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Crown of Draga

Page 7

by Emma Dean

  Putting the sacred ragna in the ballroom had been the idea that set the entire tone for her coming-of-age party. Adelina knew how most felt about the spiders, she knew how uncomfortable it made them all. For a night where she was the center of attention, Adelina had known her anxiety would be close to the surface and the only way to put everyone else on the same footing as her was to unbalance them. Fewer people stared at her than they would if they weren’t constantly checking to see if the spiders were near.

  “Princess Raena?” a familiar voice asked.

  They both turned to see Lord Lucas bowing before Raena. Adelina doubted her sister would dance with him; her mood had been all over the place and volatile.

  “What is it?” the crown princess practically snapped.

  Adelina winced, but Lucas held his ground. He was the perfect soldier and didn’t dare look up at Raena despite his obvious dominance around the other guests. The male was gorgeous and in his prime. He would be an excellent choice for her sister if he wasn’t now the only possible noble to rule Treon.

  “I’ve received reports from soldiers of mine,” he said quietly so as not to draw too much attention. “They are still loyal to Draga and the true Crown. Some of them are stationed on outposts.”

  “This is not the appropriate setting,” Raena stated.

  It was a dismissal, pure and simple. Adelina tried not to flinch when Lord Lucas continued anyway.

  “I understand, but I just received a disturbing cast about some of the disappearing starships. I thought perhaps you would need this information for the War Council.”

  Raena glared at his break in protocol. Oh gods, would she have him punished right then and there? Adelina wasn’t sure anymore what her sister would and would not do. The rest of the ballroom fell away as she focused on Lucas and Raena.

  “Lord Lucas, I will overlook your lack of manners and protocol this once. Tonight, is a celebration and tomorrow you may present the information with facts and proof to me and my father. Please set up an appointment.” Her voice held barely restrained fury and the white-knuckled grip on the arms of her throne belied the patient words.

  Adelina got up, not bothering to excuse herself since it was the one night in her life she didn’t have to. “Lord Lucas, will you do me the honor of dancing with me?” She held out her hand delicately and gave him the shy smile everyone loved.

  Finally, the male stood from his bow with a strained smiled. “Of course, your highness.”

  She didn’t ask just to save his balls, Adelina wanted to know more about these disappearing starships. She remembered well the report Tamika had made not too long ago. If the planet of Treon was a launching point for the Neprijat, it would make sense they would also have plans for the starships, outposts, and the other border planet – Seprilles.

  Lucas was not a very good dancer, but he knew the steps. He was also understandably preoccupied.

  “Tell me,” she said. “What reports have you received?” Asking him was a gamble, but per the files she’d curated so carefully on her shreve, Adelina felt like the odds were in her favor.

  They twirled and it took him a moment to hear the words she’d said, for them to really register. When they finally did Lucas’s sharp gaze held hers as he studied her with a warrior’s eye. “I’m not sure the information is suitable for you, Princess.”

  Adelina nearly laughed. Instead she smiled again to put him at ease. “I serve the Crown and the galaxy, knowing what you know is part of my job. I cannot give Raena sound advice without it.”

  Lucas looked thoughtful and nodded. “All right then, as you know Treon and Seprilles share the border. When one is orbiting near the Khara galaxy that area of space becomes their domain, and when we reach the halfway point in the cycle our distance is too great and the new domain is ours to protect. Right now Treon is closest to Khara Prime which is why the Neprijat chose us to corrupt. Soon Seprilles will take over after keeping a watchful eye on the dragons, they do not like us in their territory but we make sure they do not make a move towards us from within our border.”

  Adelina nodded. She knew all this but Lord Lucas didn’t necessarily know that.

  “I’ve received reports from the outposts that starships go missing on patrols and they’re never heard of again. Pirates are few and far between so deep in the outer rim. The stealth tech from Khara could be the culprit if these patrols are being commandeered or even turned. This means an entire regiment could be hiding in our space and no shield will protect us from that.”

  The Treon soldier watched her as she absorbed all this. Could the Neprijat really be turning their own people against them? Adelina would need to ask Nash about every single piece of tech the monsters could have in their grasp. It was something her father or Raena hadn’t seemed to consider. They were all children of peace and this type of thinking was new to them. Their great-grandfather had fought the last real war, and that was centuries ago.

  Finding the royal library was a priority. Without those accounts, they’d all be slaughtered.

  “Is there no way to scan for these ‘invisible’ ships?” she asked. How much longer until the shield was fully closed?

  “Not with the tech we have, but perhaps the Prince Nash could assist. Will he be at the council meeting?”

  That was a good question now that Nash was officially recognized. Adelina searched the ballroom until she found him standing a head taller than everyone else and watching her like a hawk. “I’m not sure. What else are they saying on the borders?” she asked.

  Lucas gave her a grudging look of appreciation. No doubt he didn’t realize she had a brain under all her quiet, shy submission and pretty clothes. “The outposts selected to host the shield are powered up and ready to go. Some of the other outposts have seen nothing. Then there is one or two that have mentioned strange ships, black as space. They suck in all the light around them. They never cross the border, but they sit there, waiting and watching.”

  Adelina shuddered. Those monsters were watching their prey, learning their weaknesses and waiting for the perfect moment to strike – when they were at their weakest and most vulnerable. “Why would they wait? Do they not know about the shield? Once the shield is anchored there will be no way for them to enter the Draga galaxy,” Adelina mused.

  The song finished and Lord Lucas bowed. “I do not know, Princess, but it makes me as uneasy as you. I have the documented reports if you’d like them.”

  She curtseyed and gave him her sweet smile. “Please send me copies. Do not mention this to anyone unless directly asked by a higher rank.”

  They stared at each other for a moment as he considered the implications of her command and then he nodded with a grave face. “I appreciate this, your highness.” Then Lord Lucas disappeared among the guests.

  Adelina had to talk to Nash. He would know more than anyone what they could be facing. She turned and Lord Marcus stepped in front of her, blocking her path. Adelina glanced at Alpha on the sidelines in a plea for help. Instantly he moved toward her, but the possessive grasp on her hand was too quick.

  “Dance with me.” It was a command and not a request.

  Adelina kept her eyes on the floor. Her submissive nature wouldn’t allow her to refuse. Marcus hadn’t asked and she was made to serve no matter how she felt about it. Despite all she’d learned and everything she told Nash, when a person with such a high level of dominance used that power over her she had to bend or she would break. It was the command and the fear combined with her desire to submit that made it impossible to refuse.

  Marcus’s grip tightened and he pulled her towards him. Adelina’s eyes watered at the pain in her wrist and then the fear rose higher, stronger than the desire to submit. She tried to pull away, but he was too strong and Adelina was afraid to make a scene after taking such a risk with Nash as her escort.

  “I believe I had the next dance.” Nash’s sharp words had never been more welcome. The prince removed the grip from her arm and practically lifted he
r off her feet as he moved them across the ballroom floor and away from Lord Marcus, skillfully avoiding the other dancers. “Are you all right?” he hissed.

  The barely contained anger and violence in his voice made her shudder, but not with fear. Adelina leaned into his chest and again felt grateful she had listened to her instincts. Nash was the perfect escort.

  “I am better now,” she replied. It was strange how true the statement was. Instantly her nerves were quelled and the fear she had felt when Marcus had touched her disappeared.

  “You should have told him no,” Nash snapped, still angry but she knew it wasn’t directed at her.

  The music slowed and Nash adjusted with barely a blink. He was an exquisite dancer and Adelina enjoyed the excuse to feel the muscles under his suit. His hips led her in a dance of seduction. Her eyes flew open when she realized that perhaps they should have left the dance floor before this song had started.

  Adelina pulled back to look up into Nash’s mesmerizing eyes. “You know I am not dominant enough to say no to him.”

  The arm around her waist tightened and she was pressed against him fully. Nash claimed her. The possessive movements were a declaration, but he was still so furious she doubted he was even aware of it.

  “Nash, would you like to take a walk with me?” She needed to help him calm down before he snarled at another male which might include her father. He couldn’t afford to make that mistake right now, no matter how hard his instincts were riding him.

  He looked down at her and tightened his grip on her hand. “No, I wouldn’t,” he growled.

  Perhaps he was aware of his possession. Adelina nearly gasped as he rolled his hips against her. The skirts of her dress swirled as he turned the both of them. Her nipples tightened against his chest and she wondered if he could feel the hard points. There was a hungry look in his eyes and he led her through professional level steps with a skill she could barely understand. Every twist and bend echoed what it would be like for him to take her to his bed. Nash never let her mind wander. His eyes held her with just as much possession and heat as his hands did.

  The blush rising up her cheeks was a warning she couldn’t ignore. Adelina stopped mid-step and pulled her hand out of his grip, never forgetting he allowed her to do so. With a tiny curtsey she walked off the dance floor and out of the ballroom with a brisk step. Adelina simply left him with no explanation at all.

  The tingling across her body was almost too much. The ballroom felt hot and sweat dripped down her neck. Adelina’s heart pounded with the pulsing ache between her legs. Another few moments and she would have begged him to take her right there on the dance floor in front of everyone.

  The second the cool night air hit her skin Adelina took a deep breath and didn’t stop moving. She walked until she hit the stone rail of the terrace. Another deep breath and her skin cooled. The inner fire died down and she felt herself regain the careful and delicate control over her instincts and desire.

  Until Nash grabbed her arm and whirled her around.

  Before Adelina could say a word, his mouth was on hers and his arms wrapped around her. He kissed her roughly, shoving his tongue in her mouth only to then dance delicately against hers. Adelina could barely breathe as her fragile control shattered like glass against marble. Her nails dug into his shoulders and her knees weakened. Nash caught her before she fell and placed her on top of the railing. One large hand rested on her ankle and slid up her leg into her skirts. Adelina trembled at the gentle touch so at odds with his rough possession of her body.

  There was nothing more she wanted than to part her thighs and let him enter her. She was already slick and needed him inside her. But there was a reason she couldn’t. Adelina tried to remember what it was as she lost herself in that sweet, spicy scent of his. The sheer power of his body intoxicated her and she bit his bottom lip as desire overwhelmed her.

  His answering growl brought her senses back and she shoved him away as hard as she could. “No,” she gasped.

  Her ‘no’ stopped him instantly. Nash didn’t protest or try to force himself. He simply took a step back and breathed hard. His incredulous look would have been amusing if the matter wasn’t so serious. Adelina couldn’t help noticing his massive erection pressing against his pants and her eyes lingered longer than they should have.

  Adelina breathed hard and she counted backwards as Nadyah had taught her, yanking hard on the leash of control she’d created for herself. “I need help getting down.” She was frightened what his touch would start again, but she was currently stuck on the railing with no way to get down without ruining her dress.

  Nash actually laughed as he set his hands on her waist. He lifted her up as if she weighed nothing and gently set her down. The second her feet touched the floor he let go and backed away as if she had burned him.

  “Why did you push me away?” he finally asked once she’d started breathing more normally.

  The three moons hung heavy in the night sky and Mala bathed her in purple light. “We need to go back soon,” Adelina said, ignoring his question. “The recorders in the ballroom will notice my absence and there will be rumors on the livestream I cannot afford.” She still couldn’t tell him the truth. It was too much to risk. Telling Ian was dangerous enough.

  Of course, Nash would not let it go. “Adelina, tell me what’s wrong.” The command in his voice had her quivering, her body demanding she obey.

  “After tonight, being with you would be treason as you well know,” she tried to explain, her gaze locked on the stone floor. “I cannot disobey my future queen.”

  His answering growl made Adelina flinch. “You’re not telling me everything, again.”

  The night breeze against her sweat-slicked skin made her shiver and she looked up at him. His gorgeous eyes flashed in anger as he kept his distance. “There is…something I need to find out. Without this information, I cannot make the right choice without risking terrible consequences.” Once she knew the facts she would consider telling him, but even then she knew it would not be the smart choice.

  If she did have courtesan genes, sex could trigger the mating bond, and if Nash was her mate…Adelina had no idea what she would do. Explaining such a thing to Raena wouldn’t matter. Her sister still owned her marriage vows.

  Nash slipped his hands in his pockets and his face went blank. Her instincts warned her that a predator was too near, and she should run. Somehow Adelina managed to hold her ground despite the fear.

  “You won’t tell me, even now after everything,” he said, his calm words belied the fury she knew was inside.

  After his rash declaration to offer himself as a potential husband – that is what he meant by everything. Adelina said nothing as she watched him fume. The violence always under his skin turned him into something deliciously dangerous and she shivered again, but it wasn’t the night’s chill this time. It took everything she had, every last shred of control not to squeeze her nails into her palms to help control her desire to tell him everything, to run to him and let him finish what he had started.

  Delicately she lifted one shoulder and let it fall. “I will not,” she agreed. “It is too dangerous.”

  He stepped forward, anger in every movement. She couldn’t help her flinch. Instantly he stopped, seeing the real fear. It wasn’t fear at what he would do, but fear she couldn’t tell him no a second time.

  What would she do if she did end up mated to him, and still had to marry someone else? Courtesans had killed themselves when a mate denied them. Nadyah had explained the bond only fell into place for the one with courtesan DNA. The average Kalan could refuse them or leave them. It was no small matter, and Adelina didn’t think she was strong enough to maintain her Draga honor if that bond was created and then refused. Adelina knew she would run off with him and forsake her kingdom if Raena denied the marriage.

  “Then I guess there is nothing more to say,” Nash said, his voice tight. A muscle in his jaw twitched, but he didn’t move away from h

  Adelina was torn. She wanted to confide in him, to trust him fully, but there were so many unknowns. At some point Nash would leave Draga and what happened after that was up to the goddess. “I suppose there isn’t.”

  Her words infuriated him. “Enjoy the rest of your party, Princess.”

  Her title had never stung so badly before and she recoiled at the verbal slap. Still Adelina said nothing, knowing it was for the best. She was too weak to ask him to stay. It would be so easy to let him take her, but she had to speak to Ian first to be sure.

  Nash whipped around and stalked into the ballroom.

  The second Adelina was alone she sagged against the railing, her hands shook and her knees were weak. She looked up at the massive purple moon and wondered why Mala tested her so.

  There were so many reasons to give in to her desire. The attraction between her and Nash was undeniable, but Raena had forbidden it. There was no question the crown princess wanted her to stay away from him. Adelina didn’t believe Raena thought it was for her own good. No, her sister had another game she wanted to play and she had so much power, and would soon have all the power of the ruler of the Draga galaxy.

  Nothing was worth betraying her future Queen, not when Raena would control her life for the next century at least. Adelina was a slave, shackled to the Crown with even her right to love taken from her. She had to live for her people and help get them all through this war.

  Being selfish would only make Adelina a traitor. Even a royal traitor would be sentenced to death. If she wanted Nash, she had to do it the right way and convince Raena he was the best choice. Until her sister agreed to lift the ban she’d placed on Nash, Adelina had to stay away from him.

  Her life depended on it.

  Chapter Seven


  Crystal Ballroom

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  Joslynn was in awe. It was an event of a lifetime and Princess Adelina had certainly set the bar. How could they possibly top this for the Choosing Ball? The reason for the event would be different of course and a crown in the balance, but the theme and décor was something she could never imagine. Joslynn usually hired others to make such events pleasant on Pedranus. The winter solstice was one of her favorites, but even that couldn’t compare to the sheer wealth and brilliance of the Draga royals.


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