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Crown of Draga

Page 14

by Emma Dean

  Raena took the shreve and studied the portrait closely. “This is your design?” she asked in surprise.

  Adelina nodded and then swallowed. “Yes it is. I also spoke to Joslynn and she has some opals in mind as the gem. I thought black opals. You could wear them for your coronation.” Her fingertips brushed the lines of delicate woven metal that would hold the gems like stars in the sky across Raena’s chest.

  The opals would glitter from shoulder to shoulder, connecting to her dress. The necklace would wrap around her throat and thin strands of gold would dangle more opals down to her cleavage. The coronation gown Raena and her mother had designed was regal, but accentuated every part of Raena’s curvaceous beauty. The bare back of the dress allowed for the single drop from the clasp of the necklace to the mid-back. One of the larger opals would dangle and sparkle, showcasing Raena’s flawless skin.

  “Black opals?” Raena asked over the continued bickering of Giselle and their mother. They were on to the favored topic of pants and why royal women shouldn’t wear them. “That would be perfect. Could you show me what that would look like?”

  Adelina tapped the shreve and selected her choice of gems. The color of the gold would need to change to highlight the inner fire of each opal. She flicked back and forth between purple gold and gold. Finally she settled on a mix of both. The purple would frame each jewel and the golden yellow would hold them together. The colors would amplify Raena’s naturally dark, purple eyes. Adelina handed the shreve back to Raena.

  “Purple gold?” she asked. “Isn’t that…unusual?”

  “I prefer the term ‘unique.’ It is not a common choice, but you will be queen. No one will question you in this matter.”

  Raena used the tip of her long finger to write in measurements. “I love it, Lina. Will you design matching pieces? Do you think they can be done by the coronation?” Raena smiled as she handed the shreve back to Adelina. “Make sure to send me the bill.”

  Adelina made a note in her shreve to work on the new request after dinner, trying to hide her blush. “This is a gift, Rae. I will only charge for materials I cannot procure easily. I will start on the new designs today. I’ll make sure Joslynn has what I need to finish the pieces.”

  Her sister smiled and patted her leg. “Thank you, Lina. It will be wonderful I’m sure.” Then Raena turned and addressed the whole room. “I would like to openly discuss a few options without reinstating protocol. I need your honest thoughts on these matters.”

  Adelina set aside her shreve. Normally she kept quiet, but the solar was a sanctuary and it was only the four of them now. Speaking her mind was still new, but she could only improve with practice.

  “Who shall I pick for a husband?” Raena asked with a laughing smile.

  This was something both Giselle and their mother could do as a united front. “Oh, did you see how Marcel has grown since the last time we saw him?” the queen asked.

  “Mother, Raena will not marry Marcel. That man is barely tolerable,” Giselle scoffed.

  Adelina had to agree with her on that point. There had been a few official requests for Raena’s hand after her coming-of age party, but she’d turned them all down. As did Giselle, preferring to choose someone they loved to those that were offered. Adelina didn’t have that luxury any longer. And she supposed Raena didn’t either. The Choosing Ball was an ancient custom that Raena and King Orion had brought back after the sudden news of his sickness.

  The marriage of the heir was meant to distract the people from her inexperience and age. A husband whom the people adored was key and Raena had to choose whether she loved one of them or not.

  “I quite like Alock,” Raena said. “I think perhaps it’s the color of his hair. We don’t have turquoise naturally here on Draga Terra.”

  “And Hayden?” Giselle asked. “I saw you dance with him quite a bit last night.”

  Raena nodded. “There are quite a few fine specimens. The citizens are quite handsome as well. There are some who would look stunning in the right suit.”

  Adelina couldn’t help but smile. At least her sister could be good-natured about her fate. It was something Adelina still struggled with. Her whole life she’d wondered what it would be like to fall in love and be courted by the right male, what diamond they would present and the wedding. Now she would have none of that. She would be lucky if she even knew the male before the wedding itself.

  Their mother smiled with pleasure as Giselle and Raena chatted about who was more handsome – Alock or Hayden. No doubt grandchildren were on her mind.

  “I really do hope you’ll make it in time for my Choosing Ball, Giselle,” Raena said wistfully.

  Giselle’s expression grew serious. “I will do everything in my power to handle the matter quickly and return home with the traitors. I promise you that, Raena.”

  Queen Adele grimaced at the idea of her second daughter in battle. She’d been trained by the dowager queen and the old ways were ingrained deep despite the equality they now enjoyed for decades. “Perhaps you should consider a husband,” their mother said quietly, soothing. She knew Giselle absolutely despised the topic. “You will be Raena’s heir until she has her first child. It would be best if you considered it.”

  Giselle crossed her arms in a very unladylike manner. “If I were to marry, any future deployment would be denied if I became pregnant. I will not consider a marriage until after we have settled the issue of Draga’s future and safety.”

  Their mother shook her head in irritation. “An engagement would not ruin your chances of deployment. But you need to consider a husband, Giselle. You can no longer put it off during this precarious time.”

  Giselle jumped to her feet and Adelina looked to Raena, feeling helpless. Giselle was always on edge and always pushed boundaries. It caused friction and discord. Adelina hated it, but she did want Giselle to achieve her dreams. Her sister was torn between her two desires, and her two worlds.

  Adelina’s work could be kept secret, and there was much she did no one knew about. She even worked under a false name. This was not something Giselle could do and she felt awful for her.

  “Enough!” Raena snapped, her good mood gone. “I am reinstating protocol. There will be no more talk of engagements.” The future queen glared at her mother and then her sister. “I will decide and inform both of you when or if Giselle requires an engagement and you will both accept my command.”

  “Of course, Raena,” Queen Adele acknowledged with a slight bow of her head.

  Giselle curtseyed and then stalked out of the room. Thankfully Raena waved her hand as she left, allowing the breach in protocol. Adelina stood and curtseyed. “May I please be excused?” she asked with her eyes to the floor again, her entire demeanor changing back to the demure submissive.

  “Yes, Adelina, please make sure Giselle doesn’t do anything foolish,” their mother said. Raena nodded her acceptance of the command.

  “Thank you,” Adelina murmured and then rushed out of the room to catch up with Giselle.

  She didn’t recognize the two guards at the door, and a pang went through her. Normally Alpha was there, waiting until she was done with her tea. Then he would escort her to her next lesson, or the conservatory.

  Since the coming-of-age party he’d been reassigned. Alpha was still her personal guard but she no longer required his constant presence now that she was of age. Adelina feared they would grow apart and she would lose her friend.

  She sighed and picked up her skirts. Adelina wanted to talk to Giselle and reassure her before she left the next day. There was a possibility she’d never see her beloved sister again, and Adelina hurried.

  Nothing was the same anymore.

  Chapter Twelve


  Ian’s Lab

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  With her skirts in her hands Adelina rushed down the hall. She ignored the looks, the whispers, and the vying for favor as she normally did. She slowed down whe
n she reached the corner and made a sharp turn. “Oof!” Adelina slammed into something hard and immovable.

  Prince Nash grabbed her before she could fall and as she looked up into those mesmerizing aapoak eyes of his, she knew fate played a cruel trick on her. It was as though she couldn’t avoid him no matter how hard she tried and how large the palace was.

  “Princess,” he said coldly. Then his gaze flicked to her cheek and the red sparked in his eyes. Nash tensed and the muscles in his neck strained. “Who did that to you?” he asked calmly, so calm Adelina felt a shiver of fear.

  That tone of voice set off every warning bell and instinct she possessed. Nash was ready to tear someone to pieces with his bare hands.

  She touched her cheek where her mother had slapped her. It still ached and she hadn’t had a chance to see if her skin was marked. Gods, was there a bruise? Her anxiety struck and Adelina took out her simulcast, using the reflection of the plas-glass to examine her face. Oh goddess help her it was right there for all to see; dark and purple. The embarrassment burned deep and bitter.

  A small part of her wondered if Raena hadn’t reminded her to use the healing salve on purpose. It wasn’t something her sister would have done six months before, but now Adelina wasn’t so sure what her sister would or wouldn’t do.

  Adelina slipped her simulcast back in her dress pocket and tried to slip around the massive male.

  He stepped in front of her, too smooth and graceful. “I asked you a question, Princess,” Nash said.

  She couldn’t bring herself to look up into his face. How could she have forgotten? There hadn’t been enough time for it to heal on its own, and Elara hadn’t been there to remind her. “No one did this to me,” Adelina managed. “The punishment was deserved.”

  She needed to get out of the hallway before anyone else saw her, especially the recorders. “Please move.”

  Nash was a mountain. He took a step closer and she shied away. The Queen’s solar wasn’t far; she could make it back there before anyone else came down the hallway if he wouldn’t let her by. Adelina made to turn and his hand gripped her arm harder than he probably intended.

  “Don’t run away from me,” he hissed. “You’re telling me you somehow deserved to have someone strike you? For what, forgetting to curtsey precisely?” His voice started to grow louder as his anger could no longer be restrained.

  Adelina looked around in panic, praying to Mala to keep any other courtiers or nobles away. “Let go, you’re hurting me,” she snapped.

  Instantly Nash released her, but his fury remained.

  Adelina’s laugh was bitter. “You would never understand.”

  The servants’ hidden hall was also nearby. She could take those stairs to the underground labs. Adelina would have to keep her face to the left wall to hide the mark until she could repair the damage. A step to the right and Nash matched her. He wasn’t going to simply let her go.

  Finally Adelina glared up at him. “Move.”

  He bent down with a vicious grin, not trying to touch her, but still closer than she wanted him to be. “No, not until you explain to me why someone is somehow allowed to strike you hard enough to bruise with absolutely no consequence.”

  Her hands shook. Each second that passed increased the risk that the recorders would catch their little drama, or Raena would find her alone with him. Maybe a noble would see and gossip which would put them both at risk as they were currently alone in the hall. Anger swelled up and mixed with her fear, making her volatile and desperate.

  “You say my people are weak and too peaceful to survive, but you would coddle me like a precious flower that would crumble under the weight of rain,” Adelina hissed. “My culture demands atonement for a wrongdoing. I knew the rules and I broke them. What I did, and why is none of your business, Prince,” she spat.

  Adelina was so sick and tired of him bristling at the ways of her people. “So trust me when I say I knew what would happen and I did it regardless. Simply because you do not understand or approve gives you no place to question me. Now move,” Adelina commanded. “I will not allow Raena to think I am violating her decree.”

  Nash stared at her with his mouth open in shock, disbelief, and outright fury. He stepped aside as the dark scent of her jasmine twisted around him and demanded he obey. Adelina watched with detached interest as he looked at her in confusion. Nash hadn’t realized he’d moved until she walked past him. Adelina refused to look back as she turned into the small doorway behind one of the many tapestries.

  She slipped into the servants’ hallway and then leaned against the wall inside the narrow space. She slumped to the ground as she tried to catch her breath and calm the fluttering of her heart. The panic was ready to take over; waiting for her to crumble and remind her why she’d been so submissive for so many cycles.

  It would take a long time before she would forget that look of rage on Nash’s face.

  He meant well, but he couldn’t, or wouldn’t understand the ways of her people. Adelina knew they had differences in culture, but he was on Draga Terra. He had to follow their ways whether he liked it or not.

  She took one last shaky breath and thanked Mala for giving her a moment of peace to gather herself without witnesses. Adelina stood. She would have to trust Giselle to manage on her own. Her control was shaky and precarious at the moment. Her sister would be fine without her. None of them actually needed the coddling.

  Tomorrow her sister would leave Draga Terra and Adelina envied her.

  Adelina took the servants’ stairs down four flights until the first sub-floor opened up before her. The panic still waited, the whispers reaching her no matter how careful she was about the mark. It was too much. She rushed by until she reached Ian’s door. She slapped her hand to the wall and the scan couldn’t identify her quickly enough. The door slid open and she rushed in, letting it close behind her before slumping against it with her hands covering her face.

  Goddess, how could she have forgotten?

  Tea hadn’t lasted long enough for the mark to disappear and her mother and sister never said anything as a reminder. Was it on purpose?

  “Lina, what’s wrong?” Ian’s soothing voice reached her before his warm hands did. She felt him checking, looking for the damage.

  She didn’t want to move her hands from her face. He would see her cry; those traitorous emotions of hers.

  Ian held her wrists gently. “Please, Lina,” he begged. “Let me see.” Adelina allowed him to pull her hands away but she couldn’t look her brother in the eyes. She was so ashamed.

  The mark was not as bad as the tears on her face. Goddess bless Ian, he pretended not to notice. “Let me get the spray,” he murmured.

  Nadyah pulled Adelina farther into the lab, settling her on the couch and wordlessly going for a pot of hot tea.

  Ian’s gentle voice reached her through the fog of shame. “Let me take care of it,” he said softly, taking her hands in his again. “Don’t worry about the tears. We all have difficult days.” Ian sprayed the healing serum on her cheek and instantly the dull ache disappeared.

  He wiped the wet salt from her face with a thumb. “There you are, perfect once more.” Ian kissed her on the cheek and then stepped back to allow Nadyah to put a cup in her cold hands.

  She shook her head as the scene replayed in her head over and over. “I ran right into the prince. Quite literally.” There had been courtiers before him. “No doubt someone noticed the mark on my face, if not the argument with Nash.”

  Ian brought a small glass over and she downed the alcohol. It burned her throat but Adelina was grateful for the warmth in her belly. “Thank you,” she murmured. Ian always took such good care of her.

  Nadyah grimaced at the idea of the gossip they would have to deal with later. “Hopefully if anything was recorded, the monitors will cut it out before it hits the livestream. You couldn’t help being alone with him in that moment, but I am rather irritated Alpha was not by your side.”

ina sipped at the tea and set it down. It wasn’t as good as the alcohol but there was still so much more she had to accomplish that day which she couldn’t do inebriated.

  Adelina had her seal to receive and the design to finish for Raena. “Alpha’s schedule has changed since I came of age,” she explained.

  Nadyah snorted in disagreement. “Until Raena’s attention is no longer focused on you and her reign is secure it seems prudent to be extra careful. I will speak with your guard on the matter and see if he can be stationed based on your schedule.”

  It took effort not to roll her eyes in exasperation. Instead Adelina focused on her brother. “Did you manage to get some sleep, Ian?”

  The bags under his eyes were a testament to how hard he’d been working. Ian gave her a rueful smile. “I managed a nap before your courtesan came barging in here.”

  Adelina gave Nadyah a look. What could she have possibly needed from her brother?

  The beautiful woman shrugged without an ounce of guilt on her flawless face. “I had samples he needed to take before they were contaminated.”

  With an eyebrow raised she turned back to her brother. “Samples?”

  Ian stood and set his shreve on his desk. With a double tap, a three dimensional display popped up over the device. A few more motions with his fingers and the display was projected to the center of the room. Another wave of his hand and the lights darkened. Adelina had no idea what she was supposed to be looking at.

  “Now I’ve studied my own genetics, but courtesans are notoriously secretive with their medical files. They train their own physicians and seal the records. As a result of this I’ve never been able to identify exactly what each marker in my genetics stood for. Even with samples from my mother Elara, I could not cobble enough together to get an accurate analysis.”

  Ian came up to the display and it cast an eerie green glow across his face. His long finger flicked and the image changed. “This is a side-by-side comparison of my genetic workup, Elara’s, and Nadyah’s. With two full-blooded courtesans I was able to pin down the rest of the analysis. Here is the marker which is currently in the ‘on’ position for both Elara and Nadyah.” Ian frowned and shook his head. “It appears Elara’s mate marker has been activated which means she is either father’s mate, or mother’s.”


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