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Crown of Draga

Page 5

by Emma Dean

  The attention to detail astounded.

  There was a side-stage where a live band played the music Adelina had pored over for months, choosing each song carefully. The dark suits and black-wood instruments set a dark and mysterious tone. From the documents on the princess’s shreve, she had gifted the musicians those instruments after finally settling on the band. Later Masha would perform her dance and Nadyah was intrigued to see what the quiet, submissive girl could do.

  Another table was stacked with gifts for the princess. Then along one long wall was the buffet table groaning with delicacies from every planet. Nadyah couldn’t wait to see what kind of gifts the princess had received.

  When she had entered the ballroom with Alpha, Nadyah had been given a delightful party favor; a unique and delicate gold necklace with a single, dark-red fire opal drop. Without hesitation she’d turned and had Alpha put it on her. The details Adelina had thought of…No doubt the princess had designed the necklaces herself and Nadyah couldn’t help but notice how many ladies wore theirs.

  Her princess had made a subtle claim, a statement she doubted anyone but the Spider noticed. Nearly every single lady had opted to wear her gift and every male had replaced his cufflinks with her opal ones, and they glittered and shone like living fire throughout the ballroom. Adelina had claimed them all as hers with the gifts and they had accepted out of their love and adoration for the quietest, gentlest princess Draga had ever seen.

  The fire opals caught the light of candle flame.

  Adelina had picked up the courtesan’s subtle seductions with incredible astuteness, using real candles instead of sol-power. Even the drapes were a silky black like the ones at the House, fluttering in the midnight breeze from the open windows. The candles cast a warm glow rather than a bright one and the guests stayed close to each other, feeling the difference in the atmosphere from that of the palace.

  Nadyah smiled with pride. Her pupil was flowering in her own way. She was so proud of Adelina for accepting the challenge to bloom where everyone could see her, rather than in the dark of night like her signature scent – the night-blooming jasmine.

  As each day passed Nadyah wondered more and more what the next cycle would bring. Already she veered from the original path laid out before her. She had put the camerraleto on pause until they learned the results of Adelina’s genetic makeup.

  It made Nadyah wonder if she would ever go back to the House of Kismet.

  A glance at the massive, floating glass balls told her Adelina was a minute late already. For a brief moment she panicked as she wondered if something had happened to the princess. Alpha’s hand brushed hers. She glanced and saw him nod towards the top of the sweeping spiral staircase.

  Despite having just seen her, even though Nadyah had dressed the princess herself – the breath caught in her throat, and her hand fluttered to her heart when the lift doors opened. The smile on Princess Adelina’s face was blinding. There was a flush to her cheeks and when she paused at the top of the stairs for everyone to take her in…she was devastating.

  Wars would be fought.

  Rash declarations and promises would be made and Adelina would be the cause of them all.

  As the princess descended, the face of her escort became visible and the Master of Ceremonies announced the Princess and Prince. Then a different kind of hush fell over the crowd of glittering nobles.

  The pair of them together was like watching gods descend among them.

  Nash was massive and the blacker-than black suit contrasted his dusky brown skin. His aapoak eyes glittered like fire under the candles. The fire opals paled in comparison. The green flashed as he smiled at no one in particular, but there was no mistake he only had eyes for the princess.

  As Princess Adelina descended, her burgundy-red gown set off her golden skin and those lips were sinful. The dark kohl had been the right choice for this party. It amplified the dark flecks in her light-purple eyes and there wasn’t even a murmur as she made her way down the stairs with the dark warrior by her side.

  No one seemed to mind Prince Nash was the one who escorted Princess Adelina as he had just been declared an official ally once again with sanctuary granted. His place in the court was secure. No, it was the entire royal family who stiffened in disbelief and shock.

  How no one had thought to check who would escort their princess was beyond Nadyah. It only showed how truly oblivious they were to the third-born princess, who was considered too submissive to do something so wild. Raena’s cheeks grew red with fury and Nadyah clutched Alpha’s hand, praying to Amora, to Mala, whoever would listen – that Raena would keep her mouth shut and not make a scene.

  The king took his eldest daughter’s hand and held it with affection, giving her a little pat. Nadyah wasn’t sure, but she knew some of the rules of protocol were different tonight. And as long as Adelina was not alone with the prince she would not be going against Raena’s command. Nadyah would make sure she was never alone after having witnessed the crown princess’s fury herself.

  It didn’t seem as though Adelina even noticed. When she reached the bottom of the staircase the music changed and swelled into something dark and glorious; a celebration. Nadyah watched Nash sweep Adelina onto the dance floor, stepping at precisely the right moment, spinning them around and around with long luxurious strides. She sighed softly and smiled. It was one of the most romantic scenes she’d ever witnessed. Truly this moment was like something out of a storybook.

  Nadyah watched with unshed tears as Adelina closed her eyes, trusting in Nash completely. He led her without a single misstep throughout the entire song. Finally, the music slowed and Nash matched the time perfectly. On the final note he dipped her so low Adelina’s curls brushed the floor. Her extended arm held the pose as he stared into her eyes. The long note held and the strength in the arm holding the princess never once wavered. Then the music ended and he pulled them both up. The cheers were wild as Nash took a step back and bowed, holding Adelina’s eyes the entire time she curtseyed.

  King Orion then made his way to his youngest daughter as planned.

  Nadyah used the opportunity to move unseen through the crowd. She’d just spied Varan among the courtiers. No one noticed as she slipped by. They were too busy talking to each other or watching the graceful royals on the dance floor.

  Nadyah’s elbow brushed Varan’s and he glanced at her. His eyes widened at the sultry black dress she wore. A slit to her hip flashed skin and balanced out the modest boat-neck top. “Mistress,” Varan murmured with respect.

  She smiled and was secretly pleased with his reaction. For a long time she wondered if he ever found her attractive, but after seducing her last week she knew what to look for. Nadyah adjusted her auditory implant so she could listen to Adelina and the king’s conversation. She needed to know if there was some interference she should run later. “Have any trouble being let in, Prince?” she asked.

  Varan just chuckled. “Oh you only wish I had.” His hand slipped around her waist and he tucked her into his side. “The guards were rather admiring after my present.”

  She should step away, put some distance between the two of them, but honestly it was the last thing she wanted to do. Even if Jael saw them it didn’t matter now. Varan was accepted by the royal family and too valuable to avoid or assassinate. Nadyah turned so her back was to the dance floor. She wrapped one arm around Varan’s waist and leaned in to him, hiding her scan from the rest of the courtiers and nobles.

  It allowed her to look for Jael and listen to the king without bringing any unwanted attention to herself. Varan was silent and kept his eyes on the royals. The king’s words finally drifted to Nadyah and she sighed with relief.

  “Do you remember when I said you should never have to convince someone they should be with you, to love you?” King Orion asked gently. “How you want someone to fight for you?”

  Adelina’s sweet voice made her smile. “I remember, Papa.”

  “That boy would hang the stars if
you only asked it of him.”

  So she wasn’t the only one who noticed. Nadyah doubted Nash and Adelina were even aware of the way they looked at each other or how they moved when near the other. It was strange and mesmerizing to see how simple and easy they were together while neither of them noticed. The two were oblivious to all but their physical attraction.


  “Oh I do not like the complications and as king I’m rather annoyed. But as your father I believe he would protect you to the ends of the universe. He’s just having a hard time figuring out why he wants to put you before his kingdom.”

  Nadyah smiled at the wise words and glanced over her shoulder to see the king bend and kiss his daughter’s cheek.

  “I appreciate the words Papa, but Prince Nash and I are not considering a relationship.”

  She turned back to the crowd, wondering if the king might support such a union and if he would even live to see it.

  The king spoke one last time before the song changed. “You may not be considering one dear child, but we don’t always choose the pairings. Sometimes they choose us.”

  Nadyah kept the confusion from her face and kissed Varan’s cheek. “Have you managed to get any more intel?”

  His golden head glowed under the candlelight. Varan shook his head ever so slightly. “It’s getting more difficult to move my ships and get messages through. The shield is already partially closed, blocking off certain parts of space as an exit. It also seems to interfere with some of my tech. I need to speak with the Corinthian prince about commandeering some of his more advanced toys.”

  With a quick squeeze she released him. Nadyah would have to speak to Nash when she had the chance. Perhaps she would ask him to dance, despite knowing he despised her and her ways. It was the first time she’d ever witnessed such a reaction.

  Varan glanced up and then back at the guests. It had to be the third time he’d done so, too quickly for anyone to notice but her. “Are you afraid of spiders, Varan?” she teased, bumping his elbow with hers.

  The thief grimaced and shot her a look. “Absolutely terrified,” he admitted. “It’s not so bad when they’re smaller, but they just get so…big.”

  The spiders on Draga Terra were bigger than average which was why they were able to use their webs for spidersilk. Nadyah smiled. “I don’t prefer them, but they tend to leave us alone.”

  Varan grunted and crossed his arms. Then realizing his break in protocol, he uncrossed them again and clasped his hands behind his back like all the other noble males. “They are too close for comfort regardless. The shield could fail and all those spiders could descend on us as if we were a feast.” He gritted his teeth. “I’m going to dance with the princess and then leave.”

  His discomfort was too amusing. Nadyah covered her mouth with her hand to hide the snort of laughter. “Make sure to wait until all her brothers have had a dance before making a scene.”

  Once again Nadyah slipped through the crowd. It surprised her Varan would ask the princess for a dance, after all requesting a dance was an informal offer for marriage. She wondered if Varan even knew that.

  Nadyah pushed the thought to the back of her mind. She had work to do.

  No one noticed her or cared as they chatted and dined on the hors d’oeuvres and champagne. “Mistress,” she whispered, turning once more to watch Asher dance like a galina prowling through the jungle, treating Adelina like a delicate flower despite his aggressive nature.

  “What is it?” Jael asked in a bored tone. It would not be unusual for Nadyah to seek out the Mistress of her House at such an event, but Jael didn’t like taking chances that anyone would find out she was the Spymistress as well.

  Nadyah smiled despite the warning in the bored tone. “I need to know about the hidden royal library,” she whispered, so quiet none but Jael’s keen hearing could hear. “Adelina wants to find King Beo’s records on the Neprijat.” A kiss on her Mistress’s cheek allowed her to barely breathe the words into Jael’s ear.

  The sharp look Nadyah received had her trembling inside, but her princess needed to know and for Adelina, Nadyah would do just about anything.

  “I know of it,” Jael admitted. “I will need a full report of what is inside of course.”

  “Of course, tya volo e mia,” Nadyah murmured. Your will is mine.

  Without a royal Jael would never know what was in the secret library and Nadyah knew the lack of information was like a bur under the skin; itching and uncomfortable.

  Jael turned to Nadyah and kissed her gently on the lips. “I will send an encrypted file,” she murmured.

  Nadyah kept her face blank as she turned back to see Asher bow and leave the dance floor. Strangely enough Alpha and Asher had a short burst of conversation. She watched them closely. What could they possibly have to talk about?

  It was common knowledge Asher was difficult to get along with and he didn’t entertain those who would try and see past that for what his power could do for them. Asher had an uncanny ability to know when he was being used.

  The dark glitter in the prince’s eyes made Nadyah shudder with an odd mix of fear and desire. She would not be assigned as his courtesan, thank the goddess, but she couldn’t help but wonder what the dominant prince would be like behind bedroom doors.

  Finally, Ian released Princess Adelina. She was free to accept a dance from any possible suitor and Nadyah was fascinated to see Varan wasn’t the only one ready to pounce. Nash was already moving and to her surprise, so was Lord Marcus of Ushanov. She would have thought that one would be hunting the countess of Pedranus.

  The Prince of Thieves bowed before Adelina, beating the other two males by a hair. The shock that rippled through the room when he was recognized set Nadyah on edge. Instantly she was ready to move and protect if need be. Murmurs rose as they all asked each other if that was really the thief among the nobles, the one they’d all seen deliver the prisoner to the king himself on the livestream.

  The females tittered and couldn’t believe how handsome he was, even more so in person than on the livestream. Males glowered, but some looked more interested than angry. Nadyah gritted her teeth and filed the information away for later. Varan had certainly gotten the attention he’d wanted, and now he was a true contender for the Princess Adelina’s hand in marriage with her agreement to dance. All he had to do now was deliver the diamond for official consideration within the following month.

  Other couples began to dance now that the presentation was complete and Nadyah allowed Alpha to drag her onto the floor with the others. This had all been planned of course. Adelina had chosen who would fill the floor with her first official dance in case too many were fearful of the protocol and attention. Giselle danced with the golden Draga, Ian. William spun the Avvis beauty Masha across the floor, the girl’s skill obvious even in such a common dance. Joslynn tugged Sirus onto the gorgeous marble floor and Asher had Veri in his arms.

  As her hand pressed into Alpha’s, Nadyah studied the couples carefully. She couldn’t help but watch Varan with Adelina. From what she’d seen when the princess was Lina – a simple jeweler, the two of them had chemistry and an affection she would never have thought existed. As Adelina’s courtesan she knew of her princess’s sexual history and it did not include Varan, but the Prince of Thieves would be a good marriage match the common people would approve of.

  The jealousy felt sour in her belly. Even her heart fluttered with sickness. Nadyah didn’t understand this reaction. If Varan and Adelina happened to fall in love she could only be happy for them, two people she adored. Nadyah was a courtesan. She did not love just one person, but many. It was the curse and gift of her people. Jealousy was an emotion they did not experience, not when it came to love. Love freely, as Amora decreed.

  But as Alpha led Nadyah deftly through the steps she knew she was in trouble. The change of partners had her with Alpha, then Ian, and finally Varan who grinned at her like a man with hidden treasure. “Mistress, so lovely to see yo
u again,” he said pleasantly. The massive grin on his face begged to be slapped.

  “So it seems,” she murmured, unable to forget the way he’d tenderly held Princess Adelina only seconds ago. “Tell me something,” Nadyah said as they spun along the edges of the dance floor. “Did you come here just to make a claim on Adelina now that you know who she truly is?” Varan’s shock at learning his little cat, Lina, was actually a royal princess had been amusing.

  He looked down sharply, a slight frown on his gorgeous face. “I thought it didn’t matter to you, Mistress. You very effectively turned me down,” Varan reminded her.

  So he had known the significance of his request to dance. She practically growled with frustration. He was right of course, but she didn’t have to admit that to him. It didn’t matter that it would never work out between them, even if he was her mate. Nadyah still owed Jael, and her life’s work hinged on her status as courtesan.

  Varan would never allow her to continue that part of her life if they became involved, and she wasn’t willing to risk being mated to him – not when he could drop her with barely a moment’s notice. The bond only affected the one with courtesan DNA, not the average Kalan.

  “Adelina deserves more than you can give her,” Nadyah said through clenched teeth.

  It was a mistake and she hadn’t meant to say it, but these strange feelings of jealousy made Nadyah say stupid things without thinking. She wasn’t used to losing her control like a simple novice. Varan’s grip on her hand tightened painfully.

  “I believe I’ve done quite well, don’t you?” Varan demanded with a glare. “My contacts alone would serve the Crown well, not to mention what jewels and gems I’ve amassed over the cycles.”

  “Illegally,” she hissed.

  “Scavenging is not illegal,” Varan snapped.

  Nadyah yanked out of his grip as the song ended and gave him a mocking curtsey. “Are you trying to tell me you are a legitimate thief and Lord Greyson isn’t suddenly missing a precious heirloom he doesn’t even realize is gone?”


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