took a quick glance before I told Matilda she'd dropped it. I recall she had her back to me at the time, deary, and when I said how pretty she was as a girl, she turned around, looked somewhat surprised and then looked very sad. She gave me a weak little smile and took the photo back, saying something about it being another lifetime. And we never spoke of it again. And now, my dear, I'm feeling as fit as a flea, so I'd better get home and feed Prince Gustav.' She folded back the blanket but Mia laid a hand on her arm.